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Volume 321, Issue 5894 


Mammalian fatty add synthase, a 
multienzyme that catalyzes all steps of fatty 
acid biosynthesis. A blueprint of its atomic 
structure is shown in three views, and the 
extent of its functional domains is indicated 
by colored bars. The versatile segmental 
construction is also used in other members 
of this large family of multienzymes, 
which synthesize natural products such 
as antibiotics. See page 1315. 

Image : Marc Leibundgut and Timm 
Maier/ETH Zurich 


1267 Science Online 

1 268 This Week in Science 
1272 Editors' Choice 

1274 Contact Science 

1275 Random Samples 
1277 Newsmakers 

1 366 Gordon Research Conferences 

1374 New Products 

1375 Science Careers 


1271 Scientific Publishing Standards 
by Bruce Alberts 


Whole-Genome Data Not Anonymous, Challenging 1278 

China Plans $3.5 Billion GM Crops Initiative 
A Detailed Genetic Portrait of the Deadliest 
Human Cancers 

» Science Express Research Articles by 0. W. Parsons et al. 
and S. fones et at 

Hippocampal Firing Patterns Linked to Memory Recall 1280 

» Science Express Report by H. Gelbard-Sagtv et aL; 

Research Article p. 1322 


MathFest 2008 Meeting 
Shapeshifting Made Easy 
Sweet inspiration 
A Royal Squeeze 
Taking the Edge Off 


Investigating the Psychopathic Mind 

» Science Podcast 

Large Hadron CoWder 

The Overture Begins 1287 

Researchers, Plate Your Bets! 

Bracing for a Maelstrom of Data, CERN Puts Its Faith 1 289 

in the Grid 

Is the LHC a Doomsday Machine? 


Reading Between the Number Lines R. E. Nunez 1293 
Response I/. Izard, S. Dehaene, P. Pica, E. Spelke 
The Risks of Pigging Out on Antibiotics 

R. Goldburg, S. Roach, D. Wallinga, M. Mellon 
Battle of the Bugs R. D. Sleator and C. Hill 
DOE Should Keep Education in Mind L. A Kult 
Call for an Objective DOE Decision C Cassapakis 


Doubt Is Their Product How Industry’s Assault 
on Science Threatens Your Health 
D. Michaels, reviewed by C. F. Cranor 
A Taste of the Gonzo Scientist 

» Online feature p. 1267 


Life Cycle of Translational Research for 
Medical Interventions 

D. G. Contopoulos-loannidis et al. 


Enhancing Gene Regulation 

G. A YJray and C C. Babbitt 
» Brevia p. 1314; Report p. 1346 

The Universe Measured with a Comb 

S. Lopez •> Report p. 1335 

The Cart Before the Horse 
]. D. Rowley and T. Blumenthal 
An Enzyme Assembly Line 
y. L Smith and D. H. Sherman 
» Research Article p. 1315 
How to Infect a Mimivirus 

H. Ogata and J.-M. Ctaverie 
An End to the Drought of Quantum Spin Liquids 
PA. Lee 

CONTENTS continued » 








1306 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




Internally Generated Reactivation of Single Neurons in 

Human Hippocampus During Free Recall 

H. Gelbard-Sagiv, R. Mukamel, M. Hard, R. Malach, I. Fried 

The firing patterns ol brain neurons recorded from people watching a video episode 

were the same as those recorded during later recall of the same show. 

» News story p. 1280; Research Article p. 1322 



Merging Photoredox Catalysis with Organocatalysis: The Direct Asymmetric 

Alkylation of Aldehydes 

D. A Nicewia and D. W. C. MacMillan 

When irradiated by light, a ruthenium-organic catalyst creates intermediates with 
unpaired electrons that undergo otherwise intractable asymmetric reactions. 

10.1 12 6/science. 1161976 


TMEM16A, A Membrane Protein Associated with Calcium-Dependent 
Chloride Channel Activity 
A Caputo et aL 

A transmembrane protein induced in cytokine-treated bronchial epithelial cells seems to 
be a long-sought primary carrier of a voltage- and calcium-dependent chloride current. 



An Integrated Genomic Analysis of Human Glioblastoma Multiforme 
D. I V. Parsons et al. 

Comprehensive analysis ol mutations in a brain cancer identifies previously unrecognized 
cancer genes and a frequently mutated protein that may serve as a therapeutic marker. 

» News story p. 1280; Science Express Research Article by 5. Jones et al. 

10. 1126/science. 1164382 


Core Signaling Pathways in Human Pancreatic Cancers Revealed by 
Globa l Genomic Analyses 

S. Jones et al. 

Analysis of genome alterations shows that the same 12 signaling pathways are 
disrupted in most pancreatic tumors, suggesting these as key to tumor development. 

» News story p. 1280; Science Express Research Article by D. I/K Parsons et at. 

10. 1126/science. 1164368 



Comment on "Fire-Derived Charcoal Causes Loss 1295 
of Forest Humus" 

]. Lehmann andS. Sohi 

full text at 

Response to Comment on "Fire-Derived Charcoal 
Causes Loss of Forest Humus" 

D. A. War die, M.-C. Nilsson, 0. Zackrisson 

full text at 



Flood or Drought: How Do Aerosols 
Affect Precipitation? 

D. Rosenfeld et al. 



Shadow Enhancers as a Source of 1314 

Evolutionary Novelty 

J.-W. Hong, D. A. Hendrix, M. S. Levine 

Some developmental important genes can be regulated via two 

enhancers, one located nearby and the other, a “shadow" enhancer, 

10 to 20 kilobases away. 

» Perspective p. 1300; Report p. 1346 



The Crystal Structure of a Mammalian 1315 

Fatty Acid Synthase 

T. Maier, M. Leibundgut, N. Ban 

A high-resolution structure of mammalian fatty acid synthase reveals 
that this enzyme is derived from an iterative polyketide synthase and 
has five active catalytic domains. » Perspective p. 1304 


Internally Generated Cell Assembly Sequences 1322 
in the Rat Hippocampus 

E. Pastalkova, V. Itskov, A. Amarasingham, G. Buzsaki 
As rats perform a memory task, cells in their hippocampus fine 
in sell-generated sequences that correspond to and presage the 
animals' subsequent choices. » News story p. 1280; Scii>n. 

Report by H. Gelbard-Sagiv et al»* Science Podcast 



Experimental Test of Self-Shielding in Vacuum 1328 
Ultraviolet Photodissociation of CO 
S. Chakraborty, M. Ahmed, T. L. Jackson, M. H. Thiemens 
The anomalous variation of oxygen isotopes in early meteorites 
is produced by excited states during photodissociation of carbon 
monoxide, not by self-shielding, as was thought. 

CONTENTS continued » SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 






Identification of Active Gold Nanoclusters on 
Iron Oxide Supports for CO Oxidation 
A. A Herring et aL 

High-resolution microscopy showed that the most effective catalytic 
gold species on an iron oxide support were those forming bilayer 
clusters of just 10 atoms. 


Laser Frequency Combs for Astronomical 


T. Steinmetz et al. 

Accurate spectroscopy of the sun with a laser frequency comb shows 
that it can improve astronomical observations and may yield direct 
evidence of the universe's expansion. 

» Perspective p. 1301 


Regional Synthesis of Mediterranean Atmospheric 1 338 
Circulation Outing the Last Glacial Maximum 
). Kuhlemann et al. 

A three-dimensional reconstruction of atmospheric temperatures in 
the Mediterranean during glacial times is analogous to one of winter 
during the Little Ice Age. 


Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 1 340 
21st-Century Sea-Level Rise 
W. I Pfeffer, J. T. Harper, S. O'Neel 

Evaluation ol glacier dynamics implies that melting of the Greenland 
and Antarctic Ice Sheets could raise sea level by up to 2 meters by 
2100, although a rise of 0.8 meters is more likely. 

» Science Podcast 


Apobec3 Encodes Rfv3, a Gene Influencing 1343 

Neutralizing Antibody Control of Retrovirus Infection 
AL L. Santiago et al. 

A resistance factor known to protect mice from retroviral infection is 
unexpectedly identified as Apobec3, a deoxycytidine deaminase that 
controls somatic hypermutation. 


Human-Specific Gain of Function in a 
Developmental Enhancer 
S. Prabhakar et al. 

When transferred to a mouse, a conserved regulatory element that 
has been positively selected in humans is robustly expressed at the 
base of its developing thumb and wrist. 

» Perspective p. 1300; Brevia p. 1314 


Wnt3a-Mediated Formation of Phosphatidylinositol 1350 
4,5-Bisphosphate Regulates LRP 6 Phosphorylation 
W. Pan et al. 

The interaction of the signaling molecule Wnt to its receptor triggers 
accumulation of a lipid regulator, which stimulates phosphorylation 
of the receptor and cellular responses. 


Helical Structures of ESCRT-III Are Disassembled 1354 
by VPS4 
5. Lata et al. 

A protein responsible for the final separation of daughter cells 
or budding viruses forms heteromeric complexes on the inside 
of the membrane to regulate the abscission step. 


A Neoplastic Gene Fusion Mimics Trans-Splicing of 1357 
RNAs in Normal Human Cells 
H. Li l Wang, G. Mor, ). Sklar 
A chimeric messenger RNA generated in a tumor by a DMA 
rearrangement is also, unexpectedly, expressed in healthy cells, 
a result of splicing together two separate messenger RNAs. 

» Perspective p. 1302 

Germline Allele-Specific Expression of TGFBR1 1 361 
Confers an Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer 
L Valle et al. 

In patients with colorectal cancer, one allele of the transforming 
growth factor— p gene produces less messenger RNA and thus less 
protein, a likely contributor to disease risk. 

SaCHCt (ISSN 00HHP7SI ll pobtbkrd noddy M fridoy. oittp * tbe Ult nook in Dncombor, by tho Amt firm AttorlMioo 
(•! rh* Advoivcrmtirt ol srloorr, 1 ?oo Now York Avow t. NW, Mwkiogtoo, DC 7000S. Porteiioli Mot pottogo IpublkoCkmNa. 
4P446M poid it VbiMngtwi. DC. ond oddttonoi molbig oflfcw. Copyright O 200* by tho Amt* on Auocbtlon for the Adromnmo* 
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Printed on 

30% post-consumer 
recycled paper. 

CONTENTS continued » 

www.sciencema 9 . 0 rg SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Skeletal development requires the CaSR. 



EDITORIAL GUIDE: Seeing the Signaling Forest and the Trees 

M. B. Yaffe 

Science Signoiing launches primary research to meet the needs of the signal 
transduction community. 


RESEARCH ARTICLE: The Extracellular Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR) 

Is a Critical Modulator of Skeletal Development 

W. Chang, C Tu, T.-H. Chen, D. Bikie, D. Shoback 

PERSPECTIVE: New Insights in Bone Biology— Unmasking Skeletal Effects 

of the Extracellular Calcium-Sensing Receptor 

E. M. Brown and). B. Lian 

The extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is essential for embryonic and 
postnatal skeletal development. 

RESEARCH ARTICLE: Linear Motif Atlas for Phosphorylation-Dependent Signaling 

M. L Miller, L ). Jensen, F. Dielta, C. jargensen, M. Tinti, L Li, M. Hsiung, 

S. A. Parker, ). Bordeaux, 1 Sicheritz-Ponten , M. Olhovsky, A Pascutescu, 

). Alexander, S. Knapp, N. Blom, P. Bork, S. Li G. Cesareni, 1 Pawson, 

B. E. Turk, M. B. Yaffe, S. Brunak, R. Linding 

Created with both in vitro and in vivo data, NetPhorest is an atlas of consensus 
sequence motifs for 179 kinases and 104 phosphorylation-dependent binding 
domains and reveals new insight into phosphorylation-dependent signaling. 

REVIEW: Alternative Wnt Signaling Is Initiated by Distinct Receptors 
R. van Amerongen, A Mikels, R. Nusse 

Tire traditional classification of Writs into canonical or noncanonical proteins may 
^ be misleading. 


Have Fun (and Nearly Die Trying) 
g In western Mongolia, a sola r eclipse has 

mythic meaning (with audio slideshow). 




Taking One for the Team 

Selflessness might be bad for the warrior but good 

for the tribe. 

Fancy Footwork Helps Flies Cheat Death 
High-speed videos reveal surprising sophistication 
in insect's escape response. 

Why Men Cheat 

Study chalks up promiscuous behavior to a single genetic 

A particle physicist at the 
Large Hadron Collider. 



Working in Industry: Taken for Granted — 

Fitting the Job Market to a T 

B. Benderly 

Scientists need more than bench expertise to find work in industry. 
Working in Industry: Mastering Your Ph.D. — Is Industry 
Right for You? 

B. Noordam 

Research in industry differs from academic research in several ways. 

C. Reed 

Particle physicist Bitge Demirkoz will make sure colleagues see what 
happens when CERN's Large Hadron Collider starts this month. 

September 2008 Funding News 

]. Fernandez 

Learn about the latest in research f unding, scholarships, fellowships, 
and internships. 




Download the 5 September 
Science Podcast to hear 
about organizing memory 
in the hippocampus, ice loss 
and sea level rise, criminal 
psychopathy, and more. 


Separate individual or institutional subscriptions to these products may be required for fuU-text access. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Toward Precision Astronomy » 

In a dynamical universe (one that is expanding), you would 
expect to see Doppler, or red shifts, of spectrograph lines of 
distant objects that are moving further and faster away from 
the observer, and for such shifts to drift in velocity over time. 
Determining the extent of velocity drift, however, requires a 
level of precision that has not been available — less than one 
centimeter per second per year. Steinmetz et at. (p. 1335; see 
the Perspective by Lopez) show how that situation may change 
using a laser frequency comb produced by an optic fiber. In a 
proof-of-principle experiment, they combine such a comb of 
equally spaced wavelengths with an astronomical observation 
(the Sun) to precisely measure and calibrate the wavelengths 
of the spectrogram. 

Moderating Rainfall 

Aerosols can either increase or decrease rainfall, 
so why do they act sometimes one way and 
sometimes another? Rosenfeld et at. (p. 1309) 
review the role of aerosols as moderators of pre- 
cipitation, and propose a conceptual model to 
explain their apparently contradictory effects. 
Even small amounts of aerosols in very clean air 
prevent the development of long-lived clouds 
that can deliver large amounts of rain, whereas 
heavily polluted clouds evaporate much of their 
water before they can rain through a combina- 
tion of microphysical and radiative effects. Thus, 
precipitation occurs most efficiently and abun- 
dantly at moderate aerosol concentrations. 

Back in Circulation 

The climate of the Mediterranean region during 
the Last Glacial Maximum, between 23,000 and 
19,000 years ago, is known to be much colder 
than today, but the atmospheric circulation pat- 
terns that prevailed remain poorly understood. 
Kuhlemann et aL (p. 1338, published 
online 31 July) synthesized a range of 
new and published data on the equi- 
librium line altitude of glaciers (the 
altitude at which ice covers the 
ground all year long), paleoflora, and 
regional sea surface temperatures, 
and reconstructed the three-dimen- 
sional temperature structure of the 
atmosphere. Atmospheric circulation was 
like that observed commonly in the winters of the 
Little Ice Age, roughly between 1500 and 1900. 

Putting Limits on Ice Loss 

Ice loss from the margins of the Greenland and 
Antarctic ice sheets can occur through dynami- 

cally forced discharge from fast flowing ice 
streams and calving of marine-terminating gla- 
ciers. However, so little is known about ice sheet 
dynamics that models are unable to represent 
these processes accurately. Instead of trying to 
add up estimates of individual source contribu- 
tions, Pfeffer et at. (p. 1340) calculated how 
much ice discharge from outlet glaciers in 
Greenland and Antarctica would be required to 
produce various rates of sea level rise, and then 
evaluate the plausibility of those discharge 
rates. Estimates of more than 2 meters of sea 
level rise by 2100 are highly unlikely — a more 
reasonable estimate is between 80 centimeters 
and 2 meters. 

Coding Space, Time, 
and Memory 

Mental operations such as planning, free recall, 
and problem-solving are assumed to depend on 
the central nervous system's self-organized 

sequences of activity, 
which permit cognitive 
representations, in 
sequence, of the future 
or the past. Similar cog- 
nitive content should be 
represented by similar 
assembly sequences, 
and different content 
should be distinguished by 
distinctive sequences. Experimental verification 
of this hypothesis has had to wait for large-scale 
assembly recordings. Pastalkova et aL (p. 1322; 
see the News story by Miller) report that, during 
the delay period of a memory task when an ani- 
mal is running in a running wheel, each time 
point is characterized by the firing of a particular 

constellation of hippocampal neurons that 
form a highly specific activity sequence across 
time. During learning, the temporal order of 
multiple external events is instrumental in select- 
ing the appropriate neuronal representations, 
whereas, during free recall or action planning, 
the intrinsic dynamics of the hippocampal system 
determines sequence identity. 

Focus on Fatty Acid 

Structural studies have led to an increased under- 
standing of the large enzyme systems responsible 
for the synthesis of fatty acids, polyketides, and 
nonribosomal peptides. Now Maier etaL (p. 1315, 
see the cover and the Perspective by Smith and 
Sherman) report a structure of porcine fatty acid 
synthase (FAS) that includes five of seven cat- 
alytic domains, two nonenzymatic domains, and 
various linkers. The structure shows how the 
linker regions and catalytic domains are organ- 
ized to provide the flexibility required for itera- 
tive fatty acid elongation. Like modular polyke- 
tide synthase, mammalian FAS acts as a 
"megasynthase" that can accommodate insertion < 
or deletion of product modifying domains to | 

allow generation of diverse products. | 


Tracking Evolution of | 

Transcription Regulation i 

Bioinformatic approaches are providing insight 1 
into the evolution of noncoding regulatory ele- 2 
ments of genes that can drive different expres- £ 
sion outcomes from similar sets of genes (see e 
the Perspective by Wray and Babbitt). Several i 
recent computational efforts have identified 8 



This Week in Science 

conserved noncoding sequences that have evolved rapidly in humans, but it is not known whether 
their functions might have changed during the evolution process. Prabhakar et aL (p. 1346) used 
such a noncoding element called human-accelerated conserved noncoding sequence 1 (HACNS1), 
as well as orthologs of the gene from nonhuman primates, to create transgenic mouse embryos. 
HACSN1, but not the nonprimate orthologs, drove expression of a reporter gene at the junction of 
the anterior developing hand and forearm, including the base of the developing thumb and wrist. 
Sequence changes were identified that could "humanize" the expression patterns of the chim- 
panzee enhancer. Hong et al. (p. 1314) searched for clusters of potential transcription factor 
binding sites, in this case for targets of regulation by the transcription factor Dorsal and known 
cofactors in the fruit fly. Some of the secondary, or "shadow," enhancers have patterns of gene 
expression that overlap those of primary enhancers, and may be able to evolve without disrupting 
core expression patterns. 

ESCRTing Membrane Scission 

So-called ESCRT proteins have been implicated in catalyzing different cellular and 
pathological processes, including multivesicular body biogenesis, retrovirus bud- 
ding, and cytokinesis. These processes involve topologically similar membrane 
events that require a common final abscission step to separate two newly formed 
membrane-enveloped structures. Little is known regarding how the budding 
steps, including membrane abscission, are catalyzed. Indirect evidence suggests 
that ESCRT-III plays an important role in the final step. Notably, dominant-negative 
CHMP3, a subunit of ESCRT-III, inhibits HIV-1 budding as well as cytokinesis. 

Because cytokinesis does not require vesicle formation, it would seem that ESCRT-III 
regulates steps in membrane abscission. Lata etai (p. 1354, published online 
7 August) provide structural evidence for the formation of distinct heteromeric 
ESCRT-III assemblies by electron microscopy. These structures could bind on the 
inside of the neck of a bud or at the midbody between dividing cells and regulate 
membrane abscission. 

The Normal Side of Trans-Splicing 

Human tumors frequently display chromosomal rearrangements that fuse two distinct genes and result 
in the expression of chimeric messenger RNA (mRNA) transcripts whose protein products are oncogenic. 
Li etal. (p. 1357; see Perspective by Rowley and Biumenthal) suggest that the chimeric mRNAs gen- 
erated by chromosomal rearrangements in tumors may sometimes represent constitutively expressed 
versions of chimeric mRNAs generated in healthy tissue by trans-splicing. Studying a )AZF1-)JAZ1 
chimeric transcript that is abundantly expressed in human endometrial stromal sarcomas with a (7;17) 
chromosomal translocation, the authors found unexpectedly that the same chimeric transcript was 
expressed in normal endometrial stromal cells, even though these cells tacked the chromosomal trans- 
location. In normal cells, the chimeric transcript arose by trans-splicing between independently tran- 
scribed JAZF1 and ]JAZ1 pre-mRNAs, and it was translated into a chimeric protein of unknown function. 
Trans-splicing is thought to be a rare event in mammalian cells, but these results suggest that other 
examples might be found by searching for normal RNA counterparts to the many chimeric mRNAs gen- 
erated by chromosomal rearrangements in tumors. 

Quantity, Not Just Quality, Matters 

Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Because 20 to 30% 
of cases occur in individuals with a family history of the disease, genetic factors are thought to be a 
substantial contributor to risk. Valle et al. (p. 1361, published online 14 August) now report that one 
of these factors is an inherited variation in the expression level of a gene encoding a key signaling pro- 
tein previously implicated in colorectal cancer pathogenesis. Within a Caucasian population in the 
United States, individuals with colorectal cancer are 5 to 10 times more likely than controls to show 
germline allele-specific expression of the TGFBR1 gene, which encodes the type I receptor for trans- 
j forming growth factor-(J. Allele-specific expression appears to result in a modest, but biologically 
fc meaningful, lifelong reduction in the expression of TGFBR1, which in turn confers an increased risk of 
§ colorectal cancer. Thus, it seems that the genetic contribution to disease risk includes not only muta- 
| tions that abolish or modify the function of genes but also more subtle alterations that change the 
<5 baseline expression levels of genes. 

Try the new 

i invitrogen* 

OXXM InmuoynCorportton M rqtarts SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 

Scientific Publishing Standards 

Science Signaling, which will now contain original research. Professor Michael Yaffe, its new 
Bruce Alberts is the chief scientific editor, has clearly articulated the ambitious goals for his journal.* Highly elabo- 

Editor-in-Chief ot Science, rate signaling mechanisms are essential for controlling the behavior of each cell in a multicellu- 

lar organism — allowing each of the many billions of cells in our bodies to decide whether it will 
grow and proliferate, remain quiescent, kill itself, or change its behavior according to signals 
received from neighboring cells. Understanding how this complex system works represents a 
major challenge. Unraveling its many mysteries will require a great deal of ingenuity — and the 
collaboration of biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, computer scientists, and mathemati- 
cians. We are confident that Science Signaling will set the highest standard for research in this 
important ft eld, and that, through its Perspectives and Review articles, it will help to guide future 
researchers along highly productive paths. 

The new journal began in 1999 as Science's STKE (Signal Transduc- 
tion Knowledge Environment), an online resource. The initial aim was to 
speed the generation of new knowledge by creating an Internet-based 
work environment that would provide “all practitioners in a field of 
endeavor access to all the knowledge within the field” and “speed iden- 
tification of relevant information and encourage communication with 
others.” The Web site flourished. As the next step in an ongoing evolu- 
tion, Science Signaling has now added original peer-reviewed research 
papers to the myriad of resources provided at the site. 

I want to take this propitious occasion to reflect briefly on the core 
purpose of scientific publishing, and to consider some guiding principles 
that we scientists, editors, and publishers need to keep in mind in our col- 
lective efforts to improve the scientific literature. 

The publication of a scientific article is less a way for scientists to earn recognition and 
advance their careers than it is an engine for scientif c progress. Science continually advances 
only because many cycles of independent testing by different scientists allow new knowledge to 
be built with confidence upon old knowledge, thereby creating a repository of reliable under- 
standings about the world. The publications of those of us who are scientists explain what we 
have found in our investigations, and they lay out exactly what we have done to make each dis- 
covery. Clear, truthful presentations of data, results, and methods are essential for enabling the 
findings of one scientist to be confirmed, refuted, or extended in new ways by other scientists. 

Scientists have an absolute obligation to honesty: They must accurately report how they 
arrived at their discoveries, as well as the discoveries themselves. Thus, our journals must insist 
on detailed descriptions of all of the methods used, so as to allow other scientists to reproduce 
the results in a straightforward manner. The appropriate place for most of this information is in 
the easily expandable Supplementary Materials that accompany each article. Authors, review- 
ers, and editors of scientific manuscripts should therefore constantly ask themselves whether the 
reader has been provided with everything needed to both understand and reproduce the results. 

The increasingly large data sets produced in some studies present a different challenge; they 
require deposition in readily accessible, online archives, supported by stable public funding. 

Last but not least, journals themselves can certainly set a higher bar for the clarity of presen- 
tation in the manuscripts that we publish. The problem is perhaps most obvious in the brief 
abstracts that authors write to introduce each article, which often seem to be written only for a 
handful of experts in the authors’ subspecialty. Some abstracts, full of three-letter abbreviations 
and jargon, are incomprehensible to me even in my own field of cell biology. As scientists and 
as journal publishers, we can and we must do better. In this, as in many other areas, Science 
Signaling will aim for the same high standards that we strive for at Science. 

-Bruce Alberts 

10.1126/sc ence.!16S268 

•Sri Signal. 1, eg5 (2008). SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




Snapshot Magnetometry 

In cold-atom chips, atoms are guided above tracks 
of wires that supply the magnetic field to keep 
them aloft. In applications ranging from quantum 
information processing to metrology, any devia- 
tion in the magnetic field from point to point over 
the chip could influence the delicate state of the 
atoms. Terraciano etaL introduce a technique 
that takes a snapshot image of the magnetic field 
landscape. Using a cloud of cold rubidium atoms, 
whose energy levels are sensitive to magnetic 
field, they let the cloud fall toward the chip and 
probe the atoms' state with a laser beam tuned to 
one of the magnetic transitions. The ability to 
take a two-dimensional snapshot image of mag- 
netic field variations of 30 mG/cm above the 
atom chip over 5 mm with 250-pm resolution 
should prove useful in calibrating these chips for 
their envisioned applications. — ISO 

Opt. Express 16, 13062 (2008). 


Translation Translocations 

Ribosomes translate mRNA into protein with the 
help of GTPases: the elongation factors (EFs). In 
prokaryotes, as each mRNA codon is presented in 
the A site of the ribosome, EF-Tu loads a comple- 
mentary, amino acid-bearing tRNA into the A site. 
After peptide bond formation, EF-G translocates 
the ribosome along the mRNA strand by three 
nucleotides, moving the tRNA (now carrying the 
nascent polypeptide chain) into the neighboring P 
site and bringing the next codon into the A site. 
The GTPase EF4/LepA was recently found to pro- 
mote backward translocation of the ribosome 
along the mRNA strand, moving the tRNA from 

the P site back into the A site. This func- 
tion may allow the ribosome to 
recover from forward transloca- 
tions of the wrong number 
of nucleotides. Connell et 
a(. have visualized EF4 
in complex with a ribo- 
some and associated 
tRNAs using single-parti- 
cle cryo-electron microscopy 
vOC (EM). Fitting the crystal struc- 
ture of EF4 into the cryo-EM 
EF4 (red) grabs reconstruction revealed that 
the A-site tRNA its C-terminal domain forms 
(purple). multiple contacts with a tRNA 

•Nilah Mornier is a summer intern in Science's editorial 


Sensing Supershear 

Recent observations, supported by experiments, have indicated that some earthquake ruptures 
transiently exceed the local speed of sound along the fault zone. This "supershear" can explain 
enhanced shaking from these quakes; thus, supershear ruptures are critical in assessing seismic 
risks. Many of the details of how ruptures accelerate to above the sound speed and then decelerate, 
in some cases repeatedly, as a rupture progresses are unclear, as most supershear ruptures have 
been inferred by data inversions. Vallee et al. were able to observe these dynamics more directly in 
the 2001 Kokoxili earthquake = 7.8) — which ruptured 400 km along the Kunlun fault in north- 
ern Tibet — thanks to an array of seismometers in Nepal that were nearly parallel to the rupture. 
Their data show that the earthquake, which began in the west, accelerated to above the shear wave 
velocity after ripping 175 km eastward, at a bend in the fault Rupture speeds nearly reached the 
compressional (p) wave velocity before decelerating at another bend. Much of the high-frequency 
seismic energy from the quake was radiated during these transitions. — BH 

]. Geophys. Res. 113, B07305 (2008). 

in the A site, suggesting that EF4 promotes back- 
translocation by stabilizing the A-site tRNA posi- 
tion over the P-site tRNA position. — NM* 

Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 15, 10.1038/ 
nsmb.1469 (2008). 


1000 Years of Hurricanes 

The natural variability of hurricane activity is 
poorly known, not least because the historic 
record for hurricanes extends back only about 
130 years. As a result, there has been controversy 
over whether hurricane activity will change — or 

is already changing — as a result of global warm- 
ing. Sediments may hold clues to hurricane activ- 
ity over longer time scales, but few studies have 
yielded sedimentary records of hurricane activity 
at annual resolution. Besonen etal. have now 
obtained an annually resolved lake sediment 
record from Lower Mystic Lake in Boston, Massa- 
chusetts, that covers the past 1000 years. The 
record contains anomalous features — unusually 
thick layers in which coarse sediments and terres- 
trial, organic detritus are overlain by progres- 
sively finer sediments — that are indicative of 
strong flooding. Comparison with the historic 
record shows that 10 out of 11 of these features 

















occur in years when category 2-to-3 hurricanes 
struck Boston. The authors use this correlation to 
determine centennial-scale changes in hurricane 
frequency. Further records of this type from other 
locations will help to relate these patterns to 
other paleoclimate indicators. — JFU 

Geophys. Res. Lett. 3S, 114705 (2008). 


Plasmid Propulsion 

To be propagated stably in prokaryotes, low-copy 
number plasmids must be allocated actively dur- 
ing cell division. The R1 plasmid is maintained at 
four to six copies per cell by the par operon, which 
encodes the DNA-binding protein ParR and the 
actin-like ATPase ParM. ParR binds cooperatively 
as a dimer to 11-base pair repeats in 
parC ; ParM undergoes ATP-depend- 
ent polymerization, but only grows 
into long parallel filaments that are 
capable of pushing replicated plas- 
mids apart when capped by the 
ParR-po/C complex. To understand 
how elongating filaments are stabi- 
lized, Saljeand 

Lowe have used ParM (yellow) 

electron microscopy capped by ParR 

and biochemistry to (purple), 

determine the archi- 
tecture of capped filaments. ParR -port 
complexes have previously been shown to 
form a clamplike structure in which parC 
DNA wraps around a helical array of ParR 
dimers. Guided by biochemical mapping of the 
ParR-ParM interaction sites, they modeled the 
crystal structure of ParR onto the end of the dou- 
ble-helical ParM filament. The ParR -parC clamp 
wraps around the filament with the C-terminal 
regions of ParR bound to exposed loops of ParM. 
Each ParR -parC complex binds the end of a single 
filament, and the filament ends can be bound 
simultaneously. Unlike actin, ParM forms left- 
handed filaments, which allows ParM monomers 
access to the ends of protofilaments capped with 
right-handed ParR -parC. The authors suggest a 
model in which force is produced by the alternat- 
ing addition of monomers to each protofilament 
accompanied by rocking of the ParR clamp from 
side to side, analogous to the model proposed for 
formin-assisted actin polymerization. — VV 

EMBO ]. 27, 2230 (2008). 


Molecular Cloaking 

Natural products, such as latex rubber or beta- 
lactam antibiotics, have given rise to entire 
industries, and green fluorescent protein (GFP) 
has fought its way onto the list. A series of vari- 

ants created in several laboratories have shifted 
the peak excitation and emission wavelengths 
(for multicolor imaging), improved the photosta- 
bility (for time-lapse cinematography), and 
enhanced the quantum yields (lowering detec- 
tion thresholds). Andresen et al. describe their 
latest entry — which has been christened Padron 
in recognition of its "reversed" behavior in com- 
parison to its parent, Dronpa — and demonstrate 
howto implement multilabel, single-color imag- 
ing. Dronpa and its widely used descendant 
rsFastLime fluoresce when excited with blue light 
(488 nm), which also converts them from an 
"on" state to an "off" or nonfluorescent state, 
from which they can be switched on again by 
irradiation with ultraviolet (UV) light (405 nm). 

In contrast, Padron (differing at eight amino acid 
residues from Dronpa) is switched off by UV 
and on by blue light. As the emission of 
both proteins is centered at roughly 
520 nm, and both exhibit very low off- 
state fluorescence, a single detection 
window can be used. — GJC 

Nat. Biotechnol. 26, 10.1038/ 
nbt.1493 (2008). 


From Clinic to Lab and Back 

Some breast cancer patients respond to doc- 
etaxel chemotherapy, but some do not. 

Honma etal. have marshaled converging evi- 
dence that ribophorin II (RPN2), a mammalian 
oligosaccharide transferase component con- 
tributes to the development of resistance to doc- 
etaxel. Assessing gene expression levels in non- 
responders versus responders yielded 85 genes 
expressed at higher levels in nonresponsive 
patients. Down-regulating these genes individu- 
ally by applying small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) 
to a docetaxel-resistant breast cancer cell line win- 
nowed the candidates to eight, with RPN2 knock- 
down strongly associated with the inhibition of 
cell growth (taxanes are antimitotic agents) and 
activation of apoptotic (programmed cell death) 
pathways; conversely, docetaxel-resistant cells dis- 
played enhanced expression of RPN2 and also of 
MDR1, which encodes a multidrug efflux pump. 
Translating these findings into two animal mod- 
els — created by implanting two docetaxel-resist- 
ant breast cancer cell lines into mice — revealed 
that RPN2 siRNA delivery restored sensitivity to 
docetaxel and inhibited tumor growth; these 
effects were mediated by the diminished matura- 
tion and glycosylation of MDR1 and the accumu- 
lation of docetaxel within the orthotopic tumors. 
Finally, in a new, albeit small, set of breast cancer 
patients, RPN2 expression matched responsive- 
ness to docetaxel treatment. — GJC 

Nat. Med. 14, 10.1038/nm.l858 (2008). 

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Kobad M». Unit. of 

Marcia McNutt, 4foi 
Linda Partridge, Un 
Vera C. Rubin, Can 


Didd Altshuler. Brood imftftj fr 

Angelika Amon, Mil 

McinraE 0. Andrea e, Max Hand Imt. Manx 
Kristi S. Aiuath, to. of Colorado 
John A. Baruh, Vote Uni* 

fc™BiwTO.Sf , i^53lr^SfeoJ h ^ 


Michael J. Sevan, linn, of Waiting* on 


Peer Burk. (MSI 

Paul M. Brakefieid, laden Uni v. 


Joseph A. Bums. Cornell Unit. 

Will uni P. Bpti. Population Rrfrrrnrr Bureau 
Peter CanetTiet. Uni * oflru/rn VIS 

Ger brand Coder. AW 

SiridrciapSan^Sitorn^i^Hovfai Bo it on 
“ Clary, Oxford Untvenily 

Stephen M. Cohen, lematet lie Sdenm lab. Singapore 
William Cumberland, Unrv. of California, lor Angela 

£E 8o,,on 

Enwean auU O wmitiakii. Welcome butt Sanger tin. 
Dennis Oischnr, tjr.r*. ofPermyl/rmk 

Pn2 )SSSr,i^&cSf^7r& ,mt 

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r.l i i. - II,, ~ 

Erhard lrttv.-Vn , fWSp/-/n.riruC Serin 
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Alain Fischer, MM 
Stott E. Fraser. CalTech 
Chris D. Frith, Un* College London 
Wullrain Gerstner, IPR latnanne 

&n - .“G Sc 

nnis l. Hartmann, bhv. of Waiting 
--.-■11 H-mkrce/ortll i 

Marlin Heimann. dai Monti lmt„ fen a 
James A. Hendler, Bennetaer Pat/tedmk. hal 


sjmesieviifiSK. « 

Stephen Jackson, Un/. of Cambridge 
Stiven Jacobsen. Uni/, of Cob forma lot Angela 
Peter Jonas, Um/enBdl feeburg 

Barbara B. Kahn, Harvard Medical School 

^yTo^Unr/. Cd^AS 
Bernhard Kviieer. Max Planck In d. Stutlgmt 
Elisabeth A. Keilog, Unit. ofMtnouri SUotm 
Alan_B. Krueger^Pnnrrfon Urtrr. 

Kump f 

01 Ic UndvaU, Um* Harped, land 
iScSa^uSSu Stare ard Uni*. 

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-I-'m'. 'j'i ' ! : ! , i I ’ 

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fcTOg^m ^ sK &ltiiilfcabfortia Berkeley 


~ '“odtRf, Uni* of Bern 

■may Virginia Commomurdth Uni/. 
ing, Un* o ikmiutly 
er 'Lorigne, Cenentech 
pp. Unit, of latnanne 

— - - n det Klis. Arironomicd In it ofAmilerdam 
Derek van dvr Kooy. i/nhr. ojhronio 
Bert Vogetslvin, John) Hopkim Uni/. 

Ulrich M. von Andrian. Harvard Medical Schod 
Christopher A. Walsh. Harvard Medical School 
Graham Warren, idle Itirv. School of Med. 

Melga Nowolny. Furtprar. nr 

Elinor Ortrom, Indiana Uni*. 

Philippe Poulin, CJV» 

Mary Poerer. Unit, of California. Sake. 

SSrs: acttSSBr 

Lvs Real, imoty Uni/. 

Colin Kenfrew, Unit, of Cambridge 

KaTlura Konianowka OmtdCaafomia. Berkeley 

John k. Vain III. The Saippi Bn. tin. 
Jan Zaancn. teiden Un i* 

Martin ZaRs, NIMH, NIH 

Huda teyhbi, Bo/loc College of Medicine 


John Aldrich, Duke Uni/. 

Da rid Bloom. Harvard Univ. 

Angela Creager, Princelon Uni * 

Lewis Wolpert, Urn*. College London 

Atinc^betk Brseaixh 




Cane toad races area barroom pastime in parts 
of northern Australia. Now the pestiferous 
amphibians are racing for science. 

Researchers led by zoologist Michael 
Kearney at the University of Melbourne have 
been trying to predict the potential range of 
the country's plague of cane toads, which were 
first introduced in the 1930s to attack sugar 
cane beetles in Queensland. 

The toads have been expanding their range 
roughly at a rate of 60 kilometers a year. To see 
how far south the population could extend, the 
scientists tried to gauge how far the animals 

can hop under vari- 
ous temperature 
conditions. They 
tested 89 toads on a 
2-meter course, 
measuring hopping 
speed at five tem- 
peratures ranging 
from 15° to 35°C. 
Hopping speeds 
ranged from a 
molasses-like 300 
meters per hour at 
15°C to a brisk 2.2 
km at 30°C, they 
report in the August 
issue of Geography . 

Combining data 

on toad movements with information on 
reproductive needs (ponds for eggs and lar- 
vae) and climate, the researchers predicted 
that, contrary to some previous analyses, the 
toads won't be invading major cities such as 
Sydney and Melbourne. Even with predicted 
climate change, they say, adults would be too 
slowed down by cool, dry weather to spawn or 
find enough to eat. Biologist A. Marm Kilpatrick 
of the University of California, Santa Cruz, who 
does research on the West Nile virus, calls it a 
"neat' study that "offers a bottom-up mecha- 
nistic way to look at an animal's distribution' 
by combining data on climate, physiology, 
and behavior. 






The Emperor's Toes 

This 80-centimeter-long foot — in what archae- 
ologists describe as "exquisitely carved army 
boots covered with a 
lion skin and deco- 
rated with tendrils 
and Amazon 
shields" — is part of a 
5-meter-tall statue of 
the Roman emperor 
Marcus Aurelius, who 
ruled from 161 to 
180 C.E. The frag- 
ments were found last 
month in the rubble 
of a huge bath com- 
plex in the Turkish 
town of Sagalassos by 
a team led by Marc 
Waelkens of the 
Catholic University of 
Leuven, Belgium. The 

baths were destroyed by an earthquake about 
600 C.E., according to carbon dating of owl 
pellets at the site. 

The statue was part of a gallery of 2nd cen- 
tury emperors that the scientists 
believe stood in niches around the 
cross-shaped, mosaic-covered 
frigidarium, into which people 
plunged for cold baths. Last year, 
the team uncovered chunks from a 
giant statue of Hadrian, who ruled 
from 117 to 138 C.E., that are cur- 
rently on display in the British 
Museum in London. 

The Right Note 

Perfect pitch is thought to be a rare 
capacity, possessed by about one in 
10,000 people. But researchers at 
the University of Rochester's 
Eastman School of Music in New 
York state have developed a way to 

test nonmusicians for perfect pitch that they 
hope will yield a more accurate estimate. 

The usual test — playing a note and seeing if a 
person can identify it by the sound — can be done 
only with subjects who know musical notation. 
Betsy Marvin, a musical theorist, and Elissa 
Newport, a neuroscientist, devised a test in which 
people listen to a three-note motif played repeat- 
edly for 20 minutes. Then they hear either those 
notes again or the same motif transposed to a dif- 
ferent key and are asked to identify the original 
notes. The researchers first validated the test with 
music students, comparing results with the results 
of the traditional pitch test. Then they tried it on 
24 volunteers with little or no musical training. Six 
of those proved to be as accurate or almost as 
accurate in recognizing pitches as the music stu- 
dents with perfect pitch. That suggests perfect 
pitch is more common than has been thought, 
says Marvin, who presented preliminary results 
last week at the International Conference of Music 
Perception and Cognition in Sapporo, Japan. 

Peter Gregersen, a geneticist at the North 
Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System in New 
York who studies absolute pitch, says such a test 
could help in determining if people are born 
with perfect pitch or if learning plays a role. 

Chinese Emissions 

Economic modelers are having a hard time keep- 
ing up with the Chinese industrial juggernaut. 
Based on recalibrated modeling and the latest 
economic data, a new working paper from the 
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo 
Alto, California, forecasts that by 2030 China's 

energy sector will be emitting about 4 billion tons 
of carbon — twice as much as estimated in a 2005 
International Energy Agency (I EA) projection. 
"Growth in China is so rapid that it is difficult to 
predict emissions just 2 years from now," says the 
unpublished paper by Geoffrey], Blanford and 
colleagues at EPRI and the Centre for Energy 
Policy and Economics in Zurich, Switzerland. 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




The world’s most expensive 
particle physics experiment 
will get imderway on 10 
September when CERN’s 
Large Hadron Collider 
(LHC) goes online (see p. 
1291). Thousands will be 
watching as the first beams 
of protons are sent through 
the collider. But the search 
for the Higgs boson also 
has a human side. Here are 
a few of their stories. 

So, on the big day, who will be sitting in the 
Captain Kirk chair ready to push the start but- 
ton? Roger Bailey, head of the beam commis- 
sioning team, isn't let- 
ting on. "It'll be me or 
one or two col- 
leagues," he says. 

"We'll decide over the 
next couple of days." 

Bailey has assem- 
bled a 30-person 
team that will operate 
the accelerator round 
the clock over the 
next few months in 
hopes of ironing out the kinks that come 
with the first collisions, "it's going to be 
pretty stressful between now and Christmas," 
he says. 

Bailey was there in the control room in 
1989 at the opening bell for CERN's previous 
big machine, the Large Electron-Positron col- 

lider. "Half the lab was crammed in there," 
he recalls. His goal for 10 September is 
clear, if not simple: Get streams of protons 
to circumnavigate both rings. "If we can do 
that, we'll know we have something we can 
work with." 

If the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 
reveals the Higgs boson — the famed God 
particle — then CERN officials have a 
detailed protocol to announce the discov- 
ery at a specially convened seminar. 
However, CERN spokesperson James 
Gillies concedes that word will probably 
leak out prematurely. "People are excited 
about (LHC), and they want to talk,” he 
says. "I think it's pretty likely that if there's 
solid evidence of the Higgs, it will come 
out." Still, Tejinder "Jim" Virdee, leader of 
the team working with the massive CMS 
particle detector, says that he expects his 
collaborators — all 2900 of them — "to fol- 
low the protocol, no ifs or buts." 


"Science, science, science, and science." 

— House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), at a 26 
August breakfast meeting during the Democratic 
National Convention in Denver, when asked 
about her plans for the first 100 days if Barack 
Obama is elected president. A spokesperson says 
the speaker’s 'innovation agenda" also includes 
l '21st century jobs and biomedical research." 

In Other News ... 


Three European scientists last week received 
honors for their efforts to communicate sci- 
ence to the public. Chris Smith, a virology lec- 
I turer at the University of Cambridge, U.K., 
j received the Royal Society's $4500 Kohn 
j award for his popular radio show, The Naked 
► Scientists, which aims to "strip science down to 
3 its bare essentials" through interviews with 
? researchers. Evolutionary biologist Axel 
I Mever of the University of Konstanz. Germany. 

took home $7300 as winner of the European 

Molecular Biology Organization's (EMBO's) annual communications award for his articles in main- 
stream newspapers and magazines and his radio and television appearances. EMBO also awarded 
a special prize of $4700 to another successful science communicator: zoologist Jurgen Tautz of the 
University of Wurzburg, Germany, who authored a popular book on honey bees last year. 


Three months after the Large Hadron 
Collider (LHC) is turned on, former 
CERN particle physicist Rolf-Dieter 
I leu or will rejoin 
the lab as its new 
director general. 
Currently research 
director for parti- 
cle and astroparticle 
physics at DESY, 
Germany’s parti- 
cle physics lab in 
Hamburg, Heuer 
says that it’s time for CERN “to change 
back to analysis mode” after spend- 
ing more than a decade building the 
S5.5 billion machine. 

Q: CERN still has debts to repay on the 
LHC. What will be their impact? 

[Repayments] will certainly limit our activi- 
ties, but after 2010-11 we will have some 
maneuvering space to fund new initiatives. 

Q: Will these include non-LHC areas, 
such as antimatter and neutrino 
physics, that were scaled down during 

These have continued on a minimal level, 
but we do need to maintain diversity. If I 
want to ramp these up, proposals must be 
scientifically high-class. One should be 
able to convince funding agencies. 

Q: Funders seem cool about pushing 
ahead with the International Linear 
Collider. Would a delay give CERN's 
emerging CLIC accelerator technology 
a new opportunity over the design 
already on the table? 

Between 2010 and 2012, the LHC will tell 
us the next energy range of interest. Once 
we know the energy range, we can decide 
on which technology. 

0: Should countries such as the United 
States and Japan, which don't pay for 
the collider or for operating costs, 
start paying a share of CERN's annual 
running expenses? 

There has to be a discussion of the role of 
CERN as a European lab in a global part- 
nership, and the issue of contributions will 
come up naturally. We must be proactive: 
Already next year, we should start to 
define how that partnership would look. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Whole-Genome Data Not Anonymous, 
Challenging Assumptions 

Last week, scientists learned that a type of 
genetic data that is widely shared and often 
posted online can be traced back to individuals 
who proffered up their DNA for research The 
revelation, in a paper published in PLoS 
Genetics, prompted the National Institutes of 
Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, and the 
WellcomeTrust in the United Kingdom to strip 
some genetic data from their publicly accessi- 
ble Web sites, and NIH to recommend that 
other institutions do die same. 

The concern is with studies in which 
researchers pool genetic data from hundreds of 
people to look for broad patterns of 
genetic inheritance. Because the pool 
consists of DNA from so many people, 
the assumption has been that it would be 
impossible to identify any one individ- 
ual’s DNA. The new study suggests 
that’s not the case. NIH officials and 
others agree that the likelihood of a 
breach of privacy is low, laigely because 
the pooled data must be matched 
against a particular person s isolated 
DNA — something that, currently, only 
researchers generally have access to. 

But the discovery' that these DNA 
pools don’t protect anonymity is still 
troubling, especially because no one 
had considered that a possibility. 

The first response to the results 
“is, ‘You’re crazy,’ ” says David 
Craig, a geneticist at the Translational 
Genomics Research Institute in 
Phoenix, Arizona, who conducted the 
work. Less than 9 months ago, NIH 
was so confident in the anonymity of 
pooled genetic data that it recom- 
mended it be made public for all 
researchers to use. 

Craig found this confidence misplaced, for 
a simple reason: Geneticists now routinely 
examine hundreds of thousands of DNA vari- 
ants, called single-nucleotide polymorphisms 
(SNPs), at a time, instead of hundreds as they 
did just a few years ago. As a result, they’re 
gathering enough information about the pat- 
tern of SNPs in a pooled sample that it’s feasi- 

ble to deduce whether a particular individual, 
with her own unique SNP blueprint, is repre- 
sented in a much bigger pool of DNA — even if 
that person’s DNA was less than 1% of the 
mix. Craig and his colleagues managed to do 
this by ascertaining the distribution pattern of 
every single SNP — essentially, asking the 
same question 500,000 times. They were suc- 
cessful because, it turns out, every individ- 
ual shifts a genetic pool subtly in certain 
directions, and studying enough SNPs 
unveils the pattern of those shifts. The 
biggest chance of error comes from false posi- 

tives from relatives whose DNA may also 
appear in the pool, says Craig. 

NIH oft' cials were startled when Craig noti- 
fied them of his findings about 2 months ago; 
they had their own statisticians repeat the exper- 
iments. “They said, ‘Yup, this works,’ ” says 
Elizabeth Nabel, head of NIH s Heart, Lung, 
and Blood Institute. “We still consider the risk 
to the individual relatively low,” she continues. 

but “there’s a window of vulnerability.” 

The greatest concern is that identifying an 
individual this way could reveal sensitive health 
information. Genome-wide association studies 
compare data from people with and without a 
particular disease, so knowing which pool a 
person falls into can convey whether they have, 
say, cancer, or diabetes, or multiple sclerosis. 
“We have a false sense of security with pooled 
data,” says Pablo Gejman, a psychiatric geneti- 
cist at Northwestern University in Evanston, 
Illinois. “There is sensitive information” here. 

The Wellcome Trust has pulled data on 
about a dozen common diseases, and NIH 
has pulled data from nine genetic studies ofT 
two sites, dbGaP, which includes genome- 
wide association studies, and CGEMS, a site 
for cancer genetics work. The seven affected 
studies on dbGaP had been downloaded by 
about 1000 people all told, says James Ostell, 
who oversees that and other NIH databases. 

NIH officials are informing geneticists 
about the policy change through e-mails and 
their Web site; the Broad Institute in Cam- 
bridge. Massachusetts, has followed suit 
and removed pooled data from its site. This 
is “a logical choice, a necessary choice,” says 
Michael Boehnke, a statistical geneticist at 
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 
whose data from a diabetes study was taken 
down from NIH. 

Nabel says that NIH is considering a new 
policy in which the pooled data will be 
released to researchers who apply, as is now 
the case with data traditionally considered 
much more sensitive. 

Still, Ostell and others say the current pri- 
vacy risk is minimal. It could be of more con- 
cern 5 or 10 years from now, as genetic infor- 
mation proliferates. One possible scenario is 
that law- enforcement agencies might turn to 
pooled data to determine whether their suspect 
is present — and even demand that the 
researcher help them identify him. 

Craig’s work could help future forensic 
investigators in another way: Currently, they’re 
unable to identify a suspect’s DNA in a mixed 
sample — say, a sample of blood from several 
people — if the suspect's blood is less than 1 0% 
of the total. “A lot of forensic crime samples do 
have small contributions from people of inter- 
est, [and) right now we can do essentially' noth- 
ing,” says Bruce Weir, a biostatistician who 
studies genetics and forensics at the University 
ofWashington, Seattle. -Jennifer couzin 











China Plans $3.5 Billion GM Crops Initiative 

BEIJING — Confronted with land degradation, 
chronic water shortages, and a growing popu- 
lation that already numbers 1.3 billion, China 
is looking to a transgenic green revolution to 
secure its food supply. Later this month, the 
government is expected to roll out a $3.5 bil- 
lion research and development (R&D) initia- 
tive on genetically modified (GM) plants. 
“The new initiative will spur commercializa- 
tion of GM varieties,” says Xue Dayuan, chief 
scientist on biodiversity at the Nanjing Insti- 
tute of Environmental Science of the Ministry 
of Environmental Protection. 

A central aim is to help China catch up with 
the West in the race to identify and patent plant 
genes "of great value,” says Huang Dafang. 
former director of the Biotechnology Research 
Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricul- 
tural Sciences in Beijing. Once intellectual 
property rights are in place, says Huang, trans- 
genic technology could transform Chinese 
farming “from high-input and extensive culti- 
vation to high-tech and intensive cultivation” 

In the decade since China first allowed 
commercial planting of four GM crops, the 
government has moved cautiously, granting 
only two further approvals for small-market 
species: poplar trees and papaya (see table). 
Currently, just one GM crop — insect-resistant 
cotton — is now planted widely, says Xue. 
China has balked at commercializing 
GM versions of staples such as rice, corn, 
and soybeans. 

That may change, as China s leadership has 
thrown its weight fully behind GM. "To solve 
the food problem, we have to rely on big sci- 
ence and technology measures, rely on 
biotechnology, rely on GM ,” Premier Wen 
Jiabao told academicians last June at the 
annual gathering of the Chinese Academy of 
Sciences (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of 
Engineering. China’s State Council, which 
Wen leads, approved the GM initiative in July. 

Details of the new initiative, including 
a which crops will gain initial support, are being 
| hammered out, scientists say. Some funds will 
§ go to R&D on transgenic 1 ivestock, an area that 
£ has lagged behind GM crops. By 2006, the 
g Chinese government had granted permits for 
P 21 1 field trials of 20 GM crops, including the 
£ six approved for commercial production. As in 

other countries, the varieties that China has 
commercialized so far are equipped with genes 
to resist pests, tolerate herbicides, or stay fresh 
longer — not genes that directly boost yields. 

Proponents note that China’s cautious 

embrace of transgenic technology has yielded 
a major success story: GM cotton. Introduced 
into commerce in 1997, 64 varieties of pest- 
resistant cotton are now grown on 3.7 million 
hectares, or about 70% of the area devoted to 
commercial cotton, averting the use of 
650,000 tons of pesticides, says Huang. 

The big prize is GM rice. Three years ago, 
Huang Jikun, director of CAS’s Center for Chi- 
nese Agricultural Policy in Beijing, and col- 
leagues reported that f eld trials of GM rice in 
China were going well — boosting yields and 
reducing pesticide use on plots — and predicted 
that the varieties were on the threshold of com- 
mercialization (Science, 29 April 2005, p. 688). 
But the Chinese government is reluctant to tin- 
ker with the country's most important crop and 
has put off commercialization. The new initia- 
tive might break the logjam, says Huang Jikun. 

“I hope the commercialization of GM rice will 
come within a couple of years,” he says. 

Although the central government has not 
released a budget f gure for the new initiative, 
a spokesperson for the Ministry of Agriculture 
told Science that it would cost 
$3.5 billion over 13 years. Half is 
expected to come from local gov- 
ernments on whose land GM 
crops will be grown and from 
agricultural biotechnology com- 
panies. “It’s a new way to support 
a big science project in China,” 
says Huang Dafang. Another 
departure from other R&D initia- 
tives, he says, is that each funded 
program is expected to produce an 
economic payoff. 

One component of the initiative 
will be to educate the public about 
GM crops, says Huang Jikun. 
Although China is unlikely to see 
the sort of protests that have 
derailed field trials and commer- 
cialization in Europe, there are cur- 
rents of disquiet in the general pop- 
ulation. “For consumers, the safety 
of GM crops is the biggest worry. 
Just like some people are afraid of 
ghosts, some people are afraid of 
GM crops,” says Zeng Yawen of 
the Biotechnology and Genetic 
Resources Institute of the Yunnan Academy of 
Agricultural Sciences in Kunming. Although 
Zeng believes that GM food safety will be 
demonstrated adequately, he worries that the 
new initiative will push China to “move too fast 
to commercialize GM varieties.” 

But with questions mounting about China’s 
ability to feed itself, others contend that not 
pushing ahead with GM varieties could be 
more detrimental than any theoretical hazard. 
“Any kind of new technology may have risk,” 
says Huang Dafang. But legitimate concerns, 
he says, should not be overshadowed by scare 
tactics designed to “mislead the public in the 
name of environmental protection.” With the 
country’s leaders firmly behind GM crops, it’s 
unlikely that any protests would get very far. 

With reporting by Chen Xi and ]ia Hepeng. 


"* .«r 

f i 9 'S r ‘ 




Stoeet Pepper 











Sweet pepper 


Poplar trees 




Slim pickings. Of the six plants that China has approved for com- 
mercialization, only cotton is grown widely. A new initiative could 
pave the way for GM versions of the biggest prize of all: rice. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




A Detailed Genetic Portrait of the 
Deadliest Human Cancers 

Three studies published this week have 
given researchers their most detailed look 
so far at the genetic mutations that underlie 
the deadliest of human cancers: pancreatic 
cancer and the brain tumor glioblastoma. 
They have firmed up the role of key genes 
and also found that scores of aberrant genes 
are involved in relatively few cell signaling 
pathways. One study also unearthed a gene 
never before linked to cancer that is 
mutated in a substantial fraction of glioblas- 
toma tumors. “It shows we can still be sur- 
prised” by the biology of cancer, says 
Michael Stratton, who oversees a cancer 
gene sequencing project at the Sanger Insti- 
tute in Hinxton, U.K. 

These studies are all based on the prem- 
ise that information gleaned from systemat- 
ically cataloging the main mutations in 
tumors will be worth the high cost. Three 
years ago, when genome sequencer Eric 
Lander of the Broad Institute in Cambridge, 
Massachusetts, proposed spending SI. 5 bil- 

lion on what is now called The Cancer 
Genome Atlas (TCGA), skeptics helped 
persuade the U.S. National Institutes of 
Health to start with a 3-year, $100 million 
pilot project. One of the glioblastoma stud- 
ies is the first fruit of that effort. 

Meanwhile, a team led by Bert Vogelstein, 
Kenneth Kinzler, and Victor Velculescu at 
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, 
Maryland, had begun a private cancer 
genome project, starting with breast and 
colorectal cancer ( Science , 8 September 
2006, p. 1370). Now this team and collabora- 
tors have sequenced the coding regions of 
20,700 genes — nearly all the known genes 
in the human genome — in 22 glioblas- 
toma and 24 pancreatic cancer samples. 
They also looked for abnormalities in gene 
copy number and gene expression. 

In two papers published online by 
Science this week (www.sciencemag. 
org/cgi/content/abstract/1 164382 and 
-1 164368), they report finding hundreds of 

genes that were mutated in these two can- 
cers. There were an average of 63 altered 
genes in each pancreatic tumor and 60 per 
glioblastoma. The mutations varied from 
tumor to tumor, but the most important 
tended to fall in the same cell pathways. For 
example, 12 specific pathways were dis- 
rupted in at least 70% of pancreatic tumors. 
“It points to a new way of looking at cancer,” 
says Vogelstein, who suggests that treat- 
ments should target these pathways, not the 
products of single genes. 

One of the altered genes found in the 
glioblastoma study, IDH1, appeared in 12% 
of tumors, and more often in younger 
patients and those with secondary tumors, 
the Johns Hopkins team reported. A change 
in an amino acid of the encoded protein 
seems to help patients with this mutation 
live longer than others with glioblastoma. 

The third study, published online by 
Nature, analyzed more than 200 glio- 
blastoma samples. It surveyed all the 
samples for genetic alterations such as 
changes in copy number and probed about 
half the samples for mutations in 600 genes 
already implicated in cancer, says co-leader 
Lynda Chin of the Dana-Farber Cancer 
Institute in Boston ( Science , 4 July, p. 26). 
The study found many of the same aberrant 

Memory Recall 

and left arms each time they ran the maze. In 
between runs, the rats spent 1 0 to 20 seconds 
on a running wheel. 

During this delay period, neurons in the 
hippocampus fired in sequences that pre- g 
dieted which arm the rat would run next, the z 
researchers report on page 1322. Even in the * 
few cases when a rat goofed and went the f 
wrong way, the preceding firing sequence | 
predicted its mistake. These sequences — | 
which resemble sequences that occur as a | 
rat actually runs through a maze — likely s 
represent the brain’s internal mechanism for 8 
planning (or reminding itself) what it has to 2 
do next. Buzsaki says. 

The findings confirm a decade-old pre- | 
diction that the hippocampus might generate | 
such firing sequences to maintain important 3 
information during a delay in a task, says ^ 
David Redish, a neuroscientist at the Univer- | 
sity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Redish ^ 
notes that consistent patterns of activity § 
emerged only when the rat had something to c 
remember. “When the rat is just running on 8 


Hippocampal Firing Patterns Linked to 

Memory aid. A rat's hippocampus (above) generates sequences of 
neural firing that may help it remember what to do next. 

The hippocampus, tucked deep 
inside the temporal lobes of the 
brain, has been intensely studied 
for its role in recording memo- 
ries. Now two studies — one with 
rats and one with people under- 
going surgery for intractable 
epilepsy — suggest that patterns 
of neuron firing in the hippo- 
campus are also involved in 
recalling past experiences. 

“The two papers are signifi- 
cant because they point directly 
to reactivation of neural activ- 
ity sequences as a mechanism 
for memory recall,” says Edvard Moser, a 
neuroscientist at the Norwegian University 
of Science and Technology in Trondheim. 
Such a mechanism may underlie several 
functions attributed to the hippocampus, 
Moser says, including navigation, memory; 
and planning future actions. 

In the rat study, researchers led by Eva 
Pastalkova and Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers 

University' in Newark, New Jersey, simulta- 
neously recorded the activity of scores of 
hippocampal neurons as rodents ran through 
a maze shaped like a squared-off figure 
eight. The rats always started the maze by 
running down the middle of the three arms 
and then chose to continue down either the 
left or the right arm. The researchers 
trained them to alternate between the right 



a wheel for the heck of it in its home cage, 
they don’t see it.” 

In the human study, published online 
this week in Science (www.sciencemag. 
org/cg i/content/abstract/ 1 164685), 
researchers led by Hagar Gelbard-Sagiv of the 
Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, 
Israel, and Itzhak Fried of the University of 
California, Los Angeles, recorded from hun- 
d dreds of neurons in and around the hippo- 
campus of 13 epilepsy patients undergoing 
S operations in which smgeons introduced elec- 
§ trades into the brain to locate the source of 
I their seizures. The patients watched several 
§ 5- to 10-second video clips that depicted a 
S variety of landmarks, people, and animals. A 
8 few minutes later, the researchers asked the 
y patients to freely recall the clips they’d just 
| seen and call them out as they came to mind, 
s (Most subjects easily remembered almost all 
| of the clips.) The f rst time the patients saw the 
I clips, many neurons in the hippocampus and 
§ a nearby region, the entorhinal cortex, 
^ responded strongly to certain cl ips and weakly 
£ to others— preferring a clip from The Simp- 
* sons, say, to ones showing Elvis or Michael 
| Jordan. Later, each neuron began firing 
u strongly a second or two before the subject 

reported recal ling that neuron’s preferred clip, 
but not when the subject recalled another clip. 

“Previous work [with animals] has shown 
that such reactivation occurs during sleep as 
well as during certain behaviors where mem- 
ory is needed, but it has remained unclear 
whether reactivation actually reflects recall 
of the memory,” say Moser. Fried’s findings 
are exciting because they provide the first 
direct link between reactivation of hippo- 
campal neurons and conscious recall of a 
past experience, says neuroscientist Matthew 
Wilson of the Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology in Cambridge. 

Both studies have implications for an on- 
going debate about the relationships among var- 
ious functions attributed to the hippocampus, 
says Lynn Nadel, a neuroscientist at die Univer- 
sity of Arizona in Tucson. Nadel says that the 
findings f t with his view that the neural mecha- 
nisms underlying spatial navigation, episodic 
memory, and action planning may be one and 
the same. “One might say at this point that the 
available data suggest that the hippocampus is 
critical for ‘navigating’ through space not only in 
the present but also in the past, to retrieve mem- 
ories, and in the future, to predict the results of 
actions,” Nadel says. -GREG MILLER 

Japanese Budget Rollout 

TOKYO — Japan's education ministry last week 
optimistically called for boosting fiscal 2009 
science spending a hefty 13.4% year-on-year 
to S24.1 billion. The ministry wants to add 
$20 million, a 12.4% increase, for academic 
research grants and 11% more — for a total of 
$1.2 billion — to advance big science projects, 
including $41 million for Japan's contribution 
to the international Atacama Large Millimeter 
Array in Chile. Applied research fared even 
better. The ministry wants to increase one such 
grant category, for example, by 42%, to $4.5 
million. The proposed budget faces scrutiny 
from the budget-minded finance ministry. 
"Negotiations will be tough, but we'll do our 
best," says Shinichiro Izumi of the education 
ministry. The budget, which takes effect in 
April, will be finalized by January. 


Taleyarkhan Weighs Suit 

Rusi Taleyarkhan, the Purdue University 
nuclear engineer deemed guilty of research 
misconduct, isn't going quietly. Last week, 
Purdue stripped him of his named professor- 
ship. Now, Taleyarkhan and his attorney are 
considering filing a grievance with Purdue, a 
lawsuit against the school, or both. "The 
process and the manner in which Purdue has 
carried itself ... is testimony for the need to 
resort to the court system," Taleyarkhan wrote 
in an email to Science. In 2002, Taleyarkhan 
and colleagues reported that a tabletop device 
generated nuclear fusion inside collapsing 
bubbles. But in July, an investigation organ- 
ized by Purdue concluded that later reports 
aimed at replicating the work involved 
research misconduct. Taleyarkhan's attorney 
says the scientist will continue to investigate 
bubble fusion. -ROBERT SERVICE 

Your Local Library 

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
has chosen nine screening centers in the sec- 
ond phase of its Molecular Libraries program 
( Science , 8 August, p. 764). NIH wants to test 
biological assays submitted by researchers 
against 300,000 chemicals in hopes of finding 
research probes and drug leads. Four major 
centers will receive a total of $208 million over 
4 years — the Burnham Institute for Medical 
Research and The Scripps Research Institute, 
both in San Diego, California; NIH's intramural 
center in Rockville, Maryland; and the Broad 
Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. NIH will 
also support five smaller centers. 


Probing a killer. Two new studies tally 
genetic glitches that cause the brain 
tumor known as glioblastoma, orange 
in this image of brain celts. 

genes that the Johns Hopkins 
team uncovered — but not IDHI, 
which was not among the genes 
the team sequenced. Their larger 
sample set will serve as a reliable 
reference on how frequently 
mutations occur in glioblastoma, 
including several genes for 
which the evidence was limited 
until now, says Chin. Having 
methylation data and samples 
from patients who received treat- 
ment also allowed the team to 
finger mutations in DNA repair 
genes that may help explain why 
tumors that initially respond to temozolo- 
mide, the main drug for glioblastoma, can 
become resistant to subsequent therapies. 

TCGA is preparing follow-on papers, for 
example on using the molecular data to clas- 
sify subsets of tumors, Chin notes. It will 
also expand the search: The project, which is 
also studying lung and ovarian cancers, will 
use new technologies to sequence thousands 
of genes in each tumor. 

“I see them [the public and private 
glioblastoma studies] as wonderfully comple- 
mentary,” says pathologist Paul Mischel of 
the University of California, Los Angeles, 
who studies glioblastoma. Other researchers 
who hope to use the findings to improve 
cancer treatment agree. “This is a start and a 
wonderful start,” says Santosh Kesari, a 
neurooncologist at Dana-Farber. 





Shapeshifting Made Easy 

Mathematicians aren't squeamish about 
doing dissections, but they do often come 
unhinged. Now computational geometers at 
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
(MIT) in Cambridge have proven it’s possible 
to do mathematical dissections without 
falling to pieces. 

The victims in this case are not frogs but 
polygons: simple geometric shapes bounded 
by straight sides. In the early 19th century, 
mathematicians proved that any two polygons 
with the same area can be cut into a finite 
number of matching pieces. For example, it’s 
possible to cut a square into four pieces and 
rearrange them into an equilateral triangle. 

About 100 years ago, the English mathe- 
matician and puzzle designer Henry Dudeney 
added an extra wrinkle to the dissection chal- 
lenge: He showed that the rearrangement from 
square to equilateral triangle can be done with 
pieces connected by hinges (see figure, 
above). Dissection enthusiasts have since 
devised many more hinged transformations. 

In 1997, Greg Frederickson, a computer 
scientist and geometric-dissection buff at 
Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, 
asked whether what Dudeney did for the 
square and triangle can be done for any two 
polygons. The question caught the attention 
of Erik Demaine, then beginning graduate 
work in computer science. A decade later, 
Demaine, now a professor at MIT, has the 
answer: in a word, yes. 

Demaine returned to Frederickson s prob- 
lem last fall with his father, Martin Demaine, 

and four students in a problem-solving semi- 
nar: Timothy Abbott of MIT, Zachary Abel 
and Scott Kominers of Harvard University, 
and David Charlton of Boston University. The 
group came up with a general procedure for 
turning an arbitrary dissection into a hinged 
dissectioa Demaine described their proof at 
MathFest. "It was a surprising result to me, 
because I thought it was false,” he says. 

Their proof starts with an idea “so crazy 
that we never thought of it,” Demaine says. 
That idea is simply to take an unhinged dis- 
section of one polygon and arbitrarily add 
hinges, then subdivide the pieces and add 
additional hinges until the polygon can con- 
tort into its equal-area partner. The key step 
is to show that judicious subdivision can, in 
effect, take a hinge that connects, say, piece 
A to piece B and move it to connect A to C 
(see figure). 

“The movement is magical,” Frederickson 
says. On the other hand, he notes, “you don’t 
get very pretty dissections this way.” 

The construction works on three- 
dimensional (3D) dissections as well, which 
could help guide the design of reconfigurable 
robots — modular machines that rearrange 
their parts like real-life Transformers. In 3D, 
unfortunately, equal volume doesn’t guaran- 
tee the existence of a dissection. But when 
dissections do exist, the MIT group’s con- 
struction shows that they can be refined into 
hinged dissections. The results are an encour- 
aging first step toward applications, Demaine 
says: “Now the optimization begins.” 

4 Location, location, location. A square can 
| become an equilateral triangle without ever falling 
apart (top). The same is true for other pairs of poly 
gons. The proof starts with a trick that, in effect, 
moves hinges around [bottom ). 

Sweet Inspiration 

Geometers find ideas everywhere. Take 
Mozartkugel, the famously spherical choco- 
late confections from Austria. Erik Demaine, 
his father, Martin, and colleagues John 
Iacono at the Polytechnic Institute of New 
York University and Stefan Langerman at 
University Libre de Bruxelles have worked 
out a more efficient way to wrap them. 

As mapmakers know from trying to go the 
other way, flattening a globe 
invariably distorts areas on 
its surface. Conversely, 
wrapping a globe with an , 
inflexible wrapper (such 
as foil) crinkles the wrap- 
per with infinitely . — 

many tiny folds. As a *8jS 
result, the area of any " 
wrapper must exceed the ' . 
surface area of the choco- ^ 
late ball [4n square units for | 
a ball with a radius of 1). 

One popular brand of 
Mozartkugel comes in a square 
foil of side length nV2 (;i times 
the square root of 2). Another comes in a n x 
2 n rectangular wrapper. In each case, the 
wrapper’s area is 2n 2 — some 57% greater 
than the surface area of the sphere. Demaine 
and crew set out to see if they could do better. 

The computational chocolatiers found 
that they could achieve a 0.1% savings over 
current practice with an equilateral triangle 
whose area turns out to be approximately $ 
1 .99867T. (The exact value for 1 .9986 ... is a | 
messy formula involving, for no obvious rea- 
son, the square root of 57.) But in fact, all | 
that really covers the kugel is a three-leaf s 
petal inside the triangle (see figure). That ^ 
means the tips of the triangle can be cut off, fc 
leaving a wrapper of area 1 .8377;i 2 . 

The clipped triangular wrapper offers § 
another advantage: The length of its perime- “ 
ter, 5.3503 tc, is shorter than that of any other | 
shape the researchers have found. (The 2 
square wrapper has a perimeter of 5. 6569 ji; £ 
the rectangular one, 6k.) So a trefoil wrapper I 
would not only save foil, Demaine and col- § 
leagues conclude, it would also be cheaper to o 



cut. The potential reduction in the carbon 
footprint associated with Mozartkugel mate- 
rials and manufacturing, they joke, “partially 
solves the global-warming problem and con- 
sequently the little- reported but equally 
important chocolate-melting problem ” 

A Royal Squeeze 

In 1850, the great German mathematician 
Carl Friedrich Gauss took a shine to a funky 
little counting problem: How many ways can 
eight queens be placed on a chessboard so 
that no two queens attack one another (i.e., 
line up horizontally, vertically, or diago- 
nally)? It’s not obvious it can be done at all, 
but it turns out there are 92 solutions. Gauss 
didn't spot them all, proof in itself that the 
problem is a bit of a poser. 

Modem computers can easily find all 92, 
but mathematicians have upped the ante so 
that even Deep Blue would scratch its silicon 
head, mainly by making the board larger. 
There are, for example, 2,207,893,435,808352 
ways of placing 25 nonattacking queens on a 
25 x 25 chessboard, a computation completed 

Vivat regina. Adding pawns makes a classic chess- 
board problem even more queenly. 

3 years ago at INRIA. 

“There’s a lot of interesting theory behind 
these questions,” notes Loren Larson, a chess- 
board problem expert in North!' eld, Minnesota. 
“They're also nice programming exercises. 
They're good examples of backtracking algo- 
rithms,” also known as depth- first searches. 

In a talk at MathFest, Doug Chatham of 
Morehead State University (MSU) in Ken- 
tucky described a variant he and collabora- 
tors have explored, in which pawns are 



allowed on the chessboard. The pawns inter- 
rupt the queens’ line of sight, making it pos- 
sible for more queens to fit on the board. 
How many more queens, they wondered, do 
the pawns make possible? 

Chatham and crew — MSU colleagues Gerd 
Fricke and R. Duane Skaggs, Maureen Doyle 
of Northern Kentucky University in Highland 
Heights, Matthew WoltY of Pyramid Controls 
Inc. in Cincinnati, Ohio, and MSU student Jon 
Reitmann — have proved that each additional 
pawn permits an extra queen, provided the 
board is large enough. For example, with two 
pawns, it's possible to get 1 0 queens on a stan- 
dard 8x8 board (see figure). In the current 
proof, fitting an extra k queens using k pawns 
cm an JVx N board requires N to be greater than 
25 k, Chatham notes, but adds, '“We believe the 
actual minimum sizes are much smaller.” 

There are no immediate applications for die 
queens-and-pawns problem, Chatham says, 
but die original nonattacking-queens problem 
has found uses in computer science for parallel 
memory schemes and in statistical physics for 
particle models with long-range interactions. 
“We hope to find similar applications for our 
problem,” he says. -barry Cipra 

Taking the Edge Off 

Math has a lot to say about packing things together. The 
abstract problem of cramming, for example, equal- 
sized circles into a larger square has applications as 
far-flung as error-correcting codes for digital 
communications and the physics of granular 
materials such as sand. But what if the square 
has no edges? A quartet of researchers has 
3 shown how packing works in such a borderless space. 

^ The space in question is a torus, a shape like the surface 

| of an inner tube. To topologists, a torus is equivalent to a 
| parallelogram with its opposite edges glued together. On 

* the unfurled, flattened-out toms map, anything leaving on 
fcj one side immediately reenters from the other, as in many 
° video games. William Dickinson of Grand Valley State 
j-j University in Allendale, Michigan, and undergraduates 
$ Daniel Guillot of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Anna 
g Castelaz of the University of North Carolina, Asheville, and Sandi 
I Xhumari of Grand Valley have spent the past two summers studying 

* circle packings in tori. 

5 $ Because a torus has no boundary, the circles are constrained 
t only by one another— just as they would be on a patch of regularly 
I repeating patterned wallpaper. Dickinson and students classified 

the graphs that can result when lines are drawn 
connecting centers of tangent circles (red lines 
in the figure, below), then set to work analyzing 
which ones lead to the densest packings (i.e., 
packings with circles of the largest possible radius). 
For five circles — the first truly challenging case — 
they found 20 different ways the circles could be 
arranged on the torus. 

They applied the theory to two particular tori: the 
“square” torus formed by connecting opposite 
edges of a square, and the “triangular'’ toms, which 
starts from a rhombus with a 60-degree angle. Guillot 
and Castelaz found the best five-circle packing for 
the triangular torus last summer (2007), and 
Xhumari did the same for six circles this summer. 
Together, the ideas they developed enabled Dickinson 
to nail down the densest packing for five circles on 
the square toms. It occupies rc/4 or 78.5% of tire square toms, as 
compared with 71.1% on the triangular torus (see figure). 

“In general, it is very difficult to prove that a particular pack- 
ing is optimal,” says Ronald Graham, a circle-packing expert at 
the University of California, San Diego. Working without bound- 
aries may make proofs easier to come by, he thinks, “but that is 
just an impression.” -B.C SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 


Investigating the Psychopathic Mind 

With a mobile brain scanner and permission to work with inmates in 
New Mexico state prisons, Kent Kiehl hopes to understand what goes 
awry in the brains of psychopathic criminals 


remembers his first conversation with a 
psychopath as if it were yesterday. Kiehl had 
just started a graduate program in psychology, 
and he intended to study the criminal mind by 
interviewing prisoners. His first subject was a 
thief who'd made a fortune robbing banks in 
North America and lived the high life for 
years, renting luxury apartments across 
Europe and— if he did say so him- 
self — enjoying a great deal of 
success with the fairer sex. "Have 
you ever had 15 women in one 
night?” he asked Kiehl. 

The man was behind bars not 
because of a heist gone wrong but 
because one of his girlfriends was cheating on 
him. He tracked her down at a motel room 
and burst in with his gun drawn. He shot her 
lover, but the man managed to get away. The 
woman later testified against him in court. If 
he could do it all over again, he told Kiehl, he 
would have killed them both. Such stories 
fascinate Kiehl, now an associate professor of 
psychology and neuroscience at the Univer- 
sity of New Mexico and director of Mobile 
Imaging Core and Clinical Cognitive Neuro- 
science at the Mind Research Network 

(MRN) in Albuquerque. "The other 300 or so 
psychopaths I’ve interviewed are just as inter- 
esting,” he says. 

At age 38, Kiehl is embarking on a project 
he hopes will unravel the neural basis of psy- 
chopathy, a suite of personality' and behavioral 
traits that is far more common in violent crimi- 
nals than in the general population and is a 
strong predictor of repeat offenses. Given the 
crime and other societal costs 
caused by psychopathic individu- 
als, Kiehl says, this group has been 
woefully understudied. He intends 
to change that. With a custom-built 
mobile magnetic resonance imag- 
ing (MRI) scanner — roughly $2.3 
million of equipment packed into a 1 5-meter- 
long trailer — and permission from the New 
Mexico governor to work in all 1 2 state prisons, 
Kiehl aims to scan 1000 inmates a year. 

"We’ll have to see i f he gets that much done, 
but if anybody can do it, Kent can,” says Joseph 
Newman, a psychologist at the University of 
Wisconsin, Madison. "He has big ideas, and he 
pursues them energetically.” 

Kiehls team conducts hours of interviews 
with each subject to assess them for psy- 
chopathy, substance abuse, and other mental 

health problems. In addition to functional 
MRI (fMRI) experiments to investigate neu- 
ral activity during various tasks, they’re also 
collecting anatomical images of the brain and 
DNA samples that could eventually be used 
to search for genetic risk factors — all with die 
prisoners’ full consent and cooperation and 
all to be used solely for research. Kiehl’s 
research is funded by four R01 grants from 
the National Institutes of Health, which pay 
about $900,000 a year in direct costs; MRN 
paid for the scanner. 

Depending on what he finds, Kiehl’s work 
could raise a host of legal and ethical ques- 
tions. Could brain scans or blood tests one 
day improve on the personality profiles and 
other low-tech methods now used to assess 
the degree of risk a prisoner poses to society? 

If so, how should they be used? Could a better 
understanding of the psychopathic brain alter 
the way we think about the culpability of cer- 
tain criminals? Could it point the way to inter- 
ventions that prevent recidivism? 

We’ll never know unless we do the 
research, Kiehl says: "We just have no idea 
how their brains are different, how they got 
that way, and how we might be able to treat | 
the condition.” 


Local boy does bad 

Kiehl s interest in psychopathy goes back to § 
his childhood. He grew up in a middle-class | 
neighborhood in Tacoma, Washington, not u 


Kl Podcast interview 
*2.? with the author of 
this article. 




far from the boyhood home of serial killer Ted 
Bundy. While Kiehl was in grade school, 
Bundy was on a nationwide rampage, killing 
dozens of young women. Kiehl’s father was a 
newspaper editor at the time, and Bundy’s 
exploits were a common topic of discussion 
at the family dinner table. 

Bundy exhibited several defining traits of 
psychopathy. He was cunning and manipula- 
tive, often donning disguises or feigning 
injury to lure women into a vehicle, and his 
preferred method of killing — crowbar blows 
to the head — as well as his proclivity for sex 
with his dead victims suggest a stunning lack 
of empathy. “Why would someone from my 
neighborhood end up being so bad?” Kiehl 
remembers wondering at the time. 

By the time Bundy was executed in 
Florida in 1989, Kiehl was fantasizing about 
becoming a professional athlete. He entered 
the University of California (UC), Davis, that 
year after being recruited to play on the foot- 
ball team. Solidly built at 6’2”, Kiehl still 
exudes an athlete’s self-confidence. On a 
recent afternoon, he collected on a S100 bet 
with his lab manager over how far he could hit 
a golf ball. “I bet I could hit a ball farther than 
Tiger Woods,” he boasted. 

When a knee injury forced Kiehl to 
reconsider his life goals, he recalled his fas- 
cination with Bundy and began getting more 
interested in neuroscience. He rotated 
through the laboratories of several UC Davis 
neuroscientists, setting his sights on gradu- 
ate work with psychologist Robert Hare at 
the University of British Columbia (UBC) in 
Vancouver, Canada. Hare is a preeminent 
psychopathy researcher who in 1 980 pub- 
lished the first version of what has become 
the main tool for diagnosing 
psychopathy. In its current 
incarnation, the Psychopathy 
Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) 
scores subjects on 20 traits indi- 
cative of psychopathy, including 
S callousness, impulsivity, and a 
| history of behavioral problems. 

| People in the general population 
5 typically score a four or five on 
| the 40-point scale, Hare says. A 
| score of 30 is widely used as a benchmark 
g for psychopathy. 

a Psychopathy is not listed in the American 

1 Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Sta- 

2 tistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed. 
| ( DSM-IV ). The DSM-IV diagnosis of anti- 
g social personality disorder captures some of 
£ the external manifestations of psychopathy, 
t including impulsivity and antisocial behavior. 
§ but ignores personality traits such as glibness, 
u callousness, and lack of remorse that are 

scored by the PCL-R. Studies with prison 
populations have found that roughly 20% 
(slightly more or less, depending on the secu- 
rity level of the prison) of inmates qualify as 
psychopaths. Incarcerated psychopaths have 
committed an average of four violent crimes 
by the age of 40, Kiehl says. More than 80% 
of those who are released from prison commit 
another crime, usually a violent one, within 
3 years, compared with 50% for the overall 
prison populatioa “Psychopathy is the single 
best predictor of violent recidivism,” says 
Kiehl, who hoped to collaborate with Hare to 
study the brains of psychopathic criminals. 

But Hare wasn’t interested in taking him 
on. “I had a lot of really outstanding students 
applying to work in my lab, and his grades 
weren’t particularly great,” Hare says. Not 
one to give up easily, Kiehl launched a cam- 
paign that included a barrage of recommen- 
dation letters from UC Davis faculty mem- 
bers; he also drove through a snowstorm 
from Tacoma to Vancouver to hand-deliver a 
few bottles of California wine that he knew 
Hare would appreciate. “That did it,” says 
Hare. “He wore me down.” 

An emotional problem? 

Long before fMRI scanners came along, 
researchers suspected that psychopathy 
springs from a defect in emotional process- 
ing in the brain. Several of the disorder’s 
signature traits hint at this, as do early 
studies that found blunted physiological 
responses — by measures such as heart rate 
and skin conductance — to emotionally 
evocative photographs in psychopaths. 

Such abnormalities cast obvious suspi- 

cion on the amygdala, the hub of emotion in 
the brain. In the first fMRI study of psy- 
chopathy, published in 200 1 in Biological 
Psychiatry, Kiehl and UBC colleagues found 
reduced amygdala activity in psychopathic 
criminals compared with nonpsychopathic 
criminals in response to emotionally charged 
words. A malfunctioning amygdala is likely 
to be one crucial factor in psychopathy, says 
James Blair, a cognitive neuroscientist at the 
National Institute of Mental Health in 
Bethesda, Maryland. Human and animal 
studies have shown that the amygdala is 
essential for learning to avoid behaviors with 
unwanted outcomes, he notes. By preventing 
children from learning to avoid actions 
that harm other people, faulty wiring in 
the amygdala could derail normal social 
development and contribute to the callous, 
unemotional traits seen in psychopaths, he 
proposes. In the June issue of The American 
Journal of Psychiatry, his research group 
reports that children with callous, unemo- 
tional traits have less amygdala activity than 
other children when viewing photos of fear- 
ful facial expressions. 

Other researchers question whether the 
amygdala is really the source of the problem, 
however. Newman, for example, has long 
argued on the basis of behavioral evidence 
that deficits in regulating attention may be 
the central issue for psychopaths. “Once 
they start paying attention to some goal they 
want, they ignore cues that would otherwise 
activate the amygdala,” he says. 

Kiehl takes an even broader view. He sus- 
pects that psychopathy involves disruptions 
to a network of “paralimbic” regions in the 
brain’s temporal and frontal lobes that 
contribute to emotion, attention, decision- SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



making, and other cognitive functions. 
Resolving some of the confusion about 
which cognitive processes — and which brain 
regions — are dysfunctional in psychopathy 
is a major goal of his neuroimaging work in 
New Mexico. 

But neuroimaging has limitations 
(Science, 13 June, p. 14121. The behaviors 
that can be studied inside an fMRI scanner, 
for example, are necessarily simplified and 
artificial. Proving that any given neural 
abnormality that shows up in imaging actu- 
ally contributes to psychopathic traits and 
behavior in real life is never easy, says 
Adrian Raine, a clinical neuroscientist at the 
University of Pennsylvania. And then there’s 
the chicken-and-egg problem. “Is it leading 
a violent, psychopathic way of life that 
causes the structural and functional impair- 
ments we find, or is it the other way 
around?” Raine asks. “It’s going to be hard 
to answer that very important questioa” 


On a blazing hot day in late July, Kiehl’s 
mobile scanner was parked inside the gates 
topped with razor wire at the Youth Diagnos- 
tic and Development Center in Albu- 
querque. From the outside, the mobile 
resembles any trailer you’d see on an 18- 
wheeler, albeit cleaner than most. Kjehl 
spent a year working with engineers at 
Siemens to design it and ensure that the 
scanner's magnetic field would remain sta- 
ble in different locations. Inside, the mobile 
looks like an ultra-high-tech recreational 
vehicle. The scanner sits at one end, its mag- 
netic cylinder a pale blue doughnut extend- 
ing from floor to ceiling. Flat-screen moni- 
tors adorn the walls in the adjacent control 
room, and next to that a small sitting room 
contains a stack of magazines for the benefit 
of a corrections officer who waits here while 
a juvenile prisoner gets scanned. 

All experiments are off-limits to the 
media, in part because of concerns about the 
privacy of prisoners but largely because of a 
bad experience Kiehl had in Canada. A televi- 
sion network broadcast an interview with one 
of his research subjects that was edited to 
make the guy seem even scarier than he was, 
Kiehl says. When the inmate was denied 
parole a short time later, he threatened to kill 
any other inmates who participated in Kiehl Is 
research; he also threatened to hit Kiehl with a 
chair. Now Kiehl says he won’t jeopardize his 
staff by allowing the media to watch experi- 
ments or interview inmates. 

Despite the nature of some of their sub- 
jects’ crimes, Kiehl’s students and postdocs 
say that they've never felt threatened. “They 

tend to really like us,” says postdoc Matthew 
Shane. “They enjoy any excuse to talk with 
someone from outside the prison.” 

In one of the first studies using die mobile 
scanner, Kiehls postdoc Carla Harenski and 
colleagues investigated how the brains of 
adult male prisoners respond to morally 
charged photographs, such as an image of a 
man holding a knife to a woman’s throat. The 
inmates also rated the severity of the “moral 
violation” depicted in the photographs on a 
five-point scale. Those who gave high scores, 
suggesting greater sensitivity to moral viola- 
tions, tended to have more activity in the 
superior temporal sulcus, a region implicated 
in previous studies of moral judgments, the 
researchers reported at an April meeting of 

Neural roots. Kiehl suspects that disruptions to 
paralimbic brain regions (light areas) underlie 

the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. The 
team has subsequently scanned a bigger sam- 
ple of prisoners and is investigating whether 
activity in this and other brain regions differs 
between those who are psychopathic and 
those who aren’t. 

Into the courtroom? 

Such differences in brain activity within 
prison populations could potentially prove 
useful in assessing the risk posed by individ- 
ual criminals, perhaps as a supplement to the 
PCL-R, Kiehl says. That checklist is cur- 
rently used in dozens of countries. Depend- 
ing on the jurisdiction, PCL-R scores are 
considered during sentencing and parole 
hearings. Some prisons use them, along with 

other factors, to determine security measures 
and treatment options. 

Whether brain scans will ever prove useful 
in such settings depends on whether they add 
any predictive power, says Walter Sinnott- 
Armstrong, a philosopher at Dartmouth 
College and co-director of the MacArthur 
Foundation's Law and Neuroscience Project 
in Hanover, New Hampshire. Not everyone is 
optimistic. “It’s not some sort of crystal ball 
that’s going to tell you who's going to reoffend 
in 5 years’ time,” says Essi Viding, a cognitive 
neuroscientist at University College London. 
She also questions the practicality of the 
approach, given that MRI scans cost $ 1000 or 
more apiece and require substantial technical 
expertise. Even so, research on the neural 
basis of psychopathy could have important 
legal implications, says Sinnott-Armstrong. 
For example, he says, if future research points 
to a diminished moral capacity due to a neuro- 
developmental defect, that could be relevant 
in court, where a defendant's understanding of 
the wrongfulness of his actions has a bearing 
on the verdict. 

Kiehl gets impatient with such hypotheti- 
cals. For him, the ultimate question is how 
best to intervene — ideally, early in life before 
psychopathic traits become ingrained. The 
conventional wisdom is that psychopathy is 
unbeatable, but that’s based “more on clini- 
cal lore than solid research,” says Michael 
Caldwell, a psychologist at the Mendota 
Juvenile Treatment Center and the Univer- 
sity of Wisconsin, Madison. One widely 
cited study found that psychopaths who par- 
ticipated in a treatment program in the 1970s 
actually did worse than those who didn’t, 
Caldwell says. But given that the treatment 
regimen involved nude encoimter groups and 
LSD, those findings should perhaps be taken 
with several grains of salt. Kiehl says he’s 
been buoyed by a recent series of papers by 
Caldwell and colleagues that suggest that tar- 
geted interventions, including cognitive 
behavioral therapy and family counseling, 
with juvenile offenders with psychopathic 
traits can prevent future crimes. 

Caldwell, Newman, and other veteran 
psychopathy researchers say that they’re 
encouraged to see Kiehl’s project getting off 
the ground because public support and fund- 
ing for psychopathy research has been hard 
to come by in the past. “If someone is cruel 
and always out for himself, it’s not something | 
that engenders sympathy, concern, and the S 
desire to understand it,” says Newman. “My S 
view is that it’s a really important disorder | 
that needs to be understood.” Kiehl says he § 
couldn’t agree more. 




particles at energies 
seven times the previ 
ous record. 

The Overture Begins 

Next week, physicists at the European particle 
physics lab, CERN, will fire up the world's biggest 
atom smasher. Expectations are skyhigh, but 
discoveries may still be years away 

Fourteen years ago, scientists at the European 
particle physics laboratory, CERN, near 
Geneva, Switzerland, had only plans for a new 
highest energy particle smasher. Now, thanks 
to the efforts of thousands of people, they 
have a gargantuan machine, the S5.5 billion 
Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which 
stretches through a 27-kilometer ring of tun- 
nel between Lake Geneva to the east and 
France’s Jura Mountains to the west ( Science , 
23 March 2007, p. 1652). “It seemed like an 
enormous mountain to climb, that’s for sure, 
back when we didn’t have even a single mag- 
net,” says CERN’s Lyndon Evans, w'ho has led 
the project since its inception. 

Evans says he’s had moments of despair. 
In 2004, a manufacturing error forced work- 
ers to rip out and rebuild 3 kilometers of the 
high-tech plumbing that carries frigid liquid 
helium to the accelerators superconducting 
magnets. In 2002, cost overruns led officials 
to delay the completion of the LHC by a year. 
But now, as researchers test the LHC’s myr- 
iad subsystems, “it really feels like an old 
friend,” Evans says. “It acts exactly like it is 
supposed to act.” Physicists around the world 
hope their ami, the most complex scientific 
apparatus ever built, continues to behave 
next week when, for the first time — provided 
that lawsuits do not force a delay (see side- 
bar, p. 1291) — researchers try to circulate 
| particles through its twin rings. 

«• In the quest to unravel the universes inner 
I workings, the 10 September start-up of the 
u LHC marks the beginning of a new age of 

exploration. The collider should bag the long- 
sought Higgs boson, the missing link in physi- 
cists’ “standard model” of the known particles 
and the one thought to give the others their 
mass. It could glimpse a slew of new particles, 
such as those predicted by a scheme called 
supersymmetry, or even reveal new dimen- 
sions of space. Other colliders hammered out 
how the standard model is structured; the LHC 
should answer deeper questions about why the 
model is as it is, says Gordon Kane, a theorist 
at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 
“The LHC is a ‘why’ machine,” he says. 

But answers most likely won’t come right 
away, cautions CERN’s Peter Jenni, 
snnkesnerson for the 

What a blast! In this simulation, a Higgs boson is 
born and decays inside the ATIAS particle detector. 

2500-member team working with the 25- 
meter-tall, 45-meter-long ATLAS particle 
detector— one of four big detectors the LHC 
will feed. “People should definitely not take it 
for granted that big tilings will happen imme- 
diately,” he says. If all goes well, the LHC will 
start smashing particles in October, and oddi- 
ties could jump out right away. More likely, it 
will take a few years for the LHC to clinch the 
discovery of the Higgs or something even 
stranger. Still, after 3 decades in which the 
standard model has answered every’ question 
asked at particle accelerators, physicists are 
eager to see something really new. 

First off, look for something old 

Like all colliders, the LHC aims to produce 
fleeting bits of matter not seen in the every- 
day world. As Einstein noted, energy and 
mass are equivalent. So physicists can gener- 
ate heavier exotic particles by smashing 
known ones together with sufficient energy. 
Blasting protons into protons at energies 
seven times as high as the previous record, 
the LHC could cough up new particles more 
than 1000 times as massive as a proton. But 
first, researchers will simply search for 
familiar standard-model particles. 

Ordinary matter consists of particles 
called “up quarks” and "down quarks,” which 
combine to make the protons and neutrons in 
atomic nuclei; the electrons that make up the 
rest of the atom; and wispy particles called 
neutrinos that emerge in a particular type of 
nuclear decay. This first family of particles is SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Researchers, Place Your Bets! 

The days before the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) should be 

filled with quiet contemplation and reverence for the adventure to come, says 

physicist Maria Spiropulu. "Now is not the time to speculate," says the experimenter at 

the European particle physics lab, CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland. "We should be silent and 

respectful and wait for the data to come." 

Or not. Many physicists seem to think that now is precisely the time to guess at what CERN's 
great particle smasher might find. And some are even willing to put their money where their 

favorite theoretical models are and 
wager on their expectations. 

Tommaso Dorigo, an experimenter at 
the University of Padua in Italy, doubts 
that the LHC will find evidence of super- 
symmetry, a theoretical scheme that pre- 
dicts a massive "superpartner" for every 
known particle in physicists' current 
"standard model." In the past 10 or 15 
years, extremely precise measurements of 
standard-model particles have indirectly 
undermined the viability of the notion, 
on't believe in the thing," he says. Dorigo has 
r physicists that, after the LHC has accumu- 
data, it will see no sign of supersymmetry, 
o has bet that the LHC will see no clear devi- 
model of any kind, explains Jacques Distler, 
sity of Texas, Austin, who has $750 of the 
) professional gambler, Distler says he took 
the bet because it is so open-ended that he likely can't lose. "History has always been, you explore 
a new energy range and you see something new," he says. 

For some, not having a bet bespeaks the strength of their predictions. Gordon Kane, a theorist at the 
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, says he would gladly wager that the LHC will find supersymmetry, but 
"nobody I know will bet against it." Stuart Raby, a theorist at Ohio State University in Columbus, also says 
he can't find anyone who will take such a bet. To which Distler says, "I wonder how hard they tried." 

The general public can get into the game, too. Online gambling sites and prediction 
exchanges such as,, and are taking bets on when the 
Higgs boson will be discovered, whether theTevatron collider at Fermi National Accelerator 
Laboratory in the United States will see it first, and related questions. -A.C. 

High rollers. Tommaso 
Dorigo (below) wagers 
that the LHC will see 
nothing new. Jacques 
Distler disagrees and 
expects to pocket $750 of 
Dorigo's money. 

Dorigo says. "I realized I d 
bet $1000 with two othe 
tated a certain amount of 
More precisely, Dorig 
ations from the standard 
a theorist at the Univer: 
action. Like a calculating 

flanked by two sets of heavier, unstable rela- 
tives. That means there are also strange and 
charm, top and bottom quarks; the electron 
has beefier cousins called the muon and the 
tau lepton; and there are two more “flavors” of 
neutrinos. Still other particles convey forces: 
Photons carry the electromagnetic force, the 
massive W and Z bosons convey the weak 
nuclear force, and gluons make up the strong 
nuclear force that binds protons and neutrons. 

Tracking such familiar particles will enable 
experimenters to calibrate their immensely 
complex devices, saysTejinder “Jim” Virdee, a 
physicist at Imperial College London and 
spokesperson for the 2900-member team 
working with the 12,500-ton CMS particle 
detector, ATLAS’s rival. (The LHC’s two other 
detectors, ALICE and LHCb, won’t search 
directly for new particles but will do more 
specialized work.) For example, a Z boson can 

decay into a muon and an antimuon, so by 
studying Z’s physicists can measure how well 
they spot those particles. 

Such studies also set the baselines from 
which to search for something new, Virdee 
says. “If you see something [unusual], the first 
question everyone is going to ask is, ‘Do you 
also see the other things you expect?’ ” he says. 
“You have to be able to say ‘yes’ before you can 
claim anything new.”The LHC should produce 
a smidgen of data between October and 
December, when it will shut down for the win- 
ter, and experimenters will use it primarily to 
“rediscover" the standard model. 

The Higgs: Wait a couple of years 

Of course, experimenters will also keep an 
eye out for new things, such as the elusive 
Higgs bosom That oddball particle solves a 
serious problem with the standard model: The 

theory goes mathematically haywire unless 
particles have no mass. The “Higgs mecha- 
nism” sidesteps that problem by generating 
mass through the interactions of the otherwise 
massless particles themselves. It assumes that 
empty space is filled with a field a bit like an 
electric field that drags on particles to give 
them inertia, the essence of mass. Just as an 
electric f eld is made up of photons, the Higgs 
field consists of particles — Higgs bosons — 
that can be ripped out of the vacuum. 

But finding the Higgs may not be easy. It all 
depends on how much the particle weighs, says 
Karl Jakobs, a physicist at the University of 
Freiburg in Germany and physics coordinator 
for ATLAS. The standard model does not pre- 
dict how heavy the Higgs should be. If it weighs 
between about 200 and 500 times as much as a 
proton, then it should stick out fairly clearly. In 
that case, experimenters might collect enough 
data to find it by die end of 2009. Jakobs says, 
although analyzing the data could take months 
longer. But previous searches and indirect 
inferences suggest that the Higgs is lighter — 
definitely more than 121 times as massive as a 
proton but probably less than 1 70 as massive as 
that benchmark. If the Higgs is that light, then it 
could take until 201 2 or later to f nd it. 

The difference is that if the Higgs is heavy 
enough, it should decay in a distinctive 
way — into two hefty Z’s that both decay into 
a muon and an antimuon. But if the Higgs is 
too light for that, then researchers will have 
to look for it decaying into combinations 
such as a pair of photons. So many photons 
will be produced in a typical LHC collision 
that sifting out the Higgs’s signal from the 
clutter will take lots of data. 

Most physicists say that they are sure to 
find the Higgs or something even weirder, 
because without it the standard model again § 
breaks down mathematically at the energies I 
the LHC will reach. Ironically, finding only the | 
Higgs boson would disappoint many, as it ^ 
would leave physicists nothing to puzzle over. S 
“The worst scenario for me is that you start j3 
running and you see no evidence of deviations g 
from the standard model, and after 2 or 3 years o 
you see evidence of a standard-model Higgs § 
and nothing else,” Jakobs says. The Higgs o 
would be the last brick in the standard model . It | 
alone would leave physicists facing a concep- 2 
tual wall and could signal the end of die field. ^ 

Spotting signs and nailing discoveries § 

Most physicists expect to f nd much more at £ 
the eneigies the LHC will explore. New forces a 
might emerge, or quarks themselves could turn £ 
out to consist of other particles. More specula- 5 
tively, space may have additional curled-up § 
dimensions that might be pried open, or the o 


5 SEPTEMBER 2008 VOL 321 SCIENCE www.sciencemag. 0 r 9 


LHC might make tiny black holes, which 
would tie together the realms of quantum 
mechanics and gravitational physics. 

Perhaps the most favored idea is super- 
symmetry, a scheme that posits a heavier, un- 
observed “superpartner” for every particle in 
the standard model. Seemingly profligate in 
its complexity, supersymmetry would help 
solve a number of fundamental, albeit eso- 
teric, problems in the standard model. For 
example, it helps unify the three forces in the 
theory, a prerequisite to formulating a theory 
in which all forces, including gravity, are dif- 
ferent manifestations of a single master force. 
Supersymmetry might also provide the myste- 
rious dark matter whose gravity holds the 
galaxies together, as the least massive super- 
partner would be a heavy particle that would 
interact with ordinary matter essentially only 
through its gravity. 

Supersymmetry might be very easy to see 
at the LHC, some say. “We predict a signature 
that they could see with five events,” says 
Michigan’s Kane. “They could see it in the 
first week of running in October.” Generally, 
collisions producing the undetectable least 
massive supersymmetric particle would look 
lopsided, with a spray of ordinary particles 
shooting out one side of the particle detector 
and the supersymmetric particle zipping out 
the other side without leaving a trace. 

But although spotting those events may 
be easy, proving that they’re evidence of 
supersymmetry and not something else may 
be tough, says CERN’s Paraskevas Sphicas, 
physics coordinator for CMS: “The catch is 
that the signature is so complex that we 
would have to do a lot of analysis to under- 
stand it.” In fact, clinching the case for super- 
symmetry could take several years. 

First, however, physicists must get the 
machine up and running. Researchers have 
already succeeded in injecting protons into 
each of its countercirculating rings. On 10 
September, they’ll try to coax the beams all 
the way around the rings at a very low eneigy. 
They’ll then aim to increase the beam energy 
to 70% of the ultimate goal and the beam 
intensity to 1/1000 the design standard before 
beginning collisions in several weeks’ time. 
Next year, the LHC should smash a billion 
particles each second at full energy. 

The first collisions will mark the beginning 
of the real fun for experimenters. Some say that, 
although they have some pretty good ideas, they 
don’t really know what to expect. “I want sur- 
prises,” says CERN’s Maria Spiropulu, an 
experimenter working on CMS. She may well 
get them, although she and her colleagues may 
have to wait just a bit longer. -ADRIAN CHO 

Bracing for a Maelstrom of Data, 
CERN Puts Its Faith in the Grid 

Researchers have hammered out new networking tools to store the LHC's instrument 
readings and make them available to physicists worldwide 

After the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) pow- 
ers up next week, the physicists and engi- 
neers who built the machine and its detectors 
won’t be the only ones nervously waiting for 
its two beams to collide for the first time. Just 
as anxious will be the researchers charged 
with taking the flood of data that the LHC 

will produce and processing it, storing it, and 
making it available for physicists to study the 
world over. The LHC is expected to produce 
15 petabytes (15 million gigabytes) of data 
every year. Dedicated fiber-optic lines have 
been laid down to whisk the data away from 
CERN to some 250 other physics labs in 50 

countries worldwide, where about 100,000 
PC processors are ready and waiting to 
receive them. 

At the beginning of this decade, CERN’s 
information technology (IT) department 
decided to handle the LHC’s torrent of data 
using a novel computer architecture known 
as a grid. A grid is a way of using the Internet, 
just as the World Wide Web and e-mail are. 
But the technology has not developed as fast 
as particle physicists had expected. CERN 
researchers believe they have ironed the 
wrinkles out of their system, dubbed the 
LHC Computing Grid (LCG), but nagging 
doubts remain. 

“By an order of magnitude, this is the 
biggest grid [yet assembled],” says John 
Gordon, deputy director of GridPP, the 
United Kingdom’s contribution to the LCG. 
“I’m reasonably confident that the grid is 
ready for data.” But Les Robertson, head of 
the LCG project from its inception in 2001 
until the beginning of this year, adds a note of 
caution: “It’s very difficult. There’s no real 
data, and real users are not active. A live test 
will only come when [real] data starts to 
flow.” He adds: “This is what we will use. 
There’s no fallback.” 

Fifteen petabytes is an enormous amount 
of data. To store it all on CDs would require a 
stack of disks 20 kilometers high — more than 
four times the height of Mont Blanc, Europe’s 
tallest mountain. When CERN’s IT experts 
began planning how to handle data from the 
LHC in the late 1 990s, they soon realized that 
it would not be feasible to do it all at CERN. It 
wasn't clear that Geneva’s electricity supply 
could power enough computers to do the job, SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



processing power, storage, 
scientific instruments, 
simulation, and so on. 

It is called a grid in a 
deliberate analogy to 
the electricity grid. 
When you plug a toaster 
into a socket, you don’t 
know how the electricity 
was produced or how it 
traveled to yoa Similarly, 
with a computing grid, a 
researcher can use a stan- 
dard PC interface to request a 
job to be done. Then a program 
known as middleware takes over, 
marshalling resources from multiple 
sites across the Internet. Raw instrument 
readings may be taken from a database in 
Europe and processed by a supercomputer in 
the United States; the manipulated data may 
be stored in China and then put through a visu- 
alization program in Japan before being 
returned to the researcher — who sees only the 
results, not the journey that got them there. 

A major difficulty in setting up a grid 
arises from the “firewalls” that institutions 
erect to protect their computers from un- 
authorized access. It’s a challenge getting the 
differing architectures and security arrange- 
ments of all the institutions in a grid to work 
together and trust one another. Each job trav- 
els around with “certificates” confirming 
that the user who requested the job has the 
authority to use the resources. To make grids 
work, there are “many hurdles, social, politi- 
cal, and technical,” says particle physicist 
David Britton of the University of Glasgow 
in the UK. 

As particle physicists learned more about 
grids, the CERN team decided that the 
approach offered a more flexible way to han- 
dle the LHC’s mountain of data, says Robert- 
son. Although the same basic layout of tier- 1 
and tier-2 centers remains, it is no longer a 
rigid structure like the spokes of a wheel, with 
users tied to their local tier-1 center. The pro- 
duction process of disseminating the LHC 

data is handled by the grid, and 
researchers can get hold of the 
data they want without knowing 
where they are or what passwords 
they need to get access to them. 

Since that decision was made 
in 2001, dedicated high-speed 
fiber-optic lines have been built 
between CERN (tier-0) and the 
tier-1 centers. Beyond that, the 
normal Internet provides the 
infrastructure. Particle physicists 
in each participating country 
have built up the LCG with funding from 
their respective governments for computer 
resources to add to the grid. Within the Euro- 
pean Union, national grid efforts for research 
have been linked to form the Enabling Grids 
for E-Science (EGEE), which forms the 
backbone of the LCG in Europe. That role is 
performed in the United States by the 
National Science Foundations Open Science 
Grid. Other smaller grids, such as GridPP, 
Scandinavia’s NorduGrid, and Italy’s INFN 
Grid, have also been woven into the LCG. 

In February and May this year, 
researchers carried out two major trials of the 
system, sending simulated data from the 
LHC detectors themselves through CERN’s 
tier-0 hub out to tier- Is and tier-2s. Britton 
says the February test was “quite successful, 
. . . better than we hoped,” although they man- 
aged only a couple of days running data from 
all four detectors simultaneously. Much fine- 
tuning was done before the May dry run, and 
as a result they ran the four detectors together 
for the entire month. “We tested the whole 
chain, and most things stood up,” says Gor- 
don. Some bits of software didn’t behave as 
expected, he says. In addition, the tier- 1 cen- 
ter at Amsterdam had trouble keeping its 
computers cool, while the U.K. tier-1 at 
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near 
Oxford suffered a small power failure. "But 
it was successful because we caught up," 
Gordon says. 

Researchers say that almost all the com- 
puting resources needed for full LHC opera- 
tion are now in place, and they are confident 
that the production side of the operation — 
transmitting, processing, and storing LHC 
data as it’s produced — will go as planned. 
The thing that still gives them the odd 
sleepless night is what will happen when the 
LHC starts producing some interesting 
physics. Suddenly, thousands of physicists 
across the globe who have patiently waited 
years for these data will log onto the grid and 
request jobs. Grid experts refer to such use as 
“chaotic” because of its unpredictability. 
“It’s definitely an unknown still ” says 

Trickle down. Beginning as a way for 
hundreds of physics labs to divide the 
work of processing and archiving LHC 
data, the global "grid" evolved into a 
universal tool kit for particle physicists 
to share and study results. 

and in any event, CERN couldn’t afford them: 
All of the LHC budget was being spent on the 
machine itself. “It was easier to get resources 
that were already available at computer cen- 
ters,” says Robertson. 

At f rst, the CERN team set about design- 
ing an architecture in which, as the LHC 
detectors chum out data, the information 
would be archived in its raw state at CERN 
while simultaneously being streamed out to 
10 or so large physics labs elsewhere in the 
world. At these tier-1 centers, some process- 
ing of the data would be done; then it would 
be archived again and some data would be 
farmed out from each tier- 1 center to 1 0 or 20 
tier-2 centers. In this way, the work of pro- 
cessing and archiving data is shared among 
particle physics labs around the world. The 
scheme would have worked, but it lacked 
flexibility, and the researchers soon heard 
about something better. 

In the mid-1990s, Ian Foster and Steven 
Tuecke of Argonne National Laboratory in 
Illinois and Carl Kesselman of the California 
Institute of Technology in Pasadena had 
devised the idea of a grid. Whereas the Web is 
essentially a system for moving data around 
with limited processing for tasks such as 
searching, a grid aims to share everything: 




Is the LHC a Doomsday Machine? 

Even for a car ad, the pitch on the radio was hard to ignore: an "end-of-the- 
world sale," offering a 30% discount and $1000 cash back on new auto- 
mobiles. "Buy yourself something really frivolous," it urged. The reason: 
Miniature black holes created by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) might soon 
touch off an unstoppable chain reaction that would blow up Earth. 

Brad Benson, the New Jersey Hyundai dealer behind the ad, isn't really 
worried about the fate of the planet. "I’m a National Geographic kind of a 
guy," he told Science. "I love reading about this kind of stuff." But as the 
$5.5 billion particle smasher prepares to carry its first beam next week, some 
people seethe machine as a threat. A handful of physicists and others have 
proposed an array of dangerous entities that could be created in the minus- 
cule fireball of a particle collision — including microscopic black holes, 
strange matter that is more stable than normal matter, magnetic monopoles, 
a different quantum-mechanical vacuum, and even thermonuclear fusion 
triggered by a stray beam. Discussion forums on the World Wide Web sizzle 
with rants against arrogant scientists who meddle with nature and put us all 
at risk. And a few groups have sued to stop the LHC. 

In March, Walter Wagner, a nuclear physicist based in Hawaii, and Luis 
Sancho filed for a restraining order and injunction against the LHC in the 
U.S. District Court of Hawaii. This week, Wagner 
is due to appear to fight a motion from the U.S. 

Department of Energy to dismiss the case. 

Meanwhile, late in August a European 
group filed a complaint with the European 
Court of Human Rights (ECHR) for an emer- 
gency injunction to halt the switch-on. On 29 
August, after 3 days of deliberation, the court 
declined to grant the injunction. An ECHR 
spokesperson says the plaintiffs can continue 
to pursue the complaint, but given the number 
of cases on the court's files it may take as long 
as 3 years to decide on its admissibility alone. 

"The only serious solution is not even to start 
the [LHC] project," says Markus Goritschnig, 
spokesperson for the ECHR complaint. "We will 
continue the case," he adds. 

The LHC is not the first particle collider to face campaigns over its safety. 
In 1999, Wagner sued to stop the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at 
Brookhaven National Laboratory in Upton, New York. The case was dis- 
missed in 2000, and RHIC began operating the same year. To forestall sim- 
ilar campaigns against the LHC, which part of the time will collide heavy 
ions at even higher energies, CERN commissioned five independent physi- 
cists and one CERN staffer to assess the dangers of the new machine. Their 
conclusion, published in 2003: "We find no basis for any conceivable risk." 
A second panel, the LHC Safety Assessment Group (LSAG), came to the same 
conclusion in a report published this June. 

The doom mongers do have one thing right: The LHC just might create 
black holes. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, energy 
warps space and time. So by smashing protons together with unprece- 
dented vigor, the LHC might cram enough energy into a small enough vol- 
ume to create pinholes in the universe — miniature black holes. If space 
has three dimensions, even the energies reached by the LHC will be about 
a million billion times too low. However, string theory — which assumes 
that every fundamental particle is in fact an infinitesimal vibrating 
string — predicts that space has more dimensions curled into tiny loops. If 
some of them are curled loosely enough, then the energy threshold may 
tumble to within the LHC's reach, some theorists have argued. 

But such tiny black holes should quickly evaporate into ordinary parti- 
cles. At the least, they must be able to decay back into the particles that 
created them. They should also decay through "Hawking radiation," which 
comes about when, thanks to quantum uncertainty, a particle-antiparticle 
pair pops out of the vacuum and one partner falls in the hole while the 
other shoots outward. 

LHC opponents point out that no one has ever observed Hawking radi- 
ation, and they fear that the black holes will grow and gobble up more and 
more matter. German physicist Rainer Plaga, in a paper cited in the ECHR 
complaint, theorizes that black holes could both grow and radiate 
intensely, doing as much damage through 
radiation as they do by eating everything in 
sight. In another cited paper, Otto Rossler, a 
theoretical chemist at the U niversity of Tubin- 
gen in Germany, begins with an unusual — 
and, physicists say, wrong — interpretation of 
general relativity to argue that minuscule 
black holes should be stable and may form 
tiny radiation-spewing quasars. 

All those scenarios are based on dodgy 
reasoning, says Jonathan Ellis, a theorist at 
CERN. Besides, he says, Earth, the sun, and 
other celestial bodies are constantly bom- 
barded by cosmic particles with energies far 
higher than the LHC will reach. As the LSAG 
noted in its report: "This means that Nature 
has conducted the equivalent of about a 
hundred thousand LHC experimental programmes on the Earth 
already — and the planet still exists." 

Physicists may have unwittingly helped foment panic by talking too 
glibly about black holes, Ellis notes. "Maybe we should be more careful 
with our rhetoric," he says. "For example, we talk about recreating the big 
bang, and people think, 'Oh my God, they're going to recreate the big 
bang!' " Of course, physicists don't aim to literally return the universe to 
its fiery birth, just to mimic those conditions in fleeting particle collisions. 
Alas, that less sexy line isn't going to catch anyone's attention, as any 
good car salesman can tell you. -D.C. AND A.C. 



s' Gordon. Britton agrees. “It will be a chal- 
§ lenge to the grid because there will be a large 
> number ofless expert users” he says. “We’ll 
I have to leam how to help users in this type of 
| environment.” 

| LCG researchers were surprised that it 
£ has been this hard to develop the grid. At the 
| outset, they expected it to evolve as the World 

1 Wide Web did: After CERN invented it, 

2 industry took the ball and now provides the 

Web as a service to researchers and the pub- 
lic alike. Although some companies, includ- 
ing Amazon, are starting to provide gridlike 
services commercially — the buzz phrase is 
“cloud computing” — the LCG researchers 
had to develop much of the new system as 
they went along. “We hoped the grid would 
be a service by now, but it hasn’t happened,” 
says Tony Cass, head of fabric infrastructure 
and operations in CERN’s IT department. 

Britton acknowledges that it was a risk 
going down the grid route, but he says the 
particle physics community looked at the 
technology, assumed it would develop, and 
assumed they could make it work in the time 
available — just as they did with the rest of 
the LHC. “That’s exactly what particle 
physicists have to do: push things beyond 
the current envelope.” 





edited by Jennifer Sills 









Reading Between the Number Lines 

number scale in Western and Amazonian indigene cultures” (30 May, 
p. 1 2 1 7), S. Dehaene et al. investigate how Mundurucu Indians of the 
Amazon map numerosity judgments on a line segment. They conclude 
that the concept of a linear number line is a product of culture and for* 
mal education and that “the mapping of numbers onto space is a uni- 
versal intuition and that this ini- 
tial intuition of number is loga- 
rithmic.” While I fully agree with 
the former statement — which I 
have defended elsewhere (7) — I 
disagree with the latter. 

First, if the intuition of map- 
ping numbers onto space is as 
fundamental as the authors claim, 
we should expect ubiquitous 

Ancient math. By providing insight 
into the math used in ancient cultures, 
artifacts such as this 4000-year-old clay 
tablet can help to distinguish learned 
mathematical concepts from those that 
are intuitive. 

manifestations of number lines — linear or logarithmic — in early arith- 
metic in Mesopotamia. Egypt, China, and Mesoamerica. But no such 
evidence exists. Indeed, 4000-year-old clay tablets show that 
Babylonians developed a sophisticated knowledge of arithmetical 
bases, fractions, and operations apparently without the slightest refer- 
ence to number lines (see photograph) (2). The number line is a com- 
plex idea that appears to have been introduced as late as 1685 by John 
Wallis (J). Second, if humans’ initial intuition of“number” is logarith- 
mic, we wouldn’t have had to wait until the 1 7th century to see the 
invention of logarithms through Napier’s painstaking 
work. These late inventions are inconsistent with the 
authors’ claim that “mathematical” objects may find their 
ultimate origin in basic intuitions internalized through 
millions of years of evolution. The Report seems to be 
less about mathematical concepts and more about the role 
a line segment can play in reporting a person s impres- 
sions of numerosity. RAFAEL E. NUNEZ 

Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, La 
Jolla. CA 92093, USA 


L 6. La toff. ft. Nunez. Where Mathematics Comes From (Basic Books. 
New York. 2000). 

2. K. Menninger. Number Words and Number Symbols (MIT Press, 
Cambridge. MA 1969). 

3. J. Wallis. Treatise on Algebra (1685). chapter LXVI. 


rucu do not master the formal properties of 
number lines and logarithms, but as the term 
“intuition” implies, they spontaneously expe- 
rience a logarithmic mapping of number to 
space as natural and “feeling right.” 

Contrary to Niifiez’s claims, mappings 
of numbers onto space are omnipresent in 
ancient mathematics. Systems of measure- 
ment in which numbers are applied in a sys- 
tematic linear manner to measure lengths (as 
well as a variety of physical continua) date 
back at least to the third or fourth millennia 
BCE in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus 
Valley (7). Babylonians were engaged in the 
measurement of lengths, as illustrated, for 
example, by a clay tablet giving the length of 
the diagonal of the square up to the sixth deci- 

mal (see photograph) (2); the realization that 
the diagonal and the side of the square were 
incommensurate led to a major and fruitful 
crisis in Pythagorician mathematics. We did 
not find a precise date for the introduction of 
formalized number lines, but writings from 
the 17th cenUiry indicate that mathematicians 
had conceptualized number lines by that 
time (J). Wallis’s Treatise on Algebra, cited by 
Nunez, was written years after the introduction 
of coordinate systems in 1637 by Descartes 
and Fermat. Wallis only uses a number line 
metaphor to set the ground for the notion of 
negative numbers, en route to introducing 
complex numbers. 

The logarithmic scale for mapping num- 
bers onto space is highly resistant to change, 
as we observed the production of logarithmic 
scales even among educated Mundurucus, 

who were proficient in Porttiguese. U.S. chil- 
dren of European ancestry show a similar 
behavior, both with the present task ( 4) and in 
a slightly different version in which they were 
instructed to divide a rectangle in a given 
number of parts, which should have favored a 
linear scale (J). This resistance could explain 
the late introduction of formal linear number 
lines in mathematics, despite a solid intuition 
for number-space mapping. In the absence of 
a formalized concept of logarithms, a logarith- 
mically compressed scale presents limited 
computational utility, in contrast to a linear 
scale, which embodies properties of addition 
and subtraction and can be used as a ruler. 
Initially, only linearly scaled number lines 
were pursued by mathematicians, yet intro- 
ducing these linear scales required overcom- 
ing the robust logarithmically shaped intuition SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



that numbers should be mapped onto space 
based on their ratio similarity. Today, the uni- 
versal use of logarithmic axes, even in news- 
paper graphs, and the extraordinary spread of 
slide rules before the advent of calculators 
testify to the status of the logarithm as both an 
abstract mathematical concept and an intu- 
itive mental tool. veronique IZARD, 1 *** 4 
‘INSERM, Cognitive Neuro-imaging Unit, IFR 49, Gif -stir 
Yvette, France. 2 CEA, NeuroSpin center, IFR 49, Gif-sur 
Yvette, France. ‘Universite Paris-Sud, IFR 49, F-91191 Gif 
sur-YVette. France. ‘Department of Psychology, Harvard 
University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 'College de 
France, Paris, France. ‘Unit6 Mixte de Recherche 7023, 
Formal Structure of Language, CNRS and Paris VIII 
University, Paris, France. 

References and Notes 

1. H. A. Klein, The World of Measurements Masterpieces. 
Mysteries and Muddles of Metrology (Simon & Schuster. 
New York, 1974). 

2. Images of a clay tablet from the Yale Babylonian collec- 
tion ( 

3. R. Descartes, la Geometric, D. t Smith and M. L 
lantham. TransL. Eds. (Dover. New York. 1954). 

4. R. S. Siegler. J. E. Opier. Psych. See 14. 237 (2003). 

5. P. Grko. A Mori, Structures Numeriques Etementaires: 
Etudes d'Epistemotogie Genetique (Presses Universitaires 
de France. Paris. 1962). vol 13. 

The Risks of Pigging Out 
on Antibiotics 

by G. Taubes (Special Section on Drug Resis- 
tance, 18 July, p. 356) highlights the growing 
health threat from antibiotic-resistant bacteria, 
especially methicillin-resistant Staphylococ 
cus aureus (MRSA), and the need to rein in 
medical uses of antibiotics to curb resistance. 

But reining in health care uses alone is 
insufficient to address the resistance epi- 
demic. As recommended by the Institute of 
Medicine (7), World Health Organization (2), 
American Academy of Pediatrics (3), and 
other health organizations, routine and wide- 
spread use of medically important antibiotics 
in animal agriculture also must be ended to 
effectively address resistance. Recent evi- 
dence showing that some human MRSA 
infections are associated with animal agricul- 
ture underscores this point. 

In Europe, MRSA has been shown to be 
transmitted from pigs to farmers and their 
families, veterinarians, and hospital staff 
(4, 5). One MRSA strain, once found only in 
pigs, is associated with serious human illness, 
including skin, wound, lung, and heart infec- 
tions (6, 7). This new pig strain is linked to 
more than 20% of human MRSA infections 
in die Netherlands (#). 

Researchers have only begun to examine 

MRSA from North American livestock. Both 
Canadian pig farmers and swine are com- 
monly colonized by MRSA (9). A recent 
study found that 70% of the tested pigs in 
Iowa and Illinois carried MRSA (JO). 

Extensive use of antibiotics in livestock 
operations can select for resistant bacteria 
such as MRSA, just as in health care settings. 
By one estimate, more than 70% of all anti- 
biotics and related drugs used in the United 
States are used as feed additives for livestock 
(JJ). Dutch pig farms that routinely use 
antibiotics are more likely to have MRSA than 
farms with limited antibiotic use (12). 

According to the World Health Organi- 
zation, “Our grandparents lived during an age 
without antibiotics. So could many of our 
grandchildren” (13). Overuse of antibiotics in 
agriculture as well as in human medicine 
could result in this frightening outcome. 

‘Environmental Defense Fund, New York, NY 10010, USA. 
‘Food Animals Concerns Trust, Chicago, IL 60614, USA. 
‘Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, MN 
55404, USA. ‘Union of Concerned Scientists, Washington, 
DC 20006, USA 

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 


1. M. S. Smolinsld. M. A. Hamburg. J. lederfcecg. Eds.. 
Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection, and 
Response (National Academy of Sciences, Washington. 

DC. 2003). 

2. World Health Organization. WHO Qobat Principles for 
the Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals 
Intended for Food (WHO Publication WHO/CDS/ 
CSR/APH/2 000.4. 2000); bttp:/ 
200Q/who_cds_csr_aph_2000. 4.pdf. 

3. K. M. Shea. Pediatrics 114, 862 (2004). 

4. X. W. Huijsdens etal., Ann. Clin. Microbiol. Antimicrob. 

5. 26 (2006). 

5. A Voss. F. Loeffen. ). Bakker. L. Klaasen. M. Wulf. 
Emerging Infect. Dis. 11, 1965(2005). 

6. M. 8. Ekkelenkamp. M. Sekkat N. Carpaij. A Troelstra, 

M. J. Borneo. Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd. 150. 2442 (2006). 

7. W. Witte, B. Strommenger. C. Stanek. C. Cuny. Emerging 
Infect. Dis. 13. 255 (2007). 

8. I. van loo etal.. Emerging Infect Dis. 13. 1834 (2007). 

9. T. Khanna. R. Friendship. C. Dewey, J. S. Weese. Vet 
Microbiol. 128. 298 (2007). 

10. T. C. Smith et at., paper presented at the 2008 
International Conference on Emerging Infectious 
Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 

Letters to the Editor 

Letters (-300 words) discuss material published 
in Science in the previous 3 months or issues ol 
general interest. They can be submitted through 
the Web ( or by regular 
mail (1200 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 
20005, USA), letters are not acknowledged upon 
receipt, nor are authors generally consulted before 
publication. Whether published in full or in part, 
letters are subject to editing for clarity and space. 

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Atlanta. 
GA. 16 to 19 March 2008. 

11 M. Mellon. C. Benbrook. K. L Benbrook. Hogging Itl 
Estimates of Antimicrobial Abuse in livestock (UCS 
Publishing, Cambridge, MA. 2001). 

12. E. van Duijkeren etal.. Wl. Microbiol. 126, 383 (2007). 

13. World Health Organization. World Health Organization 
Report on Infectious Diseases 2000: Overcoming 
Antimicrobial Resistance (WHO Publication, 2000); 

Battle of the Bugs 

back” (Special Section on Drug Resistance, 
1 8 July, p. 356), G. Taubes describes the ongo- 
ing war between bacteria and antibiotics, 
which the bacteria appear to be winning. 
Against this backdrop, scientists are strug- 
gling to uncover viable therapeutic alterna- 
tives to these erstwhile wonder drugs. 

One such alternative, probiotic therapy, 
has become the focus of considerable research 
effort in recent times (7). Indeed, several clin- 
ical trials have attributed impressive health- 
promoting effects to probiotics — so-called 
“good bugs” — including effective antagonis- 
tic activities against a variety of microbial 
pathogens by competitive exclusion and bac- 
teriocin production (2). 

Furthermore, a new generation of probi- 
otics termed “designer probiotics” has been 
engineered to express proteins that mimic cell 
surface receptors, which adsorb toxins and 
specifically target enteric infections by block- 
ing ligand-receptor interactions between 
pathogen and host cells (3). Blocking bacterial 
adherence reduces infection, while toxin neu- 
tralization ameliorates symptoms until the 
pathogen is eventually overcome by the 
immune system. 

Indeed, McFarland (4), in her seminal 
review on the control of antibiotic-resistant 
Clostridium difficile, proposed that effective 
treatment must “reduce the burden of C. diffi- 
cile and its toxins in the intestine, restore the 
normal colonic microflora and assist the host’s 
immune system.” Designer probiotics, satisfy- 
ing all of these criteria, provide an ideal alter- 
native for the treatment of not only C. difficile 
but also other multidrug-resistant pathogens. 

Perhaps the only hope of winning the 
war against “bad bugs” will be achieved by 
recruiting “good bugs” as our allies. 

Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork, 
College Road, Cork, Ireland. 

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 


1 IL D. Sleator, C. Hill lett AppL Microbiol. 46. 143 (2008). 

2. $. C. Core etal.. Proc. Noll Acad. So. USA. 104, 7617 





3. A. W. Paton. R. Morona. J. C. Paton. Not. Rev. Microbiol. 

4. 193(2006). 

4. L V. McFariand. J. Med. Microbiol. 54. 101 (200S). 

DOE Should Keep 
Education in Mind 

“Two U.S. labs vie for long-delayed exotic 
nuclei source” (18 July, p. 328) misses a few 
important points about the competition 
between Michigan State University (MSU) 
and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to 
build the Department of Energy-funded 
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). I 
know both institutions, having received a 
PhD. in nuclear physics from MSU in 1967 
and having worked as a contractor during the 

1970s at ANL, where I taught courses on the 
assay of nuclear materials to members of the 
International Atomic Energy Commission. 

Cho frames this issue as a David-versus- 
Goliath contest, comparing the size of 
MSU’s existing nuclear science facility, 
the National Superconducting Cyclotron 
Laboratory (NSCL), with ANL in its en- 
tirety. A more apt, apples-to-apples compar- 
ison would have considered the relative 
scale of MSU ($1.7 billion annual budget, 
1 1 ,700 employees) and ANL ($530 million 
annual budget. 2,800 employees) (1). 
Clearly, both institutions are capable of 
managing large, complex operations. And 
of the two, only MSU, the nation’s eighth 
largest university, is host to a lab designated 
as one of the nation’s flagship nuclear 


News of the Week: 'Full-genome sequencing paved the way from spores to a suspect" by M. Enserink (15 August, p. 898) 
the affiliation of microbial genomicist Claire Fraser -Liggett should have been the University of Maryland School of Medicine 
in Baltimore. 

Table of Contents: (25 July, p. 457). In the description of the Report 'Did cooling oceans trigger Ordovician biodiversifi 
cation? Evidence from conodont thermometry" by J. A. trotter el al., the time of the cooling trend through the Early 
Ordovician was incorrect. The sentence should read: 'About 470 million years ago, ocean temperatures dropped to values 
near those of today after being much higher for many millions of years, coeval with a sharp jump in biodiversity." 
Reports: 'Did cooling oceans trigger Ordovician biodiversification? Evidence from conodont thermometry" by J. A. Trotter 
et at. (25 July, p. 550). In the References and Notes, reference 27, which is a duplicate of reference 4, should have been 
deleted. References and notes 28 to 39 should have been renumbered 27 to 38. The citations to these references are cor- 
rect. In the Fig. 3 legend, the citation to Chen et al. should be 29 (not 31). 

Perspectives: 'Tracking corrosion cracking" by A. Stierie (18 July, p. 349). The last sentence on p. 349 incorrectly stated 
that ‘King et al. have found that the grain boundaries in stainless steel ... are more sensitive to carbon segregation and 
the formation of chromium carbides, which makes them more sensitive to corrosion." Instead, the sentence should state 
that ‘King et al. have found that the grain boundaries in stainless steel ... are more sensitive to corrosion, which might be 
related to enhanced carbon segregation at these grain boundaries and the formation of chromium carbides." 

Reviews: 'Rise of the Andes" by C. N.Garzionee(o/.<6 June, p. 1304). A minus sign was missing from an equation in the 
second paragraph of the third column on p. 1305. The correct equation should read “h - -472.5S le O (tln(jU - 2645." 
Reports: ‘Hidden neotropical diversity: Greater than the sum of its parts" by M. A. Condon et al. (16 May, p. 928). The first 
sentence of the main text included a misplaced reference citation. The sentence should read: "The diversity of neotropical 
herbivorous insects, ranging in number from 3 million to 30 million species (1), has been hypothesized to be a function of 
plant diversity (2), but the degree to which specialization shapes that function is contentious (3).' 


Comment on “Fire-Derived Charcoal Causes Loss of Forest Humus" 

Johannes Lehmann and Saran Sohi 

Wardle et al. (Brevia, 2 May 2008, p. 629) reported that fire-derived charcoal can promote lossof forest humusand 
belowground carbon (0. However, C loss from charcoal-humus mixtures can be explained not only by accelerated 
lossof humus but also by lossof charcoal. It is also unclear whether such loss is related to mineralization to carbon 
dioxide or to physical export. 

Full text at 

Response to Comment on "Fire-Derived Charcoal Causes Loss of Forest Humus" 

David A. Wardle, Marie-Charlotte Nilsson, Olle Zackrisson 

We find the suggestion that substantial charcoal loss occurred in the humus-charcoal mixtures implausible and dis- 
cuss why compiexing of soluble carbon released from the mixtures by underlying mineral soil should be minor. This 
exchange highlights our limited knowledge about charcoal effects on native soil carbon, indicating that strong 
advocacy for charcoal addition to offset CO ; emissions remains premature. 

Full text at 

physics facilities by the Nuclear Science 
Advisory Committee (2). 

However, size is not the critical issue in 
this competition. Although the national labs 
provide many training opportunities, educa- 
tion is of primary importance only in a uni- 
versity setting. MSU has the second-best U.S. 
nuclear physics graduate program (behind 
MIT) and trains 10% of the nation’s nuclear 
physics Ph.D.’s (3). The MSU lab is currently 
training about 100 graduate and undergradu- 
ate students. 

Cho points out that the MSU lab might 
close if FREB lands elsewhere. So, as the 
competition proceeds, decision-makers must 
consider whether expanding our national lab 
complex at the expense of jeopardizing a 
successful university -based educational and 
scientific center is in the national interest. 


Former President and Chief Operating Officer, Science 
Applications international Corporation (SAlC), 274 Pearl 
Lane, Silverthome, CO 8C498, USA. 


1. 2007 Michigan State University Data Digest p. 3 

2. The Frontiers of Nudear Science: A Long Range Plan. 
DOE/NSF Nudear Science Advisory Committee. 2007, 
p. 3 ( 

3. U.S. News 8 Woild Report 'America's Best Graduate 
Schools.' 2009 edition <http://grad-schools.usnews. 

Call for an Objective 
DOE Decision 

story “Two U.S. labs vie for long-delayed 
exotic nuclei source” (18 July, p. 328), I can’t 
help but wonder How can anyone be sure that 
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will 
make this decision objectively? Our National 
Laboratories have outlived the reasons for 
which they were established, and, as would 
any large and aging organization, they are 
vying to f nd a new raison d’etre. 

Our universities are hurting for American 
students, particularly in technical fields. 
Universities, not national labs, have been 
a fountain of fresh, competent, and cost- 
effective personnel that will provide leader- 
ship and allow us to regain our technological 
edge in the coming decades. Support for 
universities is sorely needed at this time, and 
DOE must bear this in mind when they make 
their decision, particularly when the facts 
point them in a direction that is against their 
own interests. 


President and CEO, L'Garde, Inc., 15181 Woodlawn Avenue, 
Tustin.CA 92780, USA. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



The Tobacco Strategy Entrenched 

Carl F. Cranor 

E ver wonder why it has been so slow and 
difficult to reduce the health risks from 
tobacco, secondhand smoke, lead, 
beryllium, or chromium? David Michaels's 
excellent Doubt Is Their Product provides part 
of the explanation, showing 
numerous ways in which “the 
product defense industry” uses 
scientific (and pseudoscien- 
tific) arguments to undermine 
public health protections, cor- 
rupt the scientific record, and 
mislead the public. 

The book’s title announces 
its central theme. A tobacco 
industry strategy memo argues, 

“Doubt is our product since it is 
the best means of competing 
with the ‘body of fact' that exists in the minds 
of the general public. It is also the means of 
establishing a controversy.” (7) The aim: to sow 
doubt in the minds of the public, judges, and 
even regulatory scientists (if they are suscepti- 
ble) about the scientific basis for greater public 
health or environmental protections (think 
global warming) or tort law actions. Because of 
the tobacco industry's success in obftiscating. 
slowing, reducing, and blocking regulatory 
actions, its approach lias been adopted by oth- 
ers, has become institutionalized in presidential 
administrations, and has been used as talking 
points by some politicians. Fostering doubt and 
controversy and demanding high degrees of 
certainty postpone legal actions, keep products 
in commerce longer, and perhaps delay im- 
proved protections indefinitely. They can also 
leave the public or work force at risk. 

As Michaels (an epidemiologist at George 
Washington University) explains, this clever 
strategy permits people to oppose public 
health rules without arguing the policy point 
and without being labeled anti-public health. 
It also uses a common science term that might 
resonate with some in the scientific commu- 
nity. Scientif c articles usually note uncertain- 
ties about the research subject and the need for 
further studies. 

Industries and their supporters have also 
demanded “proof” (more at home in mathe- 

The reviewer, the author of Toxic Torts: Science, Law, and 
the Possibility of Justice, is at the Department of 
Philosophy, University of California Riverside, 9C0 
University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521, USA. E-mail- 

matics than science) before agencies can 
increase public health protections or plaintiffs 
can successfully receive tort law compensa- 
tion for injuries suffered. However, even 
though scientists may not understand all 
aspects of a problem, public 
health agencies need to act on 
the weight of the best science 
available at the time. 

The doubt strategy is most 
at home in postmarket legal 
contexts. Public health agen- 
cies face the burden of estab- 
lishing scientific and legal 
cases that will withstand ap- 
pellate court scrutiny before 
they can successfully provide 
increased health and environ- 
mental protections or withdraw drugs or pesti- 
cides from the market. Companies that em- 
phasize scientific uncertainties appear to be 
scientific angels; they only seek to preserve 
the integrity and certainty of the relevant 
fi elds against hasty regulatory action based on 
incomplete science. 

Tort plaintiffs face similar burdens. They 
must show that the defendant's products or 
actions more likely than not can and did cause 
injuries from which the plaintiff suffers. 
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Daubert decision 

requires judges to review the scientific basis 
of expert testimony; they may bar litigants 
from trial if the science is insufficient (2). 
Fostering doubt may sway judges, who are 
typically less informed about science than are 
regulatory scientists. The product defense 
industry has also helped to persuade some 
judges that they should review and exclude 
scientific studies individually without review- 
ing the total body of relevant evidence on 
which scientists rely, a most unscientific way 
to review the basis of expert testimony. 

The book presents examples of product 
defense experts who have accepted binding to 
reach predetermined conclusions, misrepre- 
sented scientific claims, hidden their affilia- 
tions, written articles while using others’ 
names, or had scientific papers ghost-written 
by lawyers. 

What should be done? Among the author’s 
recommendations is to require the testing of 
chemicals before workers and the public are 
exposed. If all products were subject to pre- 
market testing for safety and impartial agency 
review before commercialization, this re- 
moves some incentives to raise doubt about 
the science. Drug and pesticide manufacturers 
rarely point out that their science is too uncer- 
tain to permit their products into the market. 
Michaels might have said more about addi- 
tional legal changes that would reduce the 
influence of the doubt and uncertainty argu- 
ments, e.g., shifting legal burdens to the man- 
ufacturer once its product’s safety was called 
into questioa 

Michaels also recommends a number of 
disclosures: of any and all research sponsors, 

Doubt Is Their Product 

How Industry's Assault 
on Science Threatens 
Your Health 
by David Michaels 
Oxford University Press, 
Oxford, 2008. 384 pp. 
S27.95, £14.99. 

ISBN 9780195300673. 




of what manufacturers know about the toxic- 
ity of their product (with penalties for cover- 
ing up or lying), and of hazards in the public's 
midst (like community right-to-know laws). 
These recommendations are not panaceas but 
make good f urst steps. 

In addition. Doubt Is Their Product re- 
minds one of deeper risks that threaten sci- 
entific fields and democratic deliberation. 
When science affects commercial interests, 
there are substantial temptations for re- 

searchers or their employers to substitute the 
ethics of the marketplace for the ethics of 
careful, objective evaluation of the data to 
understand the world, environmental threats, 
and health risks. Such substitution can result 
in the corruption of the scientific literature 
and the breaking of incremental links in 
chains of evidence on which researchers and 
the public depend, and it also tends to under- 
mine properly informed political and judicial 
decisions. The scientific community and the 

public need to be on guard against such 
abuses; Michaels’s history of these events 
sounds an alert that must not be ignored. 


L Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company. Smoking and 
Health Proposal (Brown and Williamson document no. 
<80561778-1786. 1969); 
h ttp://leg acy. library, d/nvs40f00. 

2. Daubed v. Merrell Doer Pharm.. Inc . , 509 U.S. 579 

10. 1126/sciertce. 1162339 


Chasing the Biggest Shadow of All 

Choosing which extreme sport to pursue in one's life is difficult. Most 
people are content with the likes of bungee jumping, ice climbing, or 
street luge, but not scientists. In addition to thrills, they want their sport 
to produce useful data. I tried out an extreme 
I* scientific sport last month: eclipse chasing. The 

U PI 1 1 PI G objective is to take very sensitive equipment to wr y remote locations ' ver Y punctually. 

0 For more on this The roots of the s P ort 9° back t0 ancient 
episode, go to China, where astronomers experienced, in the words of the late television anchorman Jim 
McKay, both "the thrill of victory" (prestige 
in the emperor's court) and "the agony 
of defeat" (beheading for miscalculation). 

Eclipse chasing has come a tong way since 
then (more data, less beheading) — and 
made headlines around the world in 1919. 

On 29 May that year, after struggling with 
biting insects and tropical storms on a 
volcanic island, a British team recorded 
starlight bent around the eclipsed Sun by 
gravity, an observation that was widely 
trumpeted as confirming Albert Einstein's 
theory of relativity. 

For my first taste of eclipse chasing, I 
joined a team of scientists (1) hoping for a 
rendezvous with an eclipse 1 August in the 
wild west of Mongolia. To get to the site, we 
made a night trek over the Altai Mountains, 
which nearly killed us when our driver nod- 
ded off at the wheel. On the day itself, we worked in the intense heat and 
dust of the Gobi desert, which actually did kill a telescope motor and cam- 
era. But just as the eclipse was getting started, I drove a few kilometers 
away with astrophysicist Ray Jayawardhana, to take part in a shamanistic 
ritual that involved a hundreds-strong chorus of screaming, shouting, 
and clapping at the sky. We found ourselves surrounded by terrified 
Mongolian locals convinced that a monstrous god called Rah was eating 
< the Sun. But that is another story. 

$ While Rah captured the Sun, our team captured gigabytes of data. Like 
| astro-paparazzi, we harvested hundreds of digital images through a pair of 
| telescopes — a refractor and a reflector fixed to a motor-driven astrograph 

| built by team member Kosmas Gazeas — during the 2 hours of partial and 
2 minutes of total eclipse. And we weren't the only ones ogling the dark- 

ened sky. A team led by Jay Pasachoff, an astrophysicist at Williams 
College, Massachusetts, was observing to the north in Siberia (2). And to 
the south. Science's Beijing correspondent. Richard Stone, was watching 
in western China with researchers from the National Astronomical 
Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and other institutions (3). 

But how useful are all those data? With orbiting telescopes like Hinode 
trained on the Sun — and capable of creating their own eclipse anytime by 
simply occluding the Sun's photosphere with a metal disk, can ground- 
based observation add anything? "I get that question all the time," com- 
ments Pasachoff. In fact, he says, data produced by earthly eclipse chasers 
are more valuable than ever. The space telescopes, put in place at enor- 
mous cost, provide only part of the picture. By design, "the spacecraft 
can't observe a huge region around the Sun, the whole inner and middle 
corona." Studying the dynamics of these 
superhot solar gases should lead to better 
modeling of solar wind and answer a nagging 
riddle: Why is the corona hundreds of times 
hotter than the Sun's surface? Not only are the 
eclipse chasers equipped with "more modern 
and efficient" charge-coupled device cam- 
eras, explains Pasachoff, but "the resolution on 
the corona that we get by processing eclipse 
images is finer than that obtainable by any 
spacecraft." To understand the Sun, astron- 
omers still need the Moon to cover it. 

Pasachoff, who has seen 47 solar eclipses, 
wants to rename the sport. Rather than a 
chaser, "I am an eclipse preceder," he says. 
After all, successfully predicting and getting to 
the site of an eclipse is the name of the game. 
For next year's eclipse, a blockbuster event in 
the International Year of Astronomy (4), record numbers of people are 
expected to chase — or rather, precede — the 22 July solar eclipse in Asia. 
So prepare your telescopes and book your tickets now. 

References and Notes 

1. The team comprised four astrophysicists— Ray Jayawardhana (University of Toronto), 
Kosmas Gazeas (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Kazuhiro Sekigochi 
(National Astronomical Observatory, Japan), and Katrien Kolenberg (University of 
Vienna) — and remote sensing researcher Tuvjargal Norovsambuu (National University 
of Mongolia). 


3. R. Stone. Science 321 . 759 (2008). 



10.1126/science. 1164877 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Life Cycle of Translational Research 
for Medical Interventions 

Despina G. Contopoulos-loannidis . 1 George A. Alexiou , 2 Theodore C. Gouvias . 2 John P. A. loannidis 23 *' 

D espite a major interest in translational 
research {1-3), development of new, 
effective medical interventions is dif- 
ficult. Of 101 very promising claims of new 
discoveries with clear clinical potential that 
were made in major basic science journals 
between 1979 and 1983, only five resulted in 
interventions with licensed clinical use by 2003 
and only one had extensive clinical use {4). 
Drug discovery faces major challenges (5-5). 
Moreover, for several intervention; supported 
by high-profile clinical studies, subsequent evi- 
dence from larger and/or better studies contra- 
dicts their effectiveness or shows smaller bene- 
f ts (9). The problem seems to be even greater 
for nonrandomized studies (9). Here, we pre- 
sent the results of an empirical evaluation of the 
life-cycle phases of translational research for 
selected medical interventions. 

We examined key milestones in the life 
cycle of translational research for all the inter- 
ventions claimed to be effective in at least one 
study that received over 1000 citations in the lit- 
erature in 1990-2004, on the basis of the Web 
of Science. These are the most-cited papers in 
the literature of medical interventions {10). 
Because they have received the greatest atten- 
tion, they provide easily identifiable scientific 
milestones. Citation counts are a widely 
accepted coinage of recognition. Of course, 
several blockbusters may go through an indus- 
trial discovery-testing-production process that 
does not involve any particular highly cited 
paper in the peer-reviewed literature. In these 
cases, it is not as clear-cut to isolate one or a few 
studies that are indisputable milestones in the 
translational process. 

Of 49 articles with >1000 citations, we 
excluded articles where the intervention was 

"Department of Pediatrics, University of loannina School of 
Medicine, loannina, 45110, Greece, and Department of 
Pediatrics, George Washington University School of 
Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington. DC 20037, USA. 

2 Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Medicine Unit, 
Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, University of 
loannina School of Medicine, loannina, 45110, Greece. 
"Department of Medicine, Tufts Medical Center, and Institute 
for Clinical Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts 
University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 02111, USA. 
‘Biomedical Research Institute, Foundation for Research 
and Technology-Hellas, loannina 45110, Greece. 

•Author for correspondence (at the address in footnote 2). 

ineffective, as well as those assessing manage- 
ment strategies rather than specific interven- 
tions, and we selected only the earliest article 
whenever two or more highly cited studies with 
>1000 citations had been published on the 
same intervention and indication. Thirty-two 
interventions for specific indications were thus 
evaluated, and we could place the milestone of 
when their first highly cited clinical study was 
published showing effectiveness (tables SI and 
S2). We considered this an important time point 
in the translational process and estimated how 
long a time (“translation lag”) it had taken from 
the initial discovery of each intervention to 
reach that point. Highly cited status does not 
necessarily mean that these interventions con- 
tinue to be considered as effective as proposed 
in the original highly cited papers. By the end of 
2006, the effectiveness of 19 interventions had 
been replicated by other subsequent studies {n 
= 14) or had remained unchallenged {n = 5), 
whereas the other 13 had been either contra- 
dicted (w = 5) or found to have had initially 
stronger effects (n = 8) when larger or better 
controlled subsequent studies were performed 
(table SI). 

Translation Lag 

To place each discovery in time, we identified 
the year when the earliest journal publication 
on preparation, isolation, or synthesis appeared 
or the earliest patent was awarded (whichever 
occurred fust). Overall, the median translation 
lag was 24 years (interquartile range, 14 to 44 
years) between first description and earliest 
highly cited article (see the chart, page 1 299). 
This was longer on average (median 44 versus 
17 years) for those interventions that were fully 
or partially “refuted” (contradicted or having 
initially stronger effects) than for nonrefuted 
ones (replicated or remaining unchallenged) 
{P = 0.004). 

In a secondary analysis, we def ned the time 
of discovery as the first description (publica- 
tion or awarded patent) of any agent in the 
wider intervention class (those with similar 
characteristics and mode of action). Early 
translational work may be performed with dif- 
ferent agents in the same class compared with 
those that eventually get translated into postu- 
lated high-profile clinical benefits. Analyses 
using information on the wider class of agents 

From the initial discovery of a medical 
intervention to a highly cited article is a 
long road, and even this is not the end of 
the journey. 

showed even longer translation lag, with med- 
ian of 27 (interquartile range, 21 to 50) years 
and similar prolongations of the translation lag 
for refuted interventions. 

Among the 1 8 nonrefuted interventions 
that had a highly cited randomized trial to sup- 
port them, the median translation lag was 16.5 
years (range 4 to 50 years) in the main analysis 
[22 years (range 6 to 50 years) considering the 
wider class]. The fastest successful translation 
occurred for indinavir (as part of triple anti- 
retroviral therapy) and abciximab, both of 
which took only 4 years from their patenting to 
the publication of a highly cited randomized 
trial. Both of these fast successes involved 
multidisciplinary work spanning molecular to 
clinical research on protease inhibitors and 
integrins, respectively. 

We also tried to identify the first published 
article that described the use of each interven- 
tion in humans and the first published article 
that described the use of each intervention in 
humans for the specific intervention described 
eventually in the highly cited study {11). There 
was a very large variability in the timing of the 
f rst human study and of the first human study 
for the specific indication (see the chart, page 
1 299). The range for the time from f rst discov- 
ery to f rst human use was 0 to 28 years. The 
range for the time from first discovery to first 
specific human use was 0 to 221 years. 

We observed that most highly cited claims 
that were eventually refuted had a very slow 
translation history preceding them [e.g., 
flavonoids, vitamin E, and estrogens were 
already available for many decades before 
observational (nonrandomized) studies 
claimed implausibly large survival benefi Ts in 
the 1990s]. We conclude that claims for large 
benefits from old interventions require extra 
caution as they are likely to be exaggerated. 
Given the considerable refutation rate of even 
the most highly cited interventions, extensive 
replication and confirmation of proposed 
treatment benefits are indicated. New drug 
discovery is probably essential for common 
diseases where the existing drug armamen- 
tarium has been already extensively screened. 
Conversely, for uncommon and neglected 
diseases, the existing drug options may 
remain largely untested, and old drugs may 
find interesting new uses {12-14). 




ID Intervention (earliest 
intervention in same class) 

Refuted, non randomized 
17 Inhaled nitric oxide 
29 Flavonoids 

6 Postmenopausal HRT 

14 Vitamin E 
Refuted, randomized 
22 Aspirin 

15 Vitamin E 

7 Endarterectomy-carotid 
9 Angioplasty-coronary 

1 Zidovudine 

8 Stent-coronary 

10 rt-PA (Streptokinase) 

26 Ramipril (CaptopriO 

11 HA- 1A (Abs to endotoxin) 

Nonrefuted, nonrandomized 

16 Oral retinoic add 

Nonrefuted, randomized 

28 Folate 

25 Spironolactone 

2 Zidovudine 

12 Tamoxifen 

4 Levamisole with fluorouradl 

24 Ribavirin with interferon 

12 Captopril 

13 Captopril 

5 Enalapril (Captopril) 

31 Bisoprotol (Metoprolol) 

21 Carvedilol (Metoprolol) 

27 lovastatin (Mevastatin) 

19 Pravastatin (Mevastatin) 

20 Pravastatin (Mevastatin) 

30 Simvastatin (Mevastatin) 

23 Clopidogret (Tidopidine) 

18 Abciximab (murine GPIIb/llla Mo Ab) 

3 Indinavir in triple therapy (Saquinavir) 


First description of intervention class 

First description of intervention 
2 First article about human use 
First article on specific human use 
" Highly cited article 
™ Partially or fully refuted 

Milestones for the 32 interventions. First description ol agent in wider class, tan box (when the agent used in the highly cited article is not the same as the first described 
in its class); first description, cyan box; first human-use article, green box; first specific-human use article, yellow box; earliest highly cited publication, red box; realiza- 
tion of full or partial refutation (for contradicted or initially stronger effects), black box. Whenever two or more milestones coincide in the same year, the respective col- 
ors are superimposed on that box. Folate, flavonoids, and vitamin E were already in human use at the time of first description. Extending beyond the illustrated time range 
were the first description for nitric oxide in 1772 and its first human use in 1800; and the first description of flavonoids in 1898, aspirin in 1853, and of the wider class 
of antiendotoxins in 1896. Details for these interventions can be found in tables SI to S5, listed by the ID number. Ab, antibody; GP, glycoprotein; HA-1A, human IgM 
monoclonal antibody against endotoxin A; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; mo Ab, monoclonal antibody; rt-PA, recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. 

Recommendations for the Future 

Our analysis documents objectively show the 
long length of time that passes between dis- 
covery and translation. As scientists, we 
should convey to our funders and the public 
the immense difficulty of the scientific dis- 
covery process. Successful translation is 
demanding and takes a lot of effort and time 
even under the best circumstances; making 
unrealistic promises for quick discoveries and 
cures may damage the credibility of science 
in the eyes of the public. The following are 
some recommendations for improving the 
system, based on our analyses: 

• Discovery of new substances and inter- 
ventions remains essential, but proper credit 
and incentives should be given to accelerate 
the testing of these applications in high-qual- 
ity, unbiased clinical research and the replica- 

tion of claims for effectiveness. 

• Multidisciplinary collaboration with 
focused targets and involving both basic and 
clinical sciences should be encouraged. 

• Proof of effectiveness for new inter- 
ventions requires large, robust randomized 
clinical trials. 

• Translational efforts for common dis- 
eases should focus more on novel agents and 
new cutting-edge technologies; for these ail- 
ments, it is unlikely that genuine major bene- 
fits from interventions already known for a 
long time have gone unnoticed. 

References and Notes 

1. E. A. Zerhouni. JAMA 294, 1352 (2005). 

2. F. M. Manncola./. TransL Med. 1, 1 (2003). 

3. J. P. loannidis../. Traml. Med. 2, 5(2004). 

4. D. G. Contopoulos-ioannidis. E. Ntzani. J. P. loannidis. 
Am.). Med. 114, 477(2003). 

5. P. CuatrecasasJ. Clin. Invest 116 , 2837 (2006). 

6. G. Duyk. Science 302, 603 (2003). 

7. 8. Booth. R. Zemmtl. A lot. Rev. Drug Disco v 3, 451 (2004). 

8. D. G. Hackarn. D. A RedelmeierJ/UW 296, 1731 (2006). 

9. J.P. loannidis. JAMA 294 , 218(2005). 

10. Methods and details for the collection and analysis of data 
are available as supporting material on Science Online 
along with its supplementary tables SI to SS. These inter- 
ventions included 18 drugs, two monoclonal antibodies, 
one hormonal therapy, four vitamins or food products, 
and three surgical or device interventions. Three drugs 
and one vitamin appear two times eadi in the list as they 
were used for two different indications. For more informa- 
tion and references, see tables SI and S2. 

1L For more details, see Methods in the supporting online 
material and tables S3 to SS 

12. C. R. Chong. 0. J. Sullivan. Nature 448 , 645 (2007). 

13. S. Zhu et at. Nature 417 , 74 (2002). 

14. J. 0. Rothstein etoL. Nature 433, 73 (2005). 


Supporting Online Material 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Enhancing Gene Regulation 

Gregory A. Wray and Courtney C. Babbitt 

CENTG2 gene 

HACNS1 moncoding sequence 

■* 1 GBX2 gene 

Human specific substitutions 

V 1*1111 Itt II 

Human HACNS1 nucleotide sequence 

Drosophila cbromoso 



N early half a century 
has passed since 
Francis Jacob and 
Jacques Monod demon- 
strated that specific noncod- 
ing sequences are required to 
activate genes that metabo- 
lize lactose in the bacterium 
Escherichia coli (7). In a pre- 
scient observation, they noted 
that mutations in these regu- 
latory sequences might play 
a role in the evolution of 
organismal traits. They fur- 
ther argued that gene function 
is not only based on the bio- 
chemical activity of its prod- 
uct but also on how the gene's 
expression is regulated. This 
idea was expanded in 1975 in 
an influential paper by Mary- 
Claire King and Alan Wilson 
(2), who proposed that trait 
differences between humans 
and chimpanzees are primarily due to regula- 
tory changes in gene expression. Decades 
elapsed, however, before it was feasible to 
begin testing these ideas in detail. Two papers 
in this issue, by Prabhakar ei al. on page 1346 
(5), and by Hong et al. on page 1314 ( 4 ), 
demonstrate the power of combining bioinfor- 
matic approaches with experimental tests to 
characterize such regulatory regions. 

A major impediment to studying the evo- 
lutionary importance of mutations in regula- 
tory regions is simply knowing where to look. 
DNA sequences that regulate the transcription 
of genes occupy no fixed position relative to 
coding DNA regions and are often diffuse and 
widely dispersed. Even when the position of a 
regulatory element is known, there is the 
added challenge of identifying which muta- 
tions have functional consequences. Within 
coding sequences, the genetic code imposes 
familiar regularities: Mutations that change 
protein structure can be identified exhaus- 
tively and unambiguously. By contrast, identi- 
fying functional mutations within regulatory 
regions requires experimental tests of putative 
regulatory elements from different species or 

Department of Biology and Institute for Genome Science 
and Policy, Duke University, Box 90338, Durham, NC 
27708, USA. E-mail: 

Shadow enhancer Primary enhancer 

Binding sites for transcription factors can vary 
between two enhancers that regulate the same gene 

individuals — a costly and time-consuming 
process. Bioinformatic methods offer a way to 
identify promising functional noncoding 
regions and to narrow the focus for experi- 
mental tests. 

One approach is to search genomes for 
highly conserved blocks of noncoding 
sequence (on the assumption that conserva- 
tion implies function) and then scan for 
instances of rapid sequence divergence on just 
one branch of a phytogeny (which implies a 
functional change in a single species) (5). 
Prabhakar et al. use this approach to identify a 
noncoding region they call human-acceler- 
ated conserved noncoding sequence 1 
( HACNSJ ) (see the figure). To test the func- 
tion of this region, they genetically engineered 
mouse embryos to express a construct com- 
posed of human HACNS1, the promoter ele- 
ment of a heat shock gene, and a reporter 
gene. Their results show that human HACNS1 
drives expression in the mesenchyme of the 
early developing forelimb, and later develop- 
ing hindlimb, in these mouse embryos. A 
comparison of expression patterns driven by 
macaque, chimpanzee, and human orthologs 
of HACNS1 revealed that consistently strong 
forelimb expression is a unique property of 
the human version. By testing various combi- 
nations of human and chimpanzee HACNSJ 

Bioinformatic approaches reveal functional 
changes and the evolution of regulatory 
sequences that control gene expression. 

Identification of enhancer elements. (Top) HACNS1 
is a noncoding region of conservation (percent 
identity) among eight vertebrate species, with 13 
human-specific substitutions (vertical red lines). 
HACNS1 drives the expression of a reporter gene 
(purple) in the limbs of a developing mouse 
embryo. (Bottom) Primary enhancers (red and pur 
pie boxes) near a gene are conserved relative to 
more distant “shadow" enhancers, which appear to 
be less functionally constrained (pink and light pur 
pie boxes). These enhancers drive gene expression 
(purple) in the Drosophila embryo. 

sequences, the authors narrowed down the rel- 
evant functional mutations to an 81 -base pair 
region containing 13 substitutions that arose 
during human evolution. This concentration 
of substitutions is highly unusual relative to 
the genome as a whole, implying positive 
selection on this region during human origins. 

What genes does HACNSJ regulate? 
This conserved region lies within an intron 
of CENTG2, which encodes a guanosine 
triphosphatase activating protein that regu- 
lates endosomes (membrane- bound vesicles 
that transport materials into a cell). It is also 
~300 kb downstream of the next nearest gene, 
GBX2, which encodes a transcription factor 
that is expressed, among other locations, in 
developing limbs. If GBX2 is indeed the 
target of HACNSJ regulation, the implica- 
tions are fascinating. Because of GBX2' s role 
in limb development, the authors note 
that changes in its expression could have 
altered human limb anatomy — producing, for 
instance, specializations of the hand that 
facilitate tool use, or modifications of the foot 
associated with bipedal ism. 

Another bioinformatic approach to identi- 
fying regulatory elements is to search for clus- 
ters of potential transcription factor binding 
sites (6). Hong etal. examined data from chro- 
matin immunoprecipitation combined with 
microarray technology — so-called ChIP-chip 
analysis — from the fruit fly ( Drosophila 
melanogaster ) genome for taigets of regula- 
tion by the transcription factor Dorsal and 
known cofactors (4). Surprisingly, they found 
that many target genes of Dorsal contain not 
one but two clusters of transcription factor 
binding sites, implying the presence of multi- 
ple regulatory regions with similar function 
(see the figure). Although most experimen- 
tally verified enhancers lie within a few kilo- 
bases of the gene they regulate, some of the 




secondary enhancers lie tens of kilobases 
away. The authors used transgenic flies to 
show that both nearby and more distant 
clusters of binding sites drive similar pat- 
terns of reporter gene expression for two 
genes, brk and sog. 

The evolutionary role of these “shadow 
enhancers” is unclear. One possibility sug- 
gested by Hong et al. is that they provide an 
opportunity for natural selection to tinker with 
regulatory sequences, while the primary 
enhancers maintain essential gene function. 
Consistent with this hypothesis, the sequences 
of “shadow enhancers” evolve more rapidly 
than those of primary enhancers, which sug- 
gests that they operate under fewer functional 
constraints. The intriguing possibility that 
“shadow enhancers” more commonly confer 
expression differences among species could 
be tested with the type of comparative experi- 
mental approach that Prabhakar and col- 
leagues applied to HACNSJ. 

Although identifying functional changes 
in regulatory sequences remains a serious 
challenge, these two papers demonstrate the 
power of combining bioinformatics and 
experimental tests. However, most regulatoiy 
elements are neither highly conserved among 
species nor composed of clusters of the 
same binding motif. Indeed, few of the 
well-documented cases connecting noncod- 
ing mutations to trait evolution in humans and 
flies ( 7-9) involve regions that would have 
been identified as functional on the basis of 
sequence conservation or motif clustering. 

The challenge now is to develop methods 
that can recognize functional changes within 
a much greater proportion of regulatory 
elements. As phylogenetic sampling of se- 
quenced genomes grows denser, it is becom- 
ing possible to carry out unbiased surveys of 
regulatory change based on genome-scale 
functional assays (JCf), quantitative genetics 
(]]), and tests for positive selection (12). 

Decades after Jacob and Monod first specu- 
lated about the evolutionary importance of 
regulatory mutations, we are in a position to 
begin testing their ideas in earnest 


1. F. Jacob. J. Monod,/ Mol. BioL 3. 318 (1961). 

2. M. C. King. A. C. Wilson. Science 188. 107 (1975). 

3. 5. Prabhakar et at.. Science 321. 1346 (2008). 

4. J.-W. Hong, D. A. Hendrix. M. S. Levine. Science 321. 

5. S. Prabhakar. J. P. Noonan. S. Paabo. E. M. Rubin. Science 
314. 786 (2006). 

6. M. Markstein, P. Markstein. V. Markstein. FA 5. Levine. 
Proc NotL Acad. Sci. USA 99. 763 (2002). 

7. N. Compel. B. Prud'homme. P. J. Wittkopp. V. Kassner. S. 
B. Carroll. Nature 433. 481 (2005). 

8. N. S. tnanah etal.. Nat. Genet 30. 233 (2002). 

9. M. T. Hamblin. A. Di Rienzo. Am. }. Hum. Genet 66, 

1669 (2000). 

10. A. P. Boyle etal.. Cell 132. 311 (2008). 

11. E. E. Schadt etal.. Nature 422. 297 (2003). 

12. R. Haygood. 0. Fedrigo. B. Hanson. K. 0. Yokoyama. 

G. A. Wray. Nat Genet 39. 1140 (2007). 

10.112 6/science. 1163 568 


The Universe Measured 
with a Comb 

A technique for wavelength calibration promises 
to revolutionize observational astrophysics, in 
areas including planet searches and cosmology. 

Sebastian Lopez 

I n 1962, Allan Sandage predicted that an 
expanding universe should cause a drift 
in the redshift of cosmological objects, 
but noted: “With present optical techniques 
there is apparently no hope of detecting such 
small changes in redshifts for time intervals 
smaller than 10 7 years” (J). Future extremely 
large telescopes (with diameters of 30 to 40 
m), equipped with powerful spectrometers, 
could in principle enable such a measure- 
ment. However, measuring a systematic 
change in radial velocity of only 1 cm s 1 per 
year over the course of about 20 years — a 
measurement referred to as the Sandage- 
Loeb experiment (2-4 ) — would still be im- 
possible if it were not for the recent develop- 
ment of a new and exquisite wavelength cal- 
ibration technique called “laser frequency 
combs” (5). On page 1335 of this issue, 
£ Steinmetz et al. apply this technique for the 
| f rst time to an astrophysical experiment (6), 
> and the results look promising. 

I The Doppler effect provides astronomers 
£ with a precise method to measure radial veloc- 
| ities of stars and galaxies using the observed 


I Depaitamento de Astronomfa, Universidad de Chile, 
8 Casilta 36-D, Santiago, Chile. E-mail: 

shift in wavelength (or frequency) of their 
spectral features relative to laboratories on 
Earth: The higher the radial velocity, the 
stronger the effect. And when the light enter- 
ing the spectrometer comes from distant 
objects like galaxies or quasars — thus cross- 
ing cosmological distances to reach the tele- 
scope — their spectra provide information 
about the geometry and history of the universe 
as a whole. 

Because the universe expands, distant 
objects can always be assigned with a redshift, 
a quantity that cosmologists relate to distance 
and time by fitting various parameters to cos- 

The basics of a laser frequency comb. A mode- 
locked laser creates femtosecond pulses at gigahertz 
frequencies, / (top), that are synchronized with an 
atomic clock. A spectrum of the pulses (bottom) is 
composed of many modes that are uniformly spaced 
in wavelength (or frequency) and cover a spectral 
bandwidth given roughly by the inverse of the pulse 
duration. Each mode's wavelength (or frequency) 
does not have to be measured, but instead is given by 
a mathematical relation that includes / np , known a 
priori with very high accuracy. Laser frequency combs 
could therefore become the perfect wavelength cali- 
bration technique for astrophysical experiments that 
require high accuracy and long-term stability. 

mological models. The past decade has seen 
a series of breakthroughs in cosmology. 
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe 
(WMAP) mission delivered images of the 
cosmic microwave background that support a 

Laser pulses 



Bandwidth r 17x 

Frequency ► SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



flat universe, and studies measuring distances 
to Type la supemovae or the large-scale distri- 
bution of galaxies, among others, have estab- 
lished that the universe not only expands, but 
that the expansion is accelerating — presum- 
ably due to the effect of an unknown compo- 
nent in the mass- energy budget of the universe 
called “dark energy.” Many projects aim to 
elucidate what dark energy really is, but all of 
them rely on a given cosmological model; 
only the Sandage-Loeb experiment could 
track the history of the expansion directly, 
without any previous assumption on the 
geometry of the universe. 

What has been the impediment to fully 
exploiting present instrument capabilities? 
Traditional spectral calibration techniques use 
a crowd of emission or absorption lines at 
known laboratory wavelengths as reference to 
map the detector pixels into wavelengths. 
However, calibration units are subject to 
uncertainties that unavoidably degrade the 
wavelength solution: Lines are not evenly dis- 
tributed in the spectral range of interest, have 
a wide range of intensities, and sometimes 
appear blended. These systematic effects 
become the perennial stumbling block for pre- 
cision spectroscopy. They limit the capabili- 
ties of current high-resolution spectrometers 
and hinder experiment repeatability, crucial 
for any long-term monitoring. 

The recently developed laser frequency 
combs (3, 6-9 ) may offer the solutioa Such a 
comb is the spectrum of a femtosecond 
“mode-locked” laser that delivers pulses at 
repetition rates of~l GHz (determined by 
the round-trip time in the laser cavity). When 
these pulses pass through a spectrometer, a 
regular train of modes is produced in the fre- 
quency domain, each of them evenly sepa- 
rated by (see the figure) and spanning a 
spectral bandwidth given by the inverse of the 
pulse duration. Because time — and thus fre- 
quency — is the most accurately measured 
quantity in physics thanks to atomic clocks, 
each mode’s frequency (or wavelength) is 
accurately known a priori and can be used as a 
perfect ruler to calibrate astronomical spectra. 

Steinmetz et al. now report the first astro- 
nomical spectrum (of the Sun) calibrated with 
a laser frequency comb. Besides slightly out- 
performing current best standards of accuracy 
using just a small bandwidth, the team was 
also able to characterize the stability of the 
instrument in an unprecedented fashion. Use 
of larger bandwidths should allow wave- 
lengths to be measured with a stable precision 
of 1 part in 10 billion, opening a new era in 
astronomical spectroscopy. 

Full implementation of laser frequency 
combs in large telescopes will require cover- 

age of the entire optical range. Once this chal- 
lenge is overcome, at least two other astro- 
physical experiments besides the future 
Sandage-Loeb test should benefit from the 
use of this technique. 

First, some astronomers have wondered 
whether the atomic physics responsible for 
the redshifted absorption lines seen in the 
spectra of distant quasars has remained the 
same over cosmological times. The values 
of fundamental constants or combinations 
of constants — like the proton-to-electron 
mass ratio or the fine-structure constant — 
determine the relative positions of the lines 
in the quasar spectra. Thus, one could in 
principle compare the value of those con- 
stants then (“at high redshift”) and now (on 
Earth) to determine whether they have 
remained constant. By choosing particular 
methods and sets of lines, different groups 
have arrived at diverging conclusions. After 
a decade of research, the debate is now cen- 
tered on the systematic effects inherent to 
the observations. Laser frequency combs 
could help to identify the origin of these 
systematic effects. 

Second, the precision and stability offered 
by laser frequency combs could greatly help 

Janet D. Rowley 1 and Thomas Blumenthal 2 

S ince the identification of specific 
regions in human chromosomes that 
undergo recurring structural rearrange- 
ments (translocations) and cloning of the 
associated breakpoint genes, the fusion of 
genes has been viewed as a unique event in 
abnormally growing, usually malignant, cells 
{1,2). However, the study by Li et al. on page 
1357 in this issue (3) indicates quite the con- 
trary, turning at least one paradigm of cancer 
cytogenetics on its head. 

Li et al. report that in normal human 
endometrial tissue, there is a low amount of a 
messenger RNA (mRNA) that corresponds to 
sequences from two genes, JAZF1 on chro- 

‘Departmert of Medicine, University of Chicago, 5841 
South Maryland Avenue, MC 2115, Chicago, IL 60637. 
USA. E-mail; ^Depart 
merit of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, 
University of Colorado. Boulder, CO 80309, USA. E-mail; 

astronomers looking for exoplanets (which 
orbit stars other than the Sun). Such planets 
imprint small changes on the radial velocity of 
their solar system, and monitoring the radial 
velocities of bright stars has thus become 
the most reliable way of finding planets. 
However, the smaller the planet, the smaller 
the drift in radial velocity. Discovering Earth- 
like planets orbiting solar-like stars in the 
“habitable zone” (where life could exist) 
requires a precision of about 5 cm s 1 and a 
stability of about 1 year. This should be an 
easy task for this new technique. 

References and Notes 

1. A. Sand age. Astrophys. ]. 136 . 319 (1962). 

2. A. loeb. Astrophys. ). 499. 1111 (1998). 

3. M. T. Muiphy et at., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 380 . 839 

4 . ]. Liskie et at.. Mon. Not ft Astron. Soc. 386 . 1192 

5. T. W. HansCh and J. L Hall received the 2005 Nobel Price 
in Physics 'for their contributions to the development of 
laser based precision spectroscopy, induding the optical 
frequency comb technique.' 

6. T. Steinmete et at.. Science 321 . 1335 (2008). 

7. Th. Ddem. R. Woltzwarth. T. W. Hansch. Nature 416 . 233 
( 2002 ). 

8. C. Araujo Hauck etat.. Messenger 129. 24 (2007). 

9. C.-H li et at.. Nature 452 . 610 (2008). 

10.12 6/science. 1163 194 

mosome band 7pl5 and JJAZ1/SUZ12 on 
chromosome band 17q21. Moreover, this 
chimeric mRNA is identical to that seen in 
50% ofhuman endometrial stromal sarcomas, 
in which there is a 7; 17 chromosomal translo- 
cation that results in a gene fusion, even 
though no translocation is detected in normal 
endometrial cells. The product encoded by the 
chimeric mRNA is a fusion protein that is 
expressed in cultured cells, and consequently, 
could confer cellular resistance to pro- 
grammed cell death and increased growth 
(under conditions where expression of the 
endogenous JJAZ1 gene was suppressed). 
Further, this fusion mRNA is expressed in a 
cyclical manner in normal endometrial cells, 
most readily detected at the beginning and end 
of the menstrual cycle when concentrations of 
estrogen and progesterone are low'. 

How is this fusion mRNA made in the 
absence of a corresponding gene fusion? 


The Cart Before the Horse 

Chimeric RNAs, transcribed from malignancy-associated chromosomal translocations, can also 
arise from RNA trans-splicing in normal cells. 




Li et til. propose that the fusion mRNA is 
produced by trans-splicing of RNA (see the 
figure) in which nucleotides at the 3' end 
of JAZFl-e ncoding precursor mRNA are 
replaced with those of JJAZ1 -encoding 
precursor mRNA. A different form of trans- 
splicing is common in several lower animal 
phyla ( 4 ), and a few mRNAs have been shown 
to be assembled from separate transcripts 
in insects (5). And although trans-splicing in 
mammalian cells has been reported, the result- 
ing chimeric RNAs do not perform obvious 
functions and are usually not present in laige 
enough amounts to do so. 

It has not been clear how two separate 
mRNAs are spliced together (<f). Perhaps they 
are brought together through the pairing 
of nucleotides within noncoding sequences 

(introns) between two transcripts, or maybe 
each contains a binding site for proteins that 
can form dimers or higher-order multimers. 
Although sloppiness by thespliceosome — the 
cellular machine that removes introns from 
precursor RNA — could be an explanation, 
only specific pairs of precursor mRNAs 
engage in trans-splicing. Perhaps RNAs from 
different genes are trans-spliced because they 
are transcribed in the same geographic loca- 
tion. Alternatively, trans-splicing could occur 
more frequently than we realize, but most 
cases go undetected. 

What makes the study by Li et al. especially 
interesting is that trans-splicing is clearly regu- 
lated. The mRNA fusion appears only in cells 
from endometrial tissue. Its expression is 
increased by hormones and hypoxia, with 
S much higher expression in late secretory and 
e early proliferative stages of the menstrual 
> cycle. The key question is whether the chimeric 
* RNA is transcribed from some undetected 
£ rearranged copies of the two genes. However, 
| Li et al. show that there is no such gene 
§ rearrangement in cells producing the trans- 
| spliced mRNA and that this trans-splicing 
u event can be duplicated in vitro. In addition. 

they show that a nontransformed human 
endometrial stromal cell line had no rearranged 
DNA or visually abnormal chromosomes. 

Given the absence of any detectable 
rearranged DNA in cells producing the 
chimeric RNA, the obvious explanation is 
rearrangement at the RNA level. To demon- 
strate that trans-splicing could account for the 
chimera, Li et al. made extracts from a human 
endometrial stromal cell line and from a rhe- 
sus monkey fibroblast cell line so that they 
could detect trans-spliced products by a 
sequence difference between the RNA from 
the two species. The authors demonstrated in 
vitro trans-splicing of the rhes \.\&JAZF1 exons 
(coding regions of DNA) to human JJAZ1 
exons. Treatment of the rhesus RNA with 
deoxyribonuclease (to cleave any DNA that 

might be present) did not prevent formation of 
the chimeric RNA, confirming that chimeric 
RNA arose from trans-splicing. 

Is it a coincidence that the same RNA 
occurs in normal cells by trans-splicing and 
in tumor cells of the same type by DNA 
rearrangement? The authors suggest the 
intriguing possibility that whatever leads to 
the trans-splicing could also lead to the 
genomic rearrangement. This could occur by 
at least three general mechanisms. The same 
sequences could pair at the RNA level to 
result in trans-splicing and at the DNA level 
to result in genomic rearrangement. How- 
ever, sequence analyses of translocation 
breakpoints in leukemia reveal large dele- 
tions and duplications as well as precise 
nucleotide base- pairing (7). Alternatively, 
genomic rearrangement could be a direct 
result of the trans-splicing event if genes 
involved in the rearrangement are brought 
into close proximity during the RNA trans- 
splicing process. This idea is consistent with 
recent reports on the existence of “factories” 
for transcription and RNA processing (8-10). 
Finally, the RNA created by trans-splicing 
could act as a guide RNA to facilitate the 

genomic rearrangement, an idea for which 
there is precedent (11). In this case, the trans- 
spliced RNA would anneal to regions of both 
of the chromosomes and guide them in a 
DNA recombination event. Indeed, it is possi- 
ble that other genomic rearrangements could 
be guided by cellular RNAs. 

If fusion mRNA is widespread, it could 
explain the conundrum that has long per- 
plexed cancer geneticists: why fusion mRNAs 
can be detected in apparently normal tissues 
of healthy people. Such fusions involve 
common translocations seen in neoplastic 
hematopoietic cells, but never in solid tumors. 
If fusion mRNAs are part of normal cell func- 
tion. then finding fusions of the immunoglob- 
ulin heavy chain gene (IGH) to the BCL2 gene 
in normal spleens, which usually reflects the 
presence of a t( 1 4; 1 81 translocation in 
lymphomas, would not be unexpected 
(12). Given that IGH and the MYC 
genes frequently colocalize in tran- 
scription factories (9), this geography 
could provide a mechanism for having 
nascent RNAs in juxtaposition; more- 
over, the genes themselves would be 
close together. Translocations involv- 
ing the IGH and IGK/L genes and the 
genes encoding T cell receptors 
(TCRs) in lymphoid malignancies are 
exceptions in that they do not lead to a 
fusion mRNA, but rather to altered 
regulation of the apparently normal 
target protein (13). Presumably all 
translocations are mediated by DNA recombi- 
nation enzymes, but could this process be 
guided by RNA produced by trans-splicing? 
The study by Li et al. also raises questions rel- 
evant to clinical practice. Potent therapies tar- 
geting fusion mRNA and proteins may disrupt 
critical pathways of normal cell function. 
Increasingly sensitive methods to determine 
the presence of a few translocation-bearing 
cells leads one to question whether transloca- 
tions or normal cell products are being 
detected. This is a critical issue because the 
search for minimal residual disease is in high 
gear, especially for chronic myeloid leukemia 
that responds to the drug imatinib, as a “cure” 
seems within reach (14). Many patients suf- 
fering from this cancer are translocation-neg- 
ative on standard cytogenetic analysis, but 
show a gene fusion (BCR-ABL) by reverse 
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. For 
these patients, especially the ones with very 
low amounts of fusion, it is unclear whether 
what is being detected is a malignant cell or a 
trans-splicing event. 

As the search for fusions in normal cells 
will likely be fast-paced for the next few 
years, two points should be considered, given 

Chromosome translocation 

/'"Gene A 
f transcription 

Gene B 




Protein A 



Protein B 





A/B fusion proteins 

Fusion RNAs. Either chromosome translocation or RNA trans-splicing can give rise to fusion mRNAs and proteins. 
Some chromosomal translocations produce two hybrid genes that may produce mRNAs containing the 5' end of one 
gene and the 3' end of the other. Both may encode fusion proteins. Alternatively, normal mRNAs corresponding to both 
genes can recombine by trans-splicing that may produce equivalent fusion mRNAs and proteins. Only one of the pos- 
sible fusion mRNAs and proteins is examined by Li etol. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



the findings of Li et al: cell specificity and 
regulation of the trans-splicing event. So 
choose the fusion to be investigated, mindful 
of these constraints. 


1. J. D. Rowley. Nat. Rev. Cancer 1. 245 (2001). 

2. F. MitcTman, 8. Johansson. F. Mertens, Not. Genet. 36. 


3. H. If. J. Wang. G. Mor. J. Sklar, Science 321. 1357 

4. T. Btumenthal. in Wormbook. The C. elegant Research 
Community. Ed.. Wocmbook. 10.1895/vrormbook. 1. 5.1, 

5. R. Dorn. G. Reuter. A. LoewendorT. Proc NotL Acad. Scr. 
U.S.A. 98, 9724 (2001). 

6. T. Takahara et al.. Mol Celt. 18. 245 (2005). 

7. Y. Zhang. J. D. Rowtey. DNA Repair tAmst). 5. 1282 

8. S. McCracken ef oL . Nature 385. 357 (1997). 

9. C. S. Osborne ef at. RtoS Biol. 5. el92 (2007). 

10. J. A. Mitchell P. Fraser. Genes Dev. 22. 20 (2008). 

11. M. Nowacki eta!.. Nature 451. 153 (2008). 

12. S. Jaru. M. Potter. C S. Rabkin. Genes Chromosome 
Cancer 36.211 (2003). 

13. T. W. McKeithan. Semin Oncol. 17. 30 (1990). 

14. A Hochhaus ef al. Blood 111. 1039 (2008). 

10.112 6/science. 1163 791 


An Enzyme Assembly Line 

Janet L Smith' 2 and David H. Sherman' 3 

Fatty acid synthases and related megaenzymes 
are highly adaptable to new functions as a 
result of their modular architecture. 

T he fiuidamental polymers of biology — 
proteins, DNA, and RNA — are prod- 
ucts of repetitive condensation of sim- 
ple amino acid or nucleotide building blocks 
and are comparatively easy to assemble. 
However, other biomolecules require addi- 
tional reactions beyond condensation of 
building Nocks. Examples are the fatty acids 
and the polyketide and nonribosomal peptide 
secondary' metabolites. These molecules are 
produced by complex enzyme assembly lines 
that include multiple catalytic domains. Two 
new crystal structures — one reported recently 
(7), the other by Maier et al. on page 13 15 of 
this issue (2) — enrich our understanding of 
how these mega-enzymes function as effi- 
cient factories to produce a remarkable range 
of metabolic products. 

Maier et al. study the fatty acid synthase 
(FAS-I) responsible for de novo fatty acid syn- 
thesis in the cytosol of animal cells. FAS-I is 
homologous in sequence and architecture 
with the very large family of modular polyke- 
tide synthases (PKSs), which produce a wide 
variety of natural products with potential 
medicinal value. In 2006, the authors reported 
the structure of FAS-I from a 4.5 A electron 
density map, in which most domains could be 
assigned but no details were visible (3). Their 
new structure provides sufficient detail to 
understand the fold and the connectivity of six 
of its eight domains; however, the flexibly 
tethered acyl carrier protein (ACP) and 
thioesterase (TE) domains remain invisible. 
The other structure, reported by Tanovic etal. 
(7), is of an intact module of a nonribosomal 
peptide synthetase (NRPS). Except for the 

l Life Sciences Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 
Ml 48109, USA. 2 Department of Biological Chemistry, 
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mi 48109, USA 
departments of Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry, and 
Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan, 
Ann Arbor, Ml 48109, USA. E-mail: janetsmith@umich. 

Gene duplication + loss ol function + insertion fusion 

Proliferation and domain loss 

Domain recruitment 

Monotunctional ancestors 

Canonical PKS extension modules 

peptidyl carrier protein (PCP), the primary 
NRPS domains are not related to those of the 
FAS and PKS systems, but the assembly-line 
approach is similar. 

All data indicate that the ancestor of FAS-I 
was a set of monofunctional enzymes, presum- 
ably resembling the dissociated FAS (type II, 
FAS- IT) that catalyzes fatty acid biosynthesis in 
modem bacteria and plant plastids (see die fig- 
ure, panel A). Gene duplication, loss of func- 
tion, and gene fusion gave rise to die 270-kD 
polypeptide that functions as the homodimeric 
FAS-I in mammals (see die figure, panel B). A 
different mega-enzyme fusion of monofunc- 
tional ancestors evolved in fungi (4). Of these 
two assembly-line architectures for fatty acid 
synthesis, the mammalian FAS-I proved the 
more adaptable, and it now exists not only for 
fatty acid biosynthesis but throughout the 
eubacterial and fungal world for synthesis of 
polyketides. Indeed, high-resolution structures 
of PKS components (5, 6) provide critical cor- 
roboration for the mammalian FAS structure. 

Two key features of the FAS-I architecture 
explain its remarkable adaptability. First, the 
structure is segregated into two w ings: a selec- 
tion/condensing wing for addition of new 
building blocks, and a modifying wing for 
chemical processing of chain elongation inter- 
mediates (see the figure, panel B). The heart 
of the assembly line is the condensing wing, 
where an acyhransferase (AT) domain selects 

Assembly-line proliferation. The dissociated FAS-II 
(A) evolved into the homodimeric FAS I (B) (dotted 
lines outline disordered parts of the FAS-I structure 
(2); lighter shades indicate inactivated DH, KR, and 
MT domains). Duplication of an ancestral FAS-I gene, 
followed by selective deletion, yielded the canonical 
extension modules of modern PKS pathways (0. An 
even richer diversity of polyketides arose by domain 
recruitment. For example, the CurF protein of 
the hybrid PKS/NRPS for curacin A (10) includes 
decarboxylase (ECH), cyclopropanase (Cpn), and 
NRPS domains (D). 




a building block and a ketosynthase (KS) 
domain adds it to the growing chain. The 
dimeric KS also contributes most of the dimer 
contacts in the complex. 

The second key architectural feature is an 
open and flexible design that is ideal for inser- 
tion w deletion of catalytic domains, especially 
in the modifying wing. Each two-carbon addi- 
tion (via malonate) to a fatty acid chain is fol- 
lowed by three reactions — keto reduction 
(KR), dehydration (DH), and enoyl reduction 
(ER) — carried out in the modifying wing of the 
FAS-I. A major source of chemical diversity in 
polyketides arises from deletion or inactivation 
of one or more of these modifying domains 
(see the figure, panel C), providing the chemi- 
cal variation that is lacking in fatty acids. 

In FAS-I and most fungal PKSs, the assem- 
bly line is used for iterative synthesis: Each 
enzyme domain performs the same reaction at 
each extension step on the growing substrate. 
In contrast, in most bacterial PKSs, polyketide 
synthesis is sequential: Each extension step is 
carried out by an individual FAS-I-like “mod- 
ule,” offering the possibility to vary the build- 
ing block identity and modification chemistry 
at each step. This scheme greatly expands 
genetic and protein complexity. Several mod- 
ules (up to 20 or more) are required to build a 
complex polyketide, and specific interactions 
of sequential modules must be faithfully main- 
tained by fusion or by docking domains ( 7, 8). 

A big surprise of the new FAS structure is 
a vestigial methyltransferase (MT) domain at 
the periphery of the dimer, following the DH 
in the polypeptide sequence. Thus, the mega- 

enzyme ancestor of FAS-I appears to have had 
a methylation reaction as part of its fatty acid 
biosynthetic cycle. Was there a prokaryotic 
methyl branched-chain fatty acid, unknown to 
us today? The MT domain lost its function in 
FAS-I, was deleted from most PKS systems, 
but exists in some PKSs as an active methyl- 
transferase. And herein lies a conundrum; the 
ubiquity of PKS pathways in bacteria and 
elsewhere strongly argues that the original 
FAS-I evolved in a prokaryote. However, 
other than Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 
related species that generate unusual fatty 
acids, we know of no modem prokaryote that 
uses a FAS-I for normal membrane lipid fatty 
acid biosynthesis (9). 

In many PKS modules, the open FAS-I 
architecture has been augmented with a vari- 
ety of other catalytic domains, such as S- 
acetyltransfer, halogenase, cyclopropanase, 
decarboxylase, and even entire NRPS mod- 
ules (see the figure, panel D) (JO, 11). The 
new structure of the terminal module of the 
surfactin NRPS ( 1 ) shows how it, too, is 
highly adaptable. Like FAS-I, the NRPS has a 
solid platform for condensation, including an 
adenylation (A) domain to select the amino 
acid building block and a condensation (Q 
domain to form a peptide link to the growing 
chain ( 1 ). The monomeric C-A didomain 
(analogous to KS-AT in the FAS-I condensing 
wing) is fused to a PCP and a terminal TE 
domain. As in the FAS-I structure, the PCP is 
flexibly linked to the synthetase by tethers 
long enough for it to deliver substrate to the 
active sites of all catalytic domains. Unlike the 


How to Infect a Mimivirus 

Hiroyuki Ogata and Jean-Michel Claverie 

T he giant DNA “Mimivirus ” (Acantha 
moeba polyphaga mimivirus, or APM) 
was initially mistaken for a bacterium, 
until La Scola et al. classified it as a virus in 
2003 (/). This highly unusual virus has more 
genes than many bacteria (2), forms the 
most complex known virus particle (5), has 
a unique DNA delivery system (4), and 
encodes aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (5), 
normally restricted to cellular organisms. As 
a possible “missing link” between the cellular 

Structural and Genomic information Laboratory, CNRS- 
UPR 2589, IFR-88, Unrversite de la Mediterranee, Parc 
Scientifique de luminy, FR-13288 Marseille, France. 
E-mail;; jean-michel.claverie@ 

and the viral world, APM’s discovery revived 
theories that link DNA viruses to the emer- 
gence of the eukaryotic nucleus (6). Large 
viruses closely related to APM are abundant 
in the sea (7) and may play important roles in 
the geochemical fluxes that regulate Earth’s 
climate. La Scola et al. now report in Nature 
(8) that the APM family has another unusual 
property: It is susceptible to infection by 
another virus, named Sputnik (after “travel- 
ing companion” in Russian). 

Sputnik — a small icosahedral virus with a 
DNA genome encoding 2 1 genes — was iso- 
lated with a new strain of APM from a cool- 
ing tower in Paris. Attempts to culture 
Sputnik alone in amoeba cells were not suc- 

FAS-I structure, the PCP and TE domains are 
well ordered in the NRPS module. 

The three assembly line types use homolo- 
gous domains (ACP or PCP) to carry the 
growing fatty acid, polyketide, or peptide via a 
pantetheine-linked thioester. The common 
thioester chemistry and the adaptable archi- 
tecture have resulted in the proliferation of 
hybrid PKS-NRPS and even PKS- FAS-I path- 
ways found in phylogenetically diverse bacte- 
ria (9, 12). The rich diversity of PKS, NRPS, 
and hybrid systems demonstrates that nature 
has not employed a Henry Ford-like assembly 
line, from which the customer could have any 
color car so long as it was black. Rather, we 
see a modular assembly line that is easily 
copied, modified, and adapted to new func- 
tion; this is the secret to its success. 


L A. Tanovic, S. A. Samel. L-0. Essen, M. A. Marahiel. 
Science 321. 659 (2008); published online 26 June 
2008 <10.1126/sden«.llS98S0>. 

2. T. Maier. M leibundgut N. 8an, Science 321. 1315 

3. T. Maier. S. Jenni. N. 8an, Science 311. 1258 (2006). 

4. S. Jenni. M. Leibundgut. T. Maier. N. Ban. Science 311. 
1263 (2006). 

5. A. T. Kea tinge-Clay. A M. Stroud. Structure 14. 737 (2006). 

6. Y. Tang. C. Y. Kim. 1. 1. Mathews. D. E. Cane, C. Khosla. 
hoc. Natl Acad. Sci. U.SA. 103. 11124 (2006). 

7. M. Thattsi. Y. Burak. B. I. Shraiman. PLoS Comput Biol. 

3. 1827 (2007). 

8. J.-P. Nougayrede etot.. Science 313. 848 (2006). 

9. R. S. Gokhate. P. Saxena. T. Chopra, D. Mohanty. Not. 

Prod. Rep. 24, 267 (2007). 

10. Z. Chang etol..]. Not 1356(2004). 

11. L. Gu etol.. Science 318, 970 (2007). 

12. M. A Fischbach. C. T. Walsh. J. Clardy. Proc. Natl. Acad. 
Sd.lLSA 105. 4601(2008). 


Large DNA viruses such asthegiant 
Mimivirus can be infected by smaller viruses. 

cessful. However, when amoebae were inoc- 
ulated with the two viruses, both Sputnik and 
APM virions multiplied. La Scola et al. (8) 
show that Sputnik reproduces in the “virus 
factory,” the replication and assembly center 
built by APM in amoeba cells during their 
lytic infection. The virus factory is a DNA- 
rich cytoplasmic compartment that appears 4 
hours after APM infection and grows to sev- 
eral micrometers in diameter. Sputnik viri- 
ons reproduce faster than do APM virions; 6 
hours after infection, Sputnik virions start to 
emerge from the virus factory, while the new 
generation of APM virions only appears after 
8 hours. Infection with both viruses de- 
creases the yield of infective APM virions SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




Vertical gene transfer from viral ancestor 
Horizontal gene transfer from eukaryotic hosts 
Horizontal gene transfer from prokaryotes 
Horizontal gene transfer from viruses (by virophages) 

and results in “sick” APM virions with aber- 
rant morphologies. Sputnik thus behaves as a 
true parasite with a detrimental effect on 
APM reproduction. 

Small viruses requiring other larger 
viruses for their reproduction have previously 
been documented. These “satellite viruses” 
lack essentia] functions for multiplication, for 
which they exploit their “helper viruses.” La 
Scola etal. (5) argue that Sputnik is more than 
a satellite virus, because it uses its partner’s 
virus factory and impairs its fitness. They 
therefore call Sputnik a “virophage.” 

What is the origin of the Sputnik viro- 
phage? The authors provide evidence sug- 
gesting the existence of related virophages in 
the oceans (5). Marine virologists have 
reported small viruses occurring with larger 
ones in marine protist populations (9, JO). 
During recurrent infection of a cell by the two 
viruses, one virus may begin to benefit from 
the other. Like Sputnik, the small marine 
viruses multiply faster than the larger ones. If 
the viral genomes can physically interact, 
genes can be exchanged, and the two viruses 
may evolve into various states of depend- 
ency, from mutualisms to parasitism. In this 
context, it is worth noting that Sputnik has an 
integrase (an enzyme that inserts pieces of 
DNA from one DNA molecule into another). 
The genome of a marine virus, infecting the 
planktonic species Emiliania huxleyi con- 
tains a strange 1 76-kb central segment (77): 
Genes in this segment lack homologs in other 
viruses, but harbor a unique promoter. This 
segment is expressed much earlier than the 
rest of the viral genome and may be the inte- 
grated genome of an unknown virophage. 

The genes in giant eukaryotic viruses have 
multiple origins (see the figure). The APM 
genome contains eukaryotic- or prokaryotic- 
like genes. Recent horizontal gene transfers 
from its eukaryotic hosts or prokaryotic or- 
ganisms partially account for these genes. 
However, giant viral genomes also contain 
genes that are unique to viruses, the origin of 
which is hotly debated (6, 12, 13). Do these 
genes originate in vertical gene transfer from a 



-30% shared with cellular organisms 

0 - 10 % 

0 - 10 % 

-70% unique to viral life (virosphere) 

very old viral common ancestor? The small 
number of genes shared among modem 
viruses argues against this possibility. Viral 
genome mosaicism is also suggested by the 
occurrence of very similar genes in different 
viruses (14). Furthermore, a substantial 
amount of horizontal gene transfer may occur 
between viruses. The Sputnik virophage now 
provides a new potential vehicle for such hor- 
izontal gene transfers. In fact, the Sputnik 
genome encodes several genes that may origi- 
nate in vastly different viruses. 

E lectrons possess magnetic behavior 
through the quantum mechanical prop- 
erty of spin. The magnetic properties of 
materials then arise from the collective interac- 
tion of electrons on atoms within the crystal. 
Below a transition temperature, the electron 
spins of normal magnets “freeze” into an 
ordered array of magnetic dipoles. Whether the 
ordering is ferromagnetic (all the diproles point 
in the same direction) or anti ferromagnetic (the 
dipoles on adjacent sites point in opposite 
directions) is determined by the sign and 
strength of the interaction between the elec- 
trons. Early theoretical work has indicated a 
departure from these ordered states, suggesting 
that quantum mechanical fluctuations of the 
spin could be so strong that ordering would be 
suppressed and the spin ensemble would 
remain in a liquid-like state, even down to the 

Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- 
nology, Cambridge, MAC2139, USA. E-mail: 

Assessing the proprortions of vertical gene 
transfer and virus-virus horizontal gene trans- 
fer now appears crucial for understanding the 
evolution of giant viruses, refining the con- 
cept of virus lineage, and elucidating gene 
flow in the virosphere. The unusual features of 
the giant Mimivirus rerived the popular, yet 
unresolved question: “Are viruses alive?” The 
discovery that some of them can get sick adds 
a new twist to this old debate. 


L B.U Scola et al. Science 299. 2033 (2003). 

2. D. Raoult etal. Science 306. 1344 (2004). 

3. P. Renesto et at. ). ViroL 80. 11678 (2006). 

4. N. Zauberman etal. BloS Biot. 6. ell4 (2008). 

5. C. Abergel et at.. J. Wot. 81. 12406 (2007). 

6. J. M. Gaverie. Genome Biot. 7. 110 (2006). 

7. A Monier, J. M. Gavww, H. Ogata, Genome Biol. 9. 

R106 (2008). 

8. B. La Scola et al. Nature 10.1038/nature07218 (2008). 

9. K. Nagasaki, J. Microbiol. 46. 235 (2008). 

10. C. P. Brussaard et al. Virology 319. 280 (2004). 

11 M. J. Allen etal.]. Virol 80. 7699 (2006). 

12. H. Ogata. J M. Claverie. Genome Be% 17. 1353 (2007). 

13. E. V. Koonin. W Martin. Trendi Genet 21, 647 (2005). 

14. K. Nagasaki etal.. AppL Environ. Microbiol 71. 3599 

!{!{>> m 

Ordered spins. (Left) Neel's picture ol antiferro- 
magnet ordering with an alternate spin-up-spin- 
down pattern across the lattice. (Right) Quantum 
fluctuations lead to mutual spin flips, which Landau 
argued would disorder Neel's state. 

lowest temperatures. Experimental evidence, 
which has until recently remained elusive, is 
emerging in favor of this long-predicted state of 
quantum matter. 

To understand the controversy surround- 
ing this exotic quantum spin liquid state, it is 
instructive to go back to the description of 
anti ferromagnetism. Soon after the invention 
of quantum mechanics, Heisenberg prointed 
out that electron spins on neighboring atoms 
can have short-range interaction due to 
quantum mechanical exchange. Louis N6el 

Origin of genes in large eukaryotic viruses. The distribution of sequence database matches suggests 
diverse origins for the genes of large DNA viruses. Horizontal gene transfer may occur through exposure to 
host or prokaryotic DNA. The many genes unique to viruses are vertically or horizontally transferred between 
viruses— a process in which the newly discovered virophages may play a key role. 

10.112 67«:ience. 1164839 


An End to the Drought of 
Quantum Spin Liquids 

Patrick A. Lee 

After decades of searching, several promising examples of a new quantum state of matter have 
now emerged. 




showed that a negative exchange interaction 
results in an antiparallel arrangement of 
neighboring spins, and that at low tempera- 
tures the spins order in an alternating up-down 
pattern (see the first figure, left panel) (7). 
This anti ferromagnetic, or N6el, state was ini- 
tially greeted with skepticism — Lev Landau 
was among the doubters (2). 

Landau did not publish hisobjection, but on 
the basis of Friedel’s comments (2) we can sur- 
mise that his argument was that the correct 
application of quantum mechanics to such a 
system would lead to fluctuations (see the first 
figure, right panel), which may completely ran- 
domize the spin order. It was not until 1949, 
when antiferromagnetic order was directly 
observed by neutron scattering, that N6el was 
fully vindicated. In fact, Noel’s theory was far 
more success hi! than he had the right to expect: 
For 70 years the Neel state has prevailed. 

In 1 973, Philip W. Anderson reasoned that 
the best chance to defeat Neel ordering came 
in the form of “frustrated” spin systems (3), 
with the special example of spins on a trian- 
gular lattice. This lattice is “frustrated” 
because if an up- and down-spin occupy two 
comers of a triangle, the spin on the third cor- 
ner does not know which way to point to 
obtain the lowest-energy configuration. 
Instead of a Neel state, Anderson proposed a 
ground state made up of a quantum mechani- 
cal superposition of singlet pairs that cover 
the lattice. He called this a resonating valence 
bond (RVB) state, an explicit example of a 
quantum spin liquid. Unfortunately, it was 
soon shown that neighboring spins in a trian- 
gular lattice manage to order at a 1 20° angle, 
and Neel once again won out. 

The field of quantum spin liquids lan- 
guished until 1987, when high-temperature 
superconductivity was discovered. Anderson 
pointed out a connection between the RVB 
spin liquid and the Cooper pairs of a super- 
conductor (4). Attempts to justify the RVB 
theory of superconductivity led to rapid devel- 
opments of the spin liquid theory. It is now 
understood that the spin liquid (defined as 
having an odd number of electron spins on 
each lattice unit cell) is a new state of matter 
f with properties we have never encoimtered 
| before. For example, the excited states may be 
£ spinons — charge-neutral objects that possess 
| magnetic properties. Depending on the type 

1 of spin liquid, the spinon may obey Fermi or 
| Bose statistics and there may or may not be an 
'6 energy gap. Furthermore, these spinons can- 
| not live by themselves but are generally 
§ accompanied by gauge f elds.just as electrons 

2 are always accompanied by electromagnetic 
a gauge fields (5). This is a dramatic example of 
o emergent phenomena, where new particles 

and fields emerge at low-energy scales but are 
totally absent in the Hamiltonian that de- 
scribes the initial system. 

Confirmation of the existence of the spin 
liquid state has been elusive, and only 
recently have several promising examples sur- 
faced. The first is an organic solid called 
K-(ET) 2 Cu 2 (CN) 3 (6, 7) in which the active 
ingredients are dimers of an organic molecule, 
ET [bis< ethylenedithio) - tetrathiafulvalene). A 
single electron is localized on each dimer, 
which forms layers of approximately triangular 
lattices. Despite an exchange energy of -250 K, 
no magnetic order was detected down to 30 
mK. This material is an insulator but becomes a 
superconductor (critical temperature T c = 3.5 K) 
and then a metal under pressure. It is believed 
that the proximity to an insulator-to-metal tran- 
sition implies that the spins interact with a more 
complicated Hamiltonian than the Heisenberg 
model and allows the spin liquid state to form 
(8, 9). Remarkably, the spin susceptibility goes 
to a constant at low temperatures and the spe- 
cific heat is linear in temperature (7). These 
properties are normally associated with metals, 
being consequences of the electron Fermi sur- 
face. The linear specific heat is particularly 
unusual foran insulator that is relatively defect- 
free. Furthermore, the ratio of magnetic sus- 
ceptibility to the linear temperature coefficient 
of the specific heat is close to that of free fermi- 

Meeting with frustration. (Top) A Kagome basket. 
(Bottom) Structure of ZnCu 3 (OH) 4 Ct 2 ( 10 ) showing 
that the Cu ions (blue) occupy a Kagome lattice; 0-H 
is red white. 

ons. These observat ions strongly suggest that the 
excitations are indeed fermionic spinons that 
form a Fermi sea, and thus offer strong evidence 
for a spin liquid ground state. 

Last year an entirely different class of spin 
liquid was discovered. It has long been sus- 
pected that spins on a Kagome lattice support 
a spin liquid ground state. Kagome is the 
Japanese name for the weave pattern of a bas- 
ket (see the second figure, top panel). The 
structure consists of comer-sharing triangles 
and is even more frustrated than the triangular 
lattice considered by Anderson. Last year saw 
the synthesis of such a solid-state Kagome 
system: ZnCu 3 (OH) 6 Cl 2 , where a single elec- 
tron spin resides on the Cu (10) (see the sec- 
ond figure, bottom panel). Although the 
exchange energy is -200 K, this material does 
not show any magnetic ordering down to mil- 
likelvin temperatures. The magnetic excita- 
tions are apparently gapless, but unlike the 
organic compound, the large specific heat at 
low temperatures is sensitive to magnetic 
F eld, which suggests that the low-temperature 
properties may be dominated by a few percent 
of local moment defects. 

Spin liquids are not limited to two- 
dimensional systems. A newly synthesized 
material, Na 4 Ir 3 O g , has Ir ions that form a 
three-dimensional network of corner-shar- 
ing triangles, termed a hyper-Kagome struc- 
ture (77). Despite an exchange energy of 
-300 K, no magnetic order was found down 
to 1 K and below. 

It is an exciting time in the history of anti- 
ferromagnetism. After decades of searching, 
three examples of the defeat of Neel order by 
quantum fluctuations have been discovered 
in quick succession. There are good reasons 
to believe that fermionic spinons will 
emerge as the low-energy excitations, but 
more work will be needed to confirm this. 
An even more intriguing question is whether 
their partner, the emergent gauge field, can 
make its presence felt as well. We can be 
optimistic that even more exciting discover- 
ies lie ahead. 


1 L. Neel An n. Rhys. 5. 232 <1936). 

2. ). Friedet. Rhys. Today 54. 88 (October 2001). 

3. P. W. Anderson. Mater. Res. Bull. 8. 153 (1973). 

4. P. W. Anderson. Science 23S. 1196 (1987). 

5. P. A. Lee eta!.. Nat. Rev. Mod. Rhyt. 78. 17 (2006). 

6. Y. Shimizu, H Miyagawa. K. Kanoda. M. Maesato. 

G. Saito. Rhys. Rev. Lett. 91. 107001 (2003). 

7. S. Yamashita et at.. Nat. Rhys. 4, 459 (2008). 

8. 0. Motrunich, Rhys. Rev. B 72. 045105 (2005). 

9. S.-S. Lee. P. A. Lee. Rhys. Rev. Lett. 95. 036403 (2005). 

10. J. Helton ef at.. Rhys. Rev. tett 98. 107204 (2007). 

11 Y. Okamoto et at.. Nat. Rhys. Rev. tett. 99. 137207 


10.1126/sri ence.1163196 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 


Flood or Drought: How Do Aerosols 
Affect Precipitation? 

Daniel Rosenfeld, 1 * Ulrike Lohmann, 2 Graciela B. Raga, 3 Colin D. O'Dowd, 4 
Markku Kulmala, 5 Sandro Fuzzi, 6 Anni Reissell, 5 Meinrat O. Andreae 7 

Aerosols serve as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and thus have a substantial effect on 
cloud properties and the initiation of precipitation. Large concentrations of human-made 
aerosols have been reported to both decrease and increase rainfall as a result of their radiative 
and CCN activities. At one extreme, pristine tropical clouds with low CCN concentrations rain 
out too quickly to mature into long-lived clouds. On the other hand, heavily polluted clouds 
evaporate much of their water before precipitation can occur, if they can form at all given the 
reduced surface heating resulting from the aerosol haze layer. We propose a conceptual model 
that explains this apparent dichotomy. 

C loud physicists commonly classify the 
characteristics of aerosols and clouds 
into ‘'maritime’’ and “continental” regimes, 
where “continental” has become synonymous 
with “aerosol-laden and polluted” Indeed, aero- 
sol concentrations in polluted air masses arc 
typically one to two orders of magnitude greater 
than in pristine oceanic air (Fig. 1) ( 1 ). How- 
ever, before humankind started to change the 
environment, aerosol concentrations were not 
much greater (up to double) over land than 
over the oceans (/, 2). Anthropogenic aerosols 
alter Earth’s energy budget by scattering and 
absorbing the solar radiation that energizes the 
formation of clouds (3-5). Because all cloud 
droplets must form on preexisting aerosol par 
tides that act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), 
increased aerosols also change the composi- 
tion of clouds (i.e., the size distribution of cloud 
droplets). This, in turn, determines to a large ex- 
tent the precipitation-forming processes. 

Precipitation plays a key role in the climate 
system About 37% of the energy input to the 
atmosphere occurs by release of latent heat 
from vapor that condenses into cloud drops 
and ice crystals (6). Reevaporation of clouds 
consumes back the released heat. When water 
is precipitated to the surface, this heat is left in 
the atmosphere and becomes available to ener- 
gize convection and larger-scale atmospheric 
circulation systems. 

institute of Earth Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusa- 
lem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel, institute For Atmospheric 
and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. 
} Universidad Nacional Autdncma de Mexico, Mexico City 
04510, Mexico. 4 Schcol of Physics and Centre for Climate 
and Air Pollution Studies, Environmental Change institute. 
National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Apart- 
ment of Physics, University of Helsinki, Post Office Box 64, 
Helsinki 00014, Finland. nstituto di Scienze detl’Aimcsfera 
e del Clima-CNR, Bologna 40129, Italy. 7 Biogeochemistry 
Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Post Office 
Box 3060, D-55020 Mainz, Germany. 

•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

The dominance of anthropogenic aerosols 
over much of the land area means that cloud com- 
position, precipitation, the hydrological cycle, 
and the atmospheric circulation systems are all 
affected by both radiative and microphysical im- 
pacts of aerosols, and arc likely to be in a differ- 
ent state relative to the pre-industrial era. 

The Opposing Effects of Aerosols 
on Clouds and Precipitation 

The radiative effects of aerosols on clouds most- 
ly act to suppress precipitation, because they de- 
crease the amount of solar radiation that reaches 
the land surface, and therefore cause less heat to 

be available for evaporating water and energiz- 
ing convective rain clouds (7). The fraction of 
radiation that is not reflected back to space by 
the aerosols is absorbed into the atmosphere, 
mainly by carbonaceous aerosols, leading to 
heating of the air above the surface. This sta- 
bilizes the low atmosphere and suppresses the 
generation of convective clouds (5). The warmer 
and drier air thus produces circulation systems 
that redistribute the remaining precipitation ( 8 , 9). 
For example, elevated dry convection was ob- 
served to develop from the top of heavy smoke 
palls from burning oil wells (JO). Warming of 
the lower troposphere by absorbing aerosols 
can also strengthen the Asian summer monsoon 
circulation and cause a local increase in precipi- 
tation, despite the global reduction of evaporation 
that compensates for greater radiative heating 
by aerosols (11). In the case of bright aerosols 
that mainly scatter the radiation back to space, 
the consequent surface cooling also can aha 
atmospheric circulation systems. It has been 
suggested that this mechanism has cooled the 
North Atlantic and lienee pushed the Intertropical 
Convergence Zone southward, thereby contrib- 
uting to the drying in the Sahel (12, 13). 

Aerosols also have important microphysical 
effects (14). Added CCN slow the conversion of 
cloud drops into raindrops by nucleating larger 
number concentrations of smaller drops, which 
are slower to coalesce into raindrops or rime 
onto ice hydrometeors (15, 16). This effect was 
shown to shut off precipitation from very shal 
low and short-lived clouds, as in the case of 

Fig. 1. Relations between observed aerosol optical thickness at 500 nm and CCN concentrations at 
supersaturation of 0.4% from studies where these variables have been measured simultaneously, or 
where data from nearby sites at comparable times were available. The error bars reflect the variability 
of measurements within each study (standard deviations or quartiles). The equation of the regression 
line between aerosol optical thickness (y) and CCN a4 Or) is given by the inset expression; R is the correlation 
coefficient The aerosols exclude desert dust [Adapted from (I)| 

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Fig. 2. Evolution of deep convective clouds developing in the pristine 
(top) and polluted (bottom) atmosphere. Cloud droplets coalesce into 
raindrops that rain out from the pristine clouds. The smaller drops in the 
polluted air do not precipitate before reaching the supercooled levels, 
where they freeze onto ice precipitation that falls and melts at lower 
levels. The additional release of latent heat of freezing aloft and reab- 

sorbed heat at lower levels by the melting ice implies greater upward 
heat transport for the same amount of surface precipitation in the more 
polluted atmosphere. This means consumption of more instability for the 
same amount of rainfalL The inevitable result is invigoration of the con- 
vective clouds and additional rainfall, despite the slower conversion of 
cloud droplets to raindrops { 43 ). 

smoke from ship smokestacks in otherwise 
pristine clouds over the ocean {17). This created 
the expectation that polluted areas would suffer 
from reduced rainfall. On the other hand, it was 
expected that accelerating the conversion of 
cloud water to precipitation (i.e., increasing the 
autoconversion rate) by cloud seeding would 
enhance rainfall amounts. It turns out, however, 
that polluted areas are not generally drier, and 
rain enhancement by cloud seeding remains 
inconclusive (18, 19). 

With the advent of satellite measurements, 
it became possible to observe the larger pic- 
ture of aerosol effects on clouds and precip- 
itation. (We exclude the impacts of ice nuclei 
aerosols, which are much less understood than 
the effects of CCN aerosols.) Urban and in- 
dustrial air pollution plumes were observed to 
completely suppress precipitation from 2.5-km 

deep clouds over Australia (20). Heavy smoke 
from forest fires was observed to suppress rain- 
fell from 5-km-decp tropical clouds (21, 22). 
The clouds appeared to regain their precipitation 
capability when ingesting giant (>1 pm diame- 
ter) CCN salt particles from sea spray (23) and 
salt playas (24). These observations were the 
impetus for the World Meteorological Organi- 
zation and the International Union of Geodesy 
and Geophysics to mandate an assessment of 
aerosol impact on precipitation (19). This report 
concluded that “it is difficult to establish clear 
causal relationships between aerosols and precip- 
itation and to determine the sign of the precipi- 
tation change in a climatological sense. Based on 
many observations and model simulations the ef- 
fects of aerosols on clouds are more clearly un- 
derstood (particularly in ice- free clouds); the 
effects on precipitation are less clear.” 

A recent National Research Council report that 
reviewed “radiative forcing of climate change" 
(2S) concluded that the concept of radiative 
forcing “needs to be extended to account for (1) 
the vertical structure of radiative forcing, (2) re- 
gional variability in radiative forcing, and (3) 
nonradiative forcing." It recommended “to move 
beyond simple climate models based entirely 
on global mean top of the atmosphere radiative 
forcing and incorporate new global and regional 
radiative and nonradiative forcing metrics as they 
become available.” We propose such a new met- 
ric below. 

How Gin Slowing the Conversion 
of Cloud Droplets to Raindrops 
Enhance Rainfall? 

A growing body of observations shows that sub- 
micrometer CCN aerosols decrease precipitation 




from shallow clouds (17, 20, 21, 26-28) and 
invigorate deep convective rain clouds with 
warm (> ~15°C) cloud base (29-33), although 
the impact on the overall rainfall amount is not 
easily detectable (34, 35). These observations are 
supported by a large number of cloud-resolving 
model studies (36-43). The simulations also 
show that adding giant CCN to polluted clouds 
accelerates the autoconvcrsion, mainly through 
nucleating large drops that rapidly grow into 
precipitation particles by collecting the other 
smaller cloud droplets (44). However, the auto- 
conversion rate is not restored to that of pristine 
clouds (42). 

Fundamentally, the amount of precipitation 
must balance the amount of evaporation at a 
global scale. Therefore, the consequence of aero- 
sols suppressing precipitation from shallow 
clouds must be an increase in precipitation from 
deeper clouds. Such compensation can be ac- 
complished not only at the global scale (45) but 
also at the cloud scale; that is, the clouds can 
grow to heights where aerosols no longer im- 
pede precipitation (46). All of this is consistent 
with the conceptual model shown in Fig. 2. This 
model suggests that slowing the rate of cloud 
droplet coalescence into raindrops (i.e., auto- 
conversion) delays the precipitation of the cloud 
water, so that more water can 
ascend to altitudes where the 
temperanirc is colder than 0°C. 

Even if the total rainfall amount 
is not decreased by the increase 
in aerosols, delaying the forma- 
tion of rain is sufficient to cause 
invigoration of cloud dynam- 
ics. By not raining early, the 
condensed water can form ice 
precipitation particles that release 
the latent heat of freezing aloft 
(6, 29, 30) and reabsorb heat at 
lower levels where they melt 
after frilling. 

The role of ice melting below 
the 0°C isotherm level in invig- 
oration has been successfully 
modeled (47), although models 
also predict invigoration through 
increased aerosol loads even with- 
out ice processes (43). These 
model simulations suggest that 
the delay of early rain causes 
greater amounts of cloud water 
and rain intensities later in the 
life cycle of the cloud. The en- 
hanced evaporative cooling of 
the added cloud water; mainly 
in die downdrafts, provides part 
of the invigoration by the mech- 
anism of enhanced cold pools 
near the surface that push up- 
ward the ambient air. The greater 
cooling below and heating above 
lead to enhanced upward heat 
transport, both in absolute terms 

and normalized for the same amount of sur- 
face precipitation. The consumption of more 
convective available potential energy (CAPE) 
for the same rainfall amount would then be con- 
verted to an equally greater amount of released 
kinetic energy that could invigorate convection 
and lead to a greater convective overturning, more 
precipitation, and deeper depletion of the static 
instability (6). Simulations have shown that greater 
heating higher in the troposphere enhances the 
atmospheric circulation systems (48). 

In clouds with bases near or above the 0°C 
isotherm, almost all the condensate freezes, even 
if it forms initially as supercooled raindrops in a 
low-CCN environment. Moreover, the slowing 
of the autoconvcrsion rate by large concentra- 
tions of CCN can leave much of the cloud drop- 
lets airborne when strong updrafts thrust them 
above the homogeneous ice nucleation level of 
— 38°C, where they freeze into small ice parti- 
cles that have no effective mechanism to coag- 
ulate and fall as precipitation. This phenomenon 
was observed by aircraft (49) and simulated 
for convective storms in west Texas (50) and 
the U.S. high plains (51). When the same sim- 
ulation (50) was repeated with reduced CCN 
concentrations, the calculated rainfall amount 
increased substantially. The same model showed 

— a Water load — C Unload >0 freeze unload 

— b Water unload — d Load >0 freeze unload 

Fig. 3. The buoyancy of an unmixed adiabatkally raising air par- 
cel. The zero-buoyancy reference is the standard parcel: liquid water 
saturation, immediately precipitating all condensates without freez- 
ing (vertical line b). Cloud base is at 22°C and 960 hPa. The buoy- 
ancy of the following scenarios is shown: (a) suppressing rainfall and 
keeping all condensed water load, without freezing; (M precipitat- 
ing all condensed water, without freezing; (r) precipitating all con- 
densates, with freezing at T < -4°C; (d) Suppressing precipitation until 
T = -4°C, and then freezing and precipitating all condensed water 
above that temperature. The released static energy (] kg -1 ) with 
respect to reference line b is denoted by the numbers. 

that adding small CCN aerosols in warm-base 
clouds has the opposite effect to that of cold- 
base clouds: increasing the precipitation amount 
by invigorating the convective overturning, while 
keeping the precipitation efficiency (i.e., sur- 
face precipitation divided by total cloud con- 
densates) lower (52). 

The invigoration due to aerosols slowing 
the autoconversion can be explained according 
to fundamental theoretical considerations of 
the pseudo-adiabatic parcel theory (Fig. 3). The 
CAPE measures the amount of moist static en- 
ergy that is available to drive the convection. Its 
value is normally calculated with reference to a 
pseudo-adiabatic cloud parcel that rises while 
precipitating all its condensate in the form of 
rain, even at subfreezing temperatures. 

Consider the case of a tropical air parcel that 
ascends from sea level with initial conditions 
of cloud base pressure of 960 hPa and temper 
ature of 22°C. When not allowing precipitation, 
all the condensed water remains in the parcel 
and requires 415 J kg -1 to rise to the height of 
the -4°C isothenn (point d\ in Fig. 3), which is 
the highest temperature at which freezing can 
practically occur in the atmosphere. Freezing 
all the cloud water would warm the air and add 
thermal buoyancy by an amount that would 
almost exactly balance the condensate load (d 2 ). 
When the ice hydrometeors precipitate from a 
parcel, it becomes more positively buoyant be- 
cause of its reduced weight (d 2 ), so that the re- 
leased convective energy at the top of the cloud 
(d 4 ) is the largest Specifically, it is greater by 
-1000 J kg” 1 relative to the case where cloud 
water is precipitated as rain below the -4°C iso- 
thenn and as ice above that level (c,). However, 
lurther delaying the conversion of cloud water 
into precipitation to greater heights above the 
0°C level weakens the convection. In the ex- 
treme case of extending the suppression from 
the -4°C to the -36°C isotherm level (a0, ad- 
ditional energy of 727 J kg -1 is invested in lifting 
the condensates. There is no effective mecha- 
nism for precipitating cloud water that glaciated 
homogeneously into small ice particles. This 
would prevent the unloading of the parcel, tak- 
ing up even more convective energy and lurther 
suppressing the convection and the precipita- 
tion. In reality, cloud parcels always mix with 
the environment, but this applies equally to all 
the scenarios in Fig. 3, so that qualitatively the 
contrasting aerosol effects remain the same. 
Although the idealized calculations here arc 
useful to establish the concepts, the exact cal- 
culations require running three-dimensional 
models on the lull life cycle of convective cloud 
systems, followed by validation with detailed 

The importance of the aerosol control of the 
released convective energy by adding as much 
as 1000 J kg” 1 can be appreciated by consider- 
ing that CAPE averages -1000 to 1500 J kg” 1 
in the Amazon (30). Simulations of aerosols in- 
vigorating peak updrafts by 20% (37, 52) are 

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consistent with an increase of released convec- 
tive energy by nearly 50%. 

Role of Radiative Versus 
Microphysical Aerosol Effects 

Until now, the radiative and microphysical im- 
pacts of aerosols on the climate system have 
been considered separately and independently; 
their various, often conflicting, influences have 
not been amenable to quantitative weighting on 
the same scale. Given the opposing microphys- 
ical and radiative effects on the vigor and rainfall 
amounts of deep warm-base convective clouds, 
there is a need to assess the combined effects of 
these two factors (25). 

A quantitative comparison between the 
strengths of the radiative and microphysical ef- 
fects of the aerosols is presented in Fig. 4. Be- 
cause optically active aerosols are larger than 
0.05 pm in radius, and because mature pollu 
tion aerosols of this or larger size can act as 
CCN (55), CCN concentrations generally in- 
crease with aerosol optical thickness (AOT) 
(Fig. 1). The empirical relationship between AOT 
and CCN is shown in Fig. 4 by AOT - 0.0027 x 
(CCHm) 0 -* (1), where CCN 0.4 is the concen- 
tration of CCN active at a supersaturation of 
0.4%. The cloud droplet concentration N c is 
proportional to (CCN 04 )*, where k is typically 
smaller than 1 . Using k - 0.825 relates 2000 
cloud drops cm -3 to 10 4 CCN 04 cm -3 , which 
corresponds to AOT = 1 . The value of k was 
inferred from Ramanatlian et al. (7), although 
Freud et al. (54) imply that k is closer to 1. In 
turn, N c was shown to be related to the depth 
above cloud base (D) required for onset of rain 
(54). This depth determines the thennodynamic 
track of the rising parcel (Fig. 3) and hence the 
vigor of the convection and the extent of con- 
vective overturning, which detennines the rainfall 
amount produced by the cloud system throughout 
its life cycle The cloudy parcel ascends along 
curve a in Fig. 3 as long as the cloud top has not 
reached D, and shifts to a track between curves c 
and d according to the amount of condensed 
water at that height 

The dependence of D on CCN is obtained by a 
compilation of aircraft measurements (27, 54, 55) 
that provides an approximate relation of D - 
80 + (4 x CCN 04 ). According to this relation, 
CCN 0.4 should reach -1200 cm -3 for preventing 
rainout from typical tropical clouds before reach 
ing the practical freezing temperature of -4°C, 
which is at D ~ 5 km At this point the in- 
vigoration effect is at its maximum, where the 
cloud parcel follows curve d in Fig. 3. Adding 
CCN beyond this point suppresses the vigor of 
the convection by shifting the cloud parcel grad- 
ually from curve d to curve a in Fig. 3. This means 
that the microphysical effect on invigorating the 
convection has a maximum at moderate CCN con- 
centrations. This maximum becomes smaller for 
cooler-base clouds, where the distance to the freez- 
ing level is shorter, so that fewer CCN arc suffi- 
cient to suppress the onset of rain up to that level. 

At the point of strongest microphysical in- 
vigoration, AOT is still at the modest value of 
-0.25. Added aerosols increase the AOT and 
reduce the flux of solar energy to the surface, 
which energizes convection. As a result, with 
increasing aerosol loads beyond the optimum, 
the weakening of the microphysical invigora- 
tion is reinforced by the suppressive effect of 
reduced surface heating. 

The interplay between the microphysical and 
radiative effects of the aerosols may explain the 
observations of Bell et al. (55), who showed 
that the weekly cycle of air pollution aerosols 
in the southeastern United States is associated 
with a weekday maximum and weekend min- 
imum in the intensity of afternoon convective 
rainfall during summer. This was mirrored by 
a minimum in the midweek rainfall over the 
adjacent sea areas, reflecting an aerosol-induced 
modulation of the monsoonal convergence of 
air and its rising over land with return flow 
aloft to the ocean. This is a remarkable find- 
ing, as it suggests that the microphysical im- 
pacts of aerosols on invigorating warm-base 
deep clouds are not necessarily at the expense 
of other clouds in the same region, but can 
lead to changes in regional circulation that lead 

to greater moisture convergence and regional 

This weekly cycle emerged in the late 1980s 
and strengthened through the 1990s, along with 
the contemporary reversal of the dimming trend 
of solar radiation reaching the surface, which 
took place until the 1980s (56). This was likely 
caused by the reversal in the emissions trends 
of sulfates and black carbon (57). It is possible 
that the weekly cycle emerged when the over- 
all aerosol levels decreased to the range where 
the microphysical impacts are dominant, as shown 
in Fig. 4. 

Measuring Radiative and Microphysical 
Aerosol Effects with the Same Metric 

The precipitation and the radiative effects of 
the aerosols (both direct and cloud-mediated) 
can be integrally measured when considering 
the combined changes in the energy of the at- 
mosphere and the surface. The commonly used 
metrics arc the radiative forcing at the top of 
the atmosphere (TOA) and at the BOA (bottom 
of the atmosphere, i.e.. Earth’s surface), measured 
in W m -2 . The atmospheric radiative forcing 
is the difference between TOA and BOA forc- 
ing (7). Here we propose a new metric, the aero- 
sol thennodynamic forcing (TF) 
(58), representing the aerosol - 
induced change in the atmo- 
spheric energy budget that is 
not radiative in nature. In con- 
trast to TOA radiative forcing, 
TF does not change the net Earth 
energy budget, but rather redis- 
tributes it internally; hence, TF 
can affect temperature gradi- 
ents and atmospheric circula- 
tion. The main source of TF is 
the change in the amount of latent 
heat released by aerosol-induced 
changes in clouds and precipi- 
tation. It can be expressed as a 
change in latent heat flux (in 
units of W m~ 2 ) in the atmo- 
spheric column. 

The vertical distribution of 
the atmospheric heating is crit- 
ically important because it de- 
termines the vertical lapse rate 
and hence the CAPE, which 
quantifies the ability to produce 
convective clouds and precipita- 
tion. Atmospheric radiative heat- 
ing due to absorbing aerosols 
tends to reduce CAPE and there- 
by suppress the development 
of convective clouds, whereas the 
microphysical effects of aero- 
sols allow a deeper exploitation 
of CAPE and hence invigora- 
tion of convection and associated 

All the components of the 
aerosol radiative (direct and cloud- 

■ Transmission 
- AOT 

3 5 
£ S 


CCN 04 aerosol concentration (cm 3 ) 

Fig. 4. Illustration of the relations between the aerosol micro- 
physical and radiative effects. The aerosol optical thickness 
(AOT) is assumed to reach 1 at CCN 04 = 10 4 cm -3 (dashed red 
line), which corresponds to nucleation of 2000 cloud drops cm -3 . 
The related transmission of radiation reaching the surface is shown 
by the solid red line. The vigor of the convection is shown by 
the blue line, which provides the released convective available 
potential energy (CAPE) of a cloud parcel that ascends to the 
cloud top near the tropopause. The calculation is based on the 
scheme in Fig. 3, with respect to curve c as the zero reference. 
Note that a maximum in CAPE occurs at CCN 0 .4 = 1200 cm -3 , 
which corresponds to the maximum cloud invigoration accord- 
ing to curve d of the scheme in Fig. 3. The AOT corresponding to 
the CCN 0.4 at the microphysical optimum is only 0.25. Adding 
aerosols beyond this point substantially decreases the vigor of the 
cloud because both microphysical and radiative effects work in the 
same direction: smaller release of convective energy aloft and less 
radiative heating at the surface. 




mediated) and thermodynamic forcing and the 
resulting changes in CAPE can now be quan- 
tified as energy flux perturbations in units of 
W m“ 2 . Consider the example of smoke chang- 
ing tropical convection from thermodynamic 
path c to path d in Fig. 3. At the end of the 
convective cycle, an additional 1000 J kg~ ; are 
depleted from CAPE relative to convection un- 
der pristine conditions. The resultant increased 
convective overturning is likely to produce more 
rainfall and increase the temperature by con- 
verting more latent heat into sensible heat, at a 
rate of 29 W m” 2 for each added millimeter of 
rainfall during 24 hours. This can be consid 
ercd as a cloud-mediated TF of aerosols, which 
works to enhance rainfall and accelerate the 
hydrological cycle, resulting in a positive sign 
for TF. On the other hand, if the smoke be- 
comes very thick, its radiative impact would 
be to reduce surface latent and sensible heat 
ing and warm the mid-troposphere. For ex- 
ample, an AOT of 1 induces a BOA forcing of 
-45 W m 2 in the Amazon (5). This stabiliza- 
tion of the atmosphere would cause less con- 
vection and depletion of CAPE, less rainfall, 
and a resulting deceleration of the hydrolog- 
ical cycle (7). Furthermore, too much aerosol 
can suppress the precipitation-forming processes 
to the extent of changing from thermodynamic 
path d to path a in Fig. 3 (see also Fig. 4), hence 
reversing the cloud-mediated TF of aerosols from 
positive to negative, adding to the negative radia- 
tive forcing. 

Thermodynamic forcing can occur even with- 
out changing the surface rainfall: The energy 
change when polluted clouds develop along track 
d in Fig. 3, with respect to the pristine reference 
state shown in track c, would be defined as TF. 
In this case, the TF solely due to added release 
of latent heat of freezing is 2.44 W nf 2 mm" 1 
day" 1 of heating above the freezing level and 
the same amount of cooling due to melting be- 
low the melting level. This is a net vertical re- 
distribution of latent heat. For an area-average 
rainfall of 20 mm day" 1 , the TF scales to 48.8 W 
m \ In addition, we should consider the thermo- 
dynamic consequences of the aerosol-induced 
added rainfall due to increased convective over- 
turning. This would convert latent heat to sen- 
sible heat at a rate of 29 W m" 2 mm" 1 day" 1 . Such 
deeper consumption of CAPE would require a 
longer time for the atmosphere to recover for the 
next convective cycle, representing a temporal 
redistribution of heating and precipitation. 

Concluding Thoughts 

The next challenge will be to map the radiative 
and cloud-mediated thermodynamic forcing of 
the aerosols in the parameter space of AOT ver- 
sus CCN. The good correlation between AOT 
and CCN means that, at least at large scales, die 
radiative and microphysical effects of aerosols 
on cloud physics are not free to vary indepen- 
dently (7), and hence mainly the diagonal of the 
parameter space is populated. 

According to Fig. 4, there should be an op- 
timum aerosol load in the tropical atmosphere 
that should lead to the most positive aerosol 
thermodynamic forcing, manifested as the most 
vigorous convection. This optimum probably oc- 
curs at AOT » 0.25 and CCN 0 .4 ~ 1200 cm" 3 . 
Remarkably, these fundamental considerations 
for AOT ~ 0.25 for optimal cloud development 
were matched recently by observations in the 
Amazon (59). 

This hypothesis reconciles the apparent con- 
tradictory reports that were reviewed in two 
major assessments ( 18 , 19) as impeding our 
overall understanding of cloud-aerosol impacts 
on precipitation and the climate system. The 
main cause for the previous uncertainties was 
the nonmonotonic character of competing ef- 
fects, which is inevitable in a system that has an 
optimum. The new conceptual model outlined 
here improves our understanding and ability 
to simulate present and future climates. It also 
has implications for intentional weather and 
climate modification, which are being consid- 
ered in the context of cloud seeding for pre- 
cipitation enhancement and geoengineering. 
Testing this hypothesis is planned within the 
Aerosol Cloud Precipitation Climate (ACPC) 
initiative (60, 61). 

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23. D. Rosenfeld. R. Lahav. A Khain. M. Pinsky. Sdence 297. 
1887 (2002): published online 15 August 2002 

24. Y. Rudkh. 0. Khersonsky. 0. Rosenfeld, Geophys. Res Lett. 
29. 10. 1029/2 002GL01605 5 (2002). 

25. National Research Council. Radiative Forcing of Climate 
Change: Expanding the Concept and Addressing 
Uncertainties (National Academies Press. Washington. 
DC. 2005). 

26. Di Rosenfeld. Y. ]. Kaufman. I. Karen. Atmos Chem. Phys 
6. 2503 (2008). 

27. 0. Rosenfeld et at.. / Geophys Res. 113. 015203 

28. M. 0. Andreae et at.. Sdence 303. 1337 (2004). 

29. ]. Molinie. C. A. Pontikis. Geophys Res Lett 22. 1085 

30. E. Williams et at. ). Geophys Res. 107. 10.1029/ 
2001JD000380 (2002). 

31 L Koren. Y. ). Kaufman. D. Rosenfeld. L A Remer. 

Y. Rudich. Geophys. Res led 32. L14828 (2005). 

32. J. C. Lin. T. Matsui. R. A Pielke Sr, C. Kummerow. 

/ Geophys. Res. Ill, D19204 (2006). 

33. T. L Bell et al.. / Geophys Res. 113. D02209 (2008). 

34. D. M. Schultz, S. Mikkonen. A. Laaksooen. M. B. Richman. 
Geophys Res. Lett. 34. L22815 (2007). 

35. T. Bell. 0. Rosenfeld. Geophys. Res Lett. 35. 109803 

36. A Khain. A Pokrovsky. M. Pinsky. A. Seifert. V. Phillips. 
/ Atmos. ScL 61. 2963 (2004). 

37. A Khain. 0. Rosenfeld. A. Pokrovsky. Q / ff. Meteorol. 
Soc 131. 2639 (2005). 

38. B. H. Lynn et al.. Mon. Weather Rev. 133. 59 (2005). 

39. C. Wang. / Geophys Res. 110. D21211 (2005). 

40. S. C. van den Heever. G. G. Canio. W. R. Cotton. P. J. DeMott 
A J. Prennl / Atmos. Sd. 63. 1752 (2008). 

41 A Seifert, K. 0. Beheng. Meteorol Atmos. Phys. 92. 67 

42. A Teller. 2. Levin. Atmos. Chem. Phys 6. 67 (2006). 

43. W. K. Tao et at.. / Geophys Res. 112, 024S18 (2007). 

44. 0. B. Johnson. / Atmos. Sd. 39. 448 (1982). 

45. 0. Lohmann. Atmos Chem. Phys. 8. 2115 (2008). 

46. L R. Graber. Y. Rudich. Atmos Chem. Phys 6, 729 

47. V. T. J. Phi Rips, A. Pokrovsky. A. Khain,/ Atmos ScL 64. 
338 (2007). 

48. M. W. DeMaria. / Atmos Sd. 42. 1944 (1985). 

49. 0. Rosenfeld. W. L Woodley. Nature 405. 440 (2000). 

50. A P. Khain. D. Rosenfeld. A Pokrovsky. Geophys Res. 
Lett 28. 3887 (2001). 

51 Z Cui. K. S. Carslaw, Y. Yin. S. Davies. / Geophys. Res 
111, 005201 (2006). 

52. A P. Khain, N. BenMoshe. A. Pokrovsky. / Atmos. Sri 
65. 1721 (2008). 

53. U. Dusek et at.. Sdence 312. 1375 (2006). 

54. E. Freud. D. Rosenfeld, M. 0. Andreae. A A. Costa. 

P. Artaxo, Atmos Chem. Phys. 8. 1661 (2008). 

55. M. C. VanZanten. B. Stevens, a Vali, D. H. Lenschow. 

/ Atmos. ScL 62. 88 (2005). 

56. M. WRd et at.. Sdence 308. 847 (2005). 

57. D. G. Streets, Y. Wu, M. Chin. Geophys Res. Lett 33. 
L15806 (2006). 

58. The term 'thermodynamic aerosol effect* was first 
mentioned in (25), but in a more restrictive context. 

59. L Koren. J. V. Martins. L A Remer. H. Afargan. Science 
321. 946 (2008). 

60. B. Stevens. REAPS Newsletter 5. 10 (2008). 

61 The Aerosol Cloud Precipitation Climate (ACPC) 

initiative is a joint initiative by the International 
Geosphere/Biosphete Programme (IGBP) core projects 
Integrated Land Ecosystem/Atmosphere Process Study 
(iLEAPS) and International Global Atmospheric Chemistry 
(IGAO and die World Climate Research Programme 
(WCRP) project Global Energy and Water Cycle 
Experiment (GEWEX). 

62. This paper resulted from discussions held during an ACPC 
workshop hosted and supported by the International 
Space Science Institute. Bern, Switzerland, through its 
International Teams Program. 

10.112 6/sdence.ll60606 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 


Shadow Enhancers as a Source of 
Evolutionary Novelty 

]oung-Woo Hong, David A. Hendrix, Michael S. Levine* * 

T he dorsal-ventral patterning of the early 
Drosophila embryo is controlled by a 
sequence-specific transcription tactor, Dorsal, 
which is related to mammalian NF-kB (7). Dorsal 
works in conceit with two additional transcription 
factors. Twist and Snail, to regulate gene expression 
in the early embryo. Chromatin immunoprecipitation 
(OiIP)-chip assays identified a tew hundred binding 
clusters tor Dorsal, Twist, and Snail scattered through- 
out the Drosophila genome (2\ Over 35 of these 
clusters Junction as authentic enhancers when tested 
in transgenic embryos. 

ChIPchip assays predicted that many of the 
Dorsal target genes contain two separate enhancers tor 
the same or similar expression pattern. This prediction 
was experimentally confirmed tor \rtd and miR-1 (2). 
\iul contains two enhancers that mediate expression in 
the presumptive neurogenic ectoderm, whereas miR-1 
contains at least two enhancers for expression in 
the ventral mesodenn In both cases, the secondary cn 
hancers map within 5 kb of tire transcription start site. 

However, some of the potential secondary' 
enhancers identified by the ChIP-chip assays are 

predicted to map quite far from Dorsal target genes. 
For example, brinker (brk) is regulated by a known 
enhancer located in the 5’ flanking region (3). A 
potential secondary enhancer maps within the intron 
of a neighboring gene, Alg5, located ~13 kb down- 
stream of the brk transcription start site. A ~1 -kb ge- 
nomic DNA fragment encompassing the Atg5 intron 
was tested tor enhancer activity in transgenic embryos 
(Fig. 1A) It directs broad lateral stripes of lacZ re- 
porter gene expression, similar to the endogenous 
brk expression pattern that is recapitulated by the 
previously identified 5' enhancer. 

A similar situation is seen tor the Dorsal target 
gene, sog. Bioinlbrmatics methods identified an 
intronic enhancer that recapitulates the normal sog 
expression pattern in the presumptive neurogenic 
ectoderm (J). GilP-chip assays identified this en- 
hancer, as well as a second cluster of Dorsal, Twist, 
and Snail binding sites located 20 kb 5' of the sog 
transcription start site, downstream of a neighboring 
gene (Fig. IB). The newly identified binding cluster 
generates broad lateral stripes of gene expression in 
transgenic embryos, similar to those produced by the 

intronic enhancer The secondary' enhancers iden- 
tified in this study are almost certainly dedicated to 
the regulation of brk and sog transcription units be- 
cause die associated genes, Alg5 aid CG8J17, re- 
spectively , arc not significantly expressed in the early' 
embryo (Fig. 1 and fig. SI). 

ChIP-chip assays suggest that as many as one- 
third or even one-half of all Dorsal target genes might 
be regulated by secondary enhancers (2). We propose 
the term “shadow enhancer” for remote secondary' 
enhancers mapping tar from the target gene and me- 
diating activities overlapping the primary enhancer. 
Phylogenetic comparisons suggest dial the brk and 
sog shadow enhancers are evolving more rapidly 
dran the primary enhancers mapping within or near 
die two genes (figs. S2 and S3) Despite these dif- 
ferent rates of divergence, the overall structures of the 
shadow- enhancers are clearly related to their respec- 
tive primary enhancers (fig. S4). Given the conser- 
vation of die shadow enhancers in all 1 2 sequenced 
drosophilids, it is likely that they are essential tor fitness. 

Why are Dorsal target genes regulated by shad- 
ow enhancers? They might help ensure precise and 
reproducible patterns of gene expression during em- 
bryogencsis. It is possible that shadow enhancers are 
pervasively used in animal development For exam- 
ple, the mouse sonic hedgehog gene is regulated in 
the floorplate of the embryonic neural tube by two 
separate enhancers with slightly’ distinct activities (</). 
Shadow enhancers can explain why deletions of well- 
defined enhancers sometimes produce no apparent 
mutant phenotypes [e.g., (5)). We suggest dial shadow 
enhancers might arise from duplication, comparable 
to the duplication and divergence of protein-coding 

The evolution of cis-regulatory DMAs is a major 
mechanism of animal diversity [eg., (<5)]. However; 
there is the potential problem that such change could 
compromise essential genetic activities. Shadow 
enhancers have the potential to evolve novel binding 
sites and achieve new regulatory activities without 
disrupting the core patterning functions of critical 
developmental control genes. 

References and Notes 

L A. Stathopoulov el ai. Cell 111 , 687 (2002). 

2. J. Zeitlingc-r el ai. Genes Dev. 21 . 385 (2007). 

3. M Maksteirt el at., hoc. Nott. Mod Sci USA 99. 763 (2002). 

4. Y. Jeong el at.. Development 133. 761 (2006). 

5. N. Xong. C. Kang. D. H. Raulet Immunity 16. 453 (2002). 

6. S. Jeong el at.. Cell 132 . 783 (2008). 

7. f. Biemai elai. hoc. NatL Mad Sci. US.A 103 . 12763 (2006). 

8. This study was funded by the NIH (GM46638) and the 

Moore Foundation. 

Supporting Online Material 

www.sde ncema g. oegfcgi /conte nt/f utl/32 1/58 94/13 14/OC 1 

Materials and Methods 

Figs. SI to S4 

Tables 51 to 53 

References and Notes 

19 May 2008: accepted 2 July 2008 

10.1 126/srience. 1160631 

Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Division of Genetics, 
Genomics, and Development, Center for Integrative Genomics, 
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. 

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 



— " 1 

^ ... L F 

1 IF 

A T ~ If 

k k F 

j F 

„ f 


— — 

yw McZ 

yw McZ 

Fig. 1. Identification of shadow enhancers. (A) Genome browser showing the Brinker locus (brk) and 
neighboring gene AtgS (http^/f lybu 22 .be rkeley.ed tVcg i-bin/g browse/fly4 _3/). The first three lines from the top — 
blue, yellow, and red— show the levels of steady-state RNAs in the pipe, ro// mr9/mI °, and ToH 1Cb mutants, 
respectively (7). brk transcripts are absent in pipe and Toll ltb mutants but present in ToU m ' 9/rml ° mutants. AtgS is 
inactive in all mutants, suggesting that the intronic enhancer is dedicated to brk regulation. The last three lines 
show the distributions of Snail, Twist and Dorsal (DD based on whole-genome ChIP-chip assays (2). The leftmost 
cluster (open arrowhead) coincides with the known, primary enhancer in the 5' flanking region. A second cluster 
(solid arrowhead) is detected 13 kb downstream of the brk transcription start site within Atg5. An ~l-kb genomic 
DNA fragment encompassing the 3' binding cluster (shadow enhancer) was tested in transgenic embryos (solid 
arrowhead). The 5’ enhancer was tested previously (3). Both fragments function as authentic enhancers to 
generate lateral stripes of gene expression in the neurogenic ectoderm. (B) Same as (A) except that the sog locus 
is shown, sog transcripts are predominantly detected in ToU rm9/rm10 mutants where the gene is fully active (see the 
blue, yellow, and red lines, which show the results of the whole-genome tiling arrays). ChIPchip assays identify 
two clusters of Dorsal, Twist, and Snail binding sites within intron 1 and 3' of the neighboring gene, CG8117. Both 
genomic DNA fragments function as authentic enhancers to direct lateral stripes of gene expression. Gene 
prediction models are displayed above each graphical presentation. Each 3' end is indicated by a triangle. 




The Crystal Structure of a 
Mammalian Fatty Acid Synthase 

Mammalian fatty acid synthase is a large multienzyme that catalyzes all steps of fatty acid 
synthesis. We have determined its crystal structure at 3.2 angstrom resolution covering five 
catalytic domains, whereas the flexibly tethered terminal acyl carrier protein and thioesterase 
domains remain unresolved. The structure reveals a complex architecture of alternating linkers and 
enzymatic domains. Substrate shuttling is facilitated by flexible tethering of the acyl carrier protein 
domain and by the limited contact between the condensing and modifying portions of the 
multienzyme, which are mainly connected by linkers rather than direct interaction. The structure 
identifies two additional nonenzymatic domains: (i) a pseudo-ketoreductase and (ii) a peripheral 
pseudo-methyltransferase that is probably a remnant of an ancestral methyltransferase domain 
maintained in some related polyketide synthases. The structural comparison of mammalian fatty 
acid synthase with modular polyketide synthases shows how their segmental construction allows 
the variation of domain composition to achieve diverse product synthesis. 

Timm Maier, Marc Leibundgut, Nenad Ban* 

F atty acids fulfill a variety of vital functions: 
They are central constituents of biological 
membranes, serve as energy storage com- 
pounds, and act as second messengers or as co- 
valent modifiers governing the localization of 
proteins. In bacteria and plants, fatty acid bio- 
synthesis is accomplished by a series of mono- 
functional proteins in a dissociated type II fatty 
acid synthase (FAS) system (7). In contrast, the 
type I FASs of fungi and animals arc huge mu! 
tifunctional polypeptides that integrate all steps 
of fatty acid synthesis into large rnacromolccular 
assemblies. Fungal FAS is a 2.6-MD a^p 6 - 
heterododecamer with the catalytic domains dis- 
tributed over two polypeptides (2-4), whereas 
mammalian FAS (mFAS) consists of a 270-kD 
polypeptide chain (comprising all seven required 
domains) that assembles into homodimers for 
enzymatic activity (5, 6). 

Despite this variation in structural organiza- 
tion, all organisms employ a conserved set of 
chemical reactions for fatty acid biosynthesis 
(1, 6-8). Stepwise elongation of precursors is 
achieved by cyclic decarboxylative condensation 
of acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) with the elongation 
substrate malonyl-CoA, initiated by the starter 
substrate acetyl-CoA. In the priming step, the 
acetyl transferase loads acetyl-CoA onto the 
terminal thiol of the phosphopantheteine cofactor 
of the acyl carrier protein (ACP), which passes 
the acetyl moiety over to the active site cysteine 
of the p-ketoacyl synthase (KS). Malonyl trans- 
ferase (MT) transfers the malonyl group of 
malonyl-CoA to ACP, and the KS catalyzes the 
decarboxylative condensation of the acetyl and 
malonylmoieties to an ACP-bound p-ketoacyl 

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, ETH Zurich, 
8092 Zurich, Switzerland. 

•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

intermediate. The p- carbon position is then mod- 
ified by sequential action of the NADPH (the 
reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinuclcotide, 
NADP'Vdependent p ketoreductase (KR), a 
dehydratase (DH), and the NADPH-depcndcnt 
enoyl reductase (ER) to yield a saturated acyl 
product elongated by two carbon units. This acyl 
group functions as a starter substrate for the next 
round of elongation, until the growing fatty acid 
chain reaches a length of 16 to 18 carbon atoms 
and is released from ACP. In mFAS, the malonyl 
and acetyl transferase reactions are catalyzed by a 
single bifunctional protein domain, the malonyl- 
acetyl transferase (MAT), and the products arc 
released from ACP as free fatty acids by a 
thioesterase (TE) domain (6). 

Humans eating a typical Western diet take in a 
surplus of fatty acids. Consequently, de novo 
fatty acid biosynthesis and FAS activity arc low 
in most body tissues. However, FAS is overex- 
prcssed in many cancer cells, and its expression 
level is correlated with tumor malignancy (9). 
FAS inhibitors have demonstrated anli-tumor 
activity in vivo and in vitro, and in recent years 
FAS has emerged as an important drug target for 
the treatment of human cancer (JO, II). The 
medical use of FAS inhibitors has been hampered 
by off-target activities. Recently, more specific 
inhibitors of type I FAS have been described (12) 
and remain to be tested. 

Currently, high-resolution structures are 
known for all components of bacterial (I) and 
fungal FAS (2, 4, 13), whereas the structural in- 
formation for mFAS is limited to high-resolution 
structures for the isolated MAT [Protein Data 
Bank (PDB) entry 2jfd], ACP (14, 15), and TE 
domains (16, 1 7) and a domain architecture model 
based on a 4.5 A resolution x-ray crystallograph- 
ic map (5). Structure determination of KS-acyl 
transferase didomain fragments and KR domains 
of polyketide synthases (PKS) (18-21 ) — large 

modular megasynthases involved in the microbi 
al synthesis of a number of bioactive compounds 
and drags — has confirmed the anticipated close 
structural relation between mFAS and PKS mod- 
ules (6, 22). Here, we present the crystal structure 
of mFAS in its free and NADP + -bound states, in 
which the flexibly tethered C-terminal ACP/TE 
domains (23) remain unresolved. 

Overall Structure and Topology 

The crystal structures of natively purified 
mFAS from pigs, free and in complex with the 
cofactor NADP + , have been determined at 3.2 
and 3.3 A resolution and refined to RJR^ values 
of 0.22/0.26 and 0. 19/0.24, respectively (where 
R/R^ are El F^h) - F^h) |EF obs (h) cal- 
culated for the working/test set of reflections). 
Diffraction data were affected by anisotropy with 
one weaker direction of reciprocal space (24). 
mFAS assembles into an intertwined dimer ap- 
proximating an “X” shape (Fig. 1A). This struc- 
ture agrees well with our previous architectural 
model at intermediate resolution (5) and addi- 
tionally provides the connectivities of domains, 
the detailed features of active sites, and the nature 
of linking sequences outside the conserved core 
domains. mFAS is segregated into a lower con- 
densing portion, containing the condensing KS 
and the MAT domains, and an upper portion 
including the DH, ER, and KR domains respon- 
sible for P-carbon modification (Fig. 1 , A and B). 
Two additional nonenzymatic domains are 
located at the periphery of the modifying part. 
The first of these domains is homologous to the 
methyltransferase family and is thus named 
“pseudo-methyltransferase” 0FME). The second 
represents a truncated KR fold dimerizing with 
the catalytic KR domain and is referred to as 
“pseudo-ketoreductase” 0FKR) The condensing 
and modifying parts of mFAS are loosely con- 
nected and form only tangential contacts. The 
structural organization of domains deviates dra- 
matically from their linear arrangement in se- 
quence (Fig. 1 , A and C). 

The two polypeptides dimerize through an 
extended contact area of 5400 A 2 , which in- 
volves more than 150 residues per chain (table 
S2). The main contributions to this interface arise 
from homophilic interactions of the KS and ER 
domains, with areas of -2600 and 1600 A 2 , 
which resemble the dimer organization of mono- 
functional homologs (25, 26). Additional dimer 
contacts (800 A 2 ) arc provided by the DH do- 
main through homophilic interactions between 
the double “hot dog” folds via a loop around 
residue 941. The remaining interactions arc 
formed by the C-terminal part of the linker re- 
gion between the MAT and DH domains (resi- 
dues 846 to 860) with the KS domain of the other 
chain (400 A 2 ). 

Interdomain Linking and Interaction 

The characteristics of multienzyme complexes 
are to a great degree determined by the nature of SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



the interactions and linking of functional sub- 
units. Notably, animal FAS invests only ~9% of 
its total sequence tor linkers (Fig. 2, A to E) and 
an additional 16% for the lateral noncatalytic 
V FME and YKR domains (Fig. 1A). No scat' 
folding insertions are found in the catalytic cores. 
This is in contrast to the tungal FAS, the other 
mcgasynlhase for which a high-resolution struc- 
ture is available (2, 4 , 13 ). In that multicnzyme, 
almost 50% of the total sequence forms a com- 
plex structural matrix of numerous inter- and 
intradomain insertions, which define the spatial 
organization of the catalytic domains. The only 
structured linker domain in mFAS connects the 
KS and MAT domains [KS MAT linker domain 
(Fig. 2A)] and is composed of amino acids 420 to 
490 betw een KS and MAT and of residues S09 to 
837 joining MAT and DH. It includes two short 
a-helices facing the KS and a three stranded anti- 
parallel p sheet on the MAT side and acts as an 
adapter, preventing any direct interaction between 
the KS and MAT domains. Similar linker domains 
were recently found in the KS-acyl transferase 
didomain structures of two PKS modules ( 18 , 21 ). 
Although an additional helix is inserted in the PKS 
linker domains (fig. SI), the relative positions of 
the transferase and KS domains remain essentially 
the same in mFAS and PKS (fig. S2). 

The connection between the condensing and 
modifying part of mFAS is provided by residues 
838 to 858 between the KS-MAT linker domain 
and the DH domain (Fig. 2 , D and E). Again, the 
confonnation and position of this linker closely 
resembles those observed in KS-acyl transferase 
didomain structures from PKS modules, even 
though these didomains arc derived from mod- 
ules with a considerably different sequence con- 
text, containing only KR domains for p-carbon 
modification ( 18 , 21 ). Besides the linker itself, 
only very limited contacts are formed between 
the condensing and modifying parts of mFAS 
(with an interaction area of 230 A 2 ). It is even 
possible that some percentage of molecules in the 
crystal have an alternative connectivity between 
the two parts (equivalent to a rotation of the upper 
portion of the molecule), which would escape 
detection by crystallographic methods (figs. S3 
and S4). 

The KR domain acts as a central connector 
for the modifying part of mFAS and interacts 
with the DH, ER, and noncatalytic 'FME and 
V KKR domains (Fig. 3, A and B, and table S3). In 
contrast, neither the DH nor the ER domain 
interacts with either of the noncatalytic domains, 
and the contact between the DH and ER domains 
is very weak. The KR domain interacts with the 

second hot dog subdomain of DH, framing an 
800 A 2 interface. The contact between KR and 
ER is less intricate and extends over an area of 
400 A 2 . About 10% (or 1100 A 2 ) of the KR 
surface is involved in a contact with the V FKR 
domain, mimicking one of the two major 
dimerization interfaces observed in the tetrameric 
KR of bacteria (fig. S5). The 4 / ME. which has 
the highest mobility based on atomic displace- 
ment parameter analysis (fig. S6), protrudes from 
the mostly planar body of mFAS. It is docked via 
interactions with the KR and the V FKR domain, 
the former providing 20% (200 A 2 ) and the latter 
80% (800 A 2 ) of the docking area. 

Most of the linker regions in the modifying 
domains are solvent exposed (Fig. 2). An impor- 
tant exception is p strand -forming regions at the 
N tenninus of the HTCR-ER linker (residues 1513 
to 1518) and the C tenninus of the DH2-'FME 
linker (residues 1 1 1 7 to 1 123). These are buried 
between the KR, 'FKR, and 'PME domains and 
have an important structural role, as discussed in 
the next paragraph (Fig. 2 C). 

The Nonenzymatic Domains 

The KR character of the mFAS V FKR domain, 
which has approximately half the size of the 
active KR domain, is maintained only in the 

Front View 

Linear organization 

Fig. 1 . Structural overview. (A) Cartoon representation of mFAS, colored 
by domains as indicated. Linkers and (inker domains are depicted in 
gray. Bound NADP* cofactors and the attachment sites for the disordered 
C-terminal ACP/TE domains are shown as blue and black spheres, re- 
spectively. The position of the pseudo-twofold dimer axis is depicted by 
an arrow; domains of the second chain are indicated by an appended 

prime. The lower panel (front view) shows a corresponding schematic 
diagram. (B) Top (upper panel) and bottom (lower panel) views, 
demonstrating the "S" shape of the modifying (upper) and condensing 
(lower) parts of mFAS. The pseudo-twofold axis is indicated by an 
ellipsoid. (C) Linear sequence organization of mFAS, at approximate 
sequence scale. 


5 SEPTEMBER 2008 VOL 321 



conserved dimerization interface. Because of 
extensive truncation of its core, it lias lost the 
ability to bind NADPH. Consequently, the V FKR 
domain functions mainly to support the integ- 
rity of the active site of the catalytic KR domain. 
The KR/HTCR arrangement closely resembles 
the structure of a KR-'PKR domain derived from 
6-deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) PKS 
module 1 (19) (Fig. 3A). The mFAS 'FKR do- 
tnain lacks the two N-terminal sheet-helix wind 
ings of the DEBS1 'FKR, which itself is already 
shorter than the catalytically active KR fold (Fig. 
3A). Because of the insertion of the ER and 
'FME domains into tire KR YKR fold, two (5 
strands originally formed by the linkers flanking 
the KR and V FKR domains are no longer directly 
adjacent to these two domains in the mFAS 
sequence. Rather, they arc provided by amino 
acid stretches leading from the DH2 into the 
'FME domain, 300 amino acids upstream of the 
'FKR, and the linker between 'FKR and ER, 
separated by 360 residues from the KR domain 
(Fig. 3C). 

The 'FME domain is structurally closely re- 
lated to S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM)-dependent 
methyltransferases, in spite of low sequence ho- 

mology (fig. S7A and table S4). The core of 
these enzymes consists of a seven-stranded (J 
sheet w'ith three helices on each side and the 
C-tcrminal strand in anti-parallel orientation (27). 
The methyltransferase fold of mFAS carries an 
additional short p strand and three helices at its 
N terminus (residues 1 125 to 1224). At its C ter- 
minus, a short linker (residues 1407 to 1413) leads 
directly into the adjacent YKR fold. Such a topol 
ogy is characteristic of small-molecule (including 
lipid) methyltransferases (27). Nevertheless, the 
D/ExGxGxG motif involved in SAM cofactor 
binding (27) is not conserved in any of the meta- 
zoan FAS sequenced so far (fig. S8). In FAS of 
mammals, this motif is changed to ExLxGxG, 
which probably prevents co factor binding, in agree- 
ment with the absence of methyltransterase ac- 
tivity and methylated products in mFAS systems. 
Notably, this motif is strictly conserved in several 
iterative and modular PKSs found in fungi and 
bacteria that share a related overall domain orga- 
nization with FAS but are able to methylate 
their polyketide substrate with an intrinsic C- 
methyltransferase activity (fig. S7B) (28-30). 
Thus, the 'FME domain of FAS most likely 
represents an inactive version of a previously 

Fig. 2. Interdomain 
linkers. (A) Surface rep- 
resentation of individual 
mFAS domains (front 
view), colored as in Fig. 

L Linking regions are 
shown as tubes. (B to E) 
Close-up views of indi- 
vidual linkers. The direc- 
tion of view is indicated 
by arrowheads in (A). (B) 
Linker connecting the 
two subdomains of the 
DH domain only loosely 
interacts with the main 
body of the double hot 
dog fold. (0 Linkers in 
the KR/ER region are 
wrapped around the 
domains with close inter- 
actions to the domain 
surfaces and pronounced 
linker-linker contacts; 
they mediate interac- 
tions between the KR, 
WR, and 'FME do- 
mains. (0) Modifying 
upper and condensing 
lower parts of FAS are 
only in tangential con- 
tact in the region of the 
central connection. Few 
residues besides the con- 
necting linkers mediate 
the sparse interactions 
via a small interface area. 

(G MAT-DH linker mean- 
ders through a groove on 
the surface of the KS domain. 

functional enzyme in a common precursor of 
mFAS and PKSs. 

Catalytic Domains and Cofactor Binding 

Keloacyl synthase. The KS enzymes of all 
systems for fatty acid or modular polyketide 
synthesis share a common fold and chemical 
mechanism, but their substrate specificities differ 
considerably (1, 6). In the bacterial systems, 
which lack an acetyltransferase, KASHI (FabH) 
directly accepts acetyl-CoA as starter substrate. 
Further acyl chain extensions from C4 to Cl 4 
and from C14 to C16 arc carried out by KASI 
(FabB) and KASI I (FabF), respectively. Modular 
PKS contain specialized KS with some specific 
ity for the p-carbon status but accept a wide range 
of substrate lengths (6). In the lungal type I FAS, 
only a single KS (which accepts C2 to C16 
primers) is required for fatty acid synthesis. 
Likewise, mFAS has a single KS domain for all 
steps of fatty acid elongation. In contrast to PKS 
KS, mFAS KS is highly specific for saturated 
acyl chains and does not accept pketoacyl, p 
enoyl- or p-hydroxyacyl substrates (6, 31). On 
the basis of structural alignments, mFAS KS is 
closely related to KS domains from the DEBS I 
PKS system [1.3 A root mean square deviation 
(RMSD)] but is structurally also very similar to 
fungal KS (RMSD 1.8 A). It is more closely 
related to bacterial KASI and KASII ( 1 .8 A/1 .6 A 
RMSD) than to KASHI (2.9 A RMSD), reflect 
ing its ability to elongate long ACP-bound acyl 

Despite the pronounced structural similarity 
between the KS domains of mFAS and PKS, the 
selectivity of FAS for saturated acyl chains can be 
explained by a considerable constriction at the 
base of the active site phosphopantetheine bind- 
ing pocket leading into the large acyl chain sub- 
strate binding tunnel, which connects both active 
sites of the KS dimer (Fig. 4, A and B). A number 
of residues lining this narrow tunnel are highly 
conserved in mFAS but are substituted with 
smaller residues in all DEBS PKS modules (Fig. 
4B), resulting in a wider, more permissive tunnel 
in the KS of DEBS. 

Malonyl-acetyl transferase. The acyl trans- 
ferases of FAS and PKS systems are composed 
of an a/p-hydrolase core fold and a ferredoxin- 
like subdomain, which together create the active 
site cleft (32). In mFAS, the MAT domains of the 
two monomers have slightly different relative 
orientations of the two subdomains, probably 
selected by crystal -packing interactions. The 
structurally closest relatives are acyl transferases 
from DEBS didomain structures (2.0 A/2.2 A 
RMSD), the human mitochondrial MT (2.2 A), 
and tiie Escherichia coli FAS MT (FabD) (2.3 A 
RMSD) (table S4). All members of this family 
share a conserved active site with a catalytic Ser- 
His dyad. MTs are distinguished from acetyl 
transferases by the presence of a conserved active 
site arginine (2), which forms a bidentate salt 
bridge with the malonyl carboxylate (33). The 
mFAS MAT and related MTs display a rather 




broad specificity for malonyl-CoA derivatives 
(e.g., propionyl-CoA and methyimalonyl-CoA). 
However, only mFAS MAT uses both acetyl- 
CoA and malonyl-CoA with equal efficiency (6). 
A structural comparison with bacterial and PKS 
MTs reveals three candidate residues for this 
specificity (Fig. 4 C). Phe 682 replaces a serine in 
most PKS and bacterial homologs, whereas 
Phe 553 and Met -199 substitute for conserved 
glutamine residues. Together, these three sub- 
stitutions create a considerably more hydropho- 
bic active site. The two phenylalanines form a 
hydrophobic cavity, which may allow Met' 199 to 
flip onto the methyl group of an acetyl substrate. 
Thus, the dual specificity of mFAS MAT appears 
to result from the combined presence of the 
conserved arginine for salt-bridging malonyl 
substrates and the more hydrophobic nature of 
the active site. The double specificity can be 
changed by mutating the arginine to alanine. 

which then transforms the MAT into an acetyl 
transferase (34). 

Ketoreductase. The NADPH-dependent KR 
domain belongs to the family of short-chain 
dehydrogenases/reductases (SDRs) (55) — single- 
domain proteins that have a characteristic 
Rossmann fold and a substrate binding extension 
inserted before the last helix. mFAS KR is struc- 
turally closely related to both the tctrameric 
bacterial KR (FabG, 2.0 A RMSD) and ER 
(Fabl, 2.2 A RMSD) and to the fungal KR 
domain (2.6 A RMSD) (table S4). As for the KS 
and MAT domains, the closest structural homol- 
ogy is observed with tire KR domains from 
modular PKS (RMSDs of 1.5 A for tylosin PKS 
KR and 1 .6 A for DEBS KR). The arrangement 
of residues in the active site of the mFAS KR 
domain is consistent with a proton-relay mecha- 
nism described for bacterial FabG (56). However, 
two residues of the proton -wire, Asn 2038 and 

Lys 1995 , have swapped positions (Fig. 4D), as 
previously observed in PKS KR domains (19, 20). 
Loops in the vicinity of the active site cleft are 
disordered in the apo form of mFAS and become 
stabilized upon co factor binding. This includes 
residues 1975 to 1990, corresponding to the 
|i4/a4 loop in FabG, that are presumably stabi- 
lized by interactions of Met 1923 with the active 
site Lys 1995 , and part of the substrate binding 
extension (residues 2072 to 2075). The direction 
of substrate entry into the active site can be in- 
ferred from the stereospecificity of mFAS KR, 
which produces an ^ hydroxyl group (6, 20). The 
substrate approaches the NADPH cofactor from 
above the nicotinamide ribosc, as observed for 
the structurally related mycobacterial ER InhA 

Dehydratase. The mFAS DH domain adopts 
a pseudodimeric double hot dog fold (Fig. 5A). 
The subdomain arrangement is more similar to 

Fig. 3. Modularity of the modifying part of mFAS. (A) Comparison of the 
KRAPKR arrangement in mFAS (at left) and a related polyketide synthase, 
DEBS1 ( 19 ) (at right). The lower panels provide a schematic overview. The 
only modifying domain present in DEBS1 PKS includes KR-TKR, which is 
N- and C-terminally extended compared with mFAS KR/'PKR. The 
additional ER and DH domains are integrated into mFAS without disturbing 
the path of the KRAFKR linker compared with PKS, leaving the N and C 

termini in identical positions. (B) KR interacts with all other domains in the 
modifying part of mFAS, whereas no direct interactions occur between 
either of the nonenzymatic domains and DH or ER. (C) Schematic sequence 
diagram depicting the integration and removal of additional domains in 
the modifying parts of PKS, mFAS, and insect FAS, on the basis of structural 
and sequence alignments (at left). The putative domain topologies of DEBS 
modules 1 and 4 are shown schematically on the right 


5 SEPTEMBER 2008 VOL 321 



the functional DH dimers of bacterial FabA/Z 
than to the pseudodimeric fungal DH (fig. S9 and 
table S4) (39, 40). Each mFAS pseudodimer 
contains a single composite active site formed by 
residues His 878 from the N-tenninal hot dog fold 
and Asp 1033 and His 1037 from the C -terminal fold 
(Fig. 5B). The catalytic importance of these 
amino acids in mFAS has been demonstrated by 
mutagenesis and is further corroborated by a 
topologically similar arrangement in the active 
centers of bacterial DHs (Fig. 5B) (39-J2). This 
also suggests a similar two -base reaction mech- 
anism, as proposed for R coli FabA, with His 878 
and Asp 1033 participating in substrate protonation 
and deprotonation (39). The histidine at position 
1037 is only present in the active site of chicken 
and pig FAS, whereas in all other sequenced 
mFAS the corresponding amino acid is a gluta- 
mine (fig. S10). The equivalence of a histidine 
and a glutamine at this position has been veri- 
fied by mutagenesis (42). In the mFAS structure. 
His 1037 is positioned toward Asp 1033 at hydrogen- 

bonding distance, indicating a stabilizing func- 
tion similar to those of the glutamine in other 
mFAS and bacterial DHs (40). 

A hydrophobic substrate binding tunnel starts 
at the pseudodimer interface, stretches through 
the C- terminal hot dog domain, and has an open 
end that points toward the top of the FAS 
assembly (Fig. 5A). In contrast to type II DHs, 
which harbor two equivalent active sites in each 
homodimer, the second catalytic site is inactive in 
mFAS: The loop harboring the second catalytic 
histidine in bacteria is reduced to a short turn, and 
the corresponding accessory catalytic residues 
located in die central helix of the fold are replaced 
by tryptophane and lysine (Fig. 5A). The hy 
drophobic tunnel is entirely absent, and the do- 
main is truncated by 30 residues at the N 

Enoylreduclase. In contrast to all other func- 
tional domains of the fatty acid elongation cycle, 
the mFAS ER has a different fold from its 
functional analogs in the bacterial type II FAS 

Fig. 4. Active sites of KS, MAT, and KR. (A) A large substrate binding tunnel (blue surface 
representation) traverses the dimeric KS domain. The substrate entry site of the KS domains is 
oriented toward the MAT domain of the other chain. (B) A narrow constriction in the substrate 
binding tunnel of the KS domain adjacent to the conserved active site residues (labeled in black) 
prevents the entry of larger modified substrates. Four residues involved in the formation of the 
constriction (orange for one subunit and yellow for the second one) are conserved in mFAS and 
replaced with smaller residues in the more permissive KS domains of PKS, as exemplified by KS of 
DEBS module 5 (purple for one subunit and pink for the second) ( 18 ). (C) MAT active site of mFAS 
(red) compared to bacterial MT, with and without bound substrate (light and dark blue, 
respectively) ( 32 , 33 ). Conserved active site residues in mFAS are indicated in bold. Two 
phenylalanines and a methionine characteristic for the acetyi-CoA/malonyl-CoA double-specific 
mFAS create a more hydrophobic binding groove and may close onto the methyl group of an acetyl 
moiety to promote efficient binding. (D) Active site of KR with bound NADP* and a 3.3 A unbiased 
simulated annealed omit electron density map for the cofactor, contoured at 2.7a. The proton- 
donating tyrosine is in equivalent position to bacterial homologs, but the asparagine (N ?038 ) and 
lysine (K 1995 ) involved in proton replenishment are swapped. 

system, where the ERs are either SDR [FabI, 
FahL, FabV (43-45)] or TIM barrel proteins 
(FabK) — the latter also found as an ER domain 
in fungal type I FAS (2, 46). Instead, the mam- 
malian ER establishes a subfamily of medium- 
chain dchydrogcnascs/reductases (MDRs) (47) 
that is structurally related to bacterial quinone 
oxidorcductasc (table S4). The mFAS ER 
contains two subdomains, a nucleotide binding 
Rossmann-fold (residues 1651 to 1794) and a 
substrate binding portion (residues 1530 to 1650 
and 1795 to 1858). It binds the NADP + cofactor 
in an open extended conformation between the 
two subdomains (Fig. 5C). Our structure identi 
lies Lys 1771 and Asp 1797 as candidate donor 
residues for substrate protonation after hydride 
transfer from NADPH (Fig. 5D). These two 
residues are in close proximity to the hydride- 
donating nicotinamide C4, in a similar position as 
the suggested active site tyrosines in other MDR 
subfamilies (e.g., the mitochondrial ER) (48-50). 
The two residues are strictly conserved in mFAS 
(fig. Sll), and a corresponding lysine/aspartate 
pair is observed in the apo-form structure of the 
nucleotide binding subdomain of a related type I 
PKS ER domain (PDB entry lpqw). The active 
site of ER is located in a narrow crevice created in 
part by the bound nucleotide co factor, very 
different from the substrate binding groove in 
the related quinone reductase (50). Substrate 
entry probably occurs through a tunnel along 
the cofactor toward the nicotinamide ring. The 
tunnel continues through a constriction toward 
the back of the ER domain, where an opening 
would allow exit of long acyl chains (Fig. 5C). 

Structural Relation to PKS 

The structural information presented here pro- 
vides extensive evidence for the evolutionary 
relationship between mFAS and bacterial and 
fungal PKSs. (i) All catalytic mFAS domains are 
most closely related to PKS domains at the se- 
quence level. Notably, the domains of inFAS arc 
more similar to PKS domains than to the bacterial 
FAS counterparts, despite the differences in their 
substrate specificities, (ii) The structure of mFAS 
demonstrates that the similarity to PKSs extends 
to the linkers and the overall architecture — e g., 
those in the KS MAT or the KRM'KR regions— 
despite very low sequence conservation, (iii) Final- 
ly, an additional piece of evidence is provided by 
the existence of the nonfunctional H'ME domain, 
which can be considered a remnant of a 
catalytically active domain present in a common 
evolutionary ancestor of mFAS and PKS that is 
still preserved in several PKSs (28-30). 

Functionally, modular PKSs differ from FAS 
by their non-iterative mode of action, where each 
module carries out a single precursor elongation 
step equivalent to one round of chain elongation 
by mFAS (51). The modules are concatenated 
into large polypeptides, several of which may 
assemble into production lines with more than 10 
modules. This allows the synthesis of a variety of 
structurally diverse compounds. Based on the 

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structural similarity discussed above, mFAS can 
be considered as a single PKS module spe- 
cialized tor iterative fatty acid synthesis. 

Individual PKS modules contain substrate 
loading and condensing domains and variations 
of domains involved in {J-carbon processing that 
control the chemical structure of the produced 
polyketide. Overall comparison of the PKS 
DEBS module 1 KR TKR, which is the only 
(I carbon-modi tying domain in this module, with 
the corresponding parts of mFAS reveals the 
structural basis for the notable modularity of 
modifying domains in megasynthases: Mediated 
by short linking sequences emanating from con- 
served secondary structure elements, the full ER 
domain is inserted between the 'FKR and KR 
domain, whereas the 'FME domain is integrated 
into the linker leading into the N terminus of the 
'FKR domain (Fig. 3, A and C). As a conse 
quence of this architectural solution, the inser- 
tions do not affect the core folds of the 'FKR and 
KR domains. Furthermore, because of a very 
flexible mode of interaction between KS and DH 
and weak contacts between KR and cither DH or 
ER (table S3) of the mFAS, it is relatively easy to 
envision the architecture of some representative 
PKS modules (Fig. 3C). For example, the mini- 
mal PKS module, such as module 1 of DEBS 1, 
which includes only the KR of the possible 
p-carbon-processing domains, would have this 
domain linked to KS with a short 10-amino acid 
linker, similar to the linker connecting KS to DH 
in mFAS. Other truncated variants of the mFAS 
architecture are also detectable at the sequence 
level. In the case of the closely related insect 
FAS, the 'FME domain lacks the N-terminal 
extension (Fig. 3C and fig. S8), whereas there is 
no methyltransferase in DEBS module 4 (Fig. 
3C) ( 19 , 52 ). Short extensions may substitute for 
missing domain interactions, as indicated by a C- 
teiminal addition of two helices to the KR-'FKR 
of DEBS 1 ( 19 ) (Fig. 3A), which covers the re- 
gion of the 'FKR surface occupied by the 'FME 
in mFAS. 

These results also imply that the iterative 
mode of elongation (in which ACP shuttles 
substrates within one module) and a noniterative 
elongation (where substrates are passed between 
modules) can be accomplished with a similar 
overall architecture of the molecules. Notably, 
compared to the mFAS structure, no supplemen- 
tary elements with a potential role in oligo- 
merization are observed in the PKS structures 
available so far, except for a single helix in the 
KS-MAT linker domain (fig. SI) and a small C- 
tenninal extension of the KR domain (Fig. 3A). 
Apparently, the N- and C-terminal docking 
domains ( 53 , 54 ) are sufficient to detennine the 
higher-order assembly of PKS modules and 

The architecture and the fold of mFAS and of 
the related PKSs are extremely versatile. This is 
in contrast to fungal FAS, which forms a barrel- 
shaped 2.6 MD a 6 p„ heterododecameric assem- 
bly with three lull sets of active sites enclosed in 

each of the two reaction chambers ( 2 , 13 ). The 
scaffold of the cage-forming fungal FAS appears 
less tolerant toward product modifying domain 
insertions and excisions because of symmetry 
constraints and the tight embedding of catalytic 
domains. Consistently, no naturally occurring 
fungal type I FAS with an altered domain com- 
position has been detected, and all fungal FAS 
and must of their homologs produce only saturated 
fatty acid products ( 8 ). 

Substrate Shuttling by the ACP Domain 
The entry sites to the active centers of the mFAS 
enzymatic domains are grouped around the two 
lateral clefts. In each cleft, the entry sites of MAT, 
DH, and ER are oriented toward one face of 
mFAS, and those of KS and KR toward the other 
face (Fig. 6). The flexibly tethered ACP and 
the following TE domains are not visualized in 
the structure. However, the structure defines the 
anchor point of ACP at residue 2113 in the 
center of the upper portion of the lateral clefts of 
mFAS. Together with recent structures of closely 
related rat and human ACP ( 14 , 15 ), which 

define the first ordered ACP residue at positions 
2125 to 2127 (porcine FAS numbering), the 
flexible KR-ACP linker is composed of 12 to 14 
amino acids, corresponding to a maximum length 
of ~40 A. With a length of 23 to 26 residues, the 
ACP-TE linker is substantially longer and could 
span up to an 80 A distance, as deduced from the 
corresponding isolated domain structures ( 14 - 1 7 ). 
In contrast to the fungal ACP linkers, which have 
a high Pro/Ala content that can increase their 
stiffness (55), the tethers flanking mFAS ACP 
have no unusual amino acid composition (Fig. 6). 
Whereas the motion of fungal ACP is constrained 
by double-tethering, no second anchor point is 
apparent for mFAS ACP, because the subsequent 
TE domain is not located at a defined position 
relative to the body of mFAS. Still, the TE do- 
main may influence the motion of the tethered 
ACP either by transiently interacting with o titer 
domains or by steric effects. 

Confining the path of the ACP may be one 
role of the protruding noncatalytic 'FME domain. 
This domain is docked to the body of mFAS in 
the vicinity of the ACP anchor point (Fig. 1, A 

Fig. 5. Active sites of DH and ER. (A) Pseudo-dimeric DH domain only harbors a single active site 
and substrate binding tunnel with an open end. Active site residues are shown in ball-and-stick 
representation. These residues are not conserved in the corresponding position of the second 
subdomain (Trp 893 and Lys 897 ). (B) Close-up view of the DH active site topology (top) and 
schematic comparison to bacterial and fungal FAS (bottom). The mFAS active site residues (green) 
have their functional groups in similar positions as their bacterial FabZ counterparts ( 40 ) (purple), 
despite the exchange of two amino acids and the loss of an unusual non-proline cis peptide bond 
at H 878 . (C) Open-ended substrate binding tunnel (blue) of the ER domain of mFAS shown in the 
presence of the bound NADP* cofactor (yellow spheres). (D) Two amino acids, Asp 1797 and Lys 1771 , 
are candidate proton donor residues for enoyl reduction based on the positioning of their 
functional groups at -4.2 A distance to the C4 of the NADP* nicotinamide ring. A 3.3 A unbiased 
simulated annealed omit electron density map for the bound NADP* cofactor, contoured at 3.3o, is 




and B) and narrows the accessible region along 
the MAT, KS, DH, and ER substrate entry sites to 
a rim that is just slightly wider than the A CP (Fig. 
6 and fig. SIC). The discrete ACPs of bacterial 
type FAS ( 56-58) sequester fully saturated fatty 
acyl chains within their hydrophobic core. In 
contrast, tnFAS ACP does not bury the acyl chain 
inside its core (14), raising the question whether 
other pans of the molecule may have taken over 
this function (for instance, by providing hydro- 
phobic rims for a sliding motion of ACP-tethered 
acyl chains on the surface of mFAS). However, 
mapping of conservation or electrostatic potential 
on the mFAS surface did not reveal such regions. 

The linker length, together with the steric 
constraints of the mFAS structure, allows ACP to 
reach a full set of active sites in one cleft but no 
active sites from the other cleft During the 
elongation cycle (Fig. 6), the ACP is first loaded 
with substrates at the lateral MAT domain. ACP 
then has to deliver the substrates to the KS entry 

pocket on the opposite face of mFAS. The 
shortest route would lead directly through the 
cleft (path 1 in Fig. 6), which is just sufficiently 
open to allow the passage of ACP. After 
condensation at the KS, the ACP must reach the 
KR on the same face as the KS active site (path 2) 
before crossing the cleft again to approach die 
DH domain (path 3). From here, ACP proceeds 
toward the nearby ER (path 4) and finally 
delivers the fully saturated substrate to the KS 
active center before being reloaded at the MAT 
for the next cycle. During this cycle, the ACP 
interacts with the MAT and the P-caibon- 
processing domains of one chain, but it also in 
tcracts with the KS of the second polypeptide 
chain in the FAS dimer. Notably, the partially 
preserved active site cleft of the catalytically 
inactive *FME domain could easily be accessed 
by ACP from the reaction chamber, as required in 
PKSs that display mcthyltransferasc activity (fig. 
S7Q (28, 30). 

The requirement for ACP to shuttle back and 
forth through the cleft does not appear to be the 
most favorable solution for efficient substrate 
transfer and catalysis by mFAS. An alternative is 
suggested by considering the properties of the 
junction between the lower condensing and the 
upper modifying part of mFAS: They are joined 
only via the MAT-DH linkers, which arc ex- 
pected to mediate a flexible junction between the 
two halves of -200 kD molecular mass each (59). 
Moreover, the pscudosymmctry-relatcd DH/KS 
contacts on either side of the joint are not iden- 
tical as w'ould be expected for a stable interaction 
in solution. Consequently, the flexible connection 
of the mFAS halves may allow rotational motion 
around the dimer axis or a certain degree of tilt- 
ing. Such motion would drag the ACP between 
the two faces of FAS and may contribute con- 
siderably to productive substrate shuttling. Mu- 
tant complementation and cross-linking smdies 
have demonstrated that the vast majority of sub- 

Fig. 6. Substrate shuttling by the ACP in mFAS. After substrate loading at 
the MAT on one side of the reaction chamber, the flexibly linked ACP has to 
shuttle the substrates to the other side for condensation at the KS and 
reduction at the KR (paths 1 and 2). To reach the DH and ER domain, ACP has 
to cross the cleft a second time (paths 3 and 4) before the saturated acyl 
chain can be back-transferred to KS to serve as primer for the next 
elongation cycle. The flexible linkers of ACP are depicted by dashed lines 

(pink). The precise length of the KR-ACP linker is defined by the KR and ACP 
domain borders in the current and previously solved structures ( 14 , 16 , 17 ) 
(bottom right, red and green). A schematic representation of the mFAS ACP 
domain based on experimentally determined structures ( 14 , 15 ) was 
positioned to the active site clefts by superposition with fungal ACP bound 
to the KS domain ( 13 ) and by orienting it according to residual electron 
density observed in the active site cleft of MAT (fig. S12). 

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stratcs arc processed in mFAS by individual lull 
sets of active sites, according to the path of ACP 
described above. However, these studies have 
also shown that a minority of substrates can be 
shuttled between the two sets of active sites, 
either by ACP serving both MAT domains or by 
direct interaction of ACP with both KS domains 
( 6 , 60 - 62 ). In light of the large 135 A distance 
between the ACP anchor point located in one 
catalytic cleft and the MAT in the other, the most 
plausible explanation for the minor mode-of- 
domain interaction is a large-scale rotation of the 
upper portion of mFAS, relative to the lower 
portion (fig. S4). 

The molecular description of active sites in 
mFAS should stimulate the development of 
improved inhibitors as anticancer drug candi 
dates. As demonstrated by structural homology, 
this structure is also a good template for the 
organization of PKS modules; it agrees with and 
extends present theoretical models of PKS 
architecture ( 19 , 22 ). Furthermore, the structure 
of mFAS paves the way for structure-based ex 
penmen ts to answer remaining questions on the 
dynamics and substrate shuttling mechanism in 

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47. E. Nordling, H. Jornvall. B. Persson. Eur. ). Biochem. 269. 
4267 (2002). 

48. T. T. Airenne ef at. }. Mol. Biot. 327. 47 (2003). 

49. T. Hori ef at.. }. Biot. Chem 279. 22615 (2004). 

50. Y. Shimomura, Y. Kakuta. K. Fukuyama, /. Bacterial. 185. 
4211 (2003). 

51 D. A Hopwood. D. H. Sherman, Annu. Rev. Genet 24. 37 

52. C. D. Richter et at.. EEBS ). 274. 2196 (2007). 

53. C. D. Richter. D. Nietlispach, R. W. Broadhurst, 

K. J. Weissman, Nat Chem. Biol. 4. 75 (2008). 

prominent theory states that the hippo- 
campal system primarily serves spatial 
navigation (/, 2); a component of this 
theory is that the place-dependent activity of 
neurons [place cells ( 1 , 2 )\ in the hippocampus 
arises from external serially ordered environ- 
mental stimuli ( 3 - 7 ). Place cells arc thought to 
embody the representation of a cognitive map, 
enabling flexible navigation. However, neural 
theories of other cognitive processes that may 
depend on the hippocampus, such as episodic 

54. K. J. Weissman. ChemBioChem 7. 485 (2006). 

55. R. N. Perham. Biochemistty 30. 8501 (1991). 

56. A Roujeinikova ef at.. Structure 10. 825 (2002). 

57. A Roujeinikova ef at.. ). MoL Biot. 365. 135 (2007). 

58. G A. Zometzer, B. G Fox. J. L. Maiktey. Biochemistry 45. 
5217 (2006). 

59. S. Jones. J. M. Thornton. Proc. Natt Acad. Scl USA 93. 
13 (1996). 

60. S. Smith. A Witkowski. A K. Joshi. Prog, lipid Res. 42. 
289 (2003). 

61. A K. Joshi. V. S. Rangan. A Witkowski. S. Smith. Chem. 
Biot. 10. 169 (2003). 

62. V. S. Rangan. A. K. Joshi. S. Smith. Biochemistry 40. 
10792 (2001). 

63. AH data were collected at the Swiss Light Source (5LS, 
Paul Schemer Institute, Villigen). We thank 

C. Schulze Btiese, S. Gutmann. R. Bingel Erlenmeyer. 

S. Russo. A Pauluhn. and T. Tomizaki for their 
outstanding support at the SLS; S. Jenni and M. Sutter for 
critically reading the manuscript and all members of the 
Ban laboratory for suggestions and discussions; 

R. Grosse-Kunstleve, P. Aionine. and P. Adams for 
support with the PHENIX software: and A Jones for 
support with the program 0. This work was supported by 
the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the 
National Center of Excellence in Research Structural 
Biology program of the SNSF. Structure factors and 
atomic coordinates of the porcine FAS in the apo and 
NADP* bound form have been deposited in the Protein 
Data Bank with accession codes 2vz8 and 2vz9- 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema g.or gfcgi/conte nt/fult/32 1/58 94/13 15/DC 1 

Materials and Methods 

Figs. SI to S15 

Tables Si to S4 


3 June 2008: accepted 31 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.ll61269 

memory and action planning, draw on the activ- 
ity of hypothetical internally organized cell as- 
semblies ( 8 - 13 ). 

Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience, Rutgers, 
The State University of New Jersey, 197 University Avenue, 
Newark, NJ 07102, USA 

•Present address: Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, 
Columbia University, 1051 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 
10032, USA 

fTo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 
buzsaki @axon.rutg 

Internally Generated Cell Assembly 
Sequences in the Rat Hippocampus 

Eva Pastalkova, Vladimir Itskov,’ Asohan Amarasingham, Gyorgy Buzsakif 

A long-standing conjecture in neuroscience is that aspects of cognition depend on the brain's ability 
to self-generate sequential neuronal activity. We found that reliably and continually changing cell 
assemblies in the rat hippocampus appeared not only during spatial navigation but also in the 
absence of changing environmental or body-derived inputs. During the delay period of a memory 
task, each moment in time was characterized by the activity of a particular assembly of neurons. 
Identical initial conditions triggered a similar assembly sequence, whereas different conditions 
gave rise to different sequences, thereby predicting behavioral choices, including errors. Such 
sequences were not formed in control (non memory) tasks. We hypothesize that neuronal 
representations, evolved for encoding distance in spatial navigation, also support episodic recall 
and the planning of action sequences. 




Several observations have refined the navi- 
gation theory. Hippocampal neurons can predict 
where the animal is coming from, or its desti- 
nation ( 14-17)\ the sequential activity of place 
cells during locomotion is replicated within 
single cycles of the theta oscillation (8 to 12 Hz) 
(18-20): furthermore, the temporal recruitment of 
active neurons in the population bursts of rest and 
sleep also reflects, again on a faster time scale, 
their sequential activity as place cells during 
locomotion (21-23). Thus, the sequential activa- 
tion of hippocampal neurons can be disengaged 
from external landmarks (24, 25). However, in- 
ternally generated assembly sequences operat- 

ing at the time scale of behavior have not yet 
been reported. 

The frameworks of environment-controlled 
versus internally generated assembly sequences 
give rise to distinct predictions. Imagine that a rat 
is frozen in position during its travel (and yet the 
theta oscillation is maintained). According to the 
navigation theory, a subset of landmark-controlled 
place cells should then display sustained activity, 
and other neurons would remain suppressed (2-6). 
In contrast, if assembly sequences were gener- 
ated by internal mechanisms, neurons might 
rather display continually changing activity. VVe 
tested these predictions by examining the activity 

of hippocampal neurons while a rat was running 
in a wheel at a relatively constant speed (26, 27) 
during the delay of a hippocampus-dependent 
alternation memory task. 

Internally generated cell-assembly sequences. 
Rats were trained to alternate between the left 
and right arms of a figure-eight maze [Fig. 1 A 
and supporting online material (SOM) text). 
During the delay period between maze runs (10 s 
for rat 1; 20 s each for rats 2 and 3), the animals 
were trained to run steadily in the same direction 
in a wheel (Fig. 1 A). To confront the predictions 
of the navigation theory with those of the internal 
sequence-generation hypothesis, we compared 

Fig. 1. Episode fields in 
the wheel and place 
fields in the maze are 
similar. (A) Cobr-coded 
spikes (dots) of simulta- 
neously recorded hippo- 
campal CA1 pyramidal 
neurons. The rat was re- 
quired to run in the 
wheel facing to the left 
during the delay be 
tween the runs in the 
maze. (B) Percent of 
neurons firing >0.2 Hz 
within each pixel The 
highest percentage of 
neurons was active when 
rats were running in the 
wheel. (O Relationship 
between firing rate of 
neurons active in rats 
running the wheel and 
the maze (r s = -0.3, P < 
0 . 0001 , 681 neurons, 
three rats, 17 sessions). 
(D) Normalized firing 
rate of six simultane- 
ously recorded neurons 
during wheel running 
(each line shows the 
cobr-coded activity on 
single trials turning to 
the left arm). The epi- 
sode fields occurred at 
specific segments of the 
run. (E) Normalized fir- 
ing rate of 30 simulta- 
neously recorded neurons 
during wheel running, 
ordered by the latency 
of their peak firing rate. 

(F) Width (top) and peak 
firing rate (bottom) of 
episode and place fields 
(wheel n = 135 neurons; 
maze, n = 162 neurons). 
Arrows indicate medians. 

(G) Population vector 
cross-correlation matrix 

Time in wheel (sec) 


Time in wheel (sec) 

Time (sec) 

Time (sec) 

(SOM text). The width of the diagonal stripe indicates the rate at which neuronal assemblies transition, (lower left) The decay of the population vector correlation 
during wheel running and maze traversal Thin lines, individual sessions; thick lines, group means. 

www.sciencema 9 .or 9 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



the firing patterns of CA1 hippocampal neurons 
in rats running the wheel and the maze. 

We analyzed the activity of -500 pyramidal 
cells recorded in the wheel and -600 neurons in 
the maze (mean firing rate >0.5 Hz) (Fig. 1A). 
Pyramidal neurons were transiently active in rats 
running both tire maze [place cells (7)] and the 
wheel. Although the position and direction of the 
rat’s head were stationary' during wheel running 
(fig. SI), the percentage of neurons active in the 
pixels occupied by the head during wheel run- 
ning was three to four times greater than in any 
area of comparable size in the maze (Wilcoxon 
rank sum test, P < 0.0001) (Fig. IB). Thus, if 
pyramidal neurons were solely activated by 
environmental cues (2-6), this finding would 
reflect several- fold-stronger neuronal representa- 
tion of the animal’s position within the wheel. 
Many individual pyramidal cells were active both 
in rats running the wheel and rats running the 
maze, but the sequential order of their activation 
in rats in the wheel was unrelated to that of rats 
in the maze, and their firing rates in these two 
areas were inversely correlated [Spearman corre- 
lation coefficient (r,) - -0.3, P< 0.0001, n - 681 
neurons (Figs. 1C and 4B); contrast this with the 
population of intemeurons, r t = 0.85, P< 0.0001, 
n - 125 intemeurons (fig. S2)]. The average 
proportion of pyramidal neurons simultaneously 

active [firing at least a single spike in 100-ms 
windows (averaging over 100-ms windows)] 
was similar in the wheel (10.75 ± 3.97%) and 
the maze (12.56 ± 4.32%) (fig. S3). 

Pyramidal neurons typically fired transiently, 
and reliably in successive trials, at specific times 
of wheel running (episode fields), and most cells 
had multiple peaks of varying sizes (Fig. ID). 
Typically, and reminiscent of a synfire chain (II), 
at least one episode cell was active at every 
moment of a wheel run (Fig. IE). 

Were episode cells in rats in the wheel 
generated by the same mechanism as place cells 
in rats in the maze? We looked for evidence of 
differing mechanisms by comparing several mea- 
sures of the firing of episode and place cells. 
First, we calculated the duration of activity (field 
width) (Fig. IF) of single cells [including only 
fields with a peak firing rate of >6.0 Hz and >4.5 
SD above the mean firing rate (SOM text)]. The 
temporal and spatial extent of the field was 
determined as those times and positions at which 
firing rates were at least 10% that of the peak 
firing rate (in the wheel or maze) (19, 28). By 
these criteria, 32% of the neurons recorded in the 
wheel and 22% in the maze had at least one field. 
Neither the distribution of field widths (medians 
were 0.94 and 1 .0 s, respectively; Wilcoxon test, 
P = 0.44) nor peak firing rates (medians were 

13.08 and 12.8 Hz, respectively; P = 0.61) 
differed significantly between the episode and 
place fields (Fig. IF). Second, to measure the 
average lifetime of assembly activity for a pop- 
ulation, we determined the maximal time lag at 
which the autocorrelation of the population’s ac- 
tivity was above 0.5 (29) and again found no 
significant difference, with respect to the median, 
between the populations of episode and place 
cells (medians were 0.83 and 0.75 s, respectively; 
P = 0.32) (Fig. 1G). Third, we compared the 
relationship between spikes and the local field 
potential in episode and place cells. On linear 
tracks, sequentially generated spikes of a place 
cell gradually shift to earlier and earlier phases of 
the theta oscillation as the rat passes through the 
place field (phase precession), and there is a sys- 
tematic relationship between the phase of spikes 
and the animal's position (3, 18-20, 28, 30, 31). 
The navigation theory predicts that the phase of 
spikes will remain fixed if environmental inputs 
do not change (3, 26, 27). In contrast, episode 
cells displayed phase precession during wheel 
running (Fig. 2A). Similarly to place cells, the 
theta frequency oscillation of episode cells was 
higher than that of the field theta rhythm (Fig. 
2B), and the slope of the phase precession was 
inversely related to the length of the episode 
field (Fig. 2, A and D) (3, 19, 20, 28, 30, 31). 


Fig. 2. Episode neurons 
in the wheel display 
theta phase precession 
and temporal compres- 
sion. (A) (Top) Unfiltered 
(light gray) and filtered 
(4 to 10 Hz) (dark gray) 
traces of LFP and phase 
advancement of action 
potentials (dot). (Bottom) 

Activity of six example 
neurons from the same 
session. Each dot is an 
action potential, displayed 
as a function of theta 
phase and time from the 
beginning of wheel run- 
ning from all trials. One 
and a half theta cycles 
are shown (y axis). Red 
line, smoothed firing 
rate. (B) Power spectra 
of spike trains generated 
during wheel running 
( n = 283 pyramidal neu- 
rons) and the simulta- 
neously recorded LFP. 

Faster oscillation of neu- 
rons occurs relative to 
LFP. (C) Slope of theta 
phase precession within 
episode fields in the 

wheel and within place fields in the maze. (D) Relationship between phase 
precession slope and episode length (left, r t = 0.46, P < 0.0001) and 
episode field width (right, r t = 0.52, P < 0.0001), respectively. (E) 
Temporal compression of spikes sequences. Correlation of the distance 

-0 25 0 0 25 

A distance (m) 

between the peaks of episode fields of neuron pairs in the wheel with 
the temporal offset of the pair's cross-correlogram peaks is shown. 
Each dot represents a neuron pair (n - 105 eligible pairs; three rats; r, = 
0.59; P < 0.0001). 




Furthermore, the slopes correlated more strongly 
with tire length of the episode field (r, - 0.52, P< 
0.0001) than with the time it took the rat to run 
through the same field (r* = 0.46, P < 0.0001) 
(Figs. 2D and 3) because of the variability of the 
rat’s running speed (28). The distributions of 
phase precession slopes for the episode and place 
fields were also similar (medians were -0.6°/s 
and -0.6°/s, respectively; P = 0.6) (Fig. 2 C). 
Finally, we compared the spike timing relation- 
ships among neurons. During maze traversals, 
the distance between the place-field peaks of a 
neuronal pair was correlated with the temporal 
offset between its spikes within the theta cycle, a 
phenomenon known as distance-time compres- 

sion (SOM text) (18, 19). Analogously, the 
distance between peaks of the episode fields of 
neuron pairs (episode fields with peak firing rate 
>5 Hz and >3 SD above the mean firing rate were 
included in this analysis; n - 105 pairs) was 
correlated with the temporal offsets between the 
spikes at the theta time scale (r t - 0.59, P < 
0.0001) (Fig. 2E). These findings indicate that 
the mechanisms generating place and episode 
fields are similar. 

Body cues are not sufficient to generate 
assembly sequences. It has been suggested that 
in addition to generating a cognitive map of the 
environment (2), tire hippocampus and its asso- 
ciated structures integrate self-motion-induced 

information (7, 32, 33). Were the episode cell 
sequences generated by idiothetic self-motion 
cues? We examined population firing patterns in 
two control (nonmemory) tasks. In the first task 
(control I), the animals (rats 3 and 4) were 
required to run in the wheel for a water reward 
available in an adjacent box (26). In tire second 
task (control 2), the animals (rats 2 and 3) had 
continuous access to a wheel adjacent to their 
home cage, and recordings were made during 
spontaneous wheel-running episodes. Transient 
firing patterns, consistent across trials, were 
rarely observed during the control tasks. Rather, 
the majority of active neurons exhibited relative- 
ly sustained firing throughout tire wheel -running 

a i • • ►* 

i£ \ 

2 4 6 8 1U z 4 

Time in wheel (sec) 

% : ► 


*4/-' ■ ; • 

• M T* 

* & 

— • 

^ • .* -* 

1 ; * 




2.5 5 75 If 

.. _ 

> 2.5 5 7.5 K 

) 2.5 

5 7.5 1 

W * 0 ' 6 I 

Time in wheel (sec) 

Frequency (Hz) 

A frequency (un'rt-LFP; Hz) 

% spikes within ACG peak 

Fig. 3. Filing patterns 
during wheel running 
depend on the context 
of the task. (A) (Top) 

Activity of representative 
single neurons (color- 
coded) during wheel run- 
ning in control tasks 1 and 
2 (compare with Fig. ID). 

(Bottom) Unit discharges 
(dots) from all trials with- 
in a session as a function 
of theta phase, plotted 
against time from the be- 
ginning of a wheel run. 

Red line, smoothed mean 
firing rate. Relatively 
steady firing rates and a 
steady theta phase occur 
in both control tasks. (B) 

Cross-correlation matrices 
in three different tasks 
(memoiy and control 2 
are from the same rat). In 
the memory task, trials 
with the same future 
choices [left (L>— trials^ 
versus L -trials,,,, x and 
right (R}-trials„ versus 
R-trials„*i) were cross- 
correlated, whereas in 
control tasks trials,, and 
trials„„i were cross- 
correlated. Only pixel 
values significantly dif- 
ferent from chance are 
shown (Spearman rank 
correlation, P < 0.01). 

(O Population-vector cor- 
relation coefficient values 
in the memory task (n = 

17 sessions) and control 
tasks 0? = 8 sessions) 

(mean ± SD). (D) Power spectrum of spike trains of an episode neuron (unit) 
and simultaneously recorded LFP during wheel running in the memory task 
(30). The frequency of unit firing oscillation is higher than the frequency of 
LFP. (E) Difference between unit and LFP oscillation frequency in the 
memory (left) and control (right) tasks. Each line is a color-coded normalized 
cross -cor relog ram between power spectra of a pyramidal neuron and 
simultaneously recorded LFP. A shift of the maximal correlation values to the 
right indicates that unit theta oscillation is faster than LFP theta oscillation 

(black dots, maxima of the cross-correlograms; white line, sum of all 
neurons). There is a significant frequency shift in the memory task (0.44 ± 
0.6 Hz) and a lack of frequency shift in control tasks (combined control 1 and 
2, 0.07 t 0.3 Hz). (F) Ratio of spikes in the center and tail of temporal auto- 
correlograms (SOM text). High values indicate compact episode fields; low 
values indicate spikes scattered throughout the time of wheel running 
(memory task, n = 287 neurons; control tasks, n = 85 neurons; rank sum test, 
P< 0.0001). Arrows indicate medians. 

www.sciencema 9 .or 9 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Time in wheel (sec) 

Fig. 4. Cell-assembly activity in the wheel predicts the future choice of the rat in the maze. (A) 
Examples of three neurons that strongly differentiated between wheel-running trials preceding 
right and left choices (fig. S7 and movie SI). (B) Normalized firing rate profiles of neurons during 
wheel running and in the stem of the maze, ordered by the latency of their peak firing rates during 
left trials (each line is a single cell; cells are combined from all sessions). White line, time gap 
between the end of wheel running and the initiation of maze stem traversal. (Middle) Normalized 
firing rates of the same neurons during right trials. (Right) Time periods of significant differences 
(P < 0.05) in firing rates between left and right trials for respective neurons (red line, R > L; blue 
line, L > R). Gray line, number of neurons discriminating between left and right trials as a function 
of wheel-running time. 

periods (Pig. 3A and fig. S4) (5, 26 - 27 ). During 
runs of opposite direction in the wheel, different 
populations of neurons were active (fig. S5) 
( 26 ), arguing for the importance of distant cues 
( 2 , 20 ) and against a critical role of idiothetic 
inputs ( 26 ). In addition, the temporal organiza- 
tion of cell assemblies in control tasks was less 
precise, as reflected by much weaker correla- 
tions between temporally adjacent populations 
during the control tasks than during the memory 
task (Fig. 3, B and C), despite the similarity in 
firing rates during all tasks (fig. S6). As another 
contrast to the memory task, neurons recorded 
during tire control tasks fired throughout tire 
trial, with spikes locked to a similar phase of the 
theta cycle (Fig. 3A). Consistent with these 
observations, neurons in the rats perfonning the 
memory task oscillated faster than the local held 
potential (LFP) [difference (A) = 0.44 ± 0.6 Hz) 
(Figs. 2B and 3, D and E), an indication of 
phase precession ( 19 , 20 , 29 , 30 ), whereas dur- 
ing the control tasks, the power spectra of the 
units and LFP were similar (A - 0.07 ± 0.3 Hz) 
(Fig. 3E). Finally, to quantify differences in 
temporal clustering of spikes, we examined an 
autocorrelogram of each neuron. We applied 
(after filtering, 0.2 to 2 Hz) the same definition 
for the peak region boundaries that we used for 
the episode field detection boundary of the epi- 
sode field (the 10% boundary) and then com- 
pared, for each neuron, the ratio of the number 
of spikes that fell within the peak region bound- 
ary to those that fell outside. These ratios were 
significantly larger during tire memory task and 
reflected the temporal compactness of firing 
during the memory task as opposed to the con- 
trol tasks (Fig. 3F). Thus, the indicators of tem- 
porally precise sequential activity in neuronal 
populations were absent during the control 
tasks, despite indistinguishable motor character- 
istics across all tasks. 

Assembly sequences depend on memory 
load. What is the behavioral function of in- 
ternally generated cell-assembly sequences? 
Temporarily inactivating neuronal circuits in the 
dorsal hippocampus, we found that performance 
in the delayed alternation task depends on the 
integrity of the hippocampus (fig. S7) ( 17 ). Titus, 
we hypothesized that infonnation about choice 
behavior is reflected in assembly sequences ( 34 ). 
All correctly performed trials were sorted accord- 
ing to the rat’s future choice of arm (left or right), 
and choice-specific firing effects were identified 
by comparing the firing patterns of single neu- 
rons with those of surrogate spike trains created 
by shuffling the left and right labels (Fig. 4, A 
and B, and SOM text) ( 34 ). Some neurons were 
active exclusively before either the left or right 
choice, whereas others showed differential firing 
rates and/or fired at different times after the 
beginning of wheel running (Fig. 4A, figs. S8 to 
S10, and movie SI). The largest proportion of 
neurons exhibiting choice-predictive activity was 
at the beginning of the run; this proportion de- 
creased as a function of time during the delay and 

in the stem of the maze (Fig. 4B), suggesting a 
critical role for initial conditions in specifying the 
sequences (fig. Sll). In addition, we designed a 
probabilistic model of the relationship between 
neuronal firing patterns and the animal’s choices 
(SOM text). Using this model, the accuracy of 
single-trial prediction, under cross-validation, 
varied horn low (near 50%) and not significant 
to 100% and significant across many sessions 
(fig. S9). 

Because the rat was perfonning an alternation 
task, past and future choices were deterministi- 
cally related on correctly perfonned trials, and it 

was not possible to disambiguate their influence 
on neuronal activity. To distinguish such retro- 
spective and prospective factors ( 14 - 17 ), we 
examined cell-assembly sequences during error 
trials. Neurons that reliably predicted the behav 
ioral choice of the rat on correct trials continued 
to predict the choice behavior on error trials (Fig. 
5 A, tig. SI 2, and movie SI) ( 15 , 24 ). Similarly, 
population sequences that differentiated correct 
behavioral choices continued to predict behav- 
ioral choice errors (Fig. 5, B and C, and fig. SI 3). 
Although there were only a few error trials, a 
majority of them could be predicted from the 





S 10 IS S 10 IS 

Time in wheel (sec) 

Fig. 5. Cell-assembly activity during the wheel predicts behavioral errors 
during the maze. (A) Two example neurons from a session with seven left 
error trials (err). Correct trials are separated into left- and right-turn trials. 
(B) Normalized firing rates of 43 neurons simultaneously recorded during 
wheel running, ordered by the latency of peak firing rates during correct 
left trials (left). (Right) Firing sequence of the same neurons on cored 
right trials. (C) Firing sequence of neurons in a single error (left) trial 
Neuronal order is the same as in (B). The firing sequence during the error 
trial is similar to that of the correct left trials. The correlation coefficient 
between correct and error trial sequences is 0.45 (fig. S13). (D) Percent of 
correctly predicted errors from the neuronal population activity. 

B Session mean (correct left) 

Session mean (correct right) 

wheel (sec) 

Time in wheel (sec) 

firing panems of neurons during wheel running 
(Fig. 5D). Altogether, these observations demon- 
strate that a particular sequence of neurons was 
activated in a reliable temporal order from the 
moment the rat entered the wheel to the time it 
reached the reward. 

Because running speed, head position, and head 
direction during wheel running before left and right 
choices were apparently indistinguishable (fig. SIX 
the above findings indicate that trial differences 
in hippocampal assembly configurations cannot 
solely arise from instantaneous environmental 
inputs or the integration of motion signals. 

Behavioral function of internally gener- 
ated cell-assembly sequences. These findings 
demonstrate that the rat brain can generate con- 
tinually changing assembly sequences. The pat- 
terns of the self-evolving neuronal assembly 
sequences depend on the initial conditions, and 
the particular sequences of cell assemblies are 
predictive of behavioral outcome. 

Our results offer new insights into the rela- 
tionship between hippocampal activity and 
navigation (2-7, 14 - 20 , 26 - 30 , 33 ). Hippocam- 
pal firing patterns during maze navigation were 
similar to those during wheel running in the 
delayed alternation memory task with stationary 
environmental and body cues. Therefore, we 
suggest that hippocampal networks can produce 
sequential firing patterns in two possibly interact- 
ing ways: under the influence of environmental/ 
idiothetic cues or by self-organized internal mech- 
anisms. The high-dimensional and largely ran- 
dom (nontopographical) connectivity of the CA3 
axonal system ( 35 ) and its inputs makes the 
hippocampus an ideal candidate for internal se- 
quence generation ( 13 , 33 , 36 , 37 ). The parame- 
ters of cell- assembly dynamics (including their 
trajectory and lifetimes) are probably affected by 
a number of factors, including experience- 
dependent and short-term synaptic plasticity 
( 34 , 38 )\ asymmetric inhibition (39); brain state; 

and, fundamentally, the character and context of 
the input. The evolving trajectory can be ef- 
fectively perturbed, or updated, by external inputs 
in every theta cycle ( 40 ). Because of this 
flexibility in the sources of cell-assembly control, 
we hypothesize that neuronal algorithms, having 
evolved tor the computation of distances, can also 
support the episodic recall of events and the 
planning of action sequences and goals ( 19 ). 
During learning, the temporal order of external 
events is instrumental in specifying and securing 
the appropriate neuronal representations, whereas 
during recall, imagination (35), or action plan- 
ning, the sequence identity is determined by the 
intrinsic dynamics of the network. 

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21 G Bursaki, Neuroscience 31. 551 (1989). 

22. M. A Wilson. B. L McNaughton. Science 265 . 676 (1994). 

23. K. Louie. M. A. Wilson, Neuron 29. 145 (2001). 

24. S. A Deadwyler. T. Bunn. R. E. Hampson. ). Neurosci. 16. 
354 (1996). 

25. H. Eichenbaum. P. Dudchenko. E. Wood, M. Shapiro. 

H. Tanila. Neuron 23. 209 (1999). 

26. A Gurko. H. Hirase. J. Csicsvari, 6. Bursaki. fur. ). 
Neurosci 11 . 344 (1999). 

27. H. Hirase. A Gurko. J. Csicsvari, G Bursa ki. Ear. } 
Neurosci 11. 4373 (1999). 

28. C. Geisler, D. Robbe, M. 2ugaro. A. Sirota. G Buzsaki, 
Proc. NatL Acad. Sd. U.S.A. 104 . 8149 (2007). 

29. X M. Gothard. W. £. Skaggs, B. L McNaughton . } 
Neurosci 16 . 8027 (1996). 

30. J. O'Keefe. M L. Recce. Hippocampus 3. 317 (1993). 

31 A P. Maurer. S. L Cowen. S. N. Burke. C. A Bames. 

B. L. McNaughton. }. Neurosci. 26 . 13485 (2006). 

32. F. SargoSni el at.. Science 312. 758 (2006). 

33. B. L McNaughton. F. P. Battaglia. 0. Jensen. E. L Moser. 
M. B. Moser. Nat Rev. Neurosci. 7. 663 (2006). 

34. S. Fujisawa. A Amarasingham, M. T. Harrison, 

G Bursa ki. Nat Neurosci. 11. 823 (2008). 

35. X G Li, P. Somogyi, A Ylinen. G Buzsa'ki. /. Comp. 
Neurol 339. 181 (1994). 

36. G Kreiman, C. Koch. I. Fried, Nature 408 , 357 (2000). 

37. J. E. Lisman. Neuron 22. 233 (1999). 

38. L F. Abbott. W. G. Regehr. Nature 431 . 796 (2004). 

39. M. Rabinovich, R. Huerta. G Laurent Science 321, 48 

40. M. B. Zugato, L Monconduit G. Bursa ki. Not. Neurosci. 
8. 67 (2005). 

41 We thank H. Hirase for sharing his data and C. Curto, 

C. Geisler. S. Oren. S. Fujisawa. K. Mizuseki, A Sirota, 

D. W. Sullivan, and R. L Wright for comments. 
Supported by NIH (NS34994 and MH54671). NSF (SBE 
0542013). the James S. McDonnell Foundation. NSF 
<AA.). the Swartr Foundation (V.L). and the Robert Leet 
and Clara Guthrie Patterson Trust (E.P.). 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema g. orgicgi/conte nt/full/32 1/58 94/13 22/DC 1 

SOM Text 

Figs. SI to SI 3 

Table SI 

Movie SI 


29 April 2008; accepted 29 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.ll59 775 

www.sciencema 9 . 0 rg SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 


Experimental Test of 
Self-Shielding in Vacuum 
Ultraviolet Photodissociation of CO 

Subrata Chakraborty, 1 Musahid Ahmed, 2 Teresa L. Jackson, 1 Mark H. Thiemens 1 * 

Self-shielding of carbon monoxide (CO) within the nebular disk has been proposed as the source 
of isotopically anomalous oxygen in the solar reservoir and the source of meteoritic oxygen 
isotopic compositions. A series of CO photodissociation experiments at the Advanced Light Source 
show that vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photodissociation of CO produces large wavelength-dependent 
isotopic fractionation. An anomalously enriched atomic oxygen reservoir can thus be generated 
through CO photodissociation without self-shielding. In the presence of optical self-shielding of 
VUV light, the fractionation associated with CO dissociation dominates over self-shielding. 

These results indicate the potential role of photochemistry in early solar system formation and 
may help in the understanding of oxygen isotopic variations in Genesis solar-wind samples. 

I sotope-selective photodissociation, or self- 
shielding, is a process that occurs because of 
two major parameters: (i) dissociation by 
isotope-dependent spectral line absorption, and 
(u) differential photolysis that depends on the 
isotopic abundances. As a result, when the 
spectral line corresponding to the major species 
16 0 saturates, the lines corresponding to the 
minor species ( 17 0, 18 0) do not, and equal 

dissociation of the minor species results with 
8 n O - S I8 0. CO, the most abundant oxygen- 
bearing molecule in the nebula, satisfies these 
criteria, and scif-shickling may occur, with equal 
dissociation rates of the minor isotopes. The con- 
sequence is preferential production of 17 0 and 
18 0 atomic oxygen species in the region of the 
disk where self-shielding is effective. Such 
models assume that there is no other isotope ef 

feet associated with the photolysis, a hypothesis 
that has not been experimentally tested. 

Isotopically selective photodissociation of CO 
is invoked as an important photochemical process 
in interstellar molecular clouds {1-3) to explain 
the observed abundance variation of minor iso- 
topomers of CO ( n C l6 0, l2 C l8 0, 12 C 17 0). CO 
self-shielding has been proposed to account for 
the observed meteoritic oxygen and nitrogen iso- 
topic anomalies (-/). Recently, this process was 
proposed to act in a very hot location near the 
proto-Sun [within 0.6 astronomical unit (AU)], 
and the heavy atomic oxygen ( I7 0 and 18 0) was 
transported through the “X”-wind to the chondrule- 
forming zone, whereas calcium-aluminum-rich 
inclusions (CAls, the first condensed solids) formed 
from the residual primordial nebular gas (5). To 
avoid the erasure of the anomaly by isotopic ex- 
change (6), it was also suggested that the self- 
shielding occurred in a low-temperature prenebular 
molecular cloud (7). 

Another model invoked a region at low tem- 
peratures (-50 K) at 30 AU from the proto-Sun 
and above the disk midplane as the probable lo- 
cation of CO self-shielding {8). Formation of water 

'Department of Chemistry amt Biochemistry, University of 
California, San Diego, la Jotta, CA 92093-0356, USA. 
Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National 
Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

Table 1. The data obtained for the 14 experimental runs (1 through 4 and 6 through 15) grouped in 6 different experimental configurations. The 
parameters used in the experiments are also displayed (see supporting online material for blank correction). 

Run ft 



( 10 17 

mol/cm 2 ) 















0 2 





Measured Measured 
S 17 0 5 18 0 

(%o) <%o) 



8 17 0 




o 18 0 





S 17 0 




6 18 0 


1 107.61 nm (11J>2 ± 0.25 tV) at room temperature (in order of increasing column density) 







0.12 904.9 













0.14 5167.7 







2. 105.17 nm 

(11.79 ± 0.25 

eV) at room temperature On order of increasing 

column density) 







0.16 1147.1 













0.13 670.3 













0.09 1177.9 


































105.17 nm (11.79 t 0.25 eV) at dry-ice temperature (-66 X) (in order of increasing column density) 







0.18 2031.5 













34.81 43.5 













0.20 2908.4 







4. 97.03 nm (12.78 t 0.25 eV) at room temperature 







0.24 829.8 







5. 94.12 nm 

(13.17 ± 0.25 eV) at room temperature Cm order of increasing column density) 














10 f 






0.02 7.7 







6. 94.12 nm (13.17 ± 0.25 eV) at dry-ice temperature (-66 X) 














•Air leaked through the oxygen sample tube after fluorination. Condensables are separated cryogenically and the noncondensabtes (N ? ) are separated via gas chromatography. From the 
measured amount of separated the air O? amount was estimated and used for the blank correction with an air 0 2 isotopic composition of 12.1 and 23.5%» for S l, 0 and S >8 0, 
respectively. fFor unknown reasons, the 5 values were quite low compared to those of a simitar experiment (#1), though the slope value (8 ,7 0/8 u 0) was the same. 




icc with anomalous heavy isotopic composition 
from self-shielded CO dissociation can account 
for the hydrous minerals of the Allende meteorite 
( 9 ). Two major assumptions were made: (i) The 
initial nebular oxygen isotopic composition was 
considered to be that of CAls (8 I7 0 = S l8 0 = 
~40%o, and (u) no isotopic fractionation occurred 
during CO photodissociation other than via the 
opacity effect. We test this second assumption 
through experimental isotopic measurements in 
the relevant spectral region. 

CO absorbs VUV photons at discrete spectral 
lines, and the excited (Rydberg) states are mostly 
predissociated through interaction with contin- 

uum states ( 2 ). Between 90 and 1 1 0 nm, there arc 
numerous (-41 ) strong absorption bands. All bands 
are not equally effective for photodissociation of 
CO; the lines assigned to bands with the largest 
oscillator strength yield the predominant contri- 
bution to the rate of photodissociation ( 2 , 10 ). The 
lines at 107.61, 94. 12, 95.01, 97.03, and 94.01 ran 
are most effective at lower optical depth, and at 
higher optical depth ( 11 ) the lines at 95.01, 94.01, 
96.89, and 92.58 nm are the most effective and con- 
tribute substantially to the dissociation rate. Un- 
der nebular conditions (in the presence of H 2 , 
H 2 /CO - 1(f), CO lines arc removed from the 
absorption lines by H 2 and H and do not effec 

Fig. 1. Oxygen isotope compo- 
sition of product C0 2 in a three- 
isotope plot (in logarithmic form to 
incorporate the nonlinearity in 
cross 8-plots for large 8 values) 
showing wavelength-dependent 
fractionation pattern during CO 
photodissociation. The RT photolysis 
products at 107.61 and 105.17 nm 
[where the upper electronic state is 
E'n and associated with "accidental- 
predissociation" via the channel 
C( 3 P) + 0( 3 P)| are extended over a 
linear line with a slope value of 
1.38 (with an intercept of 37.5%*), 
whereas the products at -66°C of 
105.17 nm are fractionated more 
than the RT data and follow a relatively 
lower slope of 121 (with an in- 
tercept of 14.5%o). The compo- 
sition of the product of 94.12 nm 
[which represents a different higher- 

state fn) occupancy during VUV absorption and adiabatically dissociates to form C(*D) and 0( 1 D)| at RT 
follows a trend line of 0.64. The product of the same wavelength at a lower temperature (-66°0 shows 
larger fractionation, as observed for 105.17 nm, but has a slope value similar to that at RT. The photolysis 
product at 97.03 nm [which occupies another electronic state, C l Z, and dissociates through C( 1 D) + 0( 3 P) 
channel) lies in between the results of 94.12 and 105.17 nm. 

Fig. 2. Schematic dia- 
gram of the CO poten- 
tial energy curve, showing 
the specific upper-level 
occupations by different 
VUV photon absorption 
in this experiment The 
upper-electronic state E : I1 
is associated with "acciden- 
tal predissociation," and 
its lower vibrational states 
are perturbed by another 
bound triplet state, k 3 fl. 

lively contribute to dissociation (lines at 91.37, 
91.73, 92.87, 93.00, 93.11, 93.17, 94.63, 96.44, 
98.56, 1 00.26, and 1 06.31 mn are shielded by the 
absorption lines of H 2 and H). Apart from 
shielding by the H 2 and H lines, some lines of 
minor isotopomers (c.g., l3 CO, C 17 0, and C 18 0) 
are shielded by CO lines because they lie close to 
one another and, therefore, there would be no ap 
preciable self-shielding at the lines at 91 .57, 91 .60, 
92.28, 95.62, 97.03, 98.98, and 107.61 nm ( 11 ). 
Hence, the total photodissociation rate is a com- 
bination of absorptions associated with many 
different transitions (table SI). 

We used a windowless flow chamber with 
three stages of differential pumping (fig. SI) at 
the chemical dynamic bearaline (9.0.2) located at 
the Advanced Light Source (ALS), Lawrence 
Berkeley National Laboratory. Ultrahigh-purity 
CO was passed through the cylindrical reaction 
chamber and was exposed to VUV synchrotron 
photons ( 10 16 photons/s) from the beamline to dis- 
sociate CO to C and O atoms along the line of CO 
flow. During the irradiation period, two stainless- 
steel spirals at the outlet of the reaction chamber 
were frozen in liquid nitrogen (LN 2 ) and collected 
the final product C0 2 , formed by reaction of O 
atoms and bath gas CO. The C0 2 was converted 
to 0 2 by means of the fluorination method ( 12 ), 
and the oxygen isotopic ratios were dcicnnincd by 
isotope ratio mass spectrometry (see supporting 
online material for details). 

We used four different wavelengths in our 
experiments— 107.61, 105.17, 97.03, and 94.12 
nm — to investigate the wavelength and upper elec- 
tronic excited stale-dependent isotopic fractionation 
in photodissociation. At several wavelengths, we 
ran the experiment at dry-ice temperatures to 
evaluate possible temperature dependencies. 

Experimental results, conditions, sanfile amounts 
(w'ith corresponding blanks), and isotopic compo- 
sitions (measured and blank -corrected values) tor 
each run are presented in Table 1 , Raw data were 
corrected for fluorination blanks, determined 
through (measured amount) tank C0 2 fluorina- 
tion of known oxygen isotopic composition. The 
isotopic composition of initial CO (8 I7 0 - 25.5 
and 8 18 0 = 51%*) was determined several times 
by conversion to C0 2 through electric discharge 
(disproportionation) of CO (complete conversion), 
followed by fluorination. The heavy isotopes of O 
in the product C0 2 were relatively enriched com- 
pared to initial CO in a mass-independent manner 
(Table 1). The extent of isotopic enrichment was 
typically a few thousands per mil, depending on 
experimental conditions (column density and ex- 
posure time). This extent of isotopic fractionation 
is large compared to other known physical or 
chemical processes. 

The oxygen isotopic composition of C0 2 is 
shown in Fig. 1, a three-isotope plot in logarith- 
mic scale [to incorporate the nonlinearity in cross 
8-plot for large 8 values (7i)J. The product C0 2 
was enriched in heavy O isotopes in all cases 
compared to the initial CO composition, and the 
resultant isotopic compositions were wavelength SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



dependent. The range of isotopic composition at 
particular wavelengths derived from variation of 
column densities and exposure times. All fraction- 
ations, except for photolysis at 94.12 nm, were 
highly mass independent The room temperature 
(RT) photolysis products at 107.61 and 105.17nm 
extended over a linear line with a slope of 1 .38 
(with an intercept of 37%o), whereas the lower- 
temperature (-66°C) products at 105. 1 7 nm were 
fractioned to a greater extent than were the RT 
products and follow a lower slope of 1.21 (with 
an intercept of 14.5%o). The compositions of the 
RT product at 94.12 nm define a trend line of 
0.64 (with an intercept of 0.3%o). Results for the 
same wavelength at a lower temperature (~66°Q 
exhibit a larger fractionation, as observed for 

105. 1 7 nm, but define a similar slope value (single 
points lie over the RT trend line of 94. 1 2 nm). The 
photolysis product at 97.03 nm (RT) is between 
the results of 1 05. 1 7 and 94. 1 2 nm. 

Self-shielding occurs as a result of optical shield- 
ing of short UV light of the various isotopically 
substituted CO molecules and, hence, the frac- 
tionation is dependent on isotopic abundance and 
not mass. The models assume that no other isotopic 
fractionation is associated with photodissociation 
CO self-shielding is possible through the band at 

105.17 nm, but not through the band at 107.61 nm 
(2), because of line broadening. In contrast, our 
results show that the dissociation products for 
the bands at 105.17 and 107.61 nm follow an 
identical fractionation trend (slope value of 1.38). 
A similar result (e.g., no self-shielding) was antic- 
ipated for the line at 97.03 nm, where we observe 
a mass-independent fractionated photodisso- 
ciation product. Self-shielding was predicted at 
the 94. 1 2-nm line; however, the experimental data 
display no self-shielding effect. Hence, the dif- 
ferent isotope effects during CO dissociation at 
different wavelengths can derive from the nature 
of higher electronic states and dissociation dy- 
namics. In a schematic energy-level diagram 
compiled from ( 14-19) for CO (Fig. 2), the upper 
electronic state E 1 !! (a bound Rydberg state) is 
associated with a type of predissociation termed 
“accidental-predissociation’' (20). The lower ro- 
vibronic states of E'fl arc perturbed by the 
presence of another triplet state, k 3 n (21). 
Predissociation from the S'!! state takes place 
via the bound Rydberg k 3 n state, assisted by a 
repulsive state to a near-resonance dissociative 
channel C( 3 P) + 0( 3 P). In this experiment, the 
vibrational energy states v - 0 and v -1 of E l n 
arc populated by VUV photon absorption at 
107.61 and 105.17 nm, respectively (Fig. 2), and 
lead to dissociation through the “accidental- 
predissociation” pathway, which proceeds via 
spin-orbit coupling between singlet and triplet 
states. Accidental predissociation is a well-known 
near-resonance effect that occurs for narrow 
ranges of rotational stales (J states). Cacciani 
et al. (22, 23) showed that for v - 0 ( 1 07.62 nm), 
the higher J- value states are perturbed by the k 3 !! 
state, whereas lower J- value states are perturbed 
for the v = 1 (105. 1 7 nm) state. The VUV source 

used in our experiment is wide (full width at half 
maximum - 0.25 eV), and the two bands ( 105. 1 7 
and 107.62 nm) slightly overlap, but individually 
populate high rotational states (J states) at RT, 
which enhances the probability of accidental 
predissociation. Huge isotope effects have been 
observed previously as a result of near-resonance 
spin -orbit coupling between singlet-triplet states. 
Lira et al. (24) observed a large effect in G 
isotopes during a fluorescence study of OCIO, and 
Bhattacharya et al. (25) observed a large isotope 
effect during C0 2 photodissociation and expert 
mentally demonstrated that isotopic selective 
cross-over occurs between singlet and triplet 
surfaces due to spin-orbit coupling. A similar type 
of anomalous isotope-dependent predissociation 
in the F 3 ^ (v = 1) state of Q> has also been 
observed (25). At 97.03 nm, the upper electronic 
state 'l is populated via another singlet-triplet 
cross-over and dissociates through the C(‘D) + 
0( 3 P) channel. This singlet-triplet crossing is 
different from the one associated with the E'lT 
state and yields a different isotope selectivity. The 
dissociation at 94.12 nm is relatively straight 
forward; The 'll state is populated and adiabat- 
ically dissociates through the C('D) and O('D) 
channel (15). Such dissociation usually yields a 
mass-dependent slope. The wavelength-dependent 
fractionation pattern (Fig. 1) emphasizes that the 
observed isotope effect is dominated by a physical- 
chemical dissociation mechanism of the CO 
molecule even in the presence of optical shielding 
of the light source. A mass-independent effect in 
CO 2 formation in the CO + O reaction (slope value 
close to unity) has been reported (2 7). The observed 
nonzero intercepts of 37.5 and 14.5%o (respectively 
for 107.61 and 105.1 7 nm combined atRTand for 

105.17 nm at -66 °C) as shown in Fig. 1 may be 
explained through this recombination effect as a 
secondary fractionation step and accounts for the 
nonzero intercept with the starting isotopic com- 
position, as expected for a multistage fractiona- 
tion process. The temperature dependence of 
fractionation is not yet clear, but may arise be- 
cause the probability of a near-resonance singlet 
triplet transition varies inversely with temperature, 
as was seen for vibrational energy transfer between 
isotopomers of CO at low temperatures (28). 

A numerical analysis of absorption and dis- 
sociation cross sections of different VUV lines 
has quantified their differential share at the edge 
of a molecular cloud in the total absorption cross 
section (table SI). Van Dishoeck and Black (2) 
estimated that 58% of C 18 0 dissociates through 
band 31 (105.17 nm) at the center of the cloud; 
however, this band contributes little to the ab- 
sorption ( 1 .0%) and dissociation ( 1 .4%) at the edge 
of the cloud. Other lines used in our experiment — 
107.61, 97.03, and 94.12 nm — contribute ap 
preciably to the absorption and dissociation. 
During the exposure of a nebular gas by solar 
VUV radiation, the lines listed in table S 1 are all 
available for CO dissociation (assuming VUV 
photodissociation of CO at the outer edge of the 

The actual isotopic composition of atomic 
oxygen is double that of the C0 2 that we mea- 
sured, because C0 2 was produced after reaction 
of an O atom with normal CO. Determination of 
the O-atom compositions due to self-shielding 
(calculated through photon absorption by differ- 
ent isotopologs of CO with a fixed set of param- 
eters, e.g., initial photon flux, column density, and 
exposure time) for all experiments in Table 

I yields a fractionation trend line of slope 1 in a 
three-isotope oxygen plot (fig. S2). The column 
density used in our experiments was optically 
thicker (due to experimental constraint) than that 
thought to pertain in the solar nebula and may 
complicate the simple absorption calculation (fig. 
S2) due to pressure broadening. Nevertheless, a 
highly enriched anomalously fractionated O-atom 
reservoir is possible through photodissociation of 
CO at various wavelengths. Considering the low- 
temperaturc data (which arc more fractionated and 
slightly depleted in n O compared to RT exper- 
iments), we conclude that CO dissociation at the 
cold regions of the solar nebula is a potential site 
for the generation of more O-atom reservoirs with 
high amounts of I7 0 and ls O relative to 1<s O, but 
not via self-shielding. 

Water plays a vital role in defining the oxygen 
isotopic distribution in the solar system as one- 
third of total oxygen resides in it (9, 29-32). Recent 
ly, an extremely heavy oxygen isotopic composition 
(~180%o in 5 17, 18 0) of nebular water in aqueous 
altered meteoritic minerals has been reported (33). 
Laboratory experiments have implied that oxygen 
isotope exchange between water in the gas phase 
and molten silicates at high temperatures can occur 
(34). Cumulative evidence suggests that there was 
an anomalous oxygen isotopic reservoir. Our ex- 
periments are consistent with the formation of 
such a reservoir; however, they also indicate that 
self-shielding is not required, thus eliminating 
spatial dependencies. The results do not neces- 
sarily require the initial isotopic composition of 
the nebula to be S 18 0 - 8 17 0 = ~40%«, although 
this composition is not ruled out 

References and Notes 

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7. H. Yurimoto. It Kuramoto. Science 305, 1763 (2004). 

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12. S. K. Bhattacharya, M. H. Thiemens, 2. Noturfonch. A 
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14. S. Wilson, tnl ). Quantum Chen 12, 609 (1977). 

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24. G. Lim, S. M. Lim. S. K. Kim. Y. S. Choi. J. Chem. Phys. 
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26. B. R. Lewis. S. T. Gibson, ). P. England. 6. Stark. 

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28. M. L Turnidge. ). P. Reid. P. W. Barnes, 

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35. This work was supported by NASA grant NNX07AJ81G 
under Origins and by ihe director, Office of Energy 

Research, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Chemical 
Sciences Division of the U.S. Department of Eneigy under 
contract DE-AC02-05CH11231. Three reviewers are 
thanked for helpful suggestions that improved the 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie rtcema g.ocg/cgi /conte nt/full/32 1/58 94/13 28/DC 1 


Figs. SI and S2 

Table SI 


15 April 2008; accepted 11 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.ll59178 

Identification of Active Gold 
Nanoclusters on Iron Oxide 
Supports for CO Oxidation 

Andrew A. Herzing, t2 Christopher J. Kiely, 1 * Albert F. Carley, 3 
Philip Landon, 3 Graham ]. Hutchings 3 * 

Gold nanocrystals absorbed on metal oxides have exceptional properties in oxidation catalysis, 
including the oxidation of carbon monoxide at ambient temperatures, but the identification 
of the active catalytic gold species among the many present on real catalysts is challenging. We 
have used aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy to analyze several iron 
oxide-supported catalyst samples, ranging from those with little or no activity to others with 
high activities. High catalytic activity for carbon monoxide oxidation is correlated with the presence 
of bilayer clusters that are ~0.5 nanometer in diameter and contain only ~10 gold atoms. 

The activity of these bilayer clusters is consistent with that demonstrated previously with the use of 
model catalyst systems. 

G old nanoparticles on oxide supports are 
being used to catalyze an increasing 
number of reactions {1-6), but there is 
continuing interest in the relatively simple low- 
temperature oxidation of CO {1-3, 7), especially 
concerning the nature of the active species. Some 
proposals emphasize the size and morphology of 
the gold particle and its interface with the support 
{1, 8), whereas others postulate that the metal 
oxidation state (9, 1(f) and support material can 
have strong effects {1, 11). Most of the tundamen- 
tal insights into this reaction have come from well- 
defined model studies {12-1S) in which specific 
structures are tailor-made {14). However, the 
difficult)' lies in linking these informative model 
studies to those carried out on real catalysts, which 
are inherently more complex. Here, we report a 
microscopy study of an Au/FcO x catalyst and 
demonstrate that, among a number of gold nano- 
structures present, the origin of the activity is 
uniquely with gold bilayer nano- 

’Center for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Lehigh 
Univen'rty, 5 East Packer Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3195, 
USA. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Surface 
and Microanalysis Science Division, 100 Bureau Drive. Mailstop 
8371, Gailhersburg, MD 20899-8371, USA. ’Cardiff Catalysis 
Institute School of Cheinistiy, Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 
3 AT, UK. 

•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (C.JX); (G.J.H.) 

clusters that are -0.5 nm in diameter and con- 
tain -10 Au atoms. 

Gold supported on FeOOH is a highly active 
catalyst for the low-teraperature oxidation of CXD 
{16), and we recently reported a link between 
catalyst performance and catalyst drying condi- 
tions (10). A pair of 2.9 atomic % Au/FeO* samples 
(denoted samples 1 and 2) were derived from the 
same coprecipitated precursor. Sample 1 was dried 
in a tube furnace (static air furnace was ramped 
after insertion at 1 5°C/min to 120°C; 16 hours), 
whereas sample 2 was dried in a gas chromatog- 

raphy (GC) oven (flowing air; sample inserted 
into the furnace at 120°C; 16 hours). The Au 
loading in each was identical, and the underlying 
disordered FeOOH supports had similar surface 
areas (~1 90 m 2 g -1 ). X-ray energy-dispersive spec- 
troscopy (XEDS) analysis and high -angle annular 
dark-field (HAADF) imaging experiments (10) 
indicated that both samples contained 2 to 15 -nm 
Au particles, with mean particle sizes of 5.4 nm 
for sample 1 and 7.0 nm for sample 2. 

If the CO oxidation activity was dictated solely 
by the Au particle size, as some researchers have 
suggested (1, 8), then these two samples should 
have exhibited similar activities. In feet, sample 
1 would probably be expected to have a slightly 
better performance by virtue of the Au particles 
being slightly smaller, on average. However, catalyt- 
ic testing of these two samples under standard con- 
ditions (total flow rate of 66,000 h 0.5 volume % 
CO) revealed feat sample 2 achieved 100% CO 
conversion at 25°C, whereas sample 1 gave only 
trace CO conversion (<1%). Even at much higher 
flow rates, sample 2 remained active (i.e., at a total 
flow rate of 450,000 vol.gas/vol.catalysth: the 
conversion was 25%), whereas sample 1 was to- 
tally inactive Previously {10), we were unable to 
determine the origin of this marked effect because 
of the resolution and sensitivity limitations of the 
characterization techniques available. We consider 
that at least two possibilities exist to explain this 
difference: (i) There could be highly dispersed Au 
species present in sample 2 that were beyond the 
resolution limit of the conventional HAADF and 

Fig. L Low-magnification aberration -corrected HAADF-STEM images from (A) the inactive, tube 
furnace catalyst (sample 1) and (B) the highly active, GC oven catalyst (sample 2). Au particle size 
distribution in both samples appears to be very similar at this magnification. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



scanning transmission electron microscopy 
(STEM)-XEDS techniques used previously, or 
(ii) the active catalyst contained some form of 
cationic Au species that was absent in the inactive 
sample. Three two possibilities need not be 
mutually exclusive. 

To investigate this unexpected difference in 
reactivity, we reexamined the samples using a 
state-of-the-art JEOL 2200FS in STEM mode 
equipped with a double-hexapole spherical aberra- 
tion corrector manufactured by CEOS GmbH ( 17 ). 
The improvement to tire HAADF image resolution, 
from the use of a 0.1 -nm diameter aberration- 
corrected STEM probe containing 50 pA of 
current, makes this an ideal instrument to tret 
whether there were Au species present in the 
highly active sample that were not detected 
earlier ( 10 ). Previously, this method has success- 
fully been used to image atomic dispersions in the 
La/AliOj, Pl/Al 2 0 3 , and Au/Ti0 2 systems ( 18 ). 
The lower-magnification HAADF images for each 
of the dried Au/FeO* catalysts (Fig. 1, A and B) 
confirm the earlier results, with particles between 2 
and 15 nm in diameter. However, at higher magni- 
fication (Fig. 2, A to D, and figs. SI and S2), die 
actual Au particle size distribution and morphology 
in these samples are quite different. Both samples 
contain larger (2 to 15 nm) Au particles and a 
considerable number of individual Au atoms 
(indicated by white circles) dispersed on the iron 
oxide surface. 

The observation of these individual atoms 
ensures that we are now resolving all of the types 
of Au species present. However, in addition a 
large population of subnanometer Au clusters 
was found in the active sample 2 (circled in black 
in Fig. 2, C and D) (see also fig. SI ) dial was not 
detected in the inactive sample. These Au clusters, 
the majority of which were 0.2 to 0.5 nm in 
diameter, contain at most only a few Au atoms. 
The contrast level exhibited by the 0.2- to 0.3-nm 
clusters, which are predominant in Fig. 2D, is sim- 
ilar to that of the individual Au atoms, implying that 
they are monolayer structures. In comparison, the 
0.5-nm dusters highlighted in Fig. 2C exhibit 
markedly higher contrast in the HAADF image than 
that of the 0.2- to 0.3-nm clusters, suggesting that 
these larger dusters are most likely bilayers of Au. 

Determination of the exact number of atoms 
in these various structures is complicated by sev 
eral factors, including the slight contraction of the 
Au-Au bond distance known to occur in particles 
of this size ( 19 ). However, a rough estimate is still 
informative, and biiaycrs of ~0.5-nm lateral di- 
mension would contain ~10 atoms (fig. S3A). In 
comparison, the 0.2- to 0.3-nra clusters of similar 
contrast to monolayers could contain about three to 
tour atoms (fig. S3B). In contrast, at estimate 
based on the volumetric packing density of Au 
(—59 &oms/nm 5 ) suggests that the larger nano- 
particles (5 to 7 nm) would contain 1900 to 5250 
atoms if they have a hemispherical geometry. Thus, 
the subnanometer clusters and individual atoms 
observed in the highly active sample represent 
only a very minor fraction of the total Au content 

We used atomic-resolution STEM imaging to 
estimate the number fraction of the total Au 
particles represented by both clusters and nano- 
particles by surveying several support areas that 
had -100 larger nanoparticles, along with their 
neighboring vicinities ( 17 ). In terms of their fre- 
quency of observation, the individually adsorbed 
Au atoms represented 44 1 4.5% of the Au species, 
whereas 19 ± 3.4% were 0.2- to 0.3-nm clusters, 
1 8 ± 3.0% were 03- to 0.5-nm clusters, and 19 t 
3.5% were particles >1 nm (-50% were >5 nm). 

However, considering the number of Au atoms 
in each of these structures (as discussed above) 
suggests that the individual atoms represent only 
0.13 ± 0.07 atomic % and that the monolayer and 
bilayer subnanometer clusters combined represent 
only 1.05 ± 0.72 atomic % of the total Au loading 
( 18 ), with the remaining 98.82 ± 0.80 atomic % of 
Au contained in the larger particles. Because of the 
very large disparity in the number of atoms they 
contain, the number of subnanometer clusters would 
have to exceed that of the 5-nm particles by a mar 
gin of nearly tour to one for them to represent just 
2 atomic % of the total Au loading. Therefore, it 
is probable that these minority Au species would 
not be easily detected with traditional “bulk” 
techniques such as extended x-ray absorption fine 
structure or Mossbauer spectroscopy, or even by 
surface analysis techniques such as x-ray photo- 

electron spectroscopy (XPS), because their con- 
tribution to the total signal would be minimal 
compared with that of the larger nanoparticles ( 17 ). 

The statistical accuracy of the current HAADF 
analysis must be considered, because undercount- 
ing of the subnanometer Au clusters may result 
from the nature of the STEM imaging process in 
an aberration-corrected instrument. The ability to 
detect single atoms on an oxide is highly depen- 
dent on the vertical position of the focused elec- 
tron probe relative to the surface ( 20 ). Because 
adsorbed atoms can be present on either the top 
or bottom surface of the underlying oxide par- 
ticle, imaging witli single-atom resolution is pos- 
sible only when one of the surfaces is exactly in 
focus. Practically, this limitation means that in 
any given image, single atoms are probably only 
detected on one surface of the support particle, 
and atoms on the opposite side may not be visi- 
ble, whereas larger nanoparticlcs can be detected 
on either side of the support over a much wider 
range of defocus values. In the intermediate case 
of 0.2- to 0.5-nm clusters, it is not clear if the same 
narrow dcfocus range required to resolve individ- 
ual atoms is necessary. However; even if it is pes- 
simistically assumed that our analysis lias detected 
only 50% of the total number of all the individual 
Au atoms, the atomically dispersed Au would still 
represent only 61 ± 3.6% of the total number of 

Fig. 2. High-magnification aberration-corrected STEM-HAADF images of (A and B) the inactive 
(sample 1) and (C and D) the active (sample 2) Au/FeO, catalysts acquired with the aberration- 
corrected JEOL 2200FS. The white circles indicate the presence of individual Au atoms, whereas the 
black circles indicate subnanometer Au clusters consisting of only a few atoms. Note the presence 
and image intensity difference of two distinct cluster-types: In (O there are 0.5 nm higher-contrast 
clusters, whereas in (D) 0.2- to 0.3-nm low-contrast clusters dominate. This difference indicates 
that bilayer and monolayer subnanometer Au clusters are present in the active catalyst. 




Au species, or -0.25 ± 0.2 atomic % of the total 
Au loading. 

The observation that the active species in our 
Au/FcO x catalysts consist of subnanometer clus- 
ters differs from numerous earlier investigations 
that identified 2- to 5-nm particles as the critical 
“nanostructure.” However, a number of recent 
experimental and theoretical ( 21-23) studies have 
suggested that the CO oxidation activity should 
continue to increase as the Au particle size ap- 
proaches 1 nm because of the presence of a larger 
fraction of Au atoms with low coordination in the 
smaller particles. Low-coordination Au atoms 
possess a d band that is closer to the Fermi level 
than their close-packed counterparts, so they can 
adsorb 0 2 molecules more readily. More specif 
ically, Falsig et al. predicted that adsorption 
energies for CO and O are ideally suited tor max 
imizing the reaction rate of CO oxidation at sixfold 
coordinated Au comer atoms, whereas the adsorp 
tion energies at close-packed Au faces are inferior 
for this purpose ( 23 ). Because clusters smaller than 
1 nm should have an even greater fraction of low- 
coordinated Au atoms, reaching -90% as a cluster 
size of 0.5 nm is approached, the role of sub- 
nanometer clusters may be crucial Rashkeev et al. 
(24) have recently presented HAADF evidence that 
subnanometer mono-, bi-, and trilayer Au clusters 
coexisted in active Au/Tt0 2 catalysts, although they 
were unable to isolate the relative importance of 
each of these subnanometer species and did not re- 
port any spectroscopic measurements to determine 
the possible role of substrate surface chemistry. 

Scanning tunneling microscopy studies on 
model catalysts by Matthey el al. (15) showed 
that subtle changes in the chemistry' of an oxide 
surface could alter the energetically favorable Au 

structures that it stabilized and supported. Specif 
ically, an oxygen-rich Ti0 2 (110) surface could 
stabilize a range of Au species from one to seven 
atoms in size. In contrast, single Au atoms and Au 
trimers were the only stable configurations on a 
reduced TiC^ (110) surface, whereas weakly banded 
two-dimensional Au raftlike species were tire only 
stable structures on a stoichiometric TiOj (110) 
surface. Similar oxygen-rich surfaces to those re- 
ported for Tj0 2 have also been identified for FeO x 
(25); however, to our knowledge, systematic 
surface science studies and first-principle calcu- 
lations of the stable Au structures present on 
FeOOH or F^Oj have not yet been performed. 

On the basis of the observations of the two 
dried catalysts alone, we are unable to definitive- 
ly comment on whether the bilayer 0.5 -run clus- 
ters, the monolayer 0.2- to 0.3-nm clusters, or both 
arc responsible for the high activity observed or 
whether some subtle substrate chemistry effect is 
coming into play. Although individual Au atoms 
and larger (3 to 5 nm) particles are stable on both 
catalysts, the subnanometer Au clusters were only 
stable on the surface of catalyst 2 dried under a 
flowing air. The critical role played by such slight 
changes in the catalyst preparation route may help 
to explain the sometimes radically differing 
activities reported. We have used XPS to probe 
the nature of the surface species present in both 
samples. Analysis of the Au(4f) spectra (fig. S4. 1) 
showed that, in both catalysts, the Au(4f 7(2 ) 
binding energy was 85.1 eV, characteristic of 
Au* species. The signal from sample 1 shows some 
broadening to higher binding energy that probably 
arose from a small amount of Au , most likely 
present as AuOOH. The presence of hydroxylated 
Au species in this inactive sample suggests that the 

lack of air circulation during the drying process 
inhibits the removal of the hydroxyl species from 
the catalyst surface, whereas this process occurs 
more efficiently under flowing air conditions. 

This explanation was confirmed by the O(ls) 
and C(ls) spectra from these samples (figs. S4.2 
and S4.3, respectively). Both catalysts exhibit a 
main O(ls) component characteristic of oxidic 
oxygen (O 2 ) at 530.4 eV, together with a shoulder 
at 531.8 eV. The latter feature originates from a 
combination of hydroxyl and carbonate species 
and is much more pronounced in sample 1. The 
G(ls) spectra, which show clear evidence of car- 
bonate species, are similar for both. Therefore, the 
higher intensity of the O(ls) shoulder at 531.8 eV 
in the inactive catalyst 1 arises from the increased 
presence of hydroxyl groups relative to the active 
catalyst 2 dried in flowing air. This higher degree 
of hydroxylation and reduction of sample 1 seems 
to enhance the ability of the subnanometer clusters 
to sinter into larger particles and thus deactivate the 
catalyst Hence, on the basis of the evidence pre- 
sented so far, we are unable to determine whether 
it is the presence of subnanometer clusters or the 
differing degree of hydroxylation of the support 
that is controlling the activity. 

Three separate portions of the highly active cat- 
alyst 2, denoted 3, 4, and 5, were calcined (3 hours 
at 400°, 550°, and 600 °C, respectively). These 
heat treatments converted the support material to 
crystalline FC2O3 and progressively reduced the 
surface area (catalysts 2: 190 m 2 g -1 , 3: 45 m 2 g~ 1, 
4: 16 ra 2 g“\ and 5: 11m 2 g -1 ). Atomic ab- 
sorption spectroscopy confirmed that all of the 
Au (2.9 atomic %) was retained. CO conversion 
decreased from 100% in the fresh, uncalcined state 
to 91% (400°C), 3 1% (550°C), and <1% (600°Q. 

Fig. 3. Aberration -corrected 
STEM-HAADF images of the 
active 2.9 atomic % Au/FeO x 
catalyst 2 calcined for 3 hours 
at (A and B) 40<rC (sample 3), 
(C and D) 550°C (sample 4), 
and (E and F) 600°C (sample 
5). The heat-treatment pro- 
cedures have substantially 
decreased the population of 
subnanometer Au clusters 
relative to the highly active, 
dried catalyst, while at the 
same time they have increased 
the population of particles in 
the 1- to 3-nm range. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Aberration -corrected STEM-HAADF images 
(Fig. 3, A to F, and figs. S5.1 to 5.3) revealed that, 
although substantial particle sintering had occurred 
in all calcined catalysts, each sample also retained a 
population of the subnanometer clusters and in- 
dividual Au atoms previously seen in the dried 
catalyst that had persisted through the various 
calcination treatments. 

The number frequency of the various gold species 
encountered in samples 2, 3, 4, and 5 is sum- 
marized in Fig. 4. The number traction of atom- 
ically dispersed species drops from -44% to 35% 
across this sample set, whereas, simultaneously, 
the number fraction of particles greater than 1 mn 
progressively increases from 19 to 35%. However, 
our previous deductions from comparing samples 
1 and 2 indicate that the supported subnanometer 
cluster species (and not the dispersed Au atoms or 
>1 -nm particles) are active for CD conversion. It is 
also apparent from Fig. 4 that the number pop- 
ulation of monolayer clusters remains relatively 


constant at -19%, whereas the bilaycr cluster fre- 
quency gradually drops from 18% to <5% across 
this same sample set. Hence, the dramatic decrease 
in catalytic activity exhibited by samples 3, 4 and 
5 can be directly correlated to the marked decrease 
in the number density of the 0.5-nm bilayer 
clusters as a result of their sintering into less active 
1 - to 2-nm Au particles. 

XPS of samples 3, 4, and 5 (fig. S6) showed 
no notable difference in either of the Au(4f), 
Fe(3s), or Fc(2p) profiles (fig. S6.1 and 6.2) as- 
sociated with this series of calcined catalysts. 
The O(ls) signals (fig. S6.3) are also all similar, 
with a high-binding energy tail indicating the 
presence of some residual hydroxyl and carbonate 
species, but these are very different from the dried 
sample (spectra shown in Fig. 5). The presence of 
carbonate species is confirmed by the weak, high 
binding feature in the C(ls) spectra (fig. S6.4). 
This feature is broader for sample 5, possibly re 
fleeting carbonate species in distinct chemical envi- 

■ i- ad KN (100%) 
m Calcined 400 C (91%) 
□ Calane<J550C(3l%) 

« fi/Wl C I* « W \ 

romnents. and is consistent with small differences 
in the high-binding energy tail in the 0(1 s) spec- 
trum tor this sample. 

To determine whether the small differences in 
samples 3 and 4 and the larger differences with 
the other samples correlate with the catalytic per 
tonnance, we deconvolved the O Is signals into 
oxide and the higher-binding energy hydroxyl 
and carbonate species to obtain the relative frac- 
tions of each species present. However, the data 
for either the relative area percent of the higher- 
binding energy species (samples 2: 60%, 3: 28%, 
4: 34%, and 5: 47%) or the hydroxyl/oxide ratio 
(samples 2: 1 .5, 3: 0.4, 4: 0.5, and 5: 0.9) do not 
correlate with the observed activity trend. Thus, 
the similarity in the surface chemistry of samples 
3 and 4, in particular, and the Au oxidation state 
in these calcined samples strongly imply that the 
progressive decrease in catalytic activity upon sin- 
tering is attributable to the gradual decrease in the 
population of the subnanometer bilayer clusters of 

Theoretical and model studies (23, 26-29) have 
shown that a critical factor in the catalytic activity 
of Au is the ability of the clusters to simultaneously 
adsorb both reactant molecules. Yoon et al. and 
Hakkinen et al. (27, 28) showed that the smallest 
Au cluster on MgO known to be active for CO 
oxidation is an oc tamer. Our observations arc con- 
sistent with these theoretical studies, because the 
active bilaycr subnanometcr clusters in our system 
contain -10 atoms, whereas the monolayer clus- 
ters (which have only three to four atoms) and the 
isolated Au atoms appear to be essentially inactive 
for CO oxidation. 

Finally, CO oxidation activity of model Au cat- 
alysts on Ti0 2 surfaces is maximized when the Au 
structures are two atomic layers thick (14, 28, 29), 
resulting in turnover frequencies (TOFs) as high 
as 3 .7 s -1 . In the present case, the TOF of catalyst 
2 exhibiting 100% CO conversion was initially 
calculated to be 0.016 s' 1 under standard conditions 
and 0.027 s -1 at fee higher flow rate where total 
conversion (which is a more reliable estimate of tire 
catalyst activity) was not observed. However, if the 
TOF is recalculated assuming that tire bilayer clus- 
ters are the only active species and using a rea- 
sonable estimate of the fraction of the total Au that 
they contain (0.6 atomic %), the result is a TOF of 

2.7 s" 1 at the standard conditions and 3.5 s -1 at the 
higher-flow rate condition. These re-estimated 
TOF values arc reasonably similar to the value of 

3.7 s -1 of the model Au/Ti0 2 catalyst (14). 

These studies describe the full range of active 

and inactive Au species that are present within 
supported Au/FeO x and Au/Fe 2 0 3 catalysts. Sub- 
tle changes in sample-preparation route and cal 
cination temperature can influence tire formation, 
stability, and relative population of these various 
Au species. Herein, we have reported that highly 
active subnanometer Au clusters can be synthe- 
sized writh a traditional chemical preparation route. 
Although the highest-activity catalysts correspond 
to uncalcined materials, experiments involving sys- 
tematic calcination treatments have allow'ed us to 


Monolayers Bilayers 

>1 nm 

Fig. 4. Relative populations of (i) dispersed Au atoms, (ii) 0.2- to 0.3-nm monolayer Au clusters, 
(iii) 0.5-nm bilayer Au clusters, and (iv) Au nanoparticles >1 nm in diameter, as a function of 
catalyst calcination temperature and measured CO conversion. The error bars correspond to two 
SDs on the size measurements. 

Fig. 5. 0(ls) photoemission 
spectra from the Au/Fe ? 0 3 catalysts 
(A) dried at 120°C and then cal- 
cined at (B) 400°C (C) 550°C, and 
(D) 600°C. 




deduce that it is primarily the 0.5 -nm bilaycr clus- 
ters, rather titan 0.2- to 0.3-nm monolayer Au 
clusters, that are active for CO oxidation on FeO* 

References and Notes 

1. M. Hawta, CATTECH 6. 102 <2002). 

2. M. Haiuta, Gold Bull. 37. 27 (2004). 

3. A S. K. Hash nr., 6. ]. Hutchings. Ange tv. Chem. InL Ed. 

45, 7896 (2006). 

4. M. D. Hughes et a!.. Nature 437. 1132 (2005). 

5. D. I. Enache et at.. Serene 311, 362 (2006). 

6. A. Conra. P. Serna. Science 313, 332 (2006). 

7. J. Guzman, S. Carrettin. A. Conra . ). Am. Chem. Soc. 

127. 3286 (2005). 

8. ). J. Pietron. R. M. Stroud. D. R. Roll son. Nano Lett 2. 

545 (2002). 

9. J. Guzman, B. C. Gates, jt Am. Chem. Soc 126. 2672 


R ecent cosmological observations suggest 
that the universe’s expansion is accelerat- 
ing. Several lines of evidence corroborate 
this, including results from distant supemovae (1, 2\ 
the cosmic microwave background (5), and the 
clustering of matter ( 4 , 5). However, the current 
observations are all essentially geometric in nature, 
in that they map out space, its curvature, and its 
evolution. In contrast, a direct and dynamical de- 
termination of the universe’s expansion history is 
possible by observing the slow drift of cosnolog- 
ical redshifts, z, that is inevitable in any evolving 
universe (6). No particular cosmological model or 
theory of gravity would be needed to interpret die 
results of such an experiment However, the cos- 
mological redshift drift is exceedingly small and 

’Max-Planck Institut fur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfcrmann- 
Strasse 1, 0-85743 Garchirg, Germany. 2 Menlo Systems GmbH, 
Am Klcplerspitz 19, D-8Z152 Martinsried, Germany. ’European 
Southern Observatory, Kart-Sch warzsch i Id -Strasse 3, D-85748 
Garching, Germany. Tentre for Astrophysics and Supercomput 
ing, Swinburne University of Technology, Wail H39, Post Office 
Box 218, Victoria 3122, Australia. 5 <iepenheuer-lnstitut fur 
Sonnenphysik, Schdneckstr. 6, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany. 
•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

10. G. J. Hutchings et al.. ). CatoL 242. 71 (2006). 

11. M. M. Schubert et at.. ). Catal. 197. 113 (2001). 

12. R. Meyer, C. Lemire. Sh. K. Shaikhutdinov. H.-J. Freund. 
Gold Bull. 37. 72 (2004). 

13. M. Valden. X. Ui. D. W. Goodman. Science 281. 1647 

14. U. S. Chen. D. W. Goodman. Science 306. 252 (2004). 
published online 26 August 2004; 10.1126/ 
science. 1102420 

15. D. Watthey ef at.. Science 315. 1692 (2007). 

16. N. A. Hodge et at.. Catal. Today 72. 133 (2002). 

17. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
material on Science Online. 

18. M. Varela ef al.. Annu. Rev. Mater. Re s. 35. 539 (2005). 

19. C. W. Mays ef al.. Surf. Sci. 12, 134 (1968). 

20. S. Wang ef at.. Nat. Mater. 3. 143 (2004). 

21. T. V. W. Janssens ef at.. Tap. CataL 44. 15 (2007). 

22. W. Yan ef at.. /. Rhys. Chem. 8 109. 10676 (2005). 

23. H. Falsi g ef at.. Ange w. Chem. InL Ed. AT. 4835 

difficult to measure; for currently favored models 
of the universe, with a cosmological constant pa- 
rametrizing the acceleration, the redshifts of objects 
drift by less than ~1 cm s -1 year" 1 (depending on 
their redshifts). 

Nevertheless, the suggestion that the so-called 
Lyman-a “forest” seen in high-redshift quasar 
spectra is the best target for this experiment (7) 
was recently supported by cosmological hydro- 
dynamical simulations (8). The forest of absorption 
lines is caused by the Lyman-a transition arising in 
neutral hydrogen gas clouds at different redshifts 
along the quasar sight-lines. Detailed calculations 
with simulated quasar spectra show that the 
planned 42-m European Extremely Laigc Tele- 
scope (E-ELT), equipped with the proposed 
Cosmic Dynamics Experiment (CODEX) spectro- 
graph ( 9 ), could detect the redshift drift con- 
vincingly with 4000 hours of observing time over 
a ~20-ycar period (8). Therefore, as the observation 
is feasible (in principle), overcoming the many 
other practical challenges in such a measurement is 
imperative. Important astrophysical and technical 
requirements have been considered in detail, and 
most are not difficult to surmount (8, 10). One (but 
not the only) extremely important requirement is 

24. S. Rashkeev ef at.. Rhys. Rev B 76, 035438 (2007). 

25. A. Bongiomo, U. landman. Rhys. Rev. Lett 95. 106102 

26. M. Abu Haija ef aL Surf. Sci. 600. 1497 (2006). 

27. 3 Yoon et aU Science 307. 403 (2005). 

28. H. Hakkinen et at. Angevt. Chem. kit. Ed. 42, 1297 

29. V. A. Bondzie ef at.. Catal. Lett 63. 143 (1999). 

30. We thank the Athena project of the Engineering and 
Physical Sciences Research Council. NSF, NASA and the 
National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate 
program for funding this work. 

Supporting Online Material 

Materials and Methods 
Figs. SI to S6 

25 April 2008; accepted 23 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.ll59639 

that the astronomical spectrographs involved must 
have their wavelength scales calibrated accurately 
enough to record -1 cm s~ l velocity shifts (-25 -kHz 
frequency shifts) in the optical range. Moreover, 
this accuracy must be repeatable over ~20 year 
time scales. 

Although the redshift drift experiment requires 
demanding precision and repeatability, precisely 
calibrated astronomical spectrographs have several 
other important applications. For example, Jupiter- 
and Ncptunc-mass extrasolar planets have been 
discovered by the reflex Doppler motion of their 
host stars (11-13), but detecting Earth mass planets 
around solar-mass stars will require -5 cm s“‘ 
precision maintained over several-year time scales 
(14). Another example is the search for shifts in 
narrow quasar absorption lines caused by cosmo- 
logical variations in the fundamental constants of 
nature (15-17). Recent measurements (18-21) 
achieve precisions of -20 m s~\ but the possibility 
of hidden systematic effects, and the increased 
photon-collecting power of future ELTs, warrant 
much more precise and accurate calibration over 
the widest possible wavelength range. 

Laser frequency combs (LFCs) offer a solu- 
tion because they provide an absolute, repeatable 
wavelength scale defined by a series of laser modes 
equally spaced across the spectrum. The train of 
femtosecond pulses from a mode-locked laser oc- 
curs at the pulse repetition rate, f [ep , governed by 
the adjustable laser cavity length. In the frequency 
domain, this yields a spectrum, f n =f xo + n * f—, 
with modes enumerated by an integer n~ 10 5 to l(r. 
The carrier envelope offset frequency, <f„ p, 
accounts for the laser's internal dispersion, which 
causes the group and phase velocities of the pulses 
to differ (22). Thanks to the large integer n, the op- 
tical frequencies f„ are at hundreds of THz whereas 
both f iep aadfceo are radio frequencies and can be 
handled with simple electronics and stabilized by 
an atomic clock (22). Each mode’s absolute fre- 
quency is known to a precision limited only by 
the accuracy of the clock. Even low-cost, portable 
atomic clocks provide ~1 cm s _! (or 3 parts in I0 n ) 
precisioa Because LFC light power is much higher 
than required, the calibration precision possible is 
therefore limited by the maximum signal to noise 

Laser Frequency Combs for 
Astronomical Observations 

Tilo Steinmetz, 1 - 2 Tobias Wilken, 1 Constanza Araujo-Hauck, 3 Ronald Holzwarth, 1 - 2 
Theodor W. Hansch, 1 Luca Pasquini, 3 Antonio Manescau, 3 Sandro D'Odorico, 3 
Michael T. Murphy/ Thomas Kentischer, 5 Wolfgang Schmidt, 5 Thomas Udem 1 * 

A direct measurement of the universe's expansion history could be made by observing in real time 
the evolution of the cosmological redshift of distant objects. However, this would require 
measurements of Doppler velocity drifts of ~1 centimeter per second per year, and astronomical 
spectrographs have not yet been calibrated to this tolerance. We demonstrated the first use of a 
laser frequency comb for wavelength calibration of an astronomical telescope. Even with a simple 
analysis, absolute calibration is achieved with an equivalent Doppler precision of ~9 meters per 
second at -1.5 micrometers — beyond state-of-the-art accuracy. We show that tracking complex, 
time-varying systematic effects in the spectrograph and detector system is a particular advantage 
of laser frequency comb calibration. This technique promises an effective means for modeling and 
removal of such systematic effects to the accuracy required by future experiments to see direct 
evidence of the universe's putative acceleration. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



ratio (SNR) achievable with the detector. For mod 
cm astronomical charge-coupled devices (CCDs), 
the maximum SNR in a single exposure is limited 
by their dynamic range but is still sufficient to 
achieve -l eras' 1 precision (23). Furthermore, 
because LFC calibration is absolute, spectra from 
different epochs, or even different telescopes, can 
be meaningfully compared. 

The main challenge in reaching ~1 cm s' 1 cal- 
ibration accuracy will be the measurement and, 
eventually, mitigation and/or modeling and re- 
moval of systematic effects in astronomical spectro- 
graphs and detectors. For typical high-resolution 
spectrographs, a -1 cm s' 1 shift corresponds 
roughly to the physical size of a silicon atom in 
the CCD substrate. Only with the statistics of a 
very large number of calibration lines can the re- 
quired sensitivity be achieved, provided that sys- 
tematic effects can be controlled accordingly (10). 
For example, even in a highly stabilized, vacuum- 
sealed spectrograph, small mechanical drifts will 
slightly shift the spectrum across the CCD. Al- 
though this can easily be tracked to first order, 
other effects such as CCD intrapixcl sensitivity 
variations will be important for higher precision. 
Discovering, understanding, and eventually model- 
ing and removing these effects is crucial for the 
long-term goal of accurate calibration; tests of 
LFCs on astronomical telescopes, spectrographs, 
and detectors are therefore imperative. 

We have conducted an astronomical LFC test 
on the German Vacuum Tower Telescope (24) 
(VTT) (Fig. 1). We used a portable rubidium 
clock with a modest accuracy of 5 parts in 10 u 
(or 1.5 cm s' 1 ); much more accurate clocks are 
available if needed. This sets the absolute un- 
certainty on the frequency of any given comb mode. 
The VTT can be operated at near-infrared wave- 
lengths, thereby allowing a relatively simple and 
reliable fiber-based LFC to be used. The erbium 
doped fiber LFC used had = 250 MHz which, 
despite the VTT spectrograph having higher resolv- 
ing power (resolution of 0.8 GHz or 1.2 km s' 1 ) 
than most astronomical spectrographs, is too low 
for modes to be resolved apart. Filtering out un- 
wanted modes by using a Fabry-Perot cavity (FPC) 
outside the laser (25, 26) was suggested as one 
solution (23, 27) and has proven effective (28, 29). 
The FPC comprises two mirrors separated by a 
distance smaller than the laser cavity length so that 
all modes, except every /nth (m > 1 ), are inter 
fcromctrically suppressed (Fig. 1, lower panel). 
We used a FPC stabilized to a filter ratio, m, by 
controlling its length with an electronic servo sys- 
tem to generate effective mode spacings, m x f^, 
between 1 and 15 GHz. The degree to which the 
unwanted modes arc suppressed is an important 
parameter; The FPC transmission function falls 
sharply away from the transmitted mode frequencies 
but, because nearby suppressed modes are not 
resolved from the transmitted ones by the spec- 
trograph, small asymmetries in this function (espe- 
cially combined with time variations) can cause 
systematic shifts in the measured line positions. 
With our setup, we achieve an unwanted mode sup- 

pression of more than 46 dB at filter ratios m < 20. 
Other possible systematic shifts due to the filtering 
have been identified (29) aid need to be controlled 

LFC spectra were recorded with and without 
the spectrum of a small section of the Sun's photo- 
sphere at wavelengths ~1 .5 pm. A sample m = 
15-GHz recording, superimposed with Fraunhofer 
and atmospheric lines, is shown in Fig. 2. To es- 
timate our calibration accuracy and to test the 
spectrograph's stability, we analyzed several expo- 
sures of the LFC only. Individual Lorentzian 
functions were fitted to the recorded modes as a 
function of pixel position and identified with the 
absolute comb frequencies,/,, which are referenced 
to the atomic clock (10). The dense grid of modes 
allows die spectrograph's calibration function (Fig. 
3A) to be determined to very high accuracy; even 
a simple, second-order polynomial fit to the pixel 
versus-frequency distribution has only 9 m s' 1 
root mean square (RMS) residual deviations around 
it (Fig. 3B), and this remains almost unchanged 
with higher-order polynomial modeling (10). 

With traditional calibration techniques, such 
as thorium comparison lamps, I 2 gas absorption 
cells or Earth’s atmospheric absorption lines for 
calibration achieve ~10 m s'' absolute precision 
per calibration line at best (30). Thus, even with 
these “first light” comb recordings, we already 
demonstrate superior absolute calibration accura- 
cy. Because more than 1 0 4 modes will be available 

in a larger-bandwidlh LFC, the statistical unoer 
tainty would be reduced to the 1 cm s' 1 regime if 
the residuals were truly random. However, the 
theoretical shot noise limit calculated from the 
number of photons recorded per comb mode is 
much smaller than 9 m s _l ; systematic effects from 
the spectrograph and detector system evidently 
completely dominate the residuals. 

The main reason for testing LFCs at real tele- 
scopes, on real astronomical spectrograph and de- 
tector systems, is to understand how to measure 
and then mitigate and/or model and remove such 
systcmatics. Because the VTT spectrograph is 
not stabilized (i.e., temperature-, pressure- and 
vibration-isolated), instrument drifts are expected 
and the VTT LFC spectra can already be used to 
track them accurately. From a time scries of ex- 
posures, we derive a drift in the spectrograph of 
typically 8 m s' 1 min' 1 (5 MHz min" 1 ) (10). 
Much lower drift rates have been demonstrated 
with suitably stabilized instruments [e.g., ~1 m s' 1 
over months with HARPS (7i)); although the 
VTT is not optimized for stability, this does not 
affect its usefulness to test calibration procedures. 
Indeed, different modes are observed to drift at 
different rates, with neighboring modes having 
highly correlated drift rates (10). Also, as the 
comb modes drift across the detector, higher- 
order distortions arc evident, which arc the com- 
bined result of many effects, such as intrapixel 

Fig. 1. Sketch of our experimental setup at the VTT. By superimposing the frequency comb with 
light from a celestial body — in this case, the Sun — one can effectively calibrate its emission or 
absorption spectrum against an atomic clock. An erbium-doped fiber LFC with 250-MHz mode 
spacing (pulse repetition rate) is filtered with a FPC to increase the effective mode spacing, 
allowing it to be resolved by the spectrograph. The latter has a resolution of ~0.8 GHz at 
wavelengths around 1.5 pm. where our LFC tests were conducted. The LFC was controlled by a 
rubidium atomic clock. A continuous-wave (CW) laser at 1583 nm was locked to one comb line and 
simultaneously fed to a wavemeter. Even though the wavemeter is orders of magnitude less precise 
than the LFC itself, it is sufficiently accurate (better than 250 MHz) to identify the mode number, n. 
The FPC length, defining the final free spectral range (FSR), was controlled by feedback from its 
output See (10) for further details. 




Fig. 2. Spectra of the 
solar photosphere (back- 
ground image) overlaid 
bya IK with 15-GHz mode 
spacing (white, equally 
spaced vertical stripes). 
Spectra are dispersed hor- 
izontally, whereas the ver- 
tical axis is a spatial cross 
section of the Sun's pho- 
tosphere. The upper pan- 
el shows a small section 
of the larger portion of 
the spectrum below. The 
brighter mode labeled 
with its absolute frequen- 
cy is additionally super- 
imposed with a CW laser 
used to identify the mode 
number (Fig. 1). The fre- 
quencies of the other 
modes are integer mul- 
tiples of 15 GHz higher 
(right) and lower (left) in 
frequency. Previous cali- 
bration methods would 
use the atmospheric ab- 
sorption lines (dark vertical 
bands Labeled "Atm" inter- 

leaved with the Fraunhofer 

absorption lines), which are comparably few and far between. Also shown in the upper panel is the only 
thorium emission line lying in this wavelength range from a typical hollow-cathode calibration lamp. 
Recording it required an integration time of 30 min, compared with the LFC exposure time of just 10 ms. 
Unlike with the LFC, the thorium calibration method cannot be conducted simultaneously with solar 
measurements at the VTT. The nominal horizontal scale is 1.5 x 10 -3 nm pixel -1 with -1000 pixels shown 
horizontally in the upper paneL Black horizontal and vertical lines are artifacts of the detector array. 

Fig. 3. Precision achieved with our 
calibration with a LFC filtered to 3 GHz 
On = 12). (A) The position of the trans- 
mitted modes, derived from a multi- 
Lorentzian fit, plotted against the mode 
number. Modes without a corresponding 
detector position measurement were deemed 
unsuitable for use in calibration because they 
fell on large detector artifacts and/or were 
overlaid with light from the CW Laser. The 
size of one pixel corresponds to 172 MHz at 
1583 nm. On this scale, no distortions are 
visible. (B) The residuals from a quadratic fit 
that gives a RMS residual of 9 m s -1 . The 
quadratic fit greatly reduces the residuals 
compared to a linear model, whereas higher- 
order polynomials do not improve the 
performance of the fit significantly (10). 
Even with these first LFC recordings from the 
VTT, the 9 m s -1 RMS residuals here indicate 
better absolute calibration than is achieved 
with traditional calibration methods (30). 


-a is 

o uo no *o «o too 
Mode number (n - 769336) 

sensitivity variations. Thus, the VTT data already 
show an important advantage of LFC calibration: 
The dense grid of high SNR calibration infonna 
tion allows the discovery and measurement of com- 
plex effects con-elated across the chip and in time. 

The first light for frequency combs on astro- 
nomical spectrographs has delivered calibration 
precision beyond the state of the art. The key 
opportunity now is to use LFC spectra to measure 
and remove systematic effects in order to reach 
the ~1 cm s _I long-term calibration precision, 
accuracy, and repeatability required to realize the 
redshift drift experiment. 

References and Notes 

LA.G. Riess ef al. Astron. }. 116. 1009 (1998). 

2. S. Perlroutter el oL Astrophys. ). 517. 565 (1999). 

3. 0. N. Spergel el ol., Astrophys /. 148 (suppl.). 175 (2003). 

4. J. A. Peacock et ol. Nature 410. 169 (2001). 

5. 0. J. Eisenstein el ol. Astrophys ). 633. 560 (2005). 

6. A. Sandage. Astrophys ). 136. 319 (1962). 

7. A. Loeb. Astrophyi. ). 499. Llll (1998). 

8. ). Liske et ol. Mon Not. ft. Astron. So c 386, 1192 (2008). 

9. L Pasquini et oL in Proceedings of the IAU Symposium. 
P. Whitelock, M. Define feld. B. leibundgut. Eds. 
(Cambridge Jniv. Press, Cambridge. 2006), voL 232, 
pp. 193-197. 

10. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
material on Science Online. 

1L M. Mayor. D. Queloz. Nature 378. 355 (1995). 

12. G. W. Marcy. R. P. Butler. Astrophys. ). 464. 1147 (1996). 

13. C. Lovis et at.. Nature 441. 305 (2006). 

14. C. Lovis ef at., in Proceedings of the SPiE. I. S. McLean, 

L Masanori, Eds (2006). vot. 6269. pp. 62690P1-62690P9. 

15. J. N. BahcalL E. E. Salpeter. Astrophys ). 142. 1677 (1965). 

16. J. < Webb. V. V. Flambaum, C. W. Churchill M. J. Driidcwater. 
J. D. Barrow. Phys Rev. Lett 82, 884 (1999). 

17. R. I. Thompson. Astron. tett. 16. 3 (1975). 

18. M. T. Murphy. ). K. Webb. V. V. Flambaum. Mon. Not ft 
Astron. Soc. 345. 609 (2003). 

19. H. Chand, R. Srianand. P. Petitjean, B. Aradl, Astron. 
Astrophys 417. 853 (2004). 

20. S. A. Levshakov ef al, Astron. Astrophys 449. 879 (2006). 

21. E. Re inhold et al. Phys Rev. left 96. 151101 (2006). 

22. Th. Udem, R. Holmarth. T. W. Hansch. Nature 416, 233 

23. M. T. Murphy ef at.. Mon. Not. ft Astron. Soc 380. 839 

24. L H. Schroter. D. Soltau. L Wiehr. Vistas Astron. 28, 
519 (1985). 

25. T. I. Suer. IEEE). Quantum Electron. 25. 97 (1989). 

26. Th. Udem. ). Reichert. R. Holwarth. T. W. Hansch. 

Phys. Rev. Lett. 82. 3568 (1999). 

27. P. 0. Schmidt. S. Kimeswenger. H. U. Kaeufl. Ptoc. 2007 
ESO Instrument Calibration Workshop. ESO Astrophysics 
Symposia series (Springer, in press): available at 

28. C.-H. Li et at.. Nature 452. 610 (2008). 

29. 0. A. Braje, M. S. Kirchner, S. Osteiman, T. Fortier. 

S. A. Diddams. fur. Phys ). D 48. 57 (2008). 

30. C. Lovis. F. Pepe. Astron. Astrophys. 468. 1115 (2007). 

31. We thank ihe Kiepenheuer Institut fur Sonnenphysik staff at 
the Vacuum Tower Telescope and the Institute de AstroHska 
de Can arias (IAO personnel for their support during the 
measurements at the VTT. We especially appreciate the 
efforts of M. Colados (IAO and F. Kertaer (ESO). We thank 

T. Kippenberg tor CW-laser assistance and ]. liske for advice 
on the manuscript. M.T.M. thanks the Australian Research 
Council for a QEII Research Fellowship (DP0877998L 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema g. org/cgi /conte nt/full/32 1758 94/13 35/DC 1 
Materials and Methods 
Figs. SI to S4 

28 May 2008. accepted 25 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.ll61030 

www.sciencema 9 .or 9 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Regional Synthesis of Mediterranean 
Atmospheric Circulation During 
the Last Glacial Maximum 

J. Kuhlemann, 1 * E. J. Rohling, 2 I. Krumrei, 1 P. Kubik, 3 S. Ivy-Ochs, 4 M. Kucera 1 

Atmospheric circulation leaves few direct traces in the geological record, making reconstructions 
of this crucial element of the climate system inherently difficult. We produced a regional 
Mediterranean synthesis of paleo-proxy data from the sea surface to alpine altitudes. This provides 
a detailed observational context for change in the three-dimensional structure of atmospheric 
circulation between the last Glacial Maximum (LGM, -23,000 to 19,000 years ago) and the 
present. The synthesis reveals evidence for frequent cold polar air incursions, topographically 
channeled into the northwestern Mediterranean. Anomalously steep vertical temperature gradients 
in the central Mediterranean imply local convective precipitation. We find the LGM patterns 
to be analogous, though amplified, to previously reconstructed phases of enhanced meridional 
winter circulation during the Maunder Minimum (the Little Ice Age). 

M editerranean climate is determined by 
an interplay between atmospheric and 
marine processes and strongly differ- 
entiated regional topography (/). A wealth ofpaleo- 
climate data is available from archives recording 
conditions at the sea surface and on land at var- 
ious altitudes, making the Mediterranean one of 
the few regions in the world where the thermal 
and dynamical structure of the lower atmosphere 
could be reconstructed for certain past intervals 
(2). Such reconstructions are invaluable for vali- 
dation of the atmospheric component in climate 
models (3). Recent attempts to compare model 
simulations with regional proxy data over Europe 
during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) revealed 
substantial disagreement, both among the models 
and between models and paleodata (4, 5), high- 
lighting the need for model- independent con- 
straints on past regional climatic patterns. 

The state of the atmosphere in the past is in- 
herently difficult to reconstmct. Proxies from ocean 
ic sediments record mainly large-scale atmospheric 
patterns (6): and terrestrial proxy data, such as 
those from peat bogs or lake sediments, can be 
biased by local climate, including temperature 
inversion and interannual variability (7, 8). The 
equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of glaciers con- 
tains information on the vertical structure of the 
atmosphere, which can be reconstructed by in situ 
dating of glacial advances and retreats. Small tem- 
perate glaciers in circum-Mcditcrranean mountain 
chains are (and were) exposed to well-mixed air 
masses and arc known to have been sensitive to 
even small changes of the ELA, typically respond- 
ing by advancing or retreating within periods tanging 
from several years to decades (9, 10). 

'institute for Geosciences Univenityof Tuebingen, Sigivartstrasse 
10, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany. ^School of Ocean and Earth 
Science, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton $014 
3ZH, UK. ’institute of Particle Physics, HPK H30, ETH Zurich, 
CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland, institute of Particle Physics, HPK 
HZ7, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland. 

•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 

The ELA responds to both temperature and 
precipitation change (9, 10), and it is possible to 
differentiate between these two factors only in 
particularly well-studied regions, such as Corsica 
(data supplement SI and figs. S2 and S3). For 
Corsica, we present new information on the LGM 
ELA, including a deconvolution of the two main 
controlling processes (fig. S4, B and C). For the 
ELA depression of LGM glaciers in the wider 
Mediterranean region, we used previously pub- 
lished information (table S2), which, as a first- 
order end-member solution, we calculated as pure 
temperature change, using a standard free atmo- 
spheric lapse rate of a 6.5°C decrease per kilometer 
(6.5°C/km) of increasing elevation. The potential 
overprint of precipitation changes was then con- 
sidered where anomalous results were found. Tire 
error ranges on the resultant ELA reconstructions 

(Fig. I) amount to up to ±100 m in Corsica and 
± 150 m in other Mediterranean mountains (fig. SI 
and Fig. 2). We thus developed a regional synthe- 
sis of glacial vertical temperature gradients in the 
lower atmosphere. Paleo flora-based temperature 
reconstructions for a variety of terrestrial sites at 
lower altitudes around the Mediterranean (7, 8) 
(Fig. 2 and fig. S3) were used to validate and com- 
plement our ELA -based temperature reductions 
and precipitation patterns. 

Next, we compared the ELA-based LGM cool- 
ing at alpine altitudes with estimates of LGM reduc- 
tion of Mediterranean sea surface temperatures 
(SSTs) derived from the difference between long- 
term instrumental averages (//) and glacial SST 
reconstructions based on fotaminiferal assemblages 
(12, 13) and alkenone data (14) (Figs. 1 and 2). 
Such direct comparison between SST and ELA 
changes is warranted for the Mediterranean basin, 
where SSTs generally are closely related to air tem- 
perature and the insolationfradiation balance (IS). 

The combination of data on LGM cooling at 
sea level (SST proxies) and higher altitudes (ELA 
depression) provides direct constraints on the 
vertical structure of the LGM atmosphere. When 
comparing the temperature equivalent of the ELA 
depression with SST reduction in the LGM rel- 
ative to the present (Fig. 2), we consider that a 
shift of similar magnitude would indicate a con- 
stant atmospheric lapse rate. Stronger relative 
reduction of SST would imply a lapse rate of less 
than 6.5°C/km, supporting more stable atmospheric 
stratification. A lesser relative SST reduction would 
imply a lapse rate steeper than 6.5°C/km, poten- 
tially enhancing the instability of the atmosphere, 
driving convection and consequent precipitation. 

Our analysis (figs. SI and S2) reveals an 
LGM pattern of southw ard-extending lobes of 
ELA depression in mountainous regions of Italy 

Fig. L Map of the ELA in the western-central Mediterranean region during the phase of maximum 
glacier expansion during the LGM (probably at ~23,000 years before the present) and of average 
annual SSTs and ELA during the LGM. The error range of the ELA estimate is ±150 m for the 
Mediterranean in general and ±100 m in Corsica. 




and the Dinarides, which suggests frequent higher- 
altitude southward advances of polar air (Fig. 1). 
Iberia is characterized by a steep gradient from 
the northern and northwestern coastlines toward 
the interior and southeast, which probably results 
predominantly from barrier effects of near-coastal 
mountain ranges (Fig. 1). The data from Corsica 
especially identify a lobe of ELA depression that 
extends over the Gulf of Lions toward the south 
and east (Fig. 1), indicating a substantial invasion 
of polar air from the north. The temperature dif- 
ference inferred from the recent ELA ( 76) and 
our LGM reconstruction (fig. S3) generally de- 
creases from north (10° to 1 1°C) to south (6° to 
7°C) (Fig. 2), in agreement with previous re- 
constructions of a steeper glacial meridional temper- 
ature gradient (76, 17). The temperature differences 
calculated from the glacial ELA depression, relative 
to the present, generally agree with lower-altitude 
temperature reconstructions from palcofloral data 
(7, 8) (Fig. 2). 

The present-day SST distribution and surface 
circulation in the western Mediterranean basin 
arc strongly affected by northwesterly winds, par- 
ticularly in the Gulf of Lions (75). As a conse- 
quence, cool waters are frequently upwelling in 
the Gulf of Lions (77, IS). Surface currents arc 
deflected by coastlines, and their strength and 
flow direction vary seasonally in response to sur- 
face winds and the superimposed atmospheric cir- 
culation (77, 75). Glacial SST values calculated from 
foraminiferal assemblages (12, 13) and alkcnonc 
data (14) display a roughly similar distribution to 
that of modem SSTs, albeit with a stronger west 
east gradient due to stronger cooling in the north- 
western Mediterranean than in the central and 

eastern parts of the basin (12) (Fig. I and data sup 
plement S3). The extraordinary cooling centered 
on the Gulf of Lions suggests frequent and/or 
more persistent northerly incursions of cold polar 
air, probably channeled through the Rhone valley 
at low elevation (14, 18), and between the glaciated 
Alps and the Pyrenees at higher elevation, as sug- 
gested by our ELA reconstructions. 

Figure 2 compares the spatial pattern of the 
LGM reduction of SST (relative to the present) with 
that of atmospheric temperature as derived from our 
ELA reconstruction. This reveals that both SST 
and ELA determincd atmospheric temperatures 
(Tela) underwent similar (within ±2°Q changes, 
relative to the present, across the northern Bay of 
Biscay and the western sector of the western Medi- 
terranean. LGM SST seems less reduced than Tela 
in the Atlantic Ocean offshore of Iberia and Mo- 
rocco, which probably reflects the southward dis- 
placement of the relatively warm Gulf Stream during 
glacial times (3-6, 13, 19). In the central and (to a 
lesser extent) eastern Mediterranean, glacial SST 
appears to have dropped considerably less than 
Tela (Fig. 2). The notable warm anomaly in the 
central basin can hardly be attributed to the advec- 
tion of warm surface waters from the western 
basin because of land barriers. In fact, a notable 
cool SSTanomaly is seen to the southeast of Sardinia, 
which may reflect leeward upwelling triggered 
by northwesterly winds (Fig. 1). We propose that 
the advcction of warm desert air from the Sahara 
and relatively cloud-free subtropical conditions 
over the central/eastem basin largely account for 
the minor LGM cooling of SSTs in this region. 
The fret that glacial SST dropped considerably 
less than calculated Tela over part of the Mediter- 

ranean suggests that the atmospheric lapse rate had 
noticeably steepened: up to ~10°C/km north of 
Corsica, ~9°C/km in tire southern Adriatic Sea, 
and ~8.5°Okm in the central Mediterranean basin. 
Given that we applied an initial end-member ELA 
transformation to (only) temperature changes, using 
a standard lapse rate of 6.5°C/km, it is clear that 
increased convective precipitation must be inferred 
to explain the noticeably sleeper rates diagnosed 
in these specific regions. 

The spatial distributions of SST, Tela, and of 
the SST- Tela difference in the western -central 
Mediterranean during the LGM arc found to be 
roughly similar to those in the present, although 
meridional gradients were enhanced during the 
LGM (Figs. 1 and 2). Hence, it is not unreasonable 
to expect that cyclones followed similar prefer- 
ential storm tracks across the basin as well, which 
contrasts with previous suggestions of northeast 
directed cyclone tracks from the Alboran Sea toward 
the southern flank of the Alps (20). During cold 
periods such as the LGM, cold northerly air out 
breaks over the western basin were probably more 
frequent (12, 17, 18). The pronounced southward 
cold (polar air) expansion toward northwest Africa 
(Figs. 1 and 2) would have triggered cyclogenesis 
over the relatively warn Mediterranean waters, 
causing flows of desert air toward the north and 
northeast, as indicated by the no rth ext ending lobe 
of the ELA in southeastern Europe (Fig. 1). This 
would be consistent with observations of enhanced 
wind-blown dust supply from the Sahara into the 
eastern Mediterranean during glacial times (27). 

Even though we compare glacial conditions 
(the LGM) with interglacial conditions (the 
present), we observe that the reconstructed prop- 
erty distribution patterns, particularly the prefer- 
ential flow of polar air masses, are pervasive through 
time (Figs. 1 and 2). Indeed, these features appear 
to be strongly fixed by the land/sea distribution 
and topography, which are virtually invariant on 
the time scales considered. Outbreaks of polar air 
masses over the western Mediterranean are typ- 
ically founded between the Alps and the Pyrenees, 
both at present and during the LGM, causing con- 
ditions conducive to cyclogenesis over the Gulf 
of Genoa. The tunneling effect may have been 
stronger with glaciated mountains, as the ice rose 
several hundreds of meters above the lower water- 
sheds (20), and Arctic air masses would also have 
invaded the western Mediterranean more frequent 
ly and/or persistently than today, because of the 
more southerly position of the polar front during 
the LGM (3-5, 19, 22). The incursion of cold air 
masses would have favored the convection of 
moist air; especially in regions with relatively 
warm (less reduced) SST, so that we would pre 
diet considerable local LGM precipitation in 
Corsica, the Apennines, the Dinarides, and Greece, 
especially at the upwind flank of mountain ranges 
and close to the coast This would be a suitable 
mechanism to explain steeper horizontal precipi- 
tation gradients during the LGM relative to foe 
present which indeed are suggested by our data 
for the steep mountainous margins of northern 

Fig. 2. Map of the temperature difference between recent and LGM SSTs (in black) and the temperature 
equivalent of the ELA depression (6.5°C/km lapse rate; in blue), respectively. The error range of this estimate 
is ±1°C for the Mediterranean in general and ±0.7°C in Corsica. In orange-colored marine regions, LGM SSTs 
were lowered significantly less than temperatures in the mid-troposphere, relative to the present This 
implies an anomalously steep lapse rate and unstable layering of the lower troposphere. Atmospheric 
cooling values for tow-elevation terrestrial sites based on paleoftoral estimates are given for comparison. 
Small symbols indicate larger error and large symbols lesser error of the temperature estimate. A, change in. 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Corsica (tabic SI and fig. SI). This island’s diy 
northern interior today receives -30% less pre- 
cipitation than its margins (fig. S2A), whereas this 
difference was -50% during the LGM (fig. S4Q. 
Although this prediction cannot (yet) be con- 
firmed with the data available outside Corsica, it 
does agree with patterns seen in LGM reconstruc- 
tions with the high-rcsolution climate model HadRM 
( 23 ) As mentioned above, locally enhanced pre- 
cipitation would largely reduce the local lapse 
rate, so that much of the initially (first-order) in- 
ferred temperature anomaly pattern in fact re- 
flects the impact of precipitation anomalies. 

Although care must be taken not to simply 
ascribe past regional property distributions to mod- 
em climate oscillation patterns ( 24 ), it remains 
useful to consider instrumental records and proxy 
data in order to develop a sense of realistic anal- 
ogous climate patterns over the study region (25). 
The contrast between strongly reduced SST in 
the western basin and much less reduced SST in 
the central Mediterranean basin during the LGM 
(Fig. 1 ) indicates a preferentially meridional geo 
strophic circulation, with a polar trough that fre- 
quently protruded into the western Mediterranean. 
Such a circulation is favored by northward exten- 
sion of the Azores High toward Iceland (North 
Atlantic ridge) or Greenland, blocking moisture 
supply by the westerlies. It is further enhanced by 
expansion and intensification of the Siberian High 
in winter during glacial times ( 26 ). A similar 
configuration is thought to have been common 
during the late Little Ice Age, notably the Maunder 
Minimum (2, 27). The invasion of polar air as 
shown by our data, channeled by the topography 
of mountain ranges and ice sheets in Europe, 

would have generated cyclone formation in the 
Gulf of Genoa more frequently than at present, 
enhancing precipitation along various storm tracks 
in easterly directions. Our observations do not sup 
port a straightforward zonal LGM atmospheric cir- 
culation, as inferred from climate models ( 19 , 28 ). 
Instead, we propose that frequent meridional cir- 
culation during cold seasons (characterized by the 
LGM ELA pattern) may have alternated with more 
zonal circulation during warm seasons. A mote com- 
prehensive quantitative assessment of the prcfcren 
tial LGM atmospheric circulation requires die use 
of both nested model simulation and high-rcsolution 
global climate model studies ( 4 , 5 , 8 , 28 ), which 
should fully resolve the changing topography of 
glaciated mountain ranges and ice sheets. The vali- 
dation of such models with our three-dimensional 
LGM climate proxy data ranging from the sea sur- 
face to alpine altitudes is a great future challenge. 

References and Notes 

L E. Xoplaki. ). F. Gonrater Rouco, J. luterbacher. 

H. Wanner Cbm. Dyn. 23. 63 (2004). 

2. J. Luterbacher el at., in The Mediterranean Gimate: An 
Overview of the Main Characteristics and Issues. P. Lionelto. 
P. Malanotte-Rirroti, R, Bosoolo, Eds. (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 
2006). pp. 27-148. 

3. C0HMAP Members. Science 241. 1043 (1988). 

4. M. Kageyama el at.. Quat Sci. Rev. 23. 2082 (2006). 

5. G. Ramstein et at.. Clim. Past 3. 331 (2007). 

6. G. Bond et at.. Nature 365. 143 (1993). 

7. 0. Peyton et at.. Qual Res. 49. 183 (1998). 

8. H. Wu, J. Guiot S. Brewer. Z. Guo. Ctim. Dyn. 29. 211 

9. H. Kerschner. G. Kaser. R. Sailer. Ann. Godot 31, 80 (2000). 

10. D. Steiner etal.. Cbm. Change. 10.1007/S10584-008-9393-1 

11. M. Conkright et at.. World Ocean Atlas 1998 CD ROM 
Data Set Documentation (Technical Report 15. NODC 
internal Report Silver Spring. MD. 1998). 

12. A. Hayes, M. Kucera. N. Kallel L Sbatti. E. J. Robi ng. 
Quat So. Rev. 24. 999 (2005). 

13. A Paul C Schafer-Neth, Patcieoceanography 18. 1058 (2003). 

14. L Cacho. J. 0. Grimalt M. Canals. ). Mar. Syst. 33 34. 
253 (2002). 

15. N. Pinardi, E. Masetti. Pataeogeogr. Pataeoctimatol 
PataeoecoL 158. 153 (2000). 

16. B. Messerli, Geogr. Hetv. 22. 105 (1967). 

17. V. Masson Detmotte et at.. Ctim. Dyn. 26. 513 (2006). 

18. E. J. Rohling. A Hayes, 0. Kroon, S. Oe Rijlc. 

W. J. Zachariasse. Palaeoceanograpby 13. 316 (1998). 

19. M. Kageyama. F. D. Andrea. G. Ramstein. P. J. Valdes, 

R. Vautard. Ctim. Dyn. 15. 773 (1999). 

2tt a Florineth, C. Schluchter, Quat. Res 54. 295 (2000). 
21 ]. C. Larrasoana. A P. Roberts, E. J. Rohling. M. Winkthofer, 
R. Wehausen. Cbm. Dyn. 21. 689 (2003). 

22. U. Pitaumann et at.. Pataeoceanography 18. 10.1029/ 
2002PA000774 (2003). 

23. A lost et at.. Clim. Dyn. 24. 577 (2005). 

24. F. Justino. W. R. Pettier. Geophys Res Lett. 32. iai029/ 
2005G1023822 (2005). 

25. C. Cassou. L Temay. J. W. Hurrell. C. Deser, J. Clim. 17. 
1055 (2004). 

26. E. ]. Rohling. P. A Mayewski. P. Challenor. Clim. Dyn. 20. 
257 (2003). 

27. J. Jacobeit. P. Jons son, l. Barring, C. Beck. M. Ekstrom. 
Oim. Change 48, 219 (2001). 

28. A Laine' et at.. Clim. Dyn.. 10.1007/s00382 008 0391-9 

29. We gratefully acknowledge funding by the German 
Science Foundation (DFG project KU 1298/7) and 
the UK Natural Environment Research Council's 
thematic program Quantifying the Earth System (QUEST). 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema g.orgfcgi/conte nt/f utl/11 576 38/DCl 

Data Supplements SI to S3 

Figs. SI to S 7 

Tables SI and S2 


11 Match 2008: accepted 21 July 2008 
Published online 31 July 2008; 

10.112 6/science.ll57638 

Include this information when citing this paper. 

Kinematic Constraints on Glacier 
Contributions to 21st-Century 
Sea-Level Rise 

On the basis of climate modeling and analogies with past conditions, the potential for multimeter 
increases in sea level by the end of the 21st century has been proposed. We consider glaciological 
conditions required for large sea-level rise to occur by 2100 and conclude that increases in excess 
of 2 meters are physically untenable. We find that a total sea-level rise of about 2 meters by 2100 
could occur under physically possible glaciological conditions but only if all variables are quickly 
accelerated to extremely high limits. More plausible but still accelerated conditions lead to total 
sea-level rise by 2100 of about 0.8 meter. These roughly constrained scenarios provide a "most 
likely" starting point for refinements in sea-level forecasts that include ice flow dynamics. 

W. T. Pfeffer, 1 * J. T. Harper, 2 S. O'Neel 3 

E ustatic land ice contributions to sea-level 
change come from surface mass balance 
(SMB) losses and discharge of ice into the 
ocean through marine-terminating glaciers. Dy 
namicaliy forced discharge, via fast flow and calv- 
ing of marine-terminating glaciers allowing rapid 
land-to occan transfer of ice, is well known from 
studies of temperate marine-terminating glaciers 

( 1 - 4 ) and is observed in Greenland (5-7). The 
consensus estimate of sea-level rise (SLR) by 
2100 (0.18 to 0.6 m) that was published in 
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 
(IPCQ Fourth Assessment (5) excluded dynamic 
effects on the grounds that present understanding 
of the relevant processes is too limited for reliable 
model estimates. Because modeling ( 9 ) and paleo- 

climate comparisons ( 10 ) have yielded multimeter 
per century estimates of SLR, similar increases 
have been inferred as a viable 21st-century sce- 
nario. Also argued is that feedbacks unaccounted 
for in the IPCC estimate could quickly cause sev- 
eral meters of very rapid SLR ( 11 , 12 ). 

Accurate SLR forecasts on the century time 
scale are imperative for planning constructive 
and cost-effective responses. Underestimates will 
prompt inadequate preparation for change, whereas 
overestimates will exhaust and redirect resources 
inappropriately. Raising California Central Valley 
levees only 0.15 m, for example, will cost over 
$1 billion ( 13 ); the nonlincarly increasing costs 
of raising levees 2 m or more without clear and 
compelling cause would entail enormous expend- 
itures otherwise used for different responses as 
demanded by a smaller but still significant SLR. 

We address the plausibility of very rapid SLR 
from land ice occurring this century. We give 

'institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of 
Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA. department of 
Geosciences, University of Montana, Missoula, MI 59812, 
USA. 3 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of 
California San Diego, San Diego, CA 92093, USA 
•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 




particular emphasis to Greenland because of its 
vulnerability to ongoing Arctic wanning and 
meltwater-related feedbacks, recent accelerations 
of ice motion, and its large volume reductions 
during the last interglacial (14). By using a simple 
kinematic approach, we determined Greenland 
and Antarctic outlet glacier velocities required to 
achieve various magnitudes of SLR by 2100. 

To begin, we postulated sea- level increases of 
2 and 5 m by 2100 forced solely by Greenland. 
The total water mass losses required to achieve 
these targets are 7.24 x 10 5 Gt and 1 .81 x 1 0 6 Gt, 
respectively (Table 1). Of this mass, 2.58 x lO -1 
Gt (less than 4% of the total for 2 m SLR) will be 
lost as SMB by 2100, which we estimated by 
integrating present-day values of mass loss for- 
ward at present-day rates of change (15), with 
present-day SMB estimated at 30% of total present 
day rate of mass loss (5). Because future SMB is 
highly uncertain, we also scaled total SMB losses 
up by a factor of 10 to investigate the effect of 
uncertainty in SMB. Adjusting total mass losses 
for SMB contributions yields the mass to be dis- 
charged through marine-based outlets (Table 1). 
Even when scaled up by an order of magnitude, 
SMB is a very small traction of the total loss 
required to produce the targeted SLR. Thus, even 
large uncertainties in future SMB have little in- 
fluence on this calculation. 

Rapid, dynamically unstable discharge of ice 
through calving is restricted to glaciers with beds 
based below sea level. We identified and cal- 
culated tiie aggregate cross-sectional area of Green- 
land's marine-terminating outlet glaciers by using 
surface and bed topography (16) and measured 
ice velocities (5) to identify all potential pathways 
for rapid discharge, including channels presently 
flowing rapidly as well as potentially unstable 
channels (Fig. I and table SI). Cross-sectional 
areas (gates) for each outlet were calculated at the 
point of greatest lateral constriction by bedrock in 
the glacier's marine-based reach. Ice stream widths 
in Antarctica can vary in time, but for Greenland 
outlet glaciers cross-sectional areas are constrained 
almost entirely by bedrock topography. Of the 
290 km 2 total aggregate gate cross-sectional area, 
we identified 170 km 2 as the aggregate marine- 
based gate area where drainage to the ocean is not 
blocked by near-coastal sills standing above present 
day sea level. All dynamic discharge (Table 2) 
must pass through these gates by 2100 to meet 2- 
to 5 m SLR targets. We considered four scenarios: 
velocities were calculated for both the "marine 
based” gate (170 km 2 ) and the "total aggregate” 
gate (290 km 2 ) given both projected SMB and 
10>: inflated SMB losses. We then considered 
whether those velocities arc realistic. 

Coarseness of the digital elevation models 
(DEMs) used for surface and bed topography (16) 
led to uncertainties in the calculated gate areas, 
which may be substantial but cannot be evaluated 
directly. We accounted for a potential underestimate 
of gate area with a calculation using the total 
aggregate gate area. The total aggregate area 
exceeds the more relevant marine- based gate area 

by 70%. Uncertainties arising from the DEM more 
likely conceal small unresolved channels than large 
ones, so the actual gate areas may be smaller than 
we calculate (thus yielding higher velocities). 

The present-day average velocity of all Green- 
land outlet glaciers is 0.56 kmfyear when weighted 

by drainage basin area or 1.23 km/year when 
weighted by gate cross-sectional area. The two 
weighted averages are different because gate cross- 
sectional area does not scale with drainage basin 
area. Average (present day to 2 1 00) outlet glacier 
speeds required to meet 2- and 5-m SLR targets 

Table 1. Fluxes and discharges for SLR targets. Q indicates total discharge to 2100 (Gt); q, 0 
converted to ice flux rate, total to 2100 (km 3 /year); Q 1( total dynamic discharge less SMB to 2100 
(Gt); q x , 0 1 converted to ice flux rate, total dynamic flux less SMB to 2100 (km 3 /year); Q 2 , total 
dynamic discharge less lOx SMB to 2100 (Gt); and q 2 , 0? converted to ice flux rate, total dynamic 
flux less lOx SMB to 2100 (km 3 /year). 

SLR target SLR mm/year Q 9 Pi 9i 0 ? q? 

2 m 21.5 724,000 8,650 698,164 8,341 652,464 7,795 

5 m 53.8 1,810,000 21,625 1,784,165 21,317 1,738,464 20,770 

90°W 60°W 20°W 0° 10°E 

Fig. 1. Map showing Greenland and outlet glacier gates; marine-based gates are shown as dark 
green and nonmarine as black. Regions below sea level are colored blue, ice velocities at -2000 m 
elevation from (21) shown by red dots. 

Table 2. Required velocities of Greenland gates for SLR targets. 

SLR target 

2 m 
5 m 

gates (km/year) 
lx SMB 



All present-day 
discharge gates 
lx SMB 



gates (km/year) 
lOx SMB 



All present-day 
discharge gates 
lOx SMB 

www.sciencema 9 .or 9 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



range from 26.8 km/ycar to 125 km/year, de- 
pending on the scenario considered [Table 2 and 
supporting online material (SOM)]. These veloc- 
ities must be achieved immediately on all outlets 
considered and held at that level until 2100. 
Delays in the onset of rapid motion increase the 
required velocity further (fig. SI). 

The scenario velocities far exceed the fastest 
motion exhibited by any Greenland outlet glacier. 
For example, the near-doubling of ice discharge 
from Jakobshavn Glacier in 2004-2005 was 
associated with an acceleration to 12.6 km/year 
(7). Similarly, a temporary 80% increase in the 
speed near the terminus of Kangerdlugssuaq 
produced a velocity of 14.6 km/year (5). A com- 
parison of calculated (Table 2) and observed 
(1 .23 km/year) average velocities shows that cal- 
culated values for a 2-m SLR exceed observa- 
tions by a factor of 22 when considering all gates 
and inflated SMB and by a factor of 40 for the 
marine gates without inflated SMB, which we 
consider to be the more likely scenario. With the 
exception of discharge through all gates at in- 
flated SMB (26.8 km/year), none of the velocity 
magnitudes shown in Table 2 has ever been 
observed anywhere, even over short time periods. 
The highest observed velocities have occurred at 
surging glaciers, including circa (ca.) 70 m/day 
(25.5 km/year) at Variegated Glacier (1 7) and 1 05 
m/day (38.3 km/year) at Medvezhiy Glacier (IS), 
but were held only for brief periods (hours to 
days). Although no physical proof is offered that 
the velocities given in Table 2 cannot be reached 
or maintained over century time scales, such be- 
havior lies far beyond the range of observations 
and at the least should not be adopted as a central 
working hypothesis. 

Calculations are made only for Greenland 
because Greenland’s outlet glaciers are well 
constrained by bed topography, which (despite the 

Table 3. SIR projections based on kinematic sce- 
narios. Thermal expansion numbers are from (22). 

SLR equivalent (mm) 
Low 1 Low 2 High 1 










Greenland total 





PIG/Thwaites dynamics 



Lambert/Amery dynamics 



Antarctic Peninsula 







Antarctica total 












GIC total 




Thermal expansion 




Total SLR to 2100 




uncertainties mentioned) is well known in com- 
parison to much of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and 
the Antarctic Peninsula and virtually all of the 
marine-terminating glaciers and ice caps (GIQ 
exclusive of Greenland and Antarctica. In order 
to estimate how these constraints influence pro- 
jections of total SLR to 2100, we calculated a 
zero-order range of custatic SLR from all land ice 
sources. Because marine-grounded channels arc 
not well defined in many other locations, we made 
approximations and scaling arguments to arrive 
at a range of values for total eustatic SLR and, 
including reasonable projections of steric SLR, a 
range of estimates of total SLR to 2100. 

Most of the marine-based ice in West Ant 
arctica is held behind the Ross and Filchner- 
Ronne ice shelves, which we consider unlikely to 
be removed by climate or oceanographic pro- 
cesses within the next century [e.g., (19)]. The 
Amundson Coast basin [including Pine Island 
Glacier (PIG) and Thwaites Glacier], however, is 
not confined by large ice shelves and contains 
about 1.5 m sea level equivalent (5.43 * 10 s Gt) 
(20). The aggregate cross-sectional gate area of 
PIG and Thwaites Glacier is ca. 120 km 2 (20). 
The average velocity in this region is 2 kra/year 
(table S2), higher than the average velocity of all 
Antarctic ice streams [0.65 km/year (19)\ An 
average (present day to 2100) velocity of 53.6 
km/year is required to discharge 1 .5 m sea-level 
equivalent through the PIG and Thwaites glacier 
gates by 2100, again far greater than any ob- 
served glacier velocity. 

We present three scenarios by combining likely 
projection methods that we believe roughly bracket 
the range of potential near-future SLR outcomes 
(SOM). These are not true limiting cases but give a 
good sense of the potential variability of total SLR 
due to dynamic discharge effects. 

SLR scenario Low 1 represents a low-range 
estimate based on specific adjustments to dy- 
namic discharge in certain potentially vulnerable 
areas. We assumed a doubling of outlet glacier 
velocities in Greenland and PIG/Thwaites within 
the first decade and no change from present-day 
discharge values at Lambert/Amery. SMB for 
Greenland, the Antarctic Peninsula, and GIC was 
accelerated at present-day rates of SMB change, 
and, lacking more directly applicable constraints, 
dynamic discharge for the Antarctic Peninsula 
and GIC was calculated by scaling dynamic dis- 
charge to SMB by using the ratio of 1.31 as 
computed for Greenland (SOM). The net result, 
including thermal expansion, is 785 mm by 2100 
(Table 3). 

A second low-range scenario (Low 2) shows 
the effect of varying our assumptions; for this, we 
simply integrated presently observed rates of 
change forward in time We calculated Greenland’s 
contribution as for Low I but accelerated foe 
present day net discharge for Antarctica (East/West/ 
Antarctic Peninsula) forward at foe present-day rate 
of change given by (19). The GIC contribution was 
also calculated by accelerating the present-day net 
discharge at the current rate of change, with values 

from (15). The net result, including thermal expan- 
sion, is 833 mm by 2100 (Table 3). 

SLR scenario High 1 combines all eustatic 
sources taken at high but reasonable values. No 
firm highest possible value can be determined 
for SMB or dynamics; the values chosen repre- 
sent judged upper limits of likely behavior on the 
century time scale. Greenland SMB was acccl 
crated at present-day rates of change, but dy- 
namic discharge was calculated by accelerating 
outlet glacier velocities by an order of magnitude 
in the first decade. In Antarctica, PIG/Thwaites 
was accelerated from present-day net discharge 
(19) in the first decade and held thereafier to the 
highest outlet glacier velocity observed anywhere 
[14.6 km/year (6)], and Lambert/Amery was ac- 
celerated from present-day net discharge (19) in 
the first decade by an order of magnitude and 
held thereafter. Antarctic Peninsula and GIC 
were calculated by scaling dynamic discharge at 
the dynamics- to- SMB ratio computed for Green- 
land; this ratio is larger (6.42) that in case Low 1 
because Greenland’s dynamic discharge is larger. 
The net result, including thermal expansion, is 
2008 mm by 2100 (Table 3). 

On the basis of calculations presented here, 
we suggest that an improved estimate of the range 
of SLR to 2100 including increased ice dynamics 
lies between 0,8 and 2.0 m. We emphasize that 
assumptions made to arrive here contain sub- 
stantial uncertainties, and many other scenarios 
and combinations of contributions could be con- 
sidered. However, the net eustatic SLR from other 
combinations explored fell within foe range given 
in Table 3. Hence, these values give a context and 
starting point for refinements in SLR forecasts on 
the basis of clearly defined assumptions and offer 
a more plausible range of estimates than those 
neglecting the dominant ice dynamics term. Cer- 
tain potentially significant sinks and sources of 
SLR, such as terrestrial water storage, are still 
absent altogether. Among the uncertainties ex 
plored, the potential for dynamic response from 
GIC is comparable in magnitude to dynamic re- 
sponse from Greenland or Antarctica but is excep- 
tionally poorly constrained by basic observations. 
Without better knowledge of the number, size, 
and catchment areas of marine-based outlet gla- 
ciers in the GIC category, improvements on the 
estimates made here will be very difficult. 

References and Notes 

1 S. O' Neel. W. T. Wetter. Geophys. ties. Lett. 34. 122502 

2. M. F. Meier. A. Post ). Geophys. Res. 92. 9051 (1987). 

3. M. Meier et at.. ). Geophys. tte i 99. 15219 (1994). 

4. B. Kamb et at.. ). Geophys. ties. 99. 15231 (1994). 

5. L ftignot P. Kanagaratnam. Science 311. 988 (2008). 

6. i. M. Hemal, I. Joughtn. T. A. Scambos. Science 315. 1559 
(2007); published online 7 February 2007 (10.1128/ 
science. 11 38 4 7 8). 

7. I Joughin, W. Abdalati. M. Fahnestock. Nature 432. 808 

8. IPCC. Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. 
Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment 
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Change. S. Solomon et at.. Eds. (Cambridge Jniv. Press. 
Cambridge. 2007). 




9. Bw l. Otto Bliesner et at.. Science 311. 1751 (2006). 

10. J. T. Overpeck el at., Science 311. 1747 (2006). 

11. j. Hansen. Environ. Res. tett 2. 024002 (2007). 

12. J. Hansen el ol.. Rhilos. Trans. R. Soc. London Set. A 365. 
1925 (2007). 

13. J. Mount. R. Twiss, San Francisco Estuary Watershed Sci. 
3. 1 (2005). 

14. L Bard ef at.. Nature 382. 241 (1996). 

15. M. F. Meier el at.. Science 317. 1064 (2007); published 
online 18 July 2007 (10.112 6/science.U41906). 

16. J. L Bamber, R. L. Layberry. S. Gogineni , ). Geophys. Res. 
106. 33773 (2001). 

17. B. Karrb et at.. Science 227. 469 (1985). 

18. E. R. Hope. "English translation T409R." Defense 
Research Board. Ottawa. Canada. 1963 [translation 
from L D. Dolgushin, S. A. Yevteyev. A. N. Krenke. 

K. P. Rototayev, M. M. Svatkov, Rriroda 11. 84 (1963)|. 

19. E. R gnot et at.. Nat. Geosci 1. 106 (2008). 

20. E. Rignot. personal communication (2007). 

21. R. Thomas et at.. Science 289. 426 (2000). 

22. G. A. Meehl et oL in (8). 

23. This work was supported by NSF grants OPP-0827345 and 
OPP-06223S1 and a University of Colorado Faculty 
Fellowship (W.T.P.), NSF grants OPP-G612S06 and 

0PP-0454789 (|.T.H.>. and the Greens Foundation at Scripps 
institution of Oceanography (S.O.). E. Rignot generously 
supplied Greenland surface velocity data. 

Supporting Online Material 
Materials and Methods 
Fig. SI 

Tables SI and S2 

14 April 2008: accepted 18 July 2008 
10.112 6/sdence.ll59099 

Apobec3 Encodes Rfv3, a Gene 
Influencing Neutralizing Antibody 
Control of Retrovirus Infection 

Mario L. Santiago, 1 Mauricio Montano, 1 * Robert Benitez, 1 * Ronald J. Messer, 2 Wes Yonemoto, 1 
Bruce Chesebro, 2 Kim J. Hasenkrug, 2 t Warner C. Greene 1 ' M t 

Recovery from Friend virus 3 (Rfv3) is a single autosomal gene encoding a resistance trait that 
influences retroviral neutralizing antibody responses and viremia. Despite extensive research for 30 
years, the molecular identity of Rfv3 has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that Rfv3 is 
encoded by Apobec3. Apobec3 maps to the same chromosome region as Rfv3 and has broad 
inhibitory activity against retroviruses, including HIV. Not only did genetic inactivation of Apobec3 
convert R/v3-resistant mice to a susceptible phenotype, but ApobecJ was also found to be naturally 
disabled by aberrant messenger RNA splicing in /?/v3-susceptible strains. The link between Apobec3 
and neutralizing antibody responses highlights an Apobec3-dependent mechanism of host 
protection that might extend to HIV and other human retroviral infections. 

T he study of viral resistance factors has 
provided important insights into the evo- 
lutionary strategies of defense used by 
mammalian hosts (7-5). Recovery from Friend 
vims (FV) gene 3 (Rfv3) was first identified as a 
resistance trait in 1978 (6, 7), and later genetic 
studies showed that the phenotypes of decreased 
viremia and FV-specific neutralizing antibody 
responses segregated as a single gene (8). 
Because the generation of neutralizing antibodies 
is critical for recovery from FV infection (7, 9) 
and a desired but often unrealized outcome in 
various retroviral infections, including HTV-1, we 

have focused our efforts on identifying the gene 
encoding R/v3. The Rfv3 locus maps to a 0.83- 
centimoigan region of chromosome 1 5 (fig. S 1 A) 
(10-12), which contains at least 61 annotated 
genes (table S 1), one of which is murine Apobec3 
(mA3), a member of a family of dcoxycytidine 
deaminases with antiretroviral and antiretroelc- 
ment activity [as reviewed in (73)]. This fact, 
along with the presence of substantial polymor- 
phism in mA3 (table SI), led us to consider mA3 
as a prime candidate for RJv3. 

Because Rfv3 has no described in vitro phe- 
notype, ora investigation required the generation 

of m/13-deficient mice (14). First, an inactivated 
mA3 gene (fig. SIB) was introduced into the 
Rfv3^ C57BL/6 (B6) background to test its 
ability to act as a defective Rjv3 allele in matings 
with Rfv^ mice (Table 1). Because the Rfv3 
resistance trait is dominant over susceptibility (7), 
Rjv3 H * Fi offspring should control viremia and 
mount effective neutralizing antibody responses. 
Conversely, if mA3 encodes Rfv3, then the gene 
from a mA3~^~ parent will be null, and the 
resultant F j offspring with an RfvJ* genotype are 
predicted to exhibit higher levels of viremia and 
weaker neutralizing antibody responses. To test 
this possibility, B6 x BALB/c Fj offspring were 
infected with FV and plasma viremia levels were 
measured. At 7 days post infection (dpi), the Fj 
mice containing an inactivated mA3 gene ex- 
hibited levels of viremia 1 5 times as high as their 
congcnic partners carrying the wild-type mA3 
allele (Fig. 1 A). These high viral loads in mAf Fj 
mice were comparable to FV levels found in fully 
susceptible Rjv3 ** BALB/c parental mice. Thus, 
mA3 is a restriction factor contributing to the 

'Gladstone Institute of Virology and immunology. San 
Francisco, CA 94158, USA. laboratory of Persistent Viral 
Diseases. Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute 
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Hamilton, MT 59840, 
USA. 'Department of Medicine, University of California, 
San Francisco, CA 94143-1230, USA. “Department of Micro 
biology and Immunology, University of California, San Frandsco, 
CA 94143-1230, USA. 

•These authors contributed equally to this work. 
tTo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (K.J.H.); wgreene@gladstone.ucsf. 
edu (W.C.G.) 

Table 1. FV infection characteristics of various mouse strains used in this study. 

General FV Neutralizing Cell-mediated Splenomegaly 







H-2 * 




Wild type 

C57BL/6 (B6) 















Very low 



A. BY 


















F t hybrids 

B6 x BALB/c 









B6 x A.BY 









•H-2 is the murine major histocompatibility complex that dictates cell mediated immunity against FV (S, IS). f Fv2 is a dominant FV susceptibility gene that facilitates splenomegaly 
induction through aberrant signaling in erythroblasts (4). fFV susceptibility data on 129/Ola were based on results from this study (Fig. 20 (74). The cell-mediated immune response of this 
strain was inferred from its H-2 haplotype. SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



early control of FV infection in adult immuno- 
competent mice. 

Rfv3 -mediated recovery from FV infection 
correlates strongly with FV-specific neutralizing 
antibody responses at 28 dpi (7). Thus, mA3* and 
mA3 Fi congcnic strains were monitored for up 
to 1 month after FV infection. However, Fj mice 
lacking the B6 mA3 allele suffered a markedly 
higher rate of FV- induced death (Fig. IB), 
indicating that, like Rjv3* susceptibility, mA3 
inactivation compromised recovery from FV dis- 
ease. Compared with mA3* Fi mice, the three 
surviving mA3 Fi mice exhibited mean viremia 
higher by a factor of 14 (fig. S2A) and low FV- 
specific neutralizing antibody titers at 28 dpi (fig. 
S2B), but the small number of surviving animals 
precluded obtaining statistically significant data 
Therefore, separate cohorts of mice were studied 
for FV-specific antibodies at 14 dpi, before the 
steep decline in survival of mA3 Fj mice. The 
mA3 Fj mice exhibited significantly less FV 
binding antibody than mA3* Ft mice, and the 
low levels of FV antibodies in mA3 Fi mice 
proved comparable to levels detected in the 
parental RJv3 3/l BALB/c mice (Fig. 1C). These 
findings indicated that mA3 influenced FV- 
specific antibody responses. 

To better assess FV-specific neutralizing 
antibody responses in mice expressing or lacking 
mA3, these studies were repeated in high- 
recovery B6 x A.BY Fj mice, which generally 
survive more than 1 month after FV infection 
because of protective cell-mediated immune 
responses associated with the H-2^ haplotypc 
(Table 1) (5, IS). Plasma samples obtained at 28 
dpi revealed significantly lower FV-specific 
neutralizing antibody titers in mA3 F, mice 

compared with mA3* Fi mice (Fig. ID). These 
findings confirmed that mA3 influenced FV- 
specific neutralizing antibody responses and 
demonstrated that this effect operated indepen 
dently of H-2, a known property of Rfv3 (7). 

Purebred B6 mice arc highly resistant to FV 
infection (Table 1), but their resistance can be 
overcome by inoculating aged mice with high 
doses of FV (16) or by using immunodcficicnt 
mice, including those that fail to produce specific 
antibodies (9). Genetic inactivation of mA3 in B6 
mice might therefore recapitulate the Rfv3? sus- 
ceptible phenotype without a requirement for 
outcrossing to susceptible strains. To test this 
possibility, >16 week-old B6 mA3* A and m/1 .T'*' 
mice were infected with FV. Plasma viremia was 
6.2 times as high in mA3~ h mice as in mA3 ' 
mice at 8 dpi (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, mA3~ 
mice exhibited significantly lower neutralizing 
antibody titers than wild-type mice by 28 dpi 
(Fig. 2B). Thus, mA3 inactivation was sufficient 
both to enhance viremia and to diminish neu- 
tralizing antibody production even in the highly 
resistant B6 genetic background. These results 
were confirmed in a second highly resistant strain 
of mice, 129/Ola (Table 1 and Fig. 2 C) (14). 
Together, these findings demonstrate that genet 
ic inactivation of mA3 recapitulates the Rfv? 
phenotype and indicate that Rfv3 is encoded 
by mA3. 

Both resistant and susceptible mouse strains 
contain the mA3 gene and express mA3 mRNA. 
Cloning of splenocyte mA3 mRNA from the 
Rjv3 129/Ola strain revealed the predominant 
expression of a full-length m.43 transcript, where- 
as most mRNA transcripts from Rfv3 r/r B6 mice 
lacked exon 5 sequences (figs. S3 and S4) (17). 

mA3 transcripts from both RJv3^ strains BALB/c 
and A.BY were distinguished by the absence of 
exon 2 sequences (Fig. 3A and fig. S4). Quan- 
titative reverse transcription polymerase chain 
reaction (RT PCJR) revealed similar levels of 
total mA3 mRNA in both the Rfvf /r and RfvS^ 
strains but a level lower by a factor of 17 of 
Exon2-containing transcripts in both RJv3 s/t 
mouse strains (Fig. 3B). Thus, the presence of 
an alternatively spliced mA3 mRNA lacking 
exon 2 coirelatcd with the R/v3’-susccptible 

Translational read-through of the mA3 mRNA 
lacking exon 2 predicts two possible outcomes: 
no mA3 protein expression or a truncated mA3 
protein (Fig. 3A and fig. S5). Without suitable 
mA3 antibodies, these outcomes cannot be 
distinguished. We investigated the antiviral activ- 
ity of this latter Aexon 2 mA3 protein by cloning 
it as a fusion with an N- terminal triple FLAG 
epitope tag. NIH3T3 cells were cotransfected 
with the expression cons tract and an FV molec- 
ular clone (pLRB302) (18) to test the infectivity 
of the resulting FV virions. For comparison, 
cotransfections were performed with a FLAG- 
tagged expression construct containing the mA3 
cDNA from B6 mice lacking exon 5. When 
standaidized for relative mA3 expression levels, 
the BALB/c Aexon 2 mA3 protein was at least 3 
to 5 times less potent at inhibiting FV infectivity 
than was the B6 Aexon 5 mA3 protein (Fig. 3C). 
In control experiments, the full-length mA3 
protein from 129/Ola also potently inhibited FV 
(fig. S6). These data indicated that, even if a 
truncated mA3 protein were expressed in RJv3 t/s 
mice, its antiviral activity would be significantly 

Fig. 1. The RJv3 genetic restriction is mediated by mA3 in vivo. (A to C) mA3 confers the Rfv3 phenotype 
in low-recovery H-2 bd mice. Congenic mA3* and mA3~ (B6 x BALB/c) Fi mice were infected with 140 
spleen focus-forming units (SFFU) of FV. (A) mA3 is required for viremic control at an early time point (7 
dpi); (B) mA3 inactivation compromises fi/V3-associated survival from FV-induced disease; (O mA3 
influences FV-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) production 14 dpi. FV binding IgG was measured by flow 
cytometry using FV antigen-expressing FBL-3 cells. (D) mA3 confers the Rfv3 phenotype in high-recovery 
H-2 U1> mice. Congenic (B6 x A.BY)F T mice were infected with 1400 SFFU of FV. Mean 28 dpi neutralizing 
antibody (NAb) titers (75% inhibitory concentration, IC 75 ) are significantly lower in mA3~ Fj mice. Open 
circles indicate individual mice data, gray bars indicate means, and dashed lines refer to the assay 
detection limit. Statistical analyses were performed with two-tailed Student's t test. 




The involvement of m/13 in the control of FV fide innate immune factor in vivo. In addition, 
viremia before the onset of adaptive anti-FV im mA3 influences the development of virus-specific 
mime responses confirms its stature as a bona neutralizing antibody responses, perhaps by (I) 


p* 0 013 


CL 10 5 - 



1 p - 0 035 

1 1# *- 

| 10 1 - 












1 10 2 . 

I a " 



B6 mA3 36 mAt 

B6 mAT~ 

B6 mA3 

Fig. 2. mA3 influences FV-specific 
neutralizing antibody responses in 
highly resistant (fv2 r/r ) mice. (A 
and B) mA3*'+ and mA3 w ~ B6 
mice (>16 weeks old) were infected 
with 5000 SFFU of FV. (A) mA3 
influences early viremic control at 

8 dpi; (B) mA3 is required for FV- 
specific neutralizing antibody pro- 
duction 28 dpi. (0 mA3 influences 


1 ,0_ 

1 ' 




S-a. # - 

I s •- 




; ! 


i - 


oomrem ococ 


neutralizing antibody responses in 
129/Ola mice. mA3*'+ and mA3’ v ~ 


mAr • 

129>'Cla B« mAr* 

MAT* x 129 Ola 

B6 mA3- 
K 12401* 

129/Ola mice were crossed with 

mA3 and /nA3"' " B6 mice to generate Ft offspring. FV-specific neutralizing antibody titers (IC 75 ) at 
28 dpi with 5000 SFFU of FV are shown. Additional information is found in SOM text and (14). 
Statistical analysis was performed using a two-tailed Student's t test 

limiting the early viral antigenic load and evad- 
ing a form of “high-zone tolerance" (19-21) or 
(ii) inhibiting early FV-induced injury of critical 
cell types, such as B cells, T cells, or antigen- 
presenting cells, required for the development 
of FV-specific humoral immunity. However, 
mA3 is expressed in B cells and is evolutionarily 
related to activation- induced deaminase, an en- 
zyme that controls somatic hypermutation and 
class-switch recombination in these cells (22). 
Thus, mA3 may conceivably be involved in shap- 
ing the antibody repertoire. 

The human ApobecS family has been im- 
plicated in the control of HIV- 1 infection, but 
HIV- 1 encodes Vif, which thwarts the actions of 
Apobec3G (A3G) and Apobec3F (A3F) (23-26). 
Compromised A3G/A3F antiviral activity may 
therefore contribute to the generally poor neutral 
izing antibody response observed in HIV- 1 infec- 
tion (27). Vif antagonists, if and when they arc 
available, may enhance the generation of effec- 
tive humoral immune responses against HIV-1. 
Finally, studies exploring the apparent intrinsic 
resistance of individuals who are extensively ex- 
posed to HIV-1, yet remain uninfected, have 
genetically mapped this phenotype to chromo- 
some 22ql2-13 (12), a location distinguished by 
a tandem array of the seven human ApobecS 
family members. Genome-wide studies of the 
entire human Apobec3 locus, with particular 
emphasis on functional differences induced by 
alternative splicing, arc clearly merited to fully 
explore the potential contribution of this gene 
family to HIV resistance, neutralizing antibody 
production, and disease progression. 

Fig. 3. Molecular basis of Rfv3* susceptibility. (A) Aberrant mA3 exon 2 splicing in 
Rfv?* mice. If the wild-type mA3 open reading frame (ORF1) is used, frameshift- 
induced translational termination will result in a nonfunctional peptide. However, two 
start sites in an alternative reading frame (ORF3) may be used to translate a mutant 
mA3 protein with a novel N terminus and a 56 amino acid deletion. (B) Decreased 
Exon2*, but not total mA3 transcripts, in Rfv3* mice. Quantitative RT-PCR of total 
(left) and Exon2~ (right) mA3 splenocyte transcripts in Rjv3 r/ ' and Rfv3^ mouse strains 
was performed. Amplification levels were normalized to beta-actin (left) or total mA3 
(right). (O Decreased antiviral activity of the mA3 Aexon2 relative to the mA3 AexonS 
spliceoform. An FV molecular clone was cotransfected in NIH3T3 cells with FLAG- 
tagged mA3 constructs. The infectivfty of harvested virions was assayed in Mus dunni 
cells and normalized against reverse transcriptase activity. Cotransfections with FLAG 
vector alone were set at 0% inhibition. Expression of mA3 was assessed by anti-FLAG 
immunoblotting. Error bars correspond to SD from triplicate experiments. 






100 -i 

SOO ng | ?SO ng | 100 ng 



SOO ng | JSOng | 100 ng I 

BALB/c mA3 \2 I 





References and Notes 

1. K. J. Hasenkrug. B. Chesebro, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci U.S.A 
94. 7811 (1997). 

2. VH. Li. W. R. Green. ). Virol 80. 5777 (2006). 

3. S. Best, P. Le Tissier. G. Towers, J. P. Stoye, Nature 382. 
826 (1996). 

4. D. A. Persons ef at.. Nat. Genet 23. 159 (1999). 

5. W. ). Britt B. Chesebro, ). Exp. Med. 157. 1736 (1983). 

6. B. Chesebro. K. Wehrly, in Advances in Comparative 
leukemia Research. P. BentveUen. Ed. (North Holland 
Biomedical Press. Elsevier. 1978), pp. 69-73. 

7. B. Chesebro. K. Wehrly. Proc Natl Acad. Set US. A 76, 
425 (1979). 

8. D. Doig. B. Chesebro. ]. Exp. Med. 150. 10 (1979). 

9. K. J. Hasenknrg, ). Vkol. 73. 6468 (1999). 

10. 1C J. Hasenknrg et at.. J. Virol 69. 2617 (1995). 

11. H. J. Super et at.. ). Virol 73. 7848 (1999). 

12. Y. Kanari et at.. AIDS 19. 1015 (2005). 

13. Y. L. Chiu. W. C. Greene, Anna. Rev. Immunol. 26. 317 

14. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
material on Science Online. 

G enome sequence changes that altered the 
molecular machinery of development 
likely facilitated the evolution of unique- 
ly human morphological traits (1, 2). Although 
these genetic modifications remain largely uniden- 
tified, it has long been thought that they included 
changes in gene expression due to positive selec- 
tion for nucleotide substitutions that altered the 
activity of cis-regulatory elements (J). Several cases 
of putatively adaptive sequence change, includ- 
ing polymorphisms among human populations 

'Genomics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- 
tory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. J MRC Human Genetics 
Unit. Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK. 
'United States Department of Energy Joint Genome 
Institute, Walnut Creek, CA 94598, USA. 

•Present address: Computational and Mathematical Biol- 
ogy, Genome Institute of Singapore 138672, Singapore. 
fPresent address: Division of Biology, California Institute 
of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. 

JTo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 
emmbin@lbl.gcw (EJW.RJ; (J.P.N.) 
§Present address: Department of Genetics, Yale University 
School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA. 

15. B. Chesebro. K. Wehrly. ). Exp. Med. 143. 73 (1976). 

16. H. C. Van der Gaag. A. A. Axelrad. Virology 177. 837 

17. S. J. Rulli Jr. ef at..). Virol. 82. 6566 (2008). 

18. J. t. Portis, F. J. McAtee. S. C. Kayman . ). Acquit. Immune 
Defic. Syndr. 5. 1272 (1992). 

19. J. G. Monroe, A Lowy. R. D. Granstein. M. L Greene. 
Immunol. Rev. 80. 103 (1984). 

20. A Gonraler Femandet C. Milstein. Immunology 93. 149 

21. Y. T. Kim. G W. Siskind. Chn. Exp. Immunol. 17. 329 

22. M. Muramatsu et at.. Celt 102. 553 (2000). 

23. K. Stopak. C. de Noronha, W. Yonemoto, W. C. Greene. 
Mol Celt 12. 591 (2003). 

24. M. Marin. K. M. Rose, S. L Kozak. D. KabaL Not Med. 9. 
1398 (2003). 

25. A M. Sheehy. N. C. Gaddis. M. H. Malirr, Not. Med 9. 
1404 (2003). 

26. Y. H. Zheng et at.. J. Virol 78. 6073 (2004). 

27. D. R. Burton et at.. Nat Immunol. 5. 233 

and apparently fixed differences between humans 
and other primates, have been shown to affect in 
vitro promoter or enhancer function in cell line 
reporter assays (4-7). However, the impact of 
human-specific nucleotide substitutions on the 
in vivo activity of developmental regulatory ele- 
ments remains obscure. 

In vivo analyses of evolutionarily conserved 
noncoding sequences have revealed them to be en- 
riched in cis-regulatory transcriptional enhancers 
that confer specific expression patterns during de- 
velopment (8-11). Recent efforts have identified 
conserved noncoding sequences that evolved rap- 
idly on the human lineage, but it is not known 
whether these sequences include regulatory ele- 
ments with altered activities in humans (12-15). 
Here, we focus on functionally characterizing the 
most rapidly evolving human noncoding element 
yet identified, which we termed human -accelerated 
conserved noncoding sequence 1 (HACNS1) (12). 
Although this 546- base pair (bp) element is highly 
constrained in all sequenced terrestrial vertebrate 
genomes, it has accumulated 16 human-specific 

28. We thank the Transgenic Core Laboratory, the Animal 
Facility, and 5. Fspineda at the J. David Gladstone 
Institutes for technical assistance: L. Evans. J. Portis. 

R. Gallo. R. Locksley, and members of the Greene and 
Hasenkrug laboratoiy for helpful discussions; and 
R. Givens. 5. Cammack. and G. Howard for manuscript 
preparation. This work was supported by the NIAID Division 
of Intramural Research at MIH to K.J.H. and B.C.. an NIH 
R01 Al 065329 to W.C.G.. and an NIH facility grant to the 
J. David Gladstone Institutes. Sequences are deposited in 
Gen Bank, with accession numbers EU707568 to 

Supporting Online Material 

www.sde ncema g.or gfcgi /conte nt/ful 1/32 1/58 94/13 43/DC1 

Materials and Methods 

SOM Text 

Figs. SI to S6 

Table SI 


29 May 2008: accepted 24 July 2008 
10.112 6/srience.ll61121 

sequence changes in the -6 million years since 
the human -chimpanzee split (Fig. I A). We evalu- 
ated tiie significance of this evolutionary acceler- 
ation by means of a test statistic that represents 
the log-likelihood, or information theoretic “sur- 
prisal,” of observing the human sequence given 
the orthologous sequences from multiple ter- 
restrial vertebrates. Assuming HACNS1 is under 
functional constraint in humans, its rapid diver 
gence is highly unexpected given its strong con- 
servation in these other species [surprisal test 
P value = 9.2 x 10 12 (16)]. This divergence 
also significantly exceeds the ~4 substitutions 
expected if HACNS1 were evolving at the neu- 
tral substitution rate in humans [surprisal test 
P value = 1.3 x 10 6 (16)]. One explanation for 
this marked acceleration is that HACNS1 has 
undergone several instances of positive selection 
during human evolution that may have altered its 

To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the 
ability of HACNS1 and its orthologs from 
chimpanzee and rhesus macaque to function as 
transcriptional enhancers during development, 
using a transgenic mouse enhancer assay in 
which the activity of each sequence is assessed 
through a p-galactosidase (lacZ) reporter gene 
coupled to a minimal Hsp68 promoter (17). We 
initially examined the potential enhancer activity 
of HACNSJ at embryonic day 11.5 (El 1.5). We 
tested a 1.2-kb DNA fragment encompassing 
HACNS1 that also contained nonconscrvcd se- 
quences flanking the element, in order to include 
possible functional sequences near HACNSJ not 
detected by conservation (table SI ). At El 1 .5, the 
human element drove strong and reproducible 
reporter gene expression in the anterior limb bud, 
pharyngeal arches, and developing ear and eye, 
which suggests that HACNSJ acts as a robust 
enhancer during development (Fig. 1, B and C, 
and fig. SI). In sinking contrast to the highly 
reproducible staining driven by the human 
enhancer, which extended into the most distal 
region of the anterior limb bud in five of six lacZ- 
positive embryos (Fig. 1C and HACNSJ embryos 

Human-Specific Gain of Function 
in a Developmental Enhancer 

Shyam Prabhakar, 1 * Axel Visel, 1 Jennifer A. Akiyama, 1 Matak Shoukry, 1 Keith D. Lewis, 

Amy Holt, 1 Ingrid Plajzer-Frick, 1 Harris Morrison, 2 David R. FitzPatrick, 2 Veena Afzal, 1 
Len A. Pennacchio, 1 * 3 Edward M. Rubin, X3 $ James P. Noonan 1 ^ 

Changes in gene regulation are thought to have contributed to the evolution of human 
development However, in vivo evidence for uniquely human developmental regulatory function 
has remained elusive. In transgenic mice, a conserved noncoding sequence (HACNS1) that evolved 
extremely rapidly in humans acted as an enhancer of gene expression that has gained a strong 
limb expression domain relative to the orthologous elements from chimpanzee and rhesus 
macaque. This gain of function was consistent across two developmental stages in the mouse and 
included the presumptive anterior wrist and proximal thumb. In vivo analyses with synthetic 
enhancers, in which human-specific substitutions were introduced into the chimpanzee enhancer 
sequence or reverted in the human enhancer to the ancestral state, indicated that 13 substitutions 
clustered in an 81-base pair module otherwise highly constrained among terrestrial vertebrates 
were sufficient to confer the human-specific limb expression domain. 




1 to 5 in fig. SI), the chimpanzee and rhesus or- 
thologs tailed to drive reproducible reporter gene 
expression in the distal limb bud, although they 
did drive moderately reproducible expression at 
the base of the limb (Fig. I , B and C; chimpanzee 
enhancer embryos 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8 and rhesus 
enhancer embryos 1 to 4, 6 to 8, and 10 in fig. SI). 

Two of the embryos that were transgenic for 
the chimpanzee ortholog and showed this pattern 
also exhibited diffuse, low-level staining that 
extended into the anterior limb, which suggests 
that the chimpanzee enhancer may possess a 
weak capacity to drive expression in this struc- 
ture (embryos 6 and 7 in fig. SI). However, this 
infrequent pattern was in stark contrast to the 
strong and highly reproducible pattern of the 
human enhancer. Furthermore, pharyngeal arch, 
eye, and ear expression was less reproducible and, 
where present, generally weaker in multiple pos- 
itive embryos tor both nonhuman orthologs: these 
findings suggest additional sites of reduced over- 
all enhancer activity relative to the human ortholog. 

To assess the HACNS1 limb expression pat- 
tern at higher resolution, we sectioned HACNSl 
transgenic embryos and found that staining in the 
forelimb was restricted to the mesenchyme, form- 
ing a continuous expression domain that extended 
deep into the limb bud along the anteroposterior 

axis at the handplate and shoulder while remaining 
more anterior in between (fig. S3). These results 
provide evidence that the human -specific se- 
quence changes in HACNSJ have resulted in a 
gain of function in this otherwise highly conserved 
enhancer, increasing its overall robustness and 
producing a strong human-specific expression do- 
main in the anterior limb bud mesenchyme at 
El 1.5. Because the chimpanzee and rhesus or- 
thologs yield similar patterns to each other and 
show consistent differences relative to HACNSJ, 
a parsimonious conclusion would be that the 
chimpanzee and rhesus patterns reflect the ances- 
tral primate state from which the human-specific 
pattern has evolved. 

To explore the activity of HACNSJ at a more 
advanced stage of limb development, we com- 
pared the expression patterns of the human, 
chimpanzee, and rhesus enhancers in El 3. 5 trans- 
genic mouse embryos. At this stage, the human 
element continued to drive reproducible reporter 
gene expression in the anterior developing fore- 
limb, particularly in the shoulder and the anterior 
junction of the forearm and handplate, in 1 1 of 1 2 
positive embryos (Fig. 2, A to C; embryos 1 to 1 0 
and 12 in fig. S2). In four of these embryos, the 
reporter gene activity extended into the future 
anterior-most digit of the forelimb (Fig. 2B). Simi- 

lar expression, although with weaker staining, was 
also ohserved in the corresponding structures in 
the hind limb. Imaging of lacZ staining in a 
representative JiACNSI transgenic embryo by 
means of optical projection tomography [OPT 
( J8 )] revealed that the anterior expression evident 
in the whole mount extended deep inside the limb 
at the forcann-handplalc junction (fig. S4). The 
orthologous chimpanzee and rhesus elements 
foiled to drive reproducible expression in the distal 
limbs at this time point, although a subset of 
positive embryos in each case (4 of 10 for 
chimpanzee: 3 of 12 for rhesus) showed reporter 
gene expression in the shoulder region of the limb 
bud, thus recapitulating the proximal tip of the 
expression domain of the human enhancer (Fig. 
2A: chimpanzee enhancer embryos 2 to 5 and 
rhesus enhancer embryos 1, 5, and 6 in fig. S2). 
OPT imaging confirmed the absence of repro- 
ducible lacZ staining inside the distal limb in 
representative embryos transgenic for the rhesus 
and chimpanzee enhancers (fig. S4). These results 
indicate that the human-specific enhancer activity 
persists across multiple developmental stages. 
Moreover, they suggest that the robust anterior 
limb expression pattern of HACNSJ evolved from 
a weaker ancestral pattern that is largely confined 
to the base of the limb bud, as evident in the 

. W « Chimpanzee 

JP ortholog 

Fig. 1. Human-specific gain of function in HACNSl. (A) Top: Location 
of HACNSl in NCBI build 36.1 of the human genome assembly. 
Bottom: Sequence alignment of HACNSl with orthologs from other 
vertebrate genomes; positions identical to human are shown in black. 
A quantitative plot of sequence conservation is shown in blue above 
the alignment (26-28). The location of each human-specific 
substitution is indicated by a vertical red line, and the depth of 
nonhuman evolutionary conservation at human-substituted positions 
is shown by a vertical yellow line that indicates whether each sequence 
is identical to chimpanzee and rhesus at that position. The cluster of 13 
human-specific substitutions in 81 bp is also indicated. (B) Expression 
patterns obtained from the HACNSl enhancer and orthologous 
sequences from chimpanzee and rhesus driving expression of a lacZ 
reporter gene in E11.5 mouse embryos. Arrows indicate positions in 
the anterior limb bud where reproducible reporter gene expression is 
present or absent. A representative HACNSl embryo is shown at top to 



HACNSl ortholog 

illustrate the relevant anatomical structures. Three embryos resulting from independent transgene integration events are shown for each orthologous 
sequence tested. (C) Number of embryos transgenic for each sequence displaying the limb expression patterns described in the text 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



activities of the chimpanzee and rhesus enhancers 
at both time points. 

We next sought to identify human-specific 
sequence changes responsible for the functional 
change in the human enhancer. Although the 16 
human-specific substitutions within the 546-bp 
conserved region corresponding to HACNS1 are 
the most striking feature of the 1 ,2-kb ortholo- 
gous segments we initially tested for enhancer 
function, these segments also included -650 bp 
of nonconscrved DNA containing additional 
human-chimpanzee sequence differences. To iso- 
late the effect of the substitutions within HACNSI 
on enhancer function, we synthesized a chimeric 
1.2-kb enhancer in which we transferred all 16 
substitutions into the chimpanzee sequence back- 
ground (16). This “humanized” chimpanzee 
enhancer produced an El 1.5 expression pattern 
nearly identical to that of the native human en- 
hancer; this finding suggests that the human 
specific sequence changes within HACNSI are 
responsible for the gain of function we observed 
(8 of 8 embryos; Fig. 3D and fig. SI). Strikingly, 
these human-specific substitutions were signifi- 
cantly clustered: 13 of 16 substitutions occurred 
within an 81-bp region of the 546-bp conserved 
clement [permutation test P value = 1.7 * 10 7 
(/6)], which suggests that this region may be 
particularly relevant to the human specific func- 
tion of HACNSI (Figs. 1A and 3A). 

To test this hypothesis, we synthesized a 
chimeric 1.2-kb enhancer in which the 13 clus- 
tered human substitutions were introduced into 
the chimpanzee sequence background (table S2). 

At El 1 .5, this clement produced an anterior limb 
bud pattern highly similar to the HACNSI pattern 
(6 of 6 positive embryos; Fig. 3 and fig. SI). We 
also performed the reciprocal experiment, syn- 
thesizing a complementary chimeric enhancer 
where we replaced the 1 3 human-specific nucleo- 
tides in the human enhancer sequence with their 
putatively ancestral orthologs from chimpanzee. 
This “reverted” enhancer yielded a pattern very 
similar to the chimpanzee and rhesus enhancer 
patterns shown in Fig. IB, with expression in the 
anterior limb bud greatly reduced or absent (Fig. 
3 and fig. SI). These results confirm the robust 
ness of the functional differences we observed 
between HACNSI and its chimpanzee and rhesus 
orthologs, and they indicate that the HACNSI 
anterior limb bud pattern is largely attributable to 
one or more of the 13 clustered human-specific 
substitutions we identified. To further dissect the 
functional contribution of these substitutions, we 
introduced independent groups of six substitu- 
tions and three substitutions into the chimpanzee 
enhancer sequence (fig. S5). These enhancers 
drove variable expression in the anterior limb 
bud, which suggests that at least two human- 
specific substitutions are required for the gain of 
function in HACNSI. 

The precise molecular mechanism by which 
the substitutions in HACNSI confer the human 
specific expression pattern remains to be de- 
termined. Computational analysis of predicted 
transcription factor binding sites in HACNSI and 
its nonhuman orthologs suggested that multiple 
sites have been gained and lost in this enhancer 

during human evolution (fig. S 6). Predicted human 
specific binding sites for the developmental 
transcription factors PAX9 and ZNF423 may 
contribute to HACNSI enhancer activity, given 
that die known expression pattern of PAX9 in the 
mouse limb overlaps ihc human-specific limb 
domain of HACNSI at El 1.5 and El 3.5, and 
ZNF423 is expressed in the mouse handplatc 
mesenchyme from El 0.5 ihrough E12.5 (19-21). 

Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the 
functional changes in HACNSI are due to adaptive 
evolution. The rate of human-specific accelerated 
evolution in HACNSI is more than 4 times the 
local neutral rate. Moreover, this rapid evolution 
cannot be explained purely on the basis of biased 
gene conversion (BGQ, a neutral mechanism 
postulated to cause hotspots of accelerated evolu- 
tion in the genome by increasing the local fixation 
rate of AT — » GC substitutions (22, 23). Under the 
neutral BGC hypothesis, one would expect an 
increase in the overall substitution rate across the 
entire region of increased AT — » GC substitution 
(23). An excess of AT — * GC substitutions is in- 
deed present in HACNSI [binomial test lvalue = 
1.1 x 10 4 (/<$)], and the element lies in a ~5-kb 
genomic region enriched in such substitutions 
(Fig. 4). However, the human-specific substitution 
rate is elevated only in the narrow 8 1 -bp region in 
HACNSI described above and is close to the local 
average outside of this window (Fig. 4). These 
data, coupled with the human-specific functional 
changes in HACNSI, argue against a purely 
neutral explanation for the rapid evolution of this 
clement in humans. 

Fig. 2. Gain of function in 
HACNSI persists at E13.5. (A) 
Expression patterns obtained 
from HACNSI and its chim- 
panzee ortholog in E13.5 
mouse embryos. Three em- 
bryos resulting from indepen- 
dent transgene integration 
events are shown for each 
construct. Close-up views of 
forelimb and hindlimb ex- 
pression in a representative 
embryo for each construct are 
shown at left and arrows in- 
dicate positions where limb ex- 
pression is present or absent 
(B) Dorsal view of reporter 
gene expression in the distal 
anterior forelimb of a HACNSI 
E13.5 transgenic embiyo. Ar- 
row indoles the most anterior 
digit (C) Number of embryos 
transgenic for each construct 
that display the limb expres- 
sion patterns described in the 




Our results evoke the hypothesis that human 
specific adaptive evolution in HACNS1 has con- 
tributed to uniquely human aspects of digit and 
limb patterning. The dexterity of the human hand 
is due to morphological differences compared 
with other primates that include rotation of the 
thumb toward the palm and an increase in the 
length of the thumb relative to the other digits (/). 
Human -specific changes in hindlimb motpholo- 

gy, such as the characteristic inflexibility and 
shortened digits of the human foot, facilitated 
habitual bipedalism. The gain of function in 
HACNSJ may have influenced the evolution of 
these or other human limb features by altering 
the expression of nearby genes during limb dc 
velopment. HACNS1 is located within an intron 
of CENTG2, which encodes a guanosine tri 
phosphatase activating protein involved in the 

13 substitutions s 

I Full anterior Imb sUIntng 
[~] Reduced staining in limb 
[~~| No reproducible limb staining 

Fig. 3. Identification of human-specific sub- 
stitutions contributing to the gain of function 
in HACNS1. (A) Alignment of HACNS1 with 
orthologous sequences from other vertebrate 
genomes, focused on an 81-bp region in the 
element that contains 13 human-specific sub- 
stitutions. The position of each substitution is 
indicated by a red box above the alignment; 
each human-specific nucleotide is highlighted 
in red. Positions in the nonhuman genomes that are identical to the human sequence are displayed as 
dots. (B) Expression pattern of a synthetic enhancer in which the 13 human-specific substitutions (red box) 
are introduced into the orthologous 1.2-kb chimpanzee sequence background (black bar). (C) Expression 
pattern of a synthetic enhancer obtained by reversion of these substitutions (black box) in the human 
sequence (red bar) to the nucleotide states in chimpanzee and rhesus. (D) Number of embryos transgenic 
for each synthetic enhancer that show full, partial, or no expression in the limb at E11.5. 

Synthetic enhancer 

Fig. 4. Human-specific substitution rate 
and proportion of AT -» GC substitutions in 
HACNS1 and flanking genomic region. The 
rate of human-specific substitutions (solid 
red line) and the fraction of human sub- 
stitutions that are AT -» GC events (solid 
blue line) were estimated in sliding win- 
dows across a 9-kb interval around HACNS1. 
The average values of each metric for 1 Mb 
of genomic sequence centered on HACNS1 
are shown for reference (dashed lines). The 
546-bp interval corresponding to HACNS1 is 
highlighted in yellow. 

regulation of endosome function, The next- 
closest gene is GBX2, which is located -300 kb 
downstream of HACNSJ and encodes an essen- 
tial developmental transcription factor (24, 2S). 
The role of CENTG2 in limb development has 
not been evaluated. Mouse Gbx2 is expressed 
in the developing limb, but Gbx2 null mice 
have not been described as showing abnormal 
limbs (25). The potential impact of human- 
specific changes in the expression of these genes 
on limb development thus remains to be ex- 
plored. We also note that the HACNS1 expres- 
sion pattern in transgenic mice may not entirely 
recapitulate the precise HACNSJ expression pat 
tern in the human embryo. We therefore cannot 
rule out the possibility that the accelerated 
evolution of HACNSJ reflects selection for 
changes in structures other than, or in addition 
to, the limb. Elucidating the role of HACNS1 in 
human morphological evolution requires further 
lines of evidence, including the analysis of GBX2 
and CENTG2 expression during human devel- 
opment and the generation of JJACNS1 tar- 
geted replacement mice. Independent of these 
considerations, our study suggests that adapt- 
ive nucleotide substitution altered the function 
of a developmental enhancer in humans, and il- 
lustrates a strategy that could be used across 
the genome to understand at a molecular level 
how human development evolved through cis- 
regulatory change. 

References and Notes 

1 E. Trinkaus. in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human 
Evolution. S. Jones. R. Martin. D. Pibeam, Eds. 
(Cambridge Univ. Press. New York. 1993). pp. 346-349. 

2. S. 8. Carroll. Nature 422. 849 (2003). 

3. M. C. King. A. C. Wilson, Science 188. 107 (1975). 

4. C. Toumamille et ol.. Nat. Genet 10. 224 (1995). 

5. M. V. Rockman et at. PloS Biol. 3. e387 (2005). 

6. 5. A. Tishkoff et at. Not. Genet. 39. 31 (2007). 

7. G. A. Wray, Not Rev. Genet 8. 206 (2007). 

8. a Baffelti. M. A. Nobrega. E. M. Rubin. Nat Rev. Genet 
5. 456 (2004). 

9. M. A. Nobrega. I. Ovcharenko. V. Altai. E. M. Rubin, 
Science 302. 413 (2003). 

10. L A. Pennacchio et at. Nature 444. 499 (2006). 

11. A. \Asel et ol.. Nat Genet. 40. 158 (2008). 

12. 5. Prabhakar, J. P. Noonan. 5. Pa’Sbo. E. M. Rubin, 
Science 314. 786 (2006). 

13. K. S. Pollard et at. Nature 443. 167 (2006). 

14. C. P. Bird et ol.. Genome Biol. 8. R118 (2007). 

15. E. C. Bush. B. T. lahn. BMC EvoL Biol. 8. 17 (2008). 

16. See supporting material on Science Online. 

17. R. Kothary et at. Development 105. 707 (1989). 

18. J. Sharpe et at. Science 296, 541 (2002). 

19. A. Neubuser. H. Koseki. R. Balling, Dev. Biol. 170, 701 

20. H. Peters. A. Neubuser. K. Kratochwil. R. Balling, Genes 
Dev. 12. 2735 (1998). 

21 S. Warming. T. Sutuki. T. P. Yamaguchi, N. A. Jenkins. 

N. a Copeland. Oncogene 23. 2727 (2004). 

22. K. 1 Pollard et at. PloS Genet. 2. el68 (2006). 

23. N. Galtier. L Duret Trends Genet 23. 273 (2007). 

24. Z. Nie et at..}. Biol. Chem. 277. 48965 (2002). 

25. K. M. Wassarman et at. Development 124, 2923 (1997). 

26. M. Blanchette et at. Genome Res. 14. 708 (2004). 

27. A. Siepel et at. Genome Res. 15. 1034 (2005). 

28. W. J. Kent et at. Genome Res. 12. 996 (2002). 

29. We thank members ol the Pennacchio and Rubin 
laboratories for critical comments on the manuscript. 
Research was done under Department of Energy Contract 

www.sciencema 9 . 0 rg SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



DE-AC02-0SCH11231. Univereity of California. 

L 0. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and 
supported by National Heart. Lung and Blood Institute 
grant H 1066681 and National Human Genome Research 
Institute grant HG0O3988 (LAP.); the Agency for 
Science. Technology, and Research of Singapore (S.P.); 
an American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship 

(A.V.); and NIH National Research Service Award 
fellowship 1-F32 GM074367 and the Department of 
Genetics. Vale University School of Medicine Q.P.N.). 

Supporting Online Material 

www. sd encem tent/TuH/321/589 4/13 46/DC1 
Materials and Methods 

Figs. SI to S6 
Table SI 

2 May 2008: accepted 7 July 2008 
10.112 6/science.US9974 

Wnt3a-Mediated Formation of 
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Bisphosphate 
Regulates LRP6 Phosphorylation 

Weijun Pan, 1 * Sun-Cheol Choi, 2 * He Wang, 3 * Yuanbo Qin, 3 Laura Volpicelli-Daley, 4 
Laura Swan, 4 Louise Lucast, 4 Cynthia Khoo, 5 Xiaowu Zhang, 6 Lin Li, 3 Charles S. Abrams, 5 
Sergei Y. Sokol, 2 Dianqing Wu 3 f 

The canonical Wnt-p-catenin signaling pathway is initiated by inducing phosphorylation of one of the Wnt 
receptors, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6), at threonine residue 1479 Ohr 1479 ) and 
serine residue 1490 (Ser 1490 ). By screening a human kinase small interfering RNA library, we identified 
phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type II a and phosphatkJylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase type I (PIP5KI) as 
required for Wnt3a-induced LRP6 phosphorylation at Ser 1490 in mammalian cells and confirmed that these 
kinases are important for Wnt signaling in Xenopus embryos. Wnt3a stimulates the formation of 
phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphates [Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 | through frizzled and dishevelled, the latter of which 
directly interacted with and activated PIP5KI. In turn, Ptdlns (4,5)P ? regulated phosphorylation of LRP6 atfhr 1479 
and Ser 149C . Therefore, our study reveals a signaling mechanism for Wnt to regulate LRP6 phosphorylation. 

M embers of the Wnt family of secretory 
glycoproteins have important roles in 
various physiological and pathophys- 
iological processes, including embryonic de- 

velopment, bone development, neuionogenesis, 
adipogenesis, myogenesis, organogenesis, lipid 
and glucose metabolism, and tumorigenesis (1-5). 
Canonical Wnt binds to two receptors, lipoprotein 

receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) and Sizzled (Fz) 
proteins, leading to phosphorylation of LRP6 at 
Thr 1479 by casein kinase ly and at Ser 1490 by 
glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) (6-10). Wnt 
appears to regulate Thr 479 phosphorylation by 
inducing the formation of LRP6 aggregates (9), 
whereas it regulates Ser 1490 phosphorylation 
through GSK in an axin- dependent manner (10). 
To determine whether there are other kinases that 
take part in the regulation of LRP6 phospho- 
rylation, we screened a human kinase small in- 

'Qepartment of Pharmacology, Yale University School of 
Medicine, New Haven, CT 06510, USA. 2 0epartment of 
Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Mount Sinai School 
of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA. *State Key laboratory 
of Molecular Biology and Center of Cell Signaling, institute of 
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai institutes for Bio- 
logical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences* Shanghai 
200031, China. '’Department of Cell Biology and Howard 
Hughes Medical institute, Yale University School of Medicine, 
New Haven, CT 06510, USA. 5 Department of Medicine, 
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. ‘Cell 
Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA 01923, USA 
•These authors contribute equally to this work, 
flo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 



Fig. 1. Effect of depletion of Ptdlns kinases on 
Wnt3a signaling. (A and B) Effects of Ptdlns 
kinase siRNAs on Wnt3a-induced phosphorylation 
of LRP6 at Ser 1490 . HEK293T cells were trans- 
fected with siRNAs, as indicated, for 48 hours and 
then treated with Wnt3a (50 ng/ml) for 30 min. 
Phosphorytated proteins were assayed by Western 
blotting. The experiments were repeated at least 
three times. Representative images are shown. 
The asterisk in (A) indicates nonspecific bands. 
(C and D) Control MO oligos (Ctr MO, 10 nM) 
or MO (10 nM) targeting (C) Xenopus PI4Kllot 
or (D) PIPSKIa or PIPSKip was injected with 
XWntS (2 pg) or xp-catenin (10 pg) mRNA into 
four-cell stage embryos, n > 40 for all of the Xenopus embryo studies (where n is the number of examined embryos). Open bars, no double axis; light gray bars, 
incomplete double axis; black bars, complete double axis. (E) Four-cell stage embryos were injected with XPIP5KIP MO (40 ng), XPI4Kllct MO (40 ng), or XPIPSKla 
MO (40 ng) with or without XPIP5Kip (10 pg) or XPI4Klla (5 pg) RNA in the dorsal region and cultured to tailbud stages. XPIPSKla MO, n = 30; XPIP5Kip 
MO, n m 45; XPIP5Klp MO+XPIP5Klp, n = 29; XPI4Klla MO, n = 55; and XPI4Klla MO+XPI4Klla, n = 30. 




terfering RNA (siRNA) library from Applied 
Biosystems for effects on Wnt-induced accu- 
mulation of cytosolic p-catenin detected by an 
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and 
on phosphorylation of Ser 1490 of LRP6 detected by 
protein immunoblotting in human embryonic kidney 
(HEK) 293T cells {11). Multiple phosphatidylinositol 
(Ptdlns) kinase siRNAs inhibited cytosolic P-catenin 
accumulation (fig. SI A and table SI ) and the phos- 
phorylation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 (Fig. 1, A and B) in 
response to purified Wnt3a protein. Among the 
tested Ptdlns kinase siRNAs, siRNAs tor phospha 
tidylinositol 4-kinase type II a (PMKIIa) and 
phosphatidylinositoM -phosphate 5-kinase type 
I p (PIP5KJP) liad the strongest inhibitory effects 
(Fig. 1, A and B, and fig. S1A). These siRNA also 
inhibited Wnt3a-induced reporter gene activity (fig. 
SIB). Additional siRNAs tor both PMKIIa and 
PIP5KIP directed against different targeting se- 
quences were also tested (Fig. 1 , A and B, and fig. 
SI , B and Q. To further verify that the effects of 
these siRNAs were specific, we restored Wnl sig- 
naling by expressing the kinases knocked down by 
the siRNAs (fig. S I , D to G). PI4KIIa and PIP5KIp 
siRNAs did not inhibit lithium- and axinl/2 siRNA 
induced accumulation of p-catenin, but p-catenin 

siRNA did (fig. SI, C and H). Thus, these siRNAs 
appeared to affect Wnt signaling by affecting LRP6 
phosphorylation rather titan Wnt signaliqg down- 
stream components 

PIP5KF/ siRNAs also showed a weak inhibi- 
tory effect, whereas PEPSKla siRNAs had no 
effect in HEK293T cells (Fig. IB). However, treat 
ment of the cells with combinations of the PIP5KI 
siRNAs showed that the combination targeting all 
three PIP5KI isoforms reduced \Vnt3a-indcued 
accumulation of p-catenin and phosphorylation of 
LRP6 almost to basal levels (fig. SI, C and I), 
suggesting that PIP5KIa and ly may also con- 
tribute to Wnt signaling in these cells. 

We next examined the roles of the Ptdlns 
kinases in Wnt signaling with the use of Xenopus 
embryos. A morpholino (MO) targeting Xenopus 
PI4KIIa inhibited XWnt8-induced, but not P- 
catenin-induced, axis duplication in Xenopus em- 
bryos (Fig. IC and fig. S2A). Although PIP5KJP 
MO showed little effect, a MO targeting its close 
homolog PIP5Kla inhibited XWntS -induced, but 
not p-catenin-induced, axis duplication (Fig. ID). 
Consistent with the phenotypes, PIP5KIa and 
PMKIIa MOs reduced phosphorylation of LRP6 
(fig. S2B). In addition, the expression of catalyt- 

pS. 490^11 1, ft • 




siRNA: O' 4 ti^Cl 4 t^Cp 
pS1490- M 


4KII<i- « - - — — — 

Wnt3« ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

♦ ♦ ♦ 

PI(4)P ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 


siRNA: oVV/t? ^ 
pSi490- — m** 

LRP(> „.r- 

Wnl3a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

Pt(4)P «. «. «. 

PK4.5)P i : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 


* 150 

£ 100 

f 50 

i o 





LRP5/6 - HU 

Wnt3a ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 

Fig. 2. Effect of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 on Wnt3a signaling. (A) Effect of exogenous Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 on Wnt3a-induced 
phosphorylation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 . HEK293T cells were treated with various Ptdlns lipids in a lipid carrier for 
10 min and incubated with Wrrt3a (20 ng/mt) for an additional 20 min before being assayed by immuno- 
blotting. (B and O Rescuing the effects of PI kinase siRNAs by direct delivery of Ptdlns lipkk. The asterisk in 
(B) indicates nonspecific bands. (D and E) Reduction in Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 levels deceases LRP6 Ser 1490 
phosphorylation. HEK293T cells transfected with FRB (PM-FRB-CFP), FKBP (mRFP-fKBP12), or FK-IP (mRFP- 
FKBP12-5-ptase-dom) were treated with Wnt3a (20 ngAnl) in the presence or absence of rapamycin (100 nM) 
for 30 min before they were collected for the lipid assay (D) and immunoblotting analysis (0. *P < 0.01 
compared with the same transfection in the absence of rapamycin (Student's t test). Error bars indicate SDs. 

ically inactive PIPSKIa and PMKIIa mutants sup- 
pressed axial duplication induced by XWnt8, but 
not by p-catenin (fig. S2C), further confirming 
the importance of these kinases in Wnt signaling. 

Inhibition of zygotic Wnt-p-catenin signaling 
induces antcriorized phenotypes that include en- 
larged cement glands and head structures (12). 
PMKIIa MO that was injected into the dorsal re- 
gions of Xenopus embryos induced strong antc- 
riorized phenotypes in more than 70% of embryos. 
This effect could be partially reversed by co- 
injection of Xenopus PMKIIa mRNA (Fig. IE 
and fig S2D). Although PIP5KIa MO had Utile 
effect on the phenotype, PIP5KIP MO induced 
anteriorized phenotypes in -50% of the treated 
embryos. The PIP5KIp MO effect could be almost 
completely reversed by the injection of XPIP5KIP 
mRNA (Fig IE and fig. S2D). Together, these re- 
sults indicate that Ptdlns kinases regulate endog- 
enous Wnt signaling in Xenopus embryos. 

Because sequential phosphorylation of Ptdlns 
Upids by PHKH and PIP5KI constitutes the major 
pathway for Ptdlns (4,5jP 2 production in most cells 
(13, 14), we suspected that Ptdlns (4,5jP 2 might 
regulate the phosphorylation of LRP6 at Ser' 490 . To 
test this hypothesis, we delivered Ptdlns, plus all of 
the seven possible isofoims of Ptdlns phosphates at 
equal molar concentrations, into HEK 293T cells in 
a lipid carrier. Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 showed the strongest 
stimulatory' effect on Wnt3a-induced phosphoryl- 
ation of Ser 1490 (Fig. 2A). In addition, the delivery’ 
of Ptdlns (4)P (but not Ptdlns) rescued the effect erf 
PI4K siRNA, whereas the delivery of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 
(but not Ptdlns (4)P) rescued the effect of PIP5K 
siRNA on Wnt3a-induced phosphorylation of 
LRP6 (Fig. 2, B and C) and P-catenin accumula 
tion (fig. S3). These results suggest that Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 may be the primary’ Ptdlns lipid involved 
in the regulation of Ser 149 phosphorylation. 

We used a rapidly inducible Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 hy- 
drolysis system to further investigate the role of 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 in regulating phosphorylation of 
LRP6. In this system, rapamycin induces the 
heterodimerization of membrane -targeted FRP 
(fragment of mammalian target of rapamycin that 
binds FKBP 12) and FKBP 12 (FK56(Tbinding 
protein 12) (used with a truncated form of type IV 
phosphoinositide 5-phosphatase, leading to acti- 
vation of the phosphatase (15, 16). As shown in 
Fig. 2D, rapamycin reduced the amount of Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 in cells expressing both FRP and phosphatase- 
tused FKBP12. but not in those expressing FRP 
and FKBP 12 alone. Rapamycin also attenuated 
phosphorylation of LRP6 only in cells expressing 
both FRP and phosphatase fused FKBP12 (Fig. 2E). 

To determine whether Wnl3a can stimulate 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 production, we established a Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 ELISA and detected significait Wnt3a- 
induced formation of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 (more than two- 
fold increases) in HEK293T, Hela, and NIH3T3 
cells (fig. S4A)i We confirmed these results by high- 
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and 
thin- layer chromatography (TLC) (Fig. 3A and fig. 
S4, B and C). Together with the findings that the 
PMKIIa siRNA abolished (and the PIP5KIp siRNA SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Fig. 3. Stimulation of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 formation by 
Wnt3a through Fz and DvL (A) Effect of Wnt3a 
treatment on Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 content HEK293T Cells 
were stimulated with Wnt3a protein (50 ng/ml) 
before lipid extraction. Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 content was 
determined by HPLC. *P < 0.01 compared with 
time 0 (Student's t test). (B) Requirement of PI4Klla 
and PIPSKip for Wnt3a-induced formation of Ptdlns 

(4.5) P 2 . Cells were transfected with siRNAs, as in- 
dicated, for 48 hours and then treated with Wnt3a 
(50 ng/ml) for 30 min. Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 were de- 
tected by ELISA. (C) Effect of Fz siRNAs on Wnt3a- 
induced formation of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 . Cells were 
transfected with control siRNA or a combination of 
Fz2, Fz4, and Fz5 siRNAs for 48 hours and then 
treated with Wnt3a (50 ng/ml) for 30 min before 
assays. *P < 0.01 compared with control siRNA 
transfection in the absence of Wnt3a (Student's 
t test). (D) Effect of Fz siRNAs on Wnt3a-induced 
phosphorylation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 . Cells were 
transfected as in (O for 48 hours and then treated 
with Wnt3a (50 ng/ml) for 30 min. (E) Effect of Fz 
overexpression on accumulation of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 . 

HEK293T cells were transfected with the LacZ, Fz5, 
or LRP6 expression plasmids for 18 hours, and Ptdlns 

(4.5) P 2 levels were determined by ELISA. *P < 0.01 
compared with the sample expressing LacZ (Stu- 
dent's f test). (F) Effect of Fz5 expression on phos- 
phorylation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 . Cells were transfected 
with Fz5 expression plasmid for 18 hours and then 
treated with Wnt3a (20 ng/ml) for 20 min. (G) Effect 
of Dvl expression on the Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 levels. 

HEK293T cells were transfected with the mouse 
Dvll, 2, or 3 expression plasmid for 18 hours before 
the Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 ELISA assay. *P < 0.01 compared 
with the sample expressing LacZ (Student's t test). 

(H and I) Effect of CM siRNAs on formation of Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 and phosphorylation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 . 

HEK293T cells were transfected with control siRNA 
or Dvl siRNA mixture targeting Dvll, 2, and 3 for 
48 hours and then treated with Wnt3a (50 ng/ml) 
for 30 min. *P< 0.01 compared with control siRNA 
transfection in the absence of Wnt3a (Student's 
/test), (p Interaction of Dvl3 with endogenous PIPSKip. 

HEK293T cells (Dvl) stably expressing Dvi3-WA 7 were 
used in immunopredpitation by an antibody against 
HA (anti-HA). The parent HEK293T cells (HEK) were used as a controL Immuno- 
complexes were detected by the anti-Dvl3 and anti-PIP5Kip antibodies. (K) Effect of 
purified recombinant Dvl3 protein on kinase activity of purified recombinant PIP5K1P 
protein. PIPSKip (50 nM) was incubated with the GST (glutathione S-transferase)or 

LacZ F i2 F?4 FrSLRPe 

LacZ Dvll Dvl2 Dvl3 



-- -Mil 

Cell HEK Dvl Dvl HEK Dvl Dvl 
Wnt3a. - - ♦ . . ♦ 

V 1 




O -Wnt3a 
■ ♦Wnt3a 


LacZ F?5 LacZ FzS 

pSU00 flHHB 

siRNA: Ctr Dvl Clr Dvl 


100 200 300 400 
Protein (nM) 

Dvl3 proteins for 2 hours at room temperature. One-tenth of die samples was taken 
for Western blotting, and the rest was subjected to in vitro kinase assay with Ptdlns 
(4)P as a substrate. The product Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 is separated by TIC detected, and 
quantified by a phosphoimager. Error bars indicate SDs in all panels. 

reduced) Wnt3a-induccd accumulation of Ptdlns 
(4 t 5)P 2 (Fig. 3BX we conclude that Wnt3a stimulates 
Ptdlns (4 v 5jP 2 production via these Ptdlns kinases. 

We next investigated whether Fz is required for 
WnGa-induced fonnation of Ptdlns (4,5)P2 and 
detected expression of Fz2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 in 
HEK293T cells by reverse transcription polymerase 
chain reaction (table S2). We made and validated 
two sets of siRNAs for each of these Fz genes (table 
S2) FzS siRNA showed the strongest inhibition of 
Wnt3a induced accumulation of p-catenin, whereas 
Fz2 and Fz4 siRNAs also had some inhibitory 
eftect (fig. S5B and table S2). The combination of 
Fz2, 4, and 5 siRNAs virtually abolished Wnt3a- 
induced accumulation of P-catenin (table S2). This 
combination also abrogated Wnt3a-induced fonna- 

tion of Ptdlns (4,5jP 2 (Fig. 3C) and phosphoryl 
ation of LRP6 at Ser 1490 (Fig. 3D, fig. S5C, and 
table S2). On the other hand, expression ofFz5, 2, 
and 4 stimulated die fonnation of Ptdlns (4,5jP 2 
(Fig. 3E) and Wnt3a-inducod phosphorylation of 
Ser 1490 (Fig. 3F, and fig. S5, D and E). These results 
together indicate that Wnt3a acts through Fz to 
stimulate Ptdlns (4,5 )P 2 fonnation in HEK293T 
cells and regulates LRP6 phosphorylation. 

Because dishevelled (Dvl) is required for the 
phosphorylation of LRP6 (9, 10 ), we questioned 
whether Dvl might have a role in the formation of 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 . Expression of Dvl 1-3 increased the 
amount of Ptdlas (4.5)P 2 in 1IEK293T cells (Fig. 
3G and fig. S6A). When HEK293T cells were 
transfected with a mixture of three Dvl siRNAs tar- 

geting each of the three Dvl isoforms ( 17 ), both 
Wnt3a^ induced fonnation of Ptdlns (4,5 )P 2 and 
phosphorylation of Ser 1490 were inhibited (Fig. 3, H 
and L and fig. S6B). Dvl is a scaffold protein widi 
no known enzymatic domains. We tested whether 
Dvl aid PIP5KIP interacted and found that they 
coimmunoprecipitated when overexpressed in 
HEK293T cells (fig. S6C). We mapped Dvl interac- 
tion site to the N -terminal half of PIP5KJP kinase 
domain (fig. S6D) and PIP5KI-binding sites to two 
fragments of Dvll that contain the DIX and PDZ 
domain, respectively (fig. S6E). The interaction of 
Dvl3 and PIP5KIP was also examined in a 
HEK293T cell line that stably expressed Dvl3 car- 
rying seven hemagglutinin (HA) tags at its C ter- 
minus at a level lower than that of endogenous Dvl3 





2 3 4 9 6 7 8 B 10 11 12 

LRP6- __ 
LRP6- ' 







p-T 1479- 


LRP6- r r t-J r-,„ 

Wnt3a - 

Fig. 4. Requirement of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 for formation of LRP6 
aggregate and membrane translocation of axin and GSK3. (A) 
Requirement of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 for Wnt3a-induced LRP6 aggregation. 
HEK293T cells were transfected and treated with Wnt3a and 
rapamydn as indicated. Cell lysates were subjected to sucrose 
density-gradient ultracentrifugation, and fractions were analyzed by 
Western analysis. (B) Ptdlns (4,5)P ? content in two sucrose density- 
gradient uttracentrifugation fraction pools. Fractions 8 to 11 and 1 to 
4 from (A) were pooled, and Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 amounts were measured 
by ELISA. Open bars correspond to the samples from the top panel in 
(A); black bars to the second panel; striped bars to the third panel; 
and dotted bars to the last panel The Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 amounts are 
presented relative to those in untreated cells. Error bars indicate SDs. 
(O Requirement of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 for phosphorylation of LRP6 at 
Thr 1479 . HEK293T cells were transfected with plasmids, as indicated, 
for 20 hours and then treated with Wnt3a (20 ng/ml) for 30 min in 
the presence or absence of rapamycin (100 nM) before they were collected for immunoblotting analysis. The asterisk indicates nonspecific bands. (D) Requirement of 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 for Wnt3a-induced membrane recruitment of axinl. HEK293T cells were transfected and treated as indicated. The membrane fractions were prepared and 
analyzed by Western analysis. (E) Model for Wnt3a cross-membrane signaling. 

LRP6-«i m m m m m 



(upper right panel in Fig. 3J). Although we did not 
observe coimmunoprecipitation in the absence of 
\Vnt3a, an interaction of Dvl3-HAwith endogenous 
PlPSKip was detected in the presence of Wnt3a 
(Fig. 3J), suggesting that Wnt3a may regulate the 
interaction. In a pull-down assay with recombinant 
proteins prepared in E. coU, Dvll interacted with 
PlPSKip and la in vitro (fig. S6F). We then tested 
whether Dvl could directly regulate PIP5KI kinase 
activity. Using the recombinant Dvl3 and PIP5Kip 
prepared from E coli, we found that, in an in vitro 
kinase assay, Dvl directly stimulated PIP5K1P in a 
dose-dependent manner (Fig. 3K and fig. S6G). 
Together with the knowledge that Fz can interact 
with Dvl and recruit it to the membranes (9, 18-23\ 
the above data suggest that Wnt3a may induce 
(through Fz) Dvl to bind and activate PIP5K1 
We next tested whether Ptdlns (4,5)P2 is re- 
quired for Wnt3a-induced formation of LRP6 
aggregates (referred to as “signalosomes”), which 
precedes phosphorylation of LRP6 at Thr 1479 (9). 
We used sucrose density-gradient centrifugation to 
detect LRP6 aggregates (Fig. 4A). Fractions that 
contained LRP6 aggregates also had a higher 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 content than did fractions containing 
nonaggrcgatcd LRP6 (Fig. 4B). Notably, the aggre 
gation was sensitive to the elimination of Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 through rapamycin-induced Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 
hydrolysis (Fig. 4A). We also examined LRP6 ag- 
gregation using confocal microscopy in He la cells 
expressing LRP6 YFP (9). We observed the aggre 
gates in control cells but not in cells transfected with 
the PIP5KI siRNAs (fig. S7). Elimination of Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 also led to decreased phosphorylation of 

Thr 1479 (Fig. 4C) (9). Therefore, we conclude that 
Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 is required for Wnt-induced LRP6 
aggregation and Thr 4,9 phosphorylation. 

Because I.RP6 aggregates appear to have a high 
affinity for axin (9) and because axin membrane 
translocation is required for GSK3 mediated phos- 
phorylation of Scr 1490 (10), we examined if Ptdlns 
(4 r 5)P 2 is involved in Wnt-induced axin membrane 
translocation. Elimination of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 using 
the rapamycin-inducible Ptdlns (4,5 )P 2 hydrolysis 
system abrogated Wnt3a-induced axin translocation 
(Fig. 4D> Putting all of these results together, we 
propose a model (Fig. 4E) to suggest that Wnt3a 
regulates the activity of PIP5K1 through Fz and Dvl 
and induces the formation of Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 . Ptdlns 

(4,5)P 2 is required, but not sufficient, for LRP6 
aggregation and phosphorylation at both Thr 1479 
and Scr 1490 , as well as for axin translocation. Precise 
mechanisms by which Ptdlns (4,5)P 2 regulates these 
Wnt signaling events, however, need to be inves- 
tigated further. 

References and Notes 

1 C. Y. Logan. R. Nusse. Anna. Rev Cell Dev. Biol. 20. 781 

2. T. Reya. H. Clevers. Nature 434. 843 (2005). 

3. H. (levers. Cell 127. 469 (2006). 

4. R. T. Moon. A. D. Kohn. G. V. De Ferrari. A. Kaykas, 

Not. Rev Genet 5. 691 (2004). 

5. A. Mani et at.. Science 315. 1278 (2007). 

6. G. Davidson et at.. Nature 438. 867 (2005). 

7. R. Nusse. Nature 438. 747 (2005). 

8. X. Zeng ef a!.. Nature 438, 873 (2005). 

9. J. Bilic et at.. Science 316. 1619 (2007). 

10. X Zeng et a!.. Development 135. 367 (2007). 

11. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
material on Science Online. 

12. R. Hart and. J. Gerhart. Anna. Rev. Cell Dev BioL 13. 611 

13. J. J. Hsuan, S. Minogue. M. dos Santos. Mv. Cancer Re t 
74. 167 (1998). 

14. R. L Doughman. A. J. Firestone. R. A. Anderson. 

/ Membr. Biol. 194, 77 (2003). 

15. W. D. Heo et at.. Science 314. 1458 (2006). published 
online 8 November 2006; 10.1126/science.ll34389. 

16. P. Vamai, B. Thyagarajan. T. Rohacs. T. Balia. / Celt BioL 
175. 377 (2006). 

17. L li. J. Mao. L. Sun. W. Liu. D. Wu. }. Biol. Chem. 277, 
5977 (2002). 

18. J. D. Axelrod. J. R Miller. J. M. Shulman. R. T. Moon. 

N. Perrimon, Genes Dev. 12. 2610 (1998). 

19. H. C. Wong et at.. MoL Celt 12. 1251 (2003). 

20. W. Chen et at.. Science 301. 1391 (2003). 

21. F. Cong. L Sdrweirer. H. Varmus, Development 131, 
5103 (2004). 

22. W. J. Pan e( at.. Cell Rei 14. 324 (2004). 

23. N. Yokoyama. D. Yin. C. C. Malbon. /. MoL SignoL 2. 11 

24. We thank P. De Camilti for making available resources from 
Ns Lab in connection to Ihis work, discussion, and critical 
reading of the manuscript; Z. li. M. Orsulak. Y. Zhang. 

L Tang W. Liu, Y. XL F. Nie. Y. Wu and X Gan for technical 
assistance, and D. Sussman. C. Carpenter, R. Grossdtedl 
T. Balia, B. Williams M. F. Roussel X. He. C. Nieto*. R. Nusse. 
and J. Nathans for providing experimental materials. This work 
was supported by grants from NIH (AR051476. CA132317, 

H 1080706. NS 36251 and DA018343). the National Institute 
on Drug Abuse to Yale Neuroproteomics Center, the Ministry 
of Science and Technology of China (2002CB5 13000), and 
the National Science Foundation of China (30521005). 
Supporting Online Material 
www.scie rveema g. or g/cgi/c onte nt/futl/32 1/58 94/13 50/DC 1 
Materials and Methods 
Figs. SI to S7 
Tables SI to S4 

20 May 2008; accepted 4 August 2008 
10.112 6/srience.ll6074l SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Helical Structures of ESCRT-III 
Are Disassembled by VPS4 

Suman Lata, 1 Guy Schoehn, 1,2 Ankur Jain, 3 * Ricardo Pires, 1 Jacob Piehler, 3 
Heinrich G. Gottlinger,'' Winfried Weissenhorn 1 ! 

During intracellular membrane trafficking and remodeling, protein complexes known as 
the ESCRTs (endosomal sorting complexes required for transport) interact with membranes and 
are required for budding processes directed away from the cytosol, including the budding of 
intralumenal vesicles to form multivesicular bodies; for the budding of some enveloped 
viruses; and for daughter cell scission in cytokinesis. We found that the ESCRT-III proteins 
CHMP2A and CHMP3 (charged multivesicular body proteins 2A and 3) could assemble in 
vitro into helical tubular structures that expose their membrane interaction sites on the outside 
of the tubule, whereas the AAA-type adenosine triphosphatase VPS4 could bind on the inside 
of the tubule and disassemble the tubes upon adenosine triphosphate hydrolysis. CHMP2A 
and CHMP3 copolymerized in solution, and their membrane targeting was cooperatively enhanced 
on planar lipid bilayers. Such helical CHMP structures could thus assemble within the neck of an 
inwardly budding vesicle, catalyzing late steps in budding under the control of VPS4. 

E SCRT (endosomal sorting complexes re- 
quired for transport) complexes 0, I, II, 
and III and accessory proteins regulate 
cell surface receptor sorting into intralumenal 
endosomal vesicles, generating multivesicular 
bodies (MVBs) (7-3). ESCRTs are also re- 
cruited during budding of some enveloped vi- 
ruses (4) and cytokinesis (5, 6), processes that 
are topologically similar to vesicle budding 
into endosomes. 

Yeast expresses six ESCRT-III-like proteins 
(7), whereas mammalian cells express 10, known 
as charged multivesicular body protein (CHMP) 
1 to 6 (8). C-terminally truncated CHMP3 has 
a four helical bundle core and two regions that 
are important for CHMP polymerization and 
membrane targeting (9). CHMPs exist in an 

auto-inhibited state in the cytosol (10, 11); re 
moval of autoinhibition induces membrane tar 
geting (9, 12, 13) and ESCRT-III assembly into 
a putative protein lattice (7, 2). Overexpression 
of SNF7/CHMP4 in mammalian cells produces 
filaments that induce outward buds in the pres- 
ence of catalytically inactive VPS4 (14), but 
little is known about heteromeric polymerization 
by ESCRT-III proteins. 

The recruitment of the AAA-type adenosine 
triphosphatase (ATPase) VPS4 is essential for 
the termination of the budding process and cat- 
alyzes disassembly of the complex (2, IS, 16). 
The central role of ESCRT-III and VPS4 in all 
known ESCRT-catalyzed budding events is fur- 
ther underlined by the inhibitoiy effects of domi 
nant negative mutants of ESCRT-III (8, 9, 17, 18) 

and VPS4 (2, 5, 18) on MVB formation, HIV-1 
budding, and cytokinesis. 

Yeast Vps2p (CHMP2) and Vps24p (CHMP3) 
form a subcomplex (7) consistent with the het- 
erodimerization potential suggested by the CHMP3 
crystal structure (9). Such subcomplcxcs may 
thus represent the building blocks for polymer- 
ization. We set out to study the interactions and 
polymerization mode of CHMP2 and CHMP3 
in vitro. Interactions between full-length auto- 
inhibited CHMP3 and CHMP2A could not be 
detected, and so both proteins were produced as 
C- terminal truncations (fig. S1A; CHMP2AAC 
and CHMP3AQ in their proposed activated forms 
(9, 10, 73). Whereas CHMP3AC was memodis- 
perse in solution (9), CHMP2AAC fused to the 
maltose binding protein (MBP) formed monomers 
and concentration-dependent aggregates (fig. 
SIB). Co incubation of monomeric CHMP2AAC 
and CHMP3AC led to the formation of oligomers, 
migrating to the bottom traction of a sucrose 
gradient (Fig. 1 A). CHMP2AAC and CHMP3AC 
assembled into long tubular structures (Fig. 1 B), 
with the majority of the particles revealing a di- 

*Unit for Virus Host Cell interaction, UMR 5233 JJF (Uni- 
versite' Joseph Fourier)-EMBL (European Molecular Biology 
Laboratory) CNRS, 6 rue Jutes Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble 
Cedex 9. France. 2 institut de Biologie Structurale UMR 5075 
CEA (Comissariat a I'Energie AlomiqueKNRS-UJF, 41 rue 
Jules Horowitz. 38027 Grenoble Cedex 1, France, ’institute of 
Biodiemistry, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Max-von- 
Laue Strafie 9, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. “Pro- 
gram in Gene Function and Expression, Program in Mdecular 
Medicine. University of Massachusetts Medical School, 
Worcester, MA 01605, USA 

* Present address: Department of Physics, University of 

Illinois at Uitoana-Champaign, 1110 West Green Street, 

Urban a, II 61801-3080, USA 

fTo whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 




4 - MBP 


Fig. 1. CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC polymer formation. (A) Sucrose density 
gradient analysis of CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC complex formation. (B) Negative 
staining EM of tubular structures formed by CHMP2AAC and CHMP3AC. 
Negative staining EM (C) of CHMP2AAC and (D) of CHMP2AAC after removal 
of MBP. Scale bars indicate 100 nm; inset scale bars, 50 nm. 




Fig. 2. Cryo EM of CHMP2AC-CHMP3AC (A) tubes and (B) tubes after removal 
of MBP from CHMP2AAC. Scale bars, 100 nm. (C) The EM reconstruction model 
showing the 45 A width of the helical structure produced by the CHMP lattice 
(top view). 

Fig. 3. CHMP2AAC-CHMP3 tube disassembly by 
VPS4B. (A) Negative staining EM of tubes formed 
by CHMP2AAC and CHMP3. Sucrose gradient 
analysis of (B) CHMP2AAC, (C) CHMP3, (D) 
VPS4B, (E) CHMP2AAC-CHMP3-VPS4B complex 
formation, and (F) CHMP2AAC-CHMP3-VPS4B 
complexes after incubation with ATP Mg 2 *. (G) 
Negative staining EM of CHMP2AAC-CHMP3 tubes 
revealing VPS4B on the inside. Radial density 
profile (H) of a CHMP2AAC-CHMP3-VPS4B and (I) 
of CHMP2AAC-CHMP3 tubes calculated across the 
cross section of the tube. (J) Negative staining EM 
after adding ATP Mg 2 * to CHMP2AAC-CHMP3- 
VPS4B tubes. (K) Disassembly of fluorescein- 
labeled CHMP2AAC-CHMP3 tubes measured by 
change in emission intensity upon addition of HBS 
(magenta), 10 pM VPS4B (blue), 10 pM VPS4B 
plus 100 pM AMP-PNP Mg 2 * (green), 5 pM VPS4B 
plus 50 pM ATP Mg 2 * (black), and 10 pM VPS4B plus 
100 pM AP Mg 2 * (red). (Inset) The fluorescein- 
labeled CHMP2AAC and CHMP3 visualized on an 
SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Scale bars, 100 nm. 

www.sciencema 9 .org SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



ameter of -40 nm and a small fraction showing 
deviations up to 70 nm in negative staining election 
microscopy (EM). 

Although neither CHMP3, CHMP3AC, nor 
CHMP2A fonned higher-order oligomers on their 
own, CHMP2AAC sedimented in a sucrose gra- 
dient (fig. SIC) and formed ringlike structures 
(Fig. 1C). Removal of MBP produced particles 
with inner and outer diameters of -12 nm and 
-30 nm, respectively. Increased aggregation upon 
MBP cleavage and the exclusive tace-up orien- 
tations (Fig. ID) hindered determination of the 
ring thickness. 

CryoEM of the CHMP2 AACCHMP3 AC 
polymer showed tubes with a frizzy surface (Fig. 
2A). Removal of MBP from CHMP2AAC ren 
dered the surface smooth, revealing striations 
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the tube 

(Fig. 2B). Because image analyses of MBP-cleaved 
tubes was hindered by their aggregation, we ap- 
plied the iterative helical real space recons true 
lion algorithm ( 19) to reconstruct volumes from the 
tubes containing MBP attached to CHMP2AAC 
(20). The 32 A pitch of the helical assembly was 
determined by the Fourier transform of the images 
(20). The calculated helical structure contains 16.57 
repeating units per turn, with inner and outer di- 
ameters of 43 ran and 52 ran, respectively (Fig. 
2C). The CHMP2A-CHMP3 dimer model could 
fit into the repeating unit of the EM map (20) (fig. 
S2, A to D), exposing the membrane targeting 
surface to the outside and the VPS4B interaction 
site toward the inside of the tube (fig. S2, D and E). 

The organization of the CHMP2AAC 
CHMP3AC polymer did not indicate how other 
CHMPs could participate in the same polymer. 

In fact, monomeric CHMP4BAC did not integrate 
into CHMP2AAC -CHMP3 AC tubes (fig. S3) de- 
spite similarities in polymerization (14). Although 
CHMP4 may participate in CHMP2A -CHMP3 
tube formation as a CHMP4CHMP6 subcomplex 
(7\ different ESCRT-1II complexes may be formed 
in vivo that interact (7) and act sequentially. 

Because the VPS4B CHMP interaction re 
quires an intact C terminus (21, 22), we used frill- 
length proteins for tube formation. Whereas 
CHMP2AAC and CHMP3 fonned similar tubes 
to those fonned with CHMP3AC (Figs. IB and 
3A) t combinations of CHMP2A and CHMP3 
and CHMP2A and CHMP3AC did not polym- 
erize. In sucrose gradient centrifugation, isolated 
forms of CHMP2AAC, CHMP3, and VPS4B 
floated at similar positions (Fig. 3, B to D), con- 
sistent with monomeric or dimeric VPS4B in 
the absence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) 
(21). Mixing all three proteins recruited them to 
the pellet fraction, corroborating the CHMP3 
VPS4B interaction (Fig. 3E). Negative staining 
EM of the CHMP2AAC CHMP3 tubes assem 
bled in the presence of VPS4B revealed additional 
electron-dense material along the longitudinal 
axis of the tubes (Fig. 3G). Radial density pro- 
files of cross sections obtained by cryo-EM (fig. 
S4B) showed a broad central peak, confirming 
the VPS4B presence inside the tubes, followed 
by a sharp peak corresponding to the CHMP lat- 
tice and a smaller peak corresponding to MBP 
attached to CHMP2AAC (Fig. 3H and fig. S4D). 
In contrast, in cross sections of tubes without 
VPS4B (fig. S4A), the central peak of the den- 
sity profile did not rise above the background 
signal (Fig. 31 and fig. S4Q. Thus, VPS4B used 
CHMP2AAC CHMP3 tubes as a scaffold tor as- 
sembly, which apparently produced disordered 
VPS4B oligomers in the absence of ATP. Addition 
of ATP and Mg 2 * to the CHMP2AAC CHMP3 
VPS4B tubular structures induced disassem- 
bly of the tubes (Fig. 3, F and J). Incubation of 
fluorescein-labeled tubes (fig. S5) with buffer, 
VPS4B, or VPS4B plus adenylyl-imidodiphosphate 
(AMP-PNP) Mg 2 * showed no change in emission 
intensity as a function of time (Fig. 3K). In con- 
trast, dequcnching, indicating disassembly, was 
measured as an increase in emission intensity 
when the tubes were incubated with VPS4B plus 
ATP Mg 2- * (Fig. 3K). Thus. VPS4B induced 
tube disassembly in vitro. 

CHMPs arc selectively targeted to cellular 
membranes (7, 13, 24), which requires an ex- 
tended basic surface in case of CHMP3 (9). With 
reflectometric interference spectroscopy (RlfS) 
(20), CHMP2AAC, CHMP3AC, and their com 
plex show'cd no notable mass deposition (<0. 10 
ng mm ~) on silica-supported bilayers composed 
of l-stearoyl-2-olcoyl^i-glyccro-3-phosphocholinc 
(SOPC) lipids (Fig 4A). However, CHMP3AC 
bound to 1 ,2-dioleoyl-A7i-glycero-3 phosphoserine 
(DOPS):SOPC bilayers (fig. S 6) with an equi 
librium binding amplitude (T*,) of 1.08 ng mm 2 
and dissociated with a rate of (k^) - 0.3 s -1 , 
whereas CHMP2AAC (4 pM) showed a of 

Fig. 4. CHMP protein membrane interaction. (A) Binding curves measured by RlfS on a SOPC bilayen 
MBP (black), CHMP3AC (magenta), CHMP2AAC (green), and CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC (blue). (B) Binding 
curves measured by RlfS on a DOPS:SOPC bilayen MBP (black), CHMP3AC (magenta), CHMP2AAC 
(green), and CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC (blue). Protein injections were followed by injection of 1 M NaCl in 
HBS. CH MP2A\C-CH MP3 AC tubes (C) with and (D) without MBP attached to CHMP2AAC. (E) CHMP2AAC- 
CHMP3AC tubes assembled in the presence of SOPC LUVs. (F) CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC tubes assembled in 
the presence of 0.5 mg ml -1 (left) and 1.5 mg ml -1 (right). SOPCDOPS LUVs are shorter, (G) reveal single 
helical coils, and (H) are often cone-shaped. Scale bars, 100 nm. 




1.36 ng mm 2 and a of 0.081 s _1 (Fig. 4B). 
When the two proteins were mixed, a of 
5.95 ng mm 2 was reached. An apparent > 
0.0008 s _! was determined by fitting a mono- 
exponential function to the dissociation phase, 
which is 3 and 2 orders of magnitude lower as 
compared with the single proteins (fig. S7). Both 
SOPC and DOPSrSOPC bilayers showed no in- 
teraction with the control protein MBP (Fig. 4, 
A and B) Dissociation of bound CHMP2AAC and 
CHMP3AC in Hepcs buffered saline (HBS) con- 
taining 1 M NaCl revealed a k& > 1 s -1 , which was 
much faster than dissociation in HBS alone. In 
contrast, die CHMP2AAC-CHMP3AC polymer did 
not dissociate with a higher rate (k^ < 0.00046 s~ l ) 
in the presence of 1 M NaCl (fig. S7), indi- 
cating resistance to change in ionic strength. 
Once assembled on membranes, CHMP2AAC- 
CHMP3AC did not exchange with soluble or 
membrane bound CHMP3AC (fig. S8). Thus, 
CHMP2A-3 complexes assembled on membranes 
in vitro in the absence of CHMP46 subcomplexes, 
even though yeast Snf7-Vps20 (CHMP4-6) com- 
plexes may recruit Vps2-Vps24 (CHMP2A 3) 
complexes to membranes in vivo (7). 

To assess the influence of CHMP2AAC- 
CHMP3AC tubes on membrane shapes, we 
used large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) com- 
posed of DO PS: SOPC. LUV incubation with 
either CHMP2AAC or CHMP3AC had no ef- 
fect on their floatation in sucrose gradients (fig. 
S9, A and B), whereas preformed CHMP2AAC 
CHMP3AC tubes restricted LUV floatation to 
the middle of the gradient (fig. S9, C and D). 
Negative staining EM confirmed CHMP2AAC 
CHMP3AC tube membrane interaction via their 
outer surfaces (Fig. 4, C and D). However, no 
systematic remodeling of the LUV membranes 
was observed. Potential membrane remodeling 
by the CHMP copolymer or vice versa was fur- 
ther explored by assembling the polymer in 
the presence of LUVs. Although CHMP2AAC 
CHMP3AC assembly in the presence of SOPC 
LUVs had no effect on tube morphology (Fig. 4E), 
the presence of DOPS:SOPC LUVs produced 
shorter tubes (Fig. 4F), displaying loose helical 
coils (Fig. 4G) and cone-shaped tubes that ap- 
peared closed at foe narrower aid (Fig. 4H). Thus, 
this suggests a mechanism where lipid interac 
tion affects CHMP polymerization. 

Because modified VPS4 and CHMP3 exert 
dominant negative effects on HIV-1 budding 
(5, 9, 17, 25) and cytokinesis ( 6 , 18), CHMP2A- 
CHMP3 -VPS4 complexes may catalyze a common 
step such as membrane fission. The CHMP2A- 
CHMP3 polymer presents a membrane binding 
topology that is inverse to that of dynamin mem- 
brane complexes (26), which catalyze endocytot- 
ic vesicle abscission (27). ESCRT-II1 coupled to 
VPS4 may exert a similar role in budding pro- 
cesses directed away from the cytosol. Thus, we 
propose that a helical CHMP2A CHMP3 poly- 
mer assembles on the inside of a membrane bud, 
which may induce membrane deformation, lead- 
ing to constriction and eventually abscission when 

coupled to VPS4 activity, the only energy' providing 
candidate in the pathway (2, 15) (fig. S10). 

References and Notes 

L ft. L. William. S. Utbe. Not Rev. Mol. Cell Biol 8. 355 

2. S. Saksena. J. Sun. T. Chu. S. D. Emr. Trends Biochem. 
Sci 32. 561 (2007). 

3. J. H. Hurley. Cure. Opin. Cell Biol. 20. 4 (2008). 

4. ?. D. »enia«. Virology 344. 55 (2006). 

5. J. G Carlton. ). Martin Serrano. Sconce 316. 1908 (2007): 
published online 6 June 2007 (10.1126Acience.ll43422>. 

6. E. Morita el at.. CMBO ). 26. 4215 (2007). 

7. M. Babst. D. J. Katrmann. E. J, Estepa-Sabal T. Meertoo. 
S. D. Emr. Dev. Cell 3. 271 (2002). 

8. U. K. von Schwedler et at.. Cell 114. 701 (2003). 

9. T. Mu/iol et oL Dev. Cell 10. 821 (2006). 

10. A. Zamborlini et at., Proc Natl Read. Sa. USA 103. 
19140 (2006). 

11. S. Lata el at.. ). Mol. Biol 378. 816 (2008). 

12. Y. Lin. L A. Kim pier. T. V. Naisrrith. J. M. Uuer. 

P. I. Hanson . ). Biol. Chem. 280. 12799 (2005). 

13. S. Shim. L. A. Kimpler. P. I. Hanson, Traffic 8. 1068 

14. P. I. Hanson. R. Roth, Y. Lin. J. E. Heuser, }. Celt Biol 
180. 389 (2008). 

15. M. Babst. B. Wendland. E. J. Estepa. S. 0. Emr. CMBO J l 
17. 2982 (1998). 

16. N. Bishop. P. Woodman. Mot. Biol Celt 11. 227 (2000). 

17. B. Strack. A. Catistri. E. Popova. H. Gottlinger. Cell 114. 
689 (2003). 

18. J. D. Dukes. J. D. Richardson. R. Simmons. P. Whitley. 
Biochem. }. 411. 233 (2008). 

19. L H. Egelman. UUtomkrostopy 85. 225 (2000). 

20. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
materials on Science Online. 

21 M. D. Studied- Brereton et at.. Nature 449. 740 (2007). 

22. T. Obita el at.. Nature 449. 735 (2007). 

23. A. Scott et at.. CMBO). 24. 3658 (2005). 

24. P. Whitley et at..). Biol Chem. 278. 38786 (2003). 

25. J. Martin Serrano. A. Yarovoy. D. Perer-Caballero. 

P. D. Bieniaa. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci USA 100. 12414 

26. S. M. Sweftrer. J. E. Hinshaw, Celt 93. 1021 (1998). 

27. K. Takei. P. S. McPherson, S. L Schmid, P. De Camilfi. 
Nature 374. 186 (1995). 

28. We thank X. Siebert (Institut de Biologie Structurale) for 
advice on UROX This work was supported by Deutsche 
Eorschungsgemeinschaft (SPP 1175) (W.W.). the Agence 
Nationale de la Recherche sur le SIDA (W.W.), University 
Joseph Fourier (W.W.), the Agence Nationale de la 
Recherche (G.S.). the CNRS (GS.). the NIH (grant 

Al 29873, H.G). and by postdoctoral fellowships from the 
European Molecular Biology Organisation (S.L.) and the 
International Human Frontier Science Program 
Organisation (S.L.). The EM map has been deposited at 
the European Bioinformatics Institute, accession code 
EMD 1536. 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema g.ot g/cgi/conte nt/f ull/32 1/5894/13547DC1 
Materials and Methods 
Figs. SI to S10 

28 May 2008; accepted 24 July 2008 
Published online 7 August 2008; 

10.112 6/srience.ll61070 

Include this information when citing this paper. 

A Neoplastic Gene Fusion Mimics 
Trans-Splicing of RNAs in Normal 
Human Cells 

Hui Li, 1 ]inglan Wang, 1 Gil Mor, 2 Jeffrey Sklar 1 * 

Chromosomal rearrangements that create gene fusions are common features of human tumors. 
The prevailing view is that the resultant chimeric transcripts and proteins are abnormal, 
tumor-specific products that provide tumor cells with a growth and/or survival advantage. We show 
that normal endometrial stromal cells contain a specific chimeric RNA joining 5' exons of the 
JAZFl gene on chromosome 7pl5 to 3' exons of the Polycomb group gene JJAZ1/SUZ12 on 
chromosome 17qll and that this RNA is translated into JAZF1-JJAZ1, a protein with anti-apoptotic 
activity. The JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA appears to arise from physiologically regulated trans-splicing 
between precursor messenger RNAs for JAZFl and JJAZ1. The chimeric RNA and protein are 
identical to those produced from a gene fusion found in human endometrial stromal tumors. 
These observations suggest that certain gene fusions may be pro-neoplastic owing to constitutive 
expression of chimeric gene products normally generated by trans-splicing of RNAs in 
developing tissues. 

R ecurrent, specific gene fusions arising 
from chromosomal rearrangements are 
characteristic features of many neoplasms, 
especially those having hematopoietic and mes- 
enchymal origins (1-6). In most fusions, recom- 

1 Department of Pathology, Yale University School of Medicine, 
New Haven, CT 06520, USA. ^Department of Obstetrics and 
Gynecology, Yale University Sdiootof Medicine, New Haven, CT 
06520, USA. 

•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail; 

bination occurs within introns that interrupt the 
coding sequences, giving rise to the expression of 
chimeric proteins (2). The prevailing view is that 
the chimeric proteins resulting from chromosom- 
al rearrangements are entirely abnormal and have 
neoplastic effects leading to the growth and/or 
survival advantage of cells containing them. 

An observation that seems at odds with this 
view is that chimeric mRNAs identical to those 
derived from fusion genes can often be detected 
in low abundance by reverse transcription- SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) of RNA 
from healthy tissues (7). The explanation generally 
offered for this finding is that specific chromosom- 
al rearrangements occur within small numbers of 
cells in healthy tissues but that the chimeric pro- 
teins generated by than are alone insufficient to 
drive substantial clonal expansion. 

We have previously described a gene fusion 
due to a (7;17Xpl5;q21) chromosomal trans- 
location found in about 50% of human endome- 
trial stromal sarcomas (ESSs) (8, 9). The fusion 
joins the first three exons (from a total of five) in 
the gene JAZF1 to the last 15 (from 16) in the 
Polycomb group gen tJJAZI/SUZ12. Expression 
of the chimeric JAZFl -JJAZI protein in cultured 
human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells con- 
fers resistance to apoptosis and, when accom 
partied by suppression of the unrearranged JJAZI 
allele, increased rates of proliferation (9). 

We examined normal human endometrial 
tissues for possible chimeric JAZFJ -JJAZI 
RNA, beginning with endometrial stromal cell 
lines. RNA extracted from the immortalized, 
normal htunan endometrial stromal cell line 
(HESC) (JO) was analyzed for the presence of 
JAZFJ -JJAZI chimeric RNA by RT-PCR with 
primers containing sense and antisense sequence 
flanking the site of joining between JAZFJ and 
JJAZJ (JJ). A single amplification product 
generated by this reaction was identical in size to 
that amplified from human ESSs carrying a 
JAZFJ-JJAZJ gene fusion due to the presence 
of a t(7;17)(pl5;q21) (Fig. 1A). RT-PCR for 
the JAZFJ-JJAZJ RNA in two additional, non- 
immortalized primary cell lines derived from 
the normal endometrial stroma of two other pa- 
tients amplified similarly sized products. Nucleo- 
tide sequence analysis of the RT PCR products 
from each cell line yielded the same sequence of 
nucleotides at the JAZFJ-JJAZJ junction as was 
found in RNA of tumors with the gene fusion. 
RT-PCR for JAZFJ JJAZI RNA failed to am 
plity products from the RNA extracted from a 
variety of other epithelial and mesenchymal cell 
lines, all of which contained JAZFJ and JJAZI 
RNA (fig. SI). 

To investigate the specificity of the junction 
between JAZFJ and JJAZJ RNA sequences in 
the HESC ceil line, we carried out detailed RT 
PCR studies on RNA from the HESC cell line 
using antisense primers for JJAZJ exon 3 se- 
quence paired with six different sense primers for 
five exons of JAZFJ. With primers for the first 
three exons of JAZFJ, single products were ob- 
tained matching the sizes predicted for the join- 
ing of JAZFJ exon 3 to JJAZJ exon 2 (Fig. IB). 
Similar results were achieved w'hen the sense 
primer for JAZFJ exon 3 was paired with six 
different antisense primers distributed among the 
16 exons of JJAZJ. These results are consistent 
with \he JAZFJ -JJAZJ RNA joined at exon 3 and 
exon 2 of the respective genes being the only 
abundant JAZFJ-JJAZJ RNA in HESC cells. 

To determine whether the JAZFJ-JJAZJ 
RNA is translated into protein, we performed 

Western blot analysis with JJAZI -specific anti 
body on protein extracts prepared from HESC 
cells. This analysis detected a protein identical in 
size to JAZFl -JJAZI protein detected in ESSs 
(Fig. 1C and supporting online text). 

The detection of JAZFJ-JJAZJ RNA in en- 
dometrial stromal cell lines was duplicated by 
RT-PCR analysis of RNA extracted from formalin- 
fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues from normal 
human uteri. JAZFJ-JJAZJ RNA was detected 
primarily in endometrium from late secretory and 
early proliferative phases of the menstrual cycle 
(Fig. 2 A). Ho JAZFJ JJAZJ RNA sequences were 
amplified from nonnal myometrium at any phase 
of the cycle (fig. S2). 

Because of the general association of the 
JAZFJ-JJAZJ RNA with endometrium from par 
ticular phases of the menstrual cycle, we inves- 
tigated the effects of steroid honnones on the 
production of the chimeric transcript in HESC 


cells. Low concentrations of progesterone seemed 
to slightly increase amounts of the JAZFJ JJAZI 
RNA seen in the absence of added hormone, 
whereas both estrogen and, at higher concen- 
trations, progesterone suppressed detection of the 
chimeric RNA (Fig. 2B). These findings arc 
consistent with the results of analyses on endo- 
metrial tissue, showing that JAZFJ JJAZI RNA 
is present predominantly at the beginning and 
end of the menstrual cycle, whai hormone con- 
centrations are low. 

Because normal endometrium is subjected to 
hypoxia and undergoes apoptosis during the late 
secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, we in- 
vestigated whether hypoxia can induce produc 
tion of JAZFJ JJAZJ RNA in HESC cells by 
treatment with desferroximine (DFO), which 
simulates hypoxic conditions. HESC cells treated 
with 250 pM DFO for 8 hours showed increased 
amounts of JAZFJ JJAZJ RNA (Fig. 2C). Another, 

8 9 1011 12 





107 kD 

81 kD 

Fig. 1. Detection of chimeric JAZF1- 
JJAZ1 RNA and protein in the HESC 
cell line. (A) RT-PCR for the chimeric 
junction in th eJAZFl-JJAZl transcript 
with primers complementary to anti- 
sense and sense sequence in JAZF1 
exon 3 and JJAZI exon 2/3 (II). The 
figure shows the results of agarose 
gel electrophoresis of amplification products. Results of RT-PCR with RNA from an ESS containing 
the t(7;17)(pl5;q21) are shown in the lane labeled ESS; results of the RT-PCR procedure with RNA 
from the HESC cell line omitting reverse transcriptase are shown in the lane labeled RT; results 
without template RNA are shown in the lane labeled dH ? 0. (B) Analyses by RT-PCR for the 
specificity of exon joining between JAZF1 and JJAZI RNAs in HESC cells. Lanes 1 to 6 used six 
different forward primers at the positions of the downward orange arrows above the diagram of the 
JAZFl transcript, paired with a reverse primer indicated by the orange arrow below the JJAZI 
transcript Lanes 7 to 12 used the forward primer indicated in green above the JAZFl transcript 
paired with six different reverse primers at the positions of the upward green arrows below the 
JJAZI transcript (C) Western blot of protein extracts from ESS tissue, the HESC cell line, and HEK 
293 cells (as a negative control) for JJAZI and JAZF-JJAZ1 protein with J] AZl-specific antibody. 




noniinmortalized normal endometrial stromal 
cell line, HESC-597, also showed up-regulation 
of JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA when treated with DFO. 
Cultures of cells derived from tissue other than 
endometrial stroma showed no detectable chi- 
meric RNA with DFO treatment. Analysis of the 
RNA in DFO-treated HESC cells by a nuclease 
protection assay (fig. S3) indicated that some- 
what less chimeric RNA was produced in these 
cells than in tumor cells containing the JAZF1- 
JJAZ1 fiision, consistent with relative amounts of 
10 to 35% detected by quantitative RT-PCR. The 
nuclease protection assay also confirmed that 
detection of chimeric RNA was not a methodo- 
logic artifact associated with RT-PCR. Quantita- 
tive RT-PCR revealed that treatment of HESC 
cells with DFO did not appreciably change the 
amount of either JAZF1 ax JJAZl RNA (fig. S4), 
suggesting that DFO raises the levels of JAZF1- 
JJAZ1 RNA by a mechanism independent of 
increased transcription of the two genes. 

To investigate whcrhcrJAZFMJAZJ RNA is 
produced from a t(7;l 7)(pl 5;q2 1) in HESC cells, 
we first showed that this cell line, which had not 
intentionally been cloned, had in fact originated 
from a single cell immortalized in culture (fig. 
S5). We then performed Southern blot analyses 
of HESC DNA by using probes that had pre- 
viously detected t(7;17)(pl5;q21) rearrangements 
in ESSs. No rearranged bands were detected. Cy- 
togenetic analysis of numerous metaphase spreads 
from HESC cells revealed no abnormalities in 
chromosomes 7, 17, or any other chromosome 
(Fig. 3A). Similarly, analysis by fluorescence in 
situ hybridization (FISH) with pairs of bacterial 
artificial chromosome (BAC) probes for DNA 
flanking on either side the chromosome 7pl5 
breakpoint and separately the I7q2 1 breakpoint 
detected no breakage in these regions of the 
genome (fig. S5). Additionally, a probe consist 
ing of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) that 
contains DNA spanning the 7pl5 breakpoint 

Fig. 2. Detection of JAZFl-JJAZl RNA in endometrial tissues and effects of hormones and hypoxia on 
amounts of JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in cultured cells. Analyses were performed by RT-PCR, as in Fig. 1A. 
Unlabeled panels show results of RT-PCR for p-actin RNA as a control for input RNA. (A) Detection of 
JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in total RNA extracted from endometrial samples representing various phases of the 
menstrual cycle: EP, early proliferative; MP, mid-proliferative; LP, late proliferative; ES, early 
secretory; MS, mid-secretory; IS, late secretory. At least two separate uteri were tested for each phase. 
(B) Effect of hormone treatment on JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in HESC cells. After 2 days of serum starvation, 
medium containing serum and no drug (lane 1), 17 p-estradiol at 5 x 10 -8 M (lane 2), progesterone 
at 1 x 10“* M, 1 x 10“ 7 M, or 1 x 10" 8 M (lanes 3 to 5), or 17 p-estradiol at 5 x 10" 8 M plus 
progesterone at 1 x 10“ 7 M (lane 6) was added to the cells for 24 hours. (C) Effect of DFO treatment 
on JAZFl-JJAZl RNA in HESC and HESC-597 cells. No chimeric transcript could be detected in 
Ishikawa cells, an endometrial carcinoma line. 

showed no splitting of the fluorescent signal (Fig. 
3B). Finally, no superimposition of signals was 
observed when probes for chromosomes 7pl5 
and 17q21 were used together in FISH studies. 

To investigde die possibility that (7; 17Xjpl5;q21) 
translocations or their equivalents arose in cells in 
culture at some point after immortalization, we 
subcloncd HESC cells by limiting dilution. 
Thirty-seven subclones derived on average from 
half a cell per culture were tested for the pro- 
duction aiJAZFl-JJAZl RNA. RT-PCR of RNA 
from these subclones detected JAZFl-JJAZl 
RNA in all clones examined, and for most sub- 
clones, the amount of JAZFl-JJAZl RNA in- 
creased when DFO was added to the culture (Fig. 
3C). Furthermore, analyses of all clones ex- 
amined were negative for rearrangements at the 
chromosome 7pl5 site by FISH with flanking 
probes (Fig. 3D). Ten of these subclones were 
also tested for rearrangements at the 17ql 2 site by 
FISH, and none of these showed abnormalities. 

Given the evidence against DNA recombina- 
tion in HESC cells and the precise joining of 
sequences at exon boundaries in JAZFl-JJAZl 
RNA, we reasoned that the mechanism most 
likely responsible for production of this RNA is 
trans-splicing of prc-mRNAs for the JAZF1 and 
JJAZ1 genes. To test this hypothesis, we prepared 
in vitro splicing extracts from the nuclei of HESC 
cells. Samples of this extract were mixed with 
samples of a nuclear extract from a primary' 
rhesus fibroblast cell line RF (12). RT-PCR of 
JJAZ1 intron 1 RNA sequence revealed that un- 
spliced pre-mRNA was present in the HESC and 
RF nuclear extracts (fig. S7). Nucleotide se- 
quence analysis of exon 3 in the JAZF1 gene of 
RF cells showed two single base-pair sequence 
differences from the human JAZF1 gene that 
permitted both selective RT-PCR of any RNA 
containing cither rhesus or human exon 3 and the 
ability to distinguish between the products am- 
plified from these RNAs With selective primers 
and conditions, amplification of RNA after incu- 
bation of mixed extracts yielded products in 
which RF JAZF1 exon 3 was joined to exon 2 of 
JJAZ1 (Fig. 4B). Sequence analysis of the RT- 
PCR products confirmed that the amplified 
JAZFl-JJAZl sequences contained exon 3 of 
RF JAZF1 (Fig. 4Q. The amount of product 
generally increased when tire HESC extract was 
prepared from cells cultured with DFO, although 
the extent of increase varied considerably among 
experiments. No product was obtained from ex- 
tracts of HESC cells or RF cells alone, or when 
adenosine 5 '-triphosphate (ATP), an obligate 
cofactor for splicing, was omitted from the splic- 
ing reaction. Similar results were obtained with 
extracts from the noniinmortalized endometrial 
stromal cell line, HESC-597 (Fig. 4D). 

To study the mechanism further and to mle 
out the possibility of polymerase switching dur 
ing transcription, we carried out the in vitro trans- 
splicing assay with HESC nuclear extract mixed 
with purified RF RNA. The amount of trans- 
spliced product detected was similar to that in the 

www.sciencema 9 .or 9 SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 




assay performed with a mixture of HE SC and RF 
nuclear extracts (Fig. 4E). Elimination of all 
PCR-detectable traces of DNA from the RF 

RNA preparation by treatment with deoxyribo- 
nuclease I did not afreet the production of the 
trans-spliced product (figs. S7 and S8). 

The data presented here are consistent with 
trans-splicing of the pre-raRNAs transcribed 
from the JAZF1 and JJAZ1 genes in normal 



* *• 


is i 

MM 1! 




(**) It 

S8 H 

o « 



* * 

aa } 


it *4 

• A 


Fig. 3. Absence of the t(7;17)(pl5;q21) in HESC cells. (A) Cytogenetic 
analysis of HESC cells. Normal chromosomes 7 and 17 are circled. (B) FISH 
analysis of HESC cells with a YAC probe containing DNA spanning the 
JAZF1 locus. Arrows point to the intact YAC signal in meta phase 
chromosomes. (Lower inset) A representative interphase HESC nucleus; 
(upper inset) an ESS control showing splitting of the probe signal. (C) RT-PCR 

analysis for JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in representative subclones of the HESC cell 
line with and without DFO treatment. (D) FISH analysis of three HESC 
subclones with two BAC probes, labeled red or green and each containing 
DNA sequences that flank the JAZF1 locus on one side or the other. The 
juxtaposition of red and green signals indicates no separation of these 
sequences. (Inset) Separation of signals in an ESS control. Bars, -10 pm. 

A HESC: + + + + - 

DFO: - + + + - 

ATP: + + - + - 
RF: + + + - + 






HESC: + + + + - 

DFO: - * + + - 

ATP: + +•- + - 

RF: + + + - + 



Fig. 4. In vitro trans-splicing reactions. (A) RT-PCR analysis for JAZF1-JJAZ1 
RNA with a human-specific primer. RT-PCR products from chimeric RNA 
were amplified only when ATP was supplied, and the amount of product 
increased when the HESC nuclear extracts were prepared from cells pretreated 
with DFO. (B) RT-PCR analysis for JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA with a rhesus-specific 
primer. No band was detected in HESC or RF extracts alone, but products 
were observed when the two kinds of nuclear extracts were mixed. The 
amount of product increased when the HESC extract was prepared from the 
cells pretreated with DFO. (C) Sequence analysis of the RT-PCR products 

amplified with antisense human- or rhesus-specific primers. Aqua-colored 
bases and stars indicate the interspecies sequence differences included in 
the species-specific primers; red bases and stars indicate the species-specific 
sequence differences detected in the products. (D) RT-PCR analysis for 
JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in nuclear extracts of the HESC-597 and RF cells with 
rhesus-specific primers. Mixed extracts produced detectable signal in the 
presence of ATP. (E) RT-PCR analysis for JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA in HESC nuclear 
extracts mixed with purified RF RNA by means of amplification with the 
rhesus-specific primer. R, RNA; N, nuclear extract. 



endometrial stromal cells and tissues to yield 
chimeric products identical to those produced by 
a recurrent gene fusion in endometrial stromal tu- 
mors. Trans-splicing of noncoding, leader exons 
to separately transcribed pre-raRNAs is common 
in certain lower eukaryotes, such as protozoa and 
nematodes (13-16). However, in vertebrates, only 
a few examples of trans-splicing have been de- 
scribed (17-25), and most of these involve splic- 
ing between pre-mRNAs of the same gene to 
generate mRNAs with duplicated exons (1 7-20). 
For these reasons, trans-splicing in vertebrates 
has sometimes been regarded as a nonfunctional 
by-product of a somewhat sloppy splicing sys 
tem (26). This conclusion seems inapplicable to 
JAZF1-JJAZ1 RNA because the JAZF1-JJAZ1 
fusion gene is a recurrent finding in a high frac- 
tion of endometrial stromal tissues, and frxsion 
genes associated with chromosomal transloca- 
tions in cancer have repeatedly been shown to 
contribute to the neoplastic phenotype of the 
tumors containing them (27, 28). Additionally, 
the expression of the JAZF1-JJAZ1 coding se- 
quences in cultured cells has demonstrated ef- 
fects on cell survival and proliferation (9). 
Whether JAZF1-JJAZ1 protein in tissues pro- 
vides protection from hypoxia, to which endo- 
metrium is subjected during the late secretory 
phase and possibly the early proliferative phase 
of the menstrual cycle, remains to be determined. 

The mechanisms involved in the trans- 
splicing of RNAs and the regulation of this pro- 
cess are unclear. Juxtaposition of the loci encoding 
the RNAs that participate in trans-splicing would 
not seem essential because in vitro splicing in 
nuclear extracts of RNAs at physiological con- 
centrations was found to be efficient These re- 
sults also indicate that cotranscriptional splicing 
is not an absolute requirement for trans-splicing. 
Whether in vivo trans-splicing of RNA tran 
scribed from loci that participate in chromosomal 
rearrangements predisposes DNA at those sites to 
recombination with or without prior intranuclear 
colocalization of the loci will require further 

In view of the regulated trans-splicing be- 
tween JAZF1 and JJAZ1 pre-mRNAs in normal 
endometrium, the t(7;17Xpl5;q21) found in 
ESSs might be considered a mutation that leads 
to constitutive production of the JAZF1-JJAZ1 
mRNA and its protein product This relation is 
similar to that seen in other oncogenic mutations 
associated with tumor development, namely, that 
mutations lead to overproduction or irreversible 
activation of gene products rather than to creation 
of “new” genes, as the fusion genes resulting from 
many chromosomal translocations and other DNA 
rearrangements have generally been thought to be. 

If RNA products of fusion genes other than 
JAZF1-JJAZ1 also mimic normal products re- 
sulting from trans-splicing of pre-mRNAs, it 
would explain the ability to frequently amplify 
from healthy tissues chimeric RNAs associated 
with chromosomal rearrangements in tumors. 
Considering the large number of recurrent gene 

fusions found in tumors, it would further sug- 
gest that trans-spliced RNAs may be relatively 
common in normal cells and tissues (support- 
ing online text). At a minimum, the finding of the 
trans-spliced JAZF1JJAZ1 RNA in normal cells 
implies a risk to inferring the presence of chro- 
mosomal rearrangements in tissue specimens for 
the diagnosis and detection of cancer, especially 
in the context of minimal disease. Additionally, it 
is possible that drugs designed to target chimeric 
proteins produced by neoplastic gene fusions 
may have toxicities due to inhibited function of 
similar proteins in normal cells. 

References and Notes 

1. M. A. Pierotti et at. fiat- NatL Acad. Sd. US.A 89. 
1616 (1992). 

2. F. Mitelman, B. Johansson, F. Mertens. Nat Rev. Cancer 
7. 233 (2007). 

3. 0. Bernard et at. Oncogene 6. 1477 (1991). 

4. P. J. Kourlas el at, froc. Natl. Acod. So'. U.SA 97. 2145 

5. A. Paidanani et at. Blood 102. 3093 (2003). 

6. S. A. Tomlins et at.. Science 310. 644 (2003). 

7. S. Jan;. M. Potter. C. S. Babkin. Gene s Chromosomes 
Corner 36. 211 (2003). 

8. J. I. Koontz et at. froc. NatL Acod. Sci. U.SA. 98. 6348 
( 2001 ). 

9. H. Li etot. froc. NatL Acod. Sd U.SA 104, 20001 (2007). 

10. G. Krikun et at. Endocrinology US. 2291 (2004). 

11. Materials and methods are available as supporting 
material on Science Online. 

12. R. C. Desrosiers et at. ). Virol. 71. 9764 (1997). 

13. L Bonen. EASES }. 7. 40 (1993). 

14. M. Krause. D. Hirsh, Cell 49. 753 (1987). 

15. N. Agabian. Cell 61. 1157 (1990). 

16. R. L Sutton, J. C. Boothroyd. Cell 47. S27 (1986). 

17. C. Caudevitla et at. froc. Natl. Acad. Sci U.SA. 95. 
12185 (1998). 

18. A. N. Akopian et at. FEBS Lett. 445, 177 (1999). 

19. S. A. Frantz et at. froc. Nott Acod. Sd. U.SA 96. 5400 

20. T. Takahara. S. I. Kanazu, 5. Yanagisawa. H. Akanuma. 

J. Biol. Chem. 275. 38067 (2000). 

2L C. Finta. P. G Zaphiropoulos. J. Biot Chem. 277. 5882 
( 2002 ). 

22. G Flouriot. H. Brand. B. Seraphin, F. Gannon , }. Biot 
Chem 277, 26244 (2002). 

23. C. Fitzgerald et at. J. Biol Chem. 281. 38172 (2006). 

24. 2. Jehan et at. Genome Res. 17. 433 (2007). 

25. C. Zhang et at. DNA Cell Biol 22. 303 (2003). 

26. T. Maniatis. B. Task. Nature 418. 236 (2002). 

27. C. S. Huettner, P. Zhang. R. A. Van Etten, 0. G. Tenen, 
Nat Genet 24. 37 (2000). 

28. A. T. Look. Science 278. 1059 (1997). 

29. Supported by the National Cancer Institute (grant 
R01 CA85995) and a generous gift horn the 
Bumstein Turnbull family. We thank M. Martel for 
assistance in the histologic evaluation of tissue 
samples; R. Means for providing the rhesus fibroblast 
cell line RF; P. Li for cytogenetic analysis: V. Patriub 
for technical assistance; and H. Taylor. J. Steitz. 

D. Mi shier. E. Jllu. and A. Krensky for helpful 

Supporting Online Material 


Materials and Methods 

SOM Tent 

Figs. SI to S8 


20 February 2008: accepted 7 July 2008 
10.1 12 6/science. 1 156 72 5 

Germline Allele-Specific 
Expression of TGFBR1 Confers an 
Increased Risk of Colorectal Cancer 

Laura Valle, 1 Tarsicio Serena-Acedo, 1 Sandya Liyanarachchi, 1 Heather Hampel, 1 
llene Comeras, 1 Zhongyuan Li, 1 Qinghua Zeng, 2 Hong-Tao Zhang, 2 Michael ]. Pennison, 2 
Maureen Sadim, 2 Boris Pasche, 2 * Stephan M. Tanner, 1 * Albert de la Chapelle 1 * 

Much of the genetic predisposition to colorectal cancer (CRO in humans is unexplained. 

Studying a Caucasian-dominated population in the United States, we showed that germline 
allele-specific expression (ASE) of the gene encoding transforming growth factor-p (TGF-p) 
type I receptor, TOFBR1, is a quantitative trait that occurs in 10 to 20% of CRC patients and 
1 to 3% of controls. ASE results in reduced expression of the gene, is dominantly inherited, 
segregates in families, and occurs in sporadic CRC cases. Although subtle, the reduction in 
constitutive TGFBR1 expression alters SMAD-mediated TGF-p signaling. Two major TGFBR1 
haplotypes are predominant among ASE cases, which suggests ancestral mutations, but causative 
germline changes have not been identified. Conservative estimates suggest that ASE confers a 
substantially increased risk of CRC (odds ratio, 8.7; 95% confidence interval, 2.6 to 29.1), but 
these estimates require confirmation and will probably show ethnic differences. 

T he annual worldwide incidence of colo- 
rectal cancer (CRC) exceeds 1 million, 
being the second to fourth most common 
cancer in industrialized countries (/). Although 
diet and lifestyle arc thought to have a strong 
impact on CRC risk, genes have a key role in the 
predisposition to this cancer. A positive family 

history of CRC occurs in 20 to 30% of all pro- 
bands. Highly penetrant autosomal dominant 
and recessive hereditary forms of CRC account 
for at most 5% of all CRC cases (2). Although 
additional high- and low penctrance alleles have 
been proposed, much of the remaining predis- 
position to CRC remains unexplained (J). SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



Abeirations in the transforming growth factor-^ 
(TGF-p) pathway are heavily involved in CRC 
carcinogenesis (4). Although mutations in the 
TGF-P type II receptor gene have been explic- 
itly associated with CRC (5), the type I receptor 
gene ( TGFBR1 ) has received less attention, al- 
though there is evidence that a common variant 
may be associated with cancer risk (6, 7). We 
hypothesized that TGFBR1 is a notable candi- 
date for a gene that, when mutated, causes pre- 
disposition to CRC or acts as a modifier of other 
genes, resulting in a predisposition. Our study 
was undertaken to test this assumption. 

Given the previously existing evidence that 
inherited allele-specific expression of APC acts 
as a mechanism of predisposition to familial ad- 
enomatous polyposis (8) and of an analogous 
mechanism involving DAPK1 in chronic lym- 
phocytic leukemia (9), we searched for a similar 
association of TGFBR1 with CRC. We hypothc 
sized that the putative change might be subtle; 
for instance, lowered rather than extinguished 
expression of one allele referred to here as ASE, 
for allele-specific expression. To test for ASE 
in TGFBR1, we chose three single-nucleotide poly- 
morphisms (SNPs) (rs3 34348, rs334349, and 
rsl 590) in the 3' untranslated region (3TJTR), to 
which primer extension with fluorescent nucleo- 
tides (SNaPshot) (10) was applied. These three 
SNPs are separated by 1916 and 1778 base pairs 
(bp), respectively, yet they exhibit total linkage 

Among a total of 242 patients with micro- 
satellite instability (MSI)-ncgative CRC (10), 96 
(39.7%) were heterozygous for the three 3TJTR 
SNPs, of whom 12 showed ASE variation ratios 
higher than 1.5, whereas no patient showed ratios 
below 0.67. Forty-nine additional cases were 
heterozygous for one further SNP (rs7871490) 
located in the 3UTR that was not in strong 
linkage disequilibrium with the above three 
markers, and 17 out of 49 (17/49) had ASE val- 
ues higher than 1.5. Thus, 29 out of 138 (21%) 
informative CRC patients showed ASE in the 
TGFBR1 gene. Three additional cases had bor 
derline values (fig. SI and table SI). 

DNA samples from the blood of healthy 
Columbus, Ohio-area controls (195 individuals) 
(10) were genotyped for the four SNPs. One 
hundred and nine (55.9%) were heterozygous, 
and ASE analysis in 105 of them revealed ratios 
ranging between 0.72 and 3.25 (fig. SI). Only 
three controls showed ratios above 1.5. Our 
results in both the CRC patients and controls 
suggest that the degree of ASE is a quantita- 
tive trait (Fig. 1). Differences in the degree of 

'Human Cancer Genetics Program, Comprehensive Cancer 
Center, the Ohio State Univeisity, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. 
dancer Genetics Program, Division of Hematotogy/Oncology, 
Department of Medicine and Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive 
Cancer Center, Feinberg Schodl of Medicine. Northwestern 
University, Chicago, U 60611, USA 
•To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: (B.P.1; Stepban.Tanner@osumc. 
edu (S.M.T.); (Ad.l.C.) 

ASE between patients and controls showed a 
P value of 0.1208 when a Wilcoxon rank sum 
test was applied and a P value of 0.0207 when a 
permutation test (100,000 permutations) was 

At this stage, it is not possible to determine 
whether the degree of predisposition to CRC is 
proportional to the degree of ASE or whether 
there is a threshold value that separates “abnor- 
mal” values that predispose to CRC from “nor- 
mal” values that do not A ratio of 1 means that 
both alleles are equally expressed, whereas a ratio 
of 1.5 means a 33% difference, as docs a ratio 
of 0.67. To define a cutoff point, we applied 
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, 
which estimates the sensitivity and specificity 
of cutoff points. As shown in table S2, the 
value of 1.5 maximizes both characteristics, 
providing the highest Youden’s index. When a 
cutoff of 1 .5 was used, the P value comparing 
cases and controls was 7.655 x l(f 5 . Although 
there is no overall need to define a firm cutoff 
point, we used the value of 1.5 to categorize CRC 
cases and controls into ASE and non-ASE. In 
order to determine whether the observed ratios 
falling outside this range represent an increase or 
decrease in the transcript of one allele, a reverse 
transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) 
experiment was performed, taking advantage 
of hybrid clones monoallelic for chromosome 9 
created from two individuals with ASE (patients 
1 and 26, table SI). Each of the four hybrid 
clones contained either the maternal or paternal 
copy of chromosome 9, plus the mouse genome 
(10). As shown in Fig. 2 A, ASE determination 
in the diploid samples indicated that the expres- 
sion of one allele (a) was reduced as compared 
to that of the other allele (b). In the four mono- 
allelic hybrid clones, the dcnsitometric values of 
the RT PCR of human TGFBR1 were compared 
with the corresponding values for mouse Gpi 
(10). One allele (a) showed reduced expression 
in both patients. These experiments support the 
notion of lowered expression of one allele, and 
in both patients the same allele was affected 
(Fig. 2, A and B). 

Fig. 1. TGFBR1 ASE distribution in 
138 CRC patients and 105 controls 
studied by SNaPshot The ASE cutoff 
value of 1.5 chosen to categorize the 
cases is indicated, together with its as- 
sociated P value obtained from compar- 
ing the proportions of cases (29/138) 
and controls (3/105) above the indi- 
cated value. 

To assess the effect of ASE on TGF-P signal- 
ing, lymphoblastoid cell lines from four ASE 
patients and four non-ASE healthy controls were 
exposed to TGF-P (10), which binds TGFBR2 and 
leads to the formation of the TGFBR2/TGFBR1/ 
TGF-P hctcromeric complex. We observed dif- 
ferences in levels of phosphorylated SMAD2 
(pSMAD2), an important downstream effector 
and surrogate marker of TGF-p signaling (11, 12). 
There were constitutive differences in pSMAD2 
expression between ASE patients and non-ASE 
controls in the absence of exogenously added 
TGF-P (time 0; Fig. 3A). Differences in pSMAD2 
levels became more pronounced upon exposure 
to TGF-p. These differences were observed at 
low TGF-p concentrations (<5 pM) (Fig. 3B) 
and occurred in four out of four ASE cases as 
compared to non-ASE controls. 

It has been shown that phosphorylation of 
SMAD3 is an essential step in signal transduc- 
tion by TGF-p for the inhibition of cell prolif- 
eration (13). Furthermore, SVwarfi-deficicnt mice 
are prone to developing colon cancer (14, 15). 
To assess the impact of TGFBR1 ASE on ihc 
phosphorylation of SMAD3, we used an antibody 
targeting the Ser 42W25 site in SMAD3 (10, 16). 
Constitutive levels of pSMAD3 were detectable 
in the lymphoblastoid cell lines of three ncm-ASE 
controls, whereas pSMAD3 was barely detect- 
able in one ASE case (Fig. 3C). Exposure to 
TGF-P did not result in any detectable increase 
in pSMAD3 in the lymphoblastoid cell lines of 
the ASE patients. The pSMAD2 and pSMAD3 
results indicate that patients with ASE exhibit 
decreased SMAD-mediated signaling when com- 
pared with non-ASE controls. 

A GCG trinucleotide variable number of tan- 
dem repeat polymorphism occurs in exon 1 of 
TGFBR1. The most common allele contains nine 
repeats leading to a stretch of nine alanines (9A) 
in the signal peptide of the receptor protein. The 
second most common allele has six repeats (6A) 
and occurs in approximately 14% of all indi- 
viduals in most Caucasian populations (6). The 
6A allele has been associated with a low-level 
but statistically significant predisposition to sev- 


Controls Cases 

n=105 n=138 




CRC patient 1 



CRC patient 26 

Monochromosomal • Monochromosomal 
hybrids 1 : hybrids 26 

Allele 8 Allele b ; Allele a Allele b 


Fig. 2. ASE determination 
in two ASE CRC probands. 
(A) ASE detection in blood 
DNA by SNaPshoL The ASE 
ratio was calculated by nor- 
malizing the ratio between 
the peak areas of the two 
alleles in cDNA with the same 
parameters in genomic DNA 
(gDNA). In both examples, 
the transcript from the a al- 
lele is reduced with respect 
to that from the b allele. (B) Semiquantitative RT-PCR of the cDNA from monochromosomal 
hybrids of the same two patients. Human TGFBR1 expression (amplicon size 135 bp) was as- 
sessed and mouse Gpi was used as a control (176 bp). The values shown below the gel represent 
the ratios of the densitometric values of human TGFBR1 versus mouse Gpi, showing reduced 
expression of human TGFBR1 in the hybrids that contain the a allele. 

Mouse Gpi 
Human TGFBR1 

TGFBR1 / Gpi 
Allele b / allele a 

0.60 0.8 

| 0.53 0.8 


C-1 (ASE ' 03) 
SMAD2 rT»| - 


C-1 (ASE 1.03)1 P-1 (ASE 3.95) 

Time o 

0 111 4h Bh 16h 


P -actin 

C-3 (ASE 1 04) 

P-14 (ASE 1.74) 

1 0 IK «h 8h l«jh 

0 in -mi » i6n 



Histone I^HHI 
Time 0 1h 16 h 

[ 0 in ten 



C-2 (ASE 0.99) 

P-5 (ASE 2.24) 

Time 0 ih ion 1 

I 0 Ih 16h 



C-3 (ASE 1 04) 

P-14 (ASE 1.74) 


Time 0 ih ten I 

I 0 ik ien 



P -actin 

C-4 (ASE 1.13) 

P -26 (ASE 1.54) 

i m 

_ _ n rw 

) 0 5 25 50 100 

0 5 25 50 100 

Fig. 3. Analysis of SMAD-mediated TGF-p sig- 
naling in lymphoblastoid cell lines from ASE 
CRC patients and non-ASE healthy controls. (A) 
SMAD2 and phosphorytated S /VLAD 2 (pSMAD2) 
expression were assessed by Western blotting 
in lymphoblastoid cell lines from ASE patients 
(P-1, P-5, and P-14) and non-ASE controls (C-1, 
C-2, and C-3), after exposure to TGF-p (100 pM) 
at various time points from 0 to 16 hours (h) 
and using p-actin as a loading control. In all 
three ASE cases, less constitutive pSMAD2 was 
observed than in non-ASE controls. The differences in pSMAD2 expression between ASE and non-ASE 
cell lines were further enhanced after exposure to TGF-p. (B) SMAD2 and p-SMAD2 expression 1 hour 
after exposure to different TGF-p concentrations. The effect shown in (A) also occurs at low concentra- 
tions of TGF-p (5 pM). (O pSMAD3 detection in nuclear extracts from three ASE patients and three non- 
ASE controls after exposure to TGF-pi. The three non-ASE lymphoblastoid cell lines had pSMAD3 
expression in the nucleus, whereas nuclear pSMAD3 expression was undetectable in two ASE cases (P-1 
and P-14) and barely detectable in one case (P-5). 

TGF-0 1 hour 

eral forms of cancer (/ 7-20). Recent studies sug- ^ 
gest that the assoc iaaion of 6A with colon cancer 
is either weak [odds ratio (OR) 1.2, 95% confi- 
dence interval (Cl) 1.01 to 1.43] ( 17) or border- 
line significant (OR 1.13, Cl 0.98 to 1.30) (21). 

We typed this polymorphism in all 242 CRC 
cases studied by us and found 9 A/9 A in 197, 
9A/6A in 40, 6A/6A in 4, and 1 tailed (table S3). 
There were clearly more 9A/6A heterozygotes 
among the patients with ASE (14/29) than in 
those without ASE (22/108) ( P = 0.0052, chi- 
square test). We tentatively concluded fiom these 
data that die 6A allele is probably in linkage 
disequilibrium with one of the putative muta- 
tions that causes ASE, but 6A is not in itself 
causative of ASE. 

All 29 patients showing ASE and three pa- 
tients with borderline ASE values (1.49, 1.49, 
and 1 .46) (n = 32 patients) were studied for ge- 
netic changes occurring in the germ line. By 
sequencing of all nine exons, 2 kb upstream of 
exon 1, and the entire 3TJTR (10), a single se- 
quence change in the coding exons was iden- 
tified in patient 30, consisting of a coding DNA 
1204 T— *A (c.l204T>A) missense change in 
exon 7 that changes a tyrosine to asparagine _ 
(p.Tyr401Asn). Its pathogenicity is currently 
being assessed. Several changes, all previously 
reported as polymorphic, were identified in the 
3'UTR and promoter regions. In three patients, a 
deletion (del) of two bases (c. l -1782_1783delCA) 
at 1783 bp upstream of exon I was identified in 
a repetitive sequence of short interspersed nu- 
clear elements. Multiplex ligation-dependent 
probe amplification (10) did not suggest any 
large rearrangements, deletions, or duplications 
of exons. In a study of promoter methylation, 
none of the comparisons of germline methyla- 
tion status between ASE and non-ASE cases 
and ASE cases versus controls were significant 
(supporting online material text and table S4). 
Thus, germline promoter methylation is unlikely 
to play a role in ASE. 

We hypothesized that changes occurring in 
noncoding regions of the gene could be respon- 
sible for the reduction in expression. To fully 

study this possibility, overlapping fragments 
of 1.7 to 10 kb were amplified by long-range 
PCR, cloned, and sequenced. In all, approximate- 
ly 96.5 kb covering the whole gene and 3'UTR 

(49 kb), 35 kb upstream of exon 1 (up to the 
next gene COL15A1), and 12.5 kb downstream 
of the 3TJTR (Fig. 4) were fully sequenced in 
the four monochromosomal hybrids (patients 

www.sciencema 9 . 0 rg SCIENCE VOL 321 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 



1 and 26) and in diploid DNA from four other 
ASE patents (patients 5, 11, 14, and 21) (10). 
Our sequencing strategy allowed us to determine 
the phase of every change within each amplicon 
and over larger regions when at least one change 
occurred in the overlapping fragments. In all, 
25 and 104 changes were identified in the down- 
regulated alleles of patients 1 and 26, respec- 
tively, whereas 3 1 and 6 changes were detected 
in their wild-type counterparts. Diploid DNA 
from the four patients harbored 61, 37, 33, and 
135 changes, respectively. 

Excluding changes known to be present in 
the wild-type alleles, 140 changes were iden- 
tified in the down-regulated alleles. Only the 
c.l-1782_1783delCA change stood out as a 
candidate mutation. It occurred in 3/29 (103%) 
ASE patients, in 0/3 ASE controls, in 1/51 (2%) 
non-ASE CRC patients, and 1/81 (1.2%) non 
ASE controls. In summary, these investigations 
did not uncover the genetic changes causing 

Genotyping of most changes identified by 
sequencing was carried out in all available ASE 
CRC patients, including borderline cases (n - 
31), and in 55 non-ASE CRC patients. Construc- 
tion of haplotypcs from the available genotype 
and haplotype data was performed with PHASE 
v.2.1.1 (10). In all, 60 polymorphisms cover- 
ing 73.5 kb (from 12 kb upstream of exon 1 to 

12.5 kb downstream of the 3'UTR) were used 
for haplotype inference (table S5). For all ASE 
and non-ASE patients, the program was run 
with 1000 permutations with overlapping 10-SNP 
sliding windows. Haplotype frequency distri- 
butions in ASE and non-ASE populations showed 
significant differences in a genomic region 
covering the area between the 3' end of intron 
3 to ~5 kb downstream of the 3' end of the 
UIR (Fig. 4). 

The group of patients carrying the minor al- 
lele for the three 3'UTR SNPs in linkage dis- 
equilibrium (group 1) was very different from 
the other group derived from the study of SNP 
rs7871490 (group 2). Haplotype analysis was 
performed separately in the two groups, using 
50 and 21 SNPs, respectively. In group 1 (n = 
53), cme major haplotype for the affected alleles 
was present in 1 1/14 (78.6%) of ASE but also in 
22/39 (56.4%) non-ASE patients (Fig. 4). For 
group 2 (n - 33), another major haplotype for 
the affected allele was present in 14/17 (82.4%) 
of ASE and in 1/16 (6.3%) of non-ASE patients 
(Fig. 4). Fisher’s exact test to compare haplo- 
type proportions showed P values of 0.2031 and 
1.260 x 10 -5 for groups 1 and 2, respectively. 
The 6A allele of the 9A/6A polymorphism 
occurred in the ASE haplotype in all 14 cases of 
group 2, but not in group 1, where all ASE cases 
except one were homozygous for the 9A allele. 

In search of somatic changes in line with 
Knudson’s two-hit hypothesis, loss of heterozy- 
gosity (LOH) analyses as well as a search for 
somatic mutations in the coding sequences of 
the gene were performed in DNA from the 
tumors of 26 ASE patients. Using the described 
threshold (10), 6 cases out of 26 showed LOH. 
In three of these six cases, the wild-type allele, 
the one with normal expression in blood, was 
lost or reduced, whereas in the other three cases, 
the allele showing gcrmlinc ASE was lost 
Exon-by-exon sequencing of the entire gene 
in tumors from 26 ASE patients revealed so- 
matic changes in three tumors that were not 
found in blood DNA. The mutations were: 
c.634G>A (p.Gly212Asp) in one tumor and 
c.682 685delAAG (p.Ghi228del) in two tumors. 
These mutations occurred in exon 4, which 
encodes the kinase domain of the protein. 
LOH analyses and exon 4 sequencing in 49 tu- 
mors of CRC patients without ASE showed that 
none of these tumors had evidence of somat- 
ically aoquired mutations, and five showed LOH 
(table S3). Fisher’s exact test comparing propor- 
tions of LOH and mutations between ASE and 
non-ASE cases showed P values of 0.1708 and 
0.0355, respectively. The occurrence of somatic 
mutations in ASE cases but not in controls 
supports the role of TGFBR1 as a tumor sup- 
pressor gene. On the other hand, the fact that 

. Soquencod in 6 patients 96 5 Kb 

c1-1782_1783d0tCA 9A/6A 

rs334348 ] \ 

rs787 M90\ '• 

1*334349 \ 

is 1590 

S Kb 

SNPs used for haplotype inference 

li e i n « i i n h i 

H H- 

-H— I 1 ti l I \\ I 

Significance of haplotype 
frequency dstributions in 31 ASE 
and 55 non-ASE patients 


Inferred risk haplotypes by groups 


p=0 660 t 

p=0 717 

DO 536 

p=0 701 , p=0 076 

, D-0 563 , 

„ P=0.421 „ 

„ asuaa * 

■p-g,9?s „ 

Haplotype (48 SNPs) of affected allele shared by 11/14 ASE Bnd 22/39 non-ASE CRC patients 

Group 2 

Haplolype (20 polymorphisms including 9A/6A) of affected alete shared by 14/17 ASE and Vi 6 non-ASE CRC patients 


Fig. 4. (A) Diagram of the TGFBR1 genomic region. The uppermost line depicts the 96.5-kb region sequenced in six ASE 
patients (four monochromosomal hybrids and four dipbid DNAs). Shown are the locations of the 2-bp CA deletion 

upstream of exon 1, the 9A/6A polymorphism in exon 1, and the four SNPs in the 3'UTR used for ASE determinations. (B) Q ba mimo ot mo 9A/6A polymorph*™ 
Locations of the 60 SNPs used for haplotype inference in ASE (n = 31) and non-ASE (n = 55) CRC patients. The arrowed 

shorter lines each depict a 10-SNP overlapping window. P values indicate the significance of differences in haplotype distribution between ASE and non-ASE 
individuals. (C) Two major haplotypes identified in ASE patients are shown. 




LOH affected the ASE allele as often as the 
wild-type allele could indicate random losses. 

The cohort of MSI-negative CRC patients 
had been deliberately enriched in familial cases 
(JO). In the cohort of 138 patients with available 
ASE values, 59 out of 136 (43.4%) were fa- 
milial according to the criteria indicated above, 
and family information was not available in two 
cases. Among the cases showing ASE, 53.6% 
were familial (table S3). The proportion of ASE 
was higher among familial than non familial 
cases: 15/59 (25.4%) familial cases versus 13/77 
nonfamilial cases (16.9%). A chi-square test to 
compare proportions showed that this difference 
was not statistically significant (P = 0.3 14). 

The above data suggest that ASE contrib- 
utes somewhat more to familial than to spo- 
radic CRC but do not allow its inheritance to 
be assessed. If ASE is regularly inherited as a 
dominant trait, the expectation is that 50% of 
first-degree relatives (FDRs) also have ASE. 
Data firom four families that are informative in 
this regard are shown in fig. S2. In all, among 
1 1 FDRs, ASE was greater than 1 .5 in 4, bor 
derline in 2 (ASE values 1 .40 and 1 .44), and 
low in 5. There was no instance of ASE being 
incompatible with Mendelian dominant inher 
itance. In all four families, co-segregation of 
ASE with the inferred risk haplotypc, represent 
ing the down-regulated allele, occurred. The 
highest Kong and Cox nonparamctric LOD 
score was 1 .25, with a P value of 0.008 (non- 
parametric z score = 4.12; P value = 0.00002). 
Among the four to six ASE-positive FDRs, two 
had CRC, one had endometrial cancer and a 
tubular colonic adenoma, one had prostate can- 
cer, and another had multiple polyps in the 
colon and rectum (table S6). Although fragmen- 
tary, these data suggest dominant inheritance of 
ASE with incomplete penetrance of CRC in 
ASE carriers. 

There is indirect evidence to support the 
notion that ASE of TGFBRJ contributes to CRC 
development. The TGF-p pathway is strongly 
involved in the carcinogenesis of colon and 
other cancers, and its signaling is dependent on 
the integrity of both of its receptors (TGFBR1 
and TGFBR2) (22, 23). In a comprehensive 
study of CRC tumors, somatic mutations oc- 
curred with high frequency in 69/13,023 genes. 
Among these 69 genes were TGFBR2, SMAD4, 
SMAD2, and SMADS , attesting to the impor 

tancc of the TGF-P pathway in CRC (24). There 
is rapidly increasing evidence that subtle var- 
iations in gene expression play central roles not 
only in development in various organisms but 
also in human disease (8, 9, 25). Linkage anal- 
ysis of a cohort of sibling pairs concordant or 
discordant for colorectal carcinoma or adeno- 
ma highlighted a region in chromosome 9q22 
31 (26). Subsequently, borderline significant 
linkage to the same region was observed in fam- 
ilies segregating colorectal cancer or adenoma 
without microsatellite instability (27, 28). This 
evidence is compatible with, but in no way 
proves, a role for TGFBRJ. 

We were unable to determine what mecha- 
nism causes ASE. The haplotype data support 
the implication of ancestral mutations for most 
ASE patients. Moreover, the elusive genomic 
change causing ASE is likely to occur in cis, but 
the data do not exclude the possibility that ASE 
arises as a result of trans acting genes that pref- 
erentially affect the risk haplotypes. Such genes 
could well be RNA genes as predicted earlier 
(29). Very recently, the existence of extensive 
quantitative trait loci for gene expression was 
documented in two large studies (30, 31). 

How common is ASE of TGFBRJ ? Using 
our definition, it occurred in 29/138 tested CRC 
patients (21%) and in 3/105 tested controls (3%). 
In the extreme, if none of the non-informalive 
CRC cases had ASE, the frequency would be 
29/242 (12%), and for the controls, 3/195 (1.5%). 
Because not all individuals are informative 
(heterozygous for a transcribed SNP), the true 
frequency in cases and controls cannot be pre- 
cisely assessed at present. Using the above alter- 
native numbers, we can calculate the OR of 
CRC in carriers of ASE. In the first scenario, the 
OR is 9.0 (Cl 2.7 to 30.6), and in the conserv- 
ative one, OR is 8.7 (Cl 2.6 to 29.1). 

What proportion of all CRC is attributable 
to ASE of TGFBRJ ? From the available data 
of the present case-control study, we estimated 
the population attributable risk (PAR). If ASE 
occurs in 21% of cases and 3% of controls, 
the estimated PAR is 18.7% (Cl 10.8 to 25.8). 
If ASE occurs in 12% of cases and 1.5% of 
controls, the estimated PAR is 10.6% (Cl 6.0 
to 14.9). These numbers arc estimates, represent 
ing the Caucasian-dominated population of 
central Ohio, and are heavily dependent on the 
relevant allele frequencies, which may show 

strong inter ethnic variation. We nevertheless 
conclude that ASE of TGFBRJ is a major con- 
tributor to the genetic predisposition to CRC. 

References and Notes 

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27. Z. E. Kemp et at. Cancer Res 66. 5003 (2006). 

28. J. Skoglund et at.. J. Med Genet 43. e7 (2006). 

29. M. Morley et at.. Nature 430. 743 (2004). 

30. H. H. Goring et at.. Not. Genet 39. 1208 (2007). 

31. B. E. Stranger et oi. Nat Genet. 39. 1217 (2007). 

32. We thank H. He. K. Sotamaa, and W. Frankel 
for help. This work was supported by NIH grants 
CA67941. CA16058. CA112520. and CA108741; 
grants from the Walter S. Mander Foundation. Chicago. 
II; and the Jeannft M, Littlefield- American Association 
for Cancer Research Grant in Metastatic Colon Cancer 
Research. LV. was supported by a fellowship from the 
Fundacion Ramon Areces. 

Supporting Online Material 

www.scie ncema nt/futl/11 59397/00 

Materials and Methods 

SOM Text 

Figs. Si and S2 

Tables SI to S6 


21 April 2008; accepted 5 August 2008 
Published online 14 August 2008; 

10.1 126/science. 1159 39 7 

Include this information when citing this paper. SCIENCE VOL 321 



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